Lowndes County Public Schools LESSON PLANS Teacher :Mr. Turk Date: 1/5/16 to 1/8/16 Block: 2nd Subject: Biology Alabama COS: standards # 1 Select appropriate laboratory glassware, balances, time measuring equipment, and optical instruments to conduct an experiment. a) Describing the steps of the scientific method b) Comparing controls, dependent variables, and independent variables c) Identifying safe laboratory procedures when handling chemicals and using Bunsen Burners and laboratory glassware ACTIVATING LEARNING STRATEGY: KWL Survey First Word Word Splash Possible Sentence Concept Map Word Map Frayer Model Engagement Strategies: - Collaborative Group Work - Questioning Techniques Technology Integration: Clickers ACCESS COGNITIVE TEACHING STRATEGIES: Anticipation Guide Think-Pair-Share Vocabulary Overview Daily Language Practice (DLP)___________________ - Writing to Learn - Scaffolding Text Lecture Reading Model Graphic Organizer/VLT Pictograph Diagram Hands-on Mind Map/Visual Guide - Literacy Groups -Classroom Talk Poem, Rhymes, etc. Acronyms/Word Other: _Exit slip___________ Other:_____________________ Smart board Document Camera IPADS Mac Books Computers Kindles Interactive Tablets Computer Program:________________________________ Other:______________________________________ Digital/ Video Camera This Week’s Vocabulary: : 1.scientific method,2. hypothesis,3. experiment, 4.control, 5.dependent variable,6. independent variable,7. graduated cylinder, 8.meniscus,9. beaker, 10.e and b flask, 11.pipette,12. burette,13. syringe,14. test tube,15. dropper,16. petri dish, 17. Tbb,18. 3microscopes, magnifying glass. PROCEDURAL CONTENT (application) Monday Why are Essential classroom rules Question and students handbook rules important? Objective(s) Preview (Before) Instruction (During) Students will be able to explain the important of classroom rules , Bell Ringer(activate prior knowledge)Think circle Students will list thing they already know about classroom rules in the think circle . 1.Students will copy key vocabulary words from board and turn and talk about the meaning. . 2.Students will read Classroom rules and table talk about the import ants of them. 3.Student will view a power point on school and classroom rules.. 4.Students will view and discuss lab rules and discuss lab contract that parents must signe. 5. Students will do a vocabulary review activity sheet. . Tuesday What is Bloom’s Taxonomy? Wednesday What are the major branches of science? Thursday What are the eight main safe laboratory practices ? Students will be able to state the different branches of science and discuss what each studies. Students will be able to name the levels of Bloom’s Students will be able to state the different branches of science and discuss what each studies Students will be able to list and explain safe laboratory practices Student will be able to identify different types of laboratory equipment . Bell Ringer(activate prior knowledge)Think circle Students will list thing they already know about Bloom’s Taxonomy in the think circle Bell Ringer(activate prior knowledge)Think circle Students will list thing they already know about different branches of science in the think circle Bell Ringer(activate prior knowledge)Think circle Students will list thing they already know about safe laboratory practices in the think circle Bell Ringer(activate prior knowledge)Think circle Students will list thing they already know about laboratory equipment in the think circle 1.Students will take a vocabulary quiz. 2.Students will read branches of science and turn and talk about important facts 3.Students will view a power point on branches of science and table what each studies . 4.Students will do a textbook scavenger hunt activity 1.Students will read safe lab practices and turn and talk about important facts 2.Students will view a power point on lab safety and table what each studies . 3.Students will view a video on lab safety and turn and talk about the important fact. 4.Students will do a identify safe lab practices activity. 1.Students will read lab equipment and turn and talk about important facts 2.Students will view a power point on lab equipment and table what each studies . 3.Students will view a video on lab equipment and turn and talk about the important fact. 4.Students will do a smart board activity identify safe lab equipment activity. 5Students will take test. 1. Students will read the bloom’s and turn and talk about the reading. 2. Student will view a power point on bloom’s and table talk about the important facts. 3 Students will do a brain pop activity on bloom’s . 4Students will list example of the levels bloom’s activity. 5.Students w3ill do a tootsie pop activity on bloom’s Friday What are the major types of laboratory equipment? 3-2-1 Quick write Quick write Students will write a paragraph on why it is important to follow class room rules. Students will do a levels of bloom’s puzzle. Exit slip 3-2-1 (After) Extension/ Refining Homework Assessment (formal or informal): class work notebook homework quizzes tests computer activities collaborative work project based Hand on activity_ Summarizing: 3-2-1 Ticket out the Door slip_____________________ The Important Thing Cue Cards Teacher Questions Student Summary Other:__Exit Other:__