Alyssa Borton March 21, 2012 Human Relations – Self Analysis Mr. Kolwinska Phillip’s Model The test provided in Phillip’s book identified me as more of an asker than a teller, but I scored equally in the task and relationship part of the quiz. I retook the quiz, trying to be more specific, and ended with being more relationship oriented. My social style would be that of an expressive amiable. I came to this conclusion by taking the quizzes, but I already knew that I am more relationship oriented to begin with. I can see the effectiveness of the quiz because of how Phillip’s describes the different styles. I fit the descriptions well, and particularly in the area of an amiable’s emotions. The book describes the amiable as a person that keeps emotions hidden, quiet, happy and easygoing. I am very adept at hiding my emotions, even to a fault, and if people do not know me well, they would say that I am quiet. I enjoy children and getting to know children and another key trait for an amiable is that they take time for children. Since I am going into the field of education, I think that truly caring about a child and their lives is important. It does not stop there however; your actions need to show that you care. Taking the time to show the child that you are care is essential. The amiable friend, according to Phillip’s, is easy to get along with, is a good listener, enjoys watching people, has compassion and concern, and has a dry sense of humor. One of my favorite things to do is people watch. I find people fascinating! I think I am fairly easy to get along with, and I most certainly have a dry sense of humor. The expressive part of me is identified through my desire to apologize quickly and my love for people. I get immense pleasure from helping someone and being there to help a friend through a problem. My family is an extremely physical family. We hug and such constantly, and one of the aspects of an expressive’s emotions would that they hold onto listeners physically. I find myself doing that many times a day, as well as using my hands to tell my story. My weaknesses are from the expressive side of me: I often have restless energy, as well as a loud voice and laugh when people get to know me. I also dwell on the trivial matters in life, and tend to get in trouble for talking too much at work. My mother, Pearl, is an amiable amiable. She does not like conflict or strife, and allows herself to be walked over to avoid it. She has been a great example of someone sympathetic and patient to me. She always took time for us children, and as a parent took the good with the bad well. She often was lax on discipline, and as a child we always wanted mom to punish us. I dreaded the words, “Wait until your father comes home.” Those are some of the worst words a child can hear. Another thing that my mother does, is because she does not want any tension, she tends to ignore family conflicts. She would rather be ignorant about the problem then be caught in the middle of it. As I conducted this quiz, I kept thinking that this makes sense, since my father would be a driver, their relationship suddenly made more sense. My mother at work is the one that tried to ensure everyone is getting along, and will do anything to make everyone happy. My mother shows some of the amiable’s weaknesses as well. Once we go too far, she can have the strongest will, and she does not back down. I do not see this quiet will of iron very often, but when I do, it is time to quietly relinquish my stand in the argument. As a friend, my mother cares deeply for others, and has many friends. People are drawn to her because they can see she is not merely putting on an act, but that she truly cares about others. She is full of compassion and concern, perhaps to the point that her life is more emotional than need be. Mothers tend to be fearful and worried, but my mother is known for this. She also is known for her resistance to change. She likes the old and familiar, and has passed that trait down to many of her children. My older sister Anna, is a driver expressive. There are not many people that know Anna that would not say she is one of the loudest people they know. She is quite the drama queen, and loves showing it. She is extremely outgoing, and has an appealing personality. She is consistently in center stage, both on and off the actual stage, and very cheerful. Anna tends to live her life in the present and often, as a child would. She is very curious and talkative. Her minor is that of dramatic productions, and she has enjoyed being the lead in many shows. Her emotions are often swayed back and forth, and can be persuaded quite easily. Her energy level is one to envied, and she is incredibly creative in her thinking. There are not many, if any, dull moments when Anna is around, and she always seems excited. She thrives on being spontaneous, and dislikes just sitting and relaxing. Even as she is extremely expressive, I can see her secondary style showing through in certain areas. Anna is strong willed, and exudes confidence. Once she has something set in her mind, there will be no dissuading her. She shows the good traits of an expressive, but more of the weaknesses of a driver. Anna can become bossy and impatient quickly – especially if you have gotten in her way of her goal. Because she is so focused on finishing that goal, she often will become too busy for family, and makes rash decisions. The expressive weaknesses are identified through her exaggeration (of everything), and her restless energy. Anna is gullible and her naivety is surprising. Anna is influenced greatly by the emotions of others around her, putting forth the image that she seems phony to some people. Anna dislikes being alone, and always is looking for new things to do and meet new people. Phillip’s model and the structure of the quizzes are very insightful and for the most part, correct in its evaluation of people. I can see areas that I can work on now, and as I studied others, I can better understand and work alongside with them.