Chemistry Unit 1

Unit 1
Finishing up 1.3
 Theory
 Scientific Law
 A theory is an explanation of a natural phenomenon based on
many observations and investigations over time.
 Ex. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity or Dalton’s Atomic Theory
 A theory states a broad principle of nature that has been
supported over time
 Theories are still being tested for validity and can be
 A theory is considered successful if it can be used to make
predictions that are true
Scientific Law
 Many scientists come to the same conclusion about certain
relationships in nature and they find no exceptions to those
 Ex. No matter how many times a sky diver leaps from a plane,
they will always return to the earth’s surface. What pulls them
to the earth?
 Scientific Law- a relationship in nature that is supported by
many experiments
 Scientists then develop further hypotheses and experiments to
explain why these relationships exist
Law vs Theory
 Uh, they sound the same
 Both are based on tested hypotheses
 Both are supported by a large body of empirical data
 Both help unify a particular filed
 Both are widely accepted by the vast majority
 Both could be shown wrong at some time if there is data to
suggest so
 HOWEVER, law described what nature does under certain
conditions while theory explains how nature works
Section 1-3 Homework
 #’s:15-19
 Due tomorrow 9/18/14
1-4 Scientific Research
Types of Scientific Research
 Pure research- conducting research to gain knowledge for
the sake of knowledge itself
 Intellectual curiosity
 Applied research- research undertaken to solve a specific
 Ex. Hole in ozone layer. Let’s figure it out.
Conducting our own research
 Pg. 19 has a chart of Safety in the Laboratory
Benefits of Chemistry and Chemical
 Chemists looking for solutions to the ozone depleting
 Finding cures or vaccines for diseases such as AIDS, influenza,
the sickness affecting only children , etc.
 Chemistry is the study of matter
 This leads to advance in technology
 Ex. Car running only on compressed air
Section 1-4 Homework
 #’s 20-24
 Due tomorrow at the beginning of class
That wraps up Chapter 1!
 1.1 and 1.2 was covered, but you still have to do the section
 Start in class. Due 9/19 1.1 #’s 1-7 1.2 #’s 8-14
 Chapter Review Questions
 Start in class and work on it during class tomorrow
 Due 9/22 Ch. 1 Review #’s
 Vocab is due 9/23
 You’ll have time to work on it in class on Monday