Week 3 - The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration


Transfiguration Parish:

An Episcopal Church in the World Wide Anglican Communion

13925 New Hampshire Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20904




The Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Bishop of Washington The Rev. Margaret Ingalls, Rector

Dianne Atkins, Parish Administrator Elton King, Music Minister Ebube Mba, Youth Minister

The Rev. Richard Kukowski, Rector Emeritus The Rev. David Wolf, Adjunct Associate

Wardens: Val Grant and Bill Freeman; Treasurer: Kathy Berry; Vestry: J.J. Boulin, David Boyd,

Hyacinth Fray, Laurette LeGendre, Lois Manderson, Ruth Moore, John Porter, Noel Tait

Week 3—Joseph: From Slave to Deputy Pharaoh


Opening hymn


The Liturgy of the Word

Brandon Heath

We are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder


Opening Sentences and Collect for Purity

A Reading of the Scriptures

When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, “What is Joseph holds a grudge against us and pays us back for all the wrongs we did to him?” . . . But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” And he assured them and spoke kindly to them.

–NIV, Genesis 50:15, 19-21

A Time for Learning

A Time for Questioning

Prayers of the People and Absolution

The Peace I Love to Tell the Story LEVAS II 64


Choral Anthem

Presentation Anthem God has spoken to his people

Transfiguration Choir

Hymnal 536

The Liturgy of the Sacrament

Holy Communion, Eucharistic Prayer A Book of Common Prayer, page 361

Communion hymns

Yahweh, I Know You are Near

Take My Hand, Precious Lord

Post Communion Prayer and Blessing

Closing hymn O God of Every Nation

The Dismissal



Book of Common Prayer, page 365

Hymnal 607

*Music at the 10:15 service only

Lay Reader:


Dave Stoddard

(8) Nathanael Porter


Chalicists: Karen Stoddard, Ladi Grey-Coker

(10:15) Jordan Malone, Wade Malone, Sophia Sutton

Altar Guild: (8) Valda Harvey, Karen Facen (10:15) Tina Nelson, Constance Anammah

Ushers: (8) Betty Boulin, Karlyn Walker


(10:15) Lloyd Brooks, Joan Levermore, Courtney Livingstone, Rik Renich, Libby Wilson

Gina McBean-Linton & Roger Petzold

REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS those who are ill: John & Joan Beam, Harold Facen, Manny Wilson,

Marilyn Steele, Rob & Ann Maulsby, and Darian Downer. The Prayer List will be updated after the first

Sunday of every month. If you wish us to continue praying for someone on the list, please call the office (301-384-6264). In this way we are able to keep up with the progress of those for whom the parish is praying.

OUR COFFEE HOUR HOSTESSES are Karen Stoddard & Nancy Huggins.

Our next Baptism will be on October 27 th . Please let the rector know if you or a loved one would like a baptism.

Markoff's Haunted Forest

for Grades 6-12

We will meet here, drive to St. Nicks in Germantown on Friday, October 25th for pizza at 6:00. St. Nicks is right on the way to Markoff's. We will then caravan right up the road to Markoff's.

Tickets and dinner (pizza & salad) are $33/person. Money and permission forms

must be received by Oct. 13. Contact Mother Meg at meg@transfig.org

for information or to sign up.

Chaperones are needed and will pay their own way.

A word about Markoff's. it is intense. I would not encourage the very young or the very squeamish to attend. That being said, there is a huge central bonfire, food and activities area if anyone should get cold feet and not want to go into the forest. We will be sure to have some chaperones who are willing to stay back at the bonfire, for the faint of heart. So, no pressure to do anything that frightens anyone. All that being said, we haven't lost a kid (or chaperone) yet!

Always a sold out event! Get your tickets now!
