
Math 1330 2.2
2.2 Polynomials
Definition of a Polynomial Function
Let n be a nonnegative integer and let an , an1 ,..., a2 , a1 , a0 , be real numbers, with an  0 .
The function defined by f ( x)  a n x n  ...  a 2 x 2  a1 x  a0 is called a polynomial function of x of degree n.
The number a n , the coefficient of the variable to the highest power, is called the leading coefficient.
For example, p( x)  2 x 3  3x10  6 x 0.234 is NOT a polynomial, but a ( x)  2 x 3  x 10  0.234 x is a
The domain of any polynomial function is all real numbers.
End Behavior of Polynomial Functions
The behavior of a graph of a function to the far left or far right is called its end behavior.
Both ends up
Both ends down
Math 1330 2.2
Rising Left to right
Fall in Left to right
Power functions:
A power function is a polynomial that takes the form f ( x)  ax n , where n is a positive integer. Modifications of
power functions can be graphed using transformations.
Even-degree power functions:
Odd-degree power functions:
Note: Multiplying any function by a will multiply all the y-values by a. The general shape will stay the same.
Here is an example of a polynomial function:
Zeros of polynomials:
If f is a polynomial and c is a real number for which f (c)  0 , then c is called a zero of f, or a root of f.
If c is a zero of f, then
 c is an x-intercept of the graph of f.
 ( x  c) is a factor of f.
Math 1330 2.2
So if we have a polynomial in factored form, we know all of its x-intercepts.
 every factor gives us an x-intercept.
 every x-intercept gives us a factor.
Example 1: Consider the function: f ( x)  2( x  3)( x  4)( 2  x)
Zeros (x-intercepts):
leading term and degree:
Steps to graphing other polynomials:
(Note: this approach is completely different from the method in the textbook!)
1. Factor and find x-intercepts.
2. Mark x-intercepts on x-axis.
3. Determine the leading term.
Degree: is it odd or even?
Sign: is the coefficient positive or negative?
4. Determine the end behavior. What does it “look like”?
Odd Degree
Sign (+)
Odd Degree
Sign (-)
Even Degree
Sign (+)
Even Degree
Sign (-)
Math 1330 2.2
5. For each x-intercept, determine the behavior.
Even multiplicity: touches x-axis, but doesn’t cross (looks like a parabola there).
Odd multiplicity of 1: crosses the x-axis (looks like a line there).
Odd multiplicity  3 : crosses the x-axis and looks like a cubic there.
6. Draw the graph, being careful to make a nice smooth curve with no sharp corners.
Example 2: Find the x and y intercepts of the graph of the function. State the degree of the function.
P( x)  x  3x  1x  2 . Then sketch the graph of the function, labeling all intercepts. Show the correct
behavior at each x intercept and show the proper end behavior.
Math 1330 2.2
Example 3: Find the x and y intercepts of the graph of the function. State the degree of the function.
P( x)   x  1  x  2  x  1 . Then sketch the graph of the function, labeling all intercepts. Show the correct
behavior at each x intercept and show the proper end behavior.
Example 4: Write the equation of the cubic polynomial P (x ) that satisfies the following conditions: zeros at
x  3, x  1, and x  4 and passes through the point (-3, 7).
Example 5: Write the equation of the quartic function with y intercept 4 which is tangent to the x axis at the
points (-1, 0) and (1, 0).
Math 1330 2.2
Example 6: Find the equation for the following graph.
Example 7: Find the equation for the following graph.
Math 1330 2.2
Example 8: Find the equation for the following graph.
Example 9: Graph the following function: 𝑃(𝑥) = −(𝑥 + 2)4 − 3