US History II - Piscataway High School

United States History 2
Ms. Marcus & Mr. Bedor Period 5 & Period 6 Room D 235
Phone 732.981.0700 ext. 7166
Extra Help: before/after school by appointment
United States History 2 is a full-year course designed to fulfill 5 credits of the United
States History 2 graduation requirement. The United States History 2 program will
provide Piscataway High School students with a comprehensive understanding of United
States history from the American imperial period to modern times. Students will
understand various cultural, economic, geographic, intellectual, political, psychological,
and social factors that contributed to the development of the United States. Students will
interpret historical events, empathize and sympathize to the issues raised in each unit, and
research major events that occurred in each unit.
The Americans. Textbook must be covered at all times and brought to class,
unless otherwise specified.
Three-ring binder with dividers
Pen (blue or black) and pencils at all times
Crayons/markers/colored pencils
BE ON TIME to class with all class materials
Be respectful in class
Be an active participant in your learning.
Complete all assigned work ON TIME.
The following grading scheme will remain the same for each of the four marking
15% - Homework
15% - Class Participation and Preparedness
30% - Term Projects & In-Class Activities
40% - Quizzes, DBQs, and Tests
Assignments will be accepted 1 day after due date for HALF CREDIT ONLY.
It is up to YOU to make an appointment to retake a test. I will NOT chase you.
Grading Policy:
In accordance with school policy, the following grade distribution will be used to
calculate the final grade for this course:
20% - First Marking Period
20% - Second Marking Period
10% - Mid-term Examination
20% - Third Marking Period
20% - Fourth Marking Period
10% - Final Examination
Midterms, &
Final exam
Marking Period 1 ends 11/12
Marking Period 2 ends 2/4
Mid-terms 1/26- 1/29 Chapters 16-24
Marking Period 3 ends 4/15
Marking Period 4 ends 6/18
Topics covered
Finals 6/12 – 6/18 Chapters 25-34
Turn of the Century: Modern America Emerges (Chapters 16-19)
Life at the Turn of the Century, 1877-1917
The Progressive Era, 1890-1920
America Claims an Empire, 1890-1920
The First World War, 1914-1920
The 1920s and the Great Depression (Chapters 20-24)
Politics of the Roaring Twenties, 1919-1929
The Roaring Life of the 1920s, 1920-1929
The Great Depression Begins, 1929-1933
The New Deal, 1933-1940
World War Looms, 1931-1941
World War II and Its Aftermath (Chapters 25-27)
The United States in World War II, 1941-1945
Cold War Conflicts, 1945-1960
The Postwar Boom, 1946-1960
Living with Great Turmoil (Chapters 28-29)
The New Frontier and the Great Society, 1960-1968
Civil Rights, 1954-1968
Living with Great Turmoil (Chapters 30-31)
The Vietnam War Years, 1954-1975
An Era of Social Change, 1960-1975
Passage to a New Century (Chapters 32-34)
An Age of Limits
The Conservative Tide
The United States in Today’s World