
*Copy agenda down on your notebook, (backpacks should be behind you
or on the floor).
*Copy and answer Warm-Up question. -Be ready to share answers!!
Agenda #3
Period # 4
1)Copy agenda
2) Warm-up #2
3)Lecture #3: The U.S. Constitution
4) Deciphering the Constitution activity.
5) Exit slip
The Constitution
Lesson Objective
Students will be able to analyze the preamble, articles 1-7 and amendments
1-27 of the Constitution by answering guiding questions as they work in
CA Standard:
12.4 students analyze the unique roles and responsibilities of the three
branches of government as established by the U.S. Constitution .
Goal Questions: #3
What are the six basic principles of the Constitution?
2. How Can the Constitution be legally changed?( name at
least one of the 4 ways)
Sentence starters
1.The six basic principles of the Constitution are….
2. The Constitution can be legally changed by ….
Warm-Up #3 (3 minutes)
 Analyze
the political cartoon to
identify the symbols that are used to
describe the relationship between the
President and Congress ?
*(make sure you write in complete sentences)
Warm-Up #3
Interpreting tables: look at the table on page 57 tited “Ratification of
the Constitution” and aswer the question:
In what states was ratification won by only a narrow
3 min.
Share with neighbor what they
wrote about and be ready to discuss
with whole class.
* Remember that participation will
be a part of their grade.
The Government That
The Articles of Confederation
 The
first document to govern the
United States.
 Established a confederation
among 13 states.
 Congress had few powers; no
president or national court
 Most government power rested in
the states.
The Government That Failed
Economic Turmoil
 Postwar
depression left farmers unable to
pay debts
Shays’ Rebellion
 Series
of attacks on courthouses by a small
band of farmers led by Revolutionary War
Captain Daniel Shays to block foreclosure
 Economic elite concerned about Articles’
inability to limit these violations of
individual’s property rights
Economic Issues
 States
had tariffs on
products from other
 Paper money was
basically worthless
(14 currencies)
 Congress couldn’t
raise money
The Madisonian Model
To prevent a tyranny of the
majority, Madison proposed
a government of:
 Limiting
Majority Control
 Separating
 Creating
Checks and Balances
 Establishing
a Federal System
The Madisonian Model
The Constitution and the Electoral Process
The Madisonian Model
The Agenda in Philadelphia
Ratifying the Constitution
Federalist Papers
collection of 85 articles
written by Alexander Hamilton,
John Jay, and James Madison
under the name “Publius” to
defend the Constitution
Bill of Rights
 The
first 10 amendments to the
U.S. Constitution, drafted in
response to some of the AntiFederalist concerns about the
lack of basic liberties
Six Basic Principles of the U.S
It originally consisted of a Preamble, or introduction, and seven sections called
Popular Sovereignty: idea that people are the source of all power held by the
Limited Government: government only has the power that the people gives it
and must obey the Constitution; this principle is also known as
*Government officials are subject to the rule of law– they must always obey the law and
never above it.
Separation of powers: establishes the 3 separate branches that share power.
Checks and balances: the constitution uses this system to ensure that none of
the three branches can become more powerful.
Judicial review: the power of the courts to decide what the Constitution mean.
Can also declare government's actions to be unconstitutional
Federalism : principle used to divide power between the central government and
the states.
Checking for Understanding
What is constitutionalism?
Formal Amendment
Amendments are changes to the Constitution: in two way Formal or informal
Formal Amendments are changes to the Constitution’s written words( 4 Methods)
The process: Amendments are proposed at a national level by congress or at a national
convention then ratified at state level by state legislatures.
Method 1: Congress proposes – State Legislatures Ratify
Method 2: Congress Proposes – State Conventions Ratify
Method 3: National Convention Proposes –State Legislatures ratify
Method 4: National Convention Proposes – State Conventions ratify
The first ten amendments are the Bill of Rights proposed in 1789 ( approved
by the States in 1791) * the other 17 amendments became part of the
Constitution one at a time.
Checking for Understanding
Why is it important to allow the Constitution to be formally changed
through Amendments?
Constitutional Changes by Other Means
Many informal changes have been made since 1787
Unlike formal amendments, these changes have not altered the Constitution’s
actual words.
Informal Changes come from 5 sources:
Basic Legislation: Congress can either pass a law to fill in details about the
specific ways the government operates or to explain certain parts of the
Executive Action: Presidents may choose to make an executive agreement or
pact, with the head of another country instead of a treaty.
Court Decisions: The Courts change it by explaining parts of it when ruling on
Political Practices: Political parties have decreased the importance of the
electoral college, the group that formally selects the nation’s president.
Customs: have developed in the American Government that are not mentioned in
the Constitution
Decipher the Constitution : Activity
In your group read the Preamble and articles 1-7
Then read the guiding questions/ scenarios
Evaluate each scenario and cite the Article and section that explains it.
Goal Questions: #3
What are the six basic principles of the Constitution?
2. How Can the Constitution be legally changed?( name at
least one of the 4 ways)
Sentence starters
1.The six basic principles of the Constitution are….
2. The Constitution can be legally changed by ….
Vocabulary Quiz
Write the word and define.
2. Self-government
3. Dictatorship
4. capitalism
5. constitutionalism
Federalist #10
Written Madison
Factions: people will inevitably will from factions
Because of uneven distribution of property
Control the source or the effects of factions
Liberty is to factions as air if to fire
How to control the effects of faction
Worry about the tyranny of the masses the poor
3 arguments
1. the