Learning Target 0 How can context and background knowledge improve my reading experience? 0 What is text structure and how does it work to support an author’s claim? 0 What are the elements of author’s style? Outliers Chapters 3 and 4 The Trouble with Geniuses 0 After reading Chapters 3 and 4, think about some of the literary elements we have discussed. Use the Cornell note taking method to outline the main ideas for the chapter. Don’t forget the extension at the end. 0 Key points: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quotes Setting Author’s Purpose Author’s Style Text structure(s) Point of View/Voice 0 Summarize 0 Main Points (2-3 sentences) 0 Chapter 3: Parts 1-5 0 Chapter 4: Parts 1-6 Literary Terms 0 Author’s Style 0 Genre 0 Point of view (1st or 3rd?) 0 Tone (humorous, serious, informative, etc.) 0 Sentence structure 0 Vocabulary 0 Pacing 0 Any unique features (flashbacks, cliffhangers, diary entries, alternating points of view, etc.) Multiple Intelligences 0 SPATIAL – “Picture Smart” 0 LINGUISTIC – “Word Smart” 0 LOGICAL/MATHEMATICAL – “Number/Reasoning Smart” 0 BODILY/KINESTHETIC – “Body Smart” 0 MUSICAL – “Musical Smart” 0 INTRAPERSONAL – “Self Smart” 0 INTERPERSONAL – “People Smart” 0 NATURALIST – “Nature Smart” How Smart Are You? 0 BBC documentary on intelligence: 0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fmu0rVJqJBU Response to Literature 0 How many uses can you think of for the following item? Response to Literature 0 How many uses can you think of for the following item? Response to Literature 0 Read the Ch. 5 summary. 0 Discuss your chapter notes with your partner. Make sure ALL of your notes are complete. 0 With a partner, use ONLY YOUR NOTES to discuss the author’s purpose for all the chapters in Part One: Opportunity. Together, you will come up with a summary for each chapter (including the introduction). Write a summary for each individual chapter USING 10 WORDS OR LESS. 0 Both of you should write your summaries in your notebook, and you will turn in both copies of the assignment together. Response to Literature 0 Introduction: Gladwell will attempt to change the way we 0 0 0 0 0 view success. Ch. 1: Seemingly random factors like birthdays can affect success. Ch. 2: It takes 10,000 practice hours to successfully master a skill. Ch. 3: IQ is somewhat important, but opportunity influences success more. Ch. 4: Background, family, and social skills can contribute to success. Ch. 5: Many factors, such as timing and opportunity, influence success. Chapter 6 Harlan, Kentucky 0 After reading Chapter 6, think about some of the literary elements we have discussed. Use the Cornell note taking method to outline the main ideas for the chapter. Don’t forget to summarize at the end. 0 Key points: 0 0 0 0 0 Quote Setting Author’s Purpose Author’s style/Text structure Point of View/Voice 0 Summarize the main points 0 Parts 1-4