GRADES 3-5 Oceans in Motion [$39.00] (Science in a Nutshell) Model the physical features of oceans; find out about waves, currents, and tides. Earth, Moon and Stars [$11.00] Students learn a great deal about the Earth and astronomy with modeling and observation activities that focus on gravity, the shape of our planet, moon phases and eclipses, and the stars. Also recommended for students in grades 6-8. Earth, Moon and Stars Teacher’s Guide needed (ISBN 0-924886-05-6) Opening the World Through Nature Journaling [$18.00] With the use of this guidebook and kit children will discover the natural world through a combination of art, writing and science. Materials for sketching and observing the natural world are included. Also recommended for students in grades 6-8. TOPS: Radishes [$22.00] In this engaging investigation, students use radish seeds and simple materials to perform various experiments that illustrate the structure, growth and development of plants. The consumable Teacher’s Guide is included in this kit. The guide doubles as a laboratory notebook for students. (Copyright laws allow a single family to copy the student pages for personal use.) Owl Pellet Kit [$5.00] Investigate food chains and food webs. This kit includes owl pellet, dissecting tools and bone charts. Also recommended for students in grades 6-8. Properties of Matter (Oobleck: What Scientists Do) [$8.00] Oobleck is a green, oozy substance (from "outer space," in this fictional account) that both begs and eludes description as it initiates students in the nature of inquiry and definition and sparks vigorous debate about its properties. Also recommended for students in grades 6-8. Oobleck: What Do Scientists Do? Teacher’s Guide Needed (ISBN 978-0-924886-911) Electromagnetism [$39.00] (Science in a Nutshell) Discover the properties of magnets and make an electromagnetic field! Rock Origins [$39.00] (Science in a Nutshell) Investigate how igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks are formed. TOPS Magnetism [$24.00] 20 experimental activities using magnets to create compasses, electromagnets, telegraphs, buzzers and motors. The consumable Teacher’s Guide is included in this kit. The guide doubles as a laboratory notebook for students. TOPS Electricity [$28.00] 20 activities using simple materials to experiment with circuits & build bulb holders, battery holders and switches. The consumable Teacher’s Guide is included in this kit. The guide doubles as a laboratory notebook for students. Aquatic Habitats [$14.00] Set up and observe living “desktop ponds”, convey key environmental concepts and illustrate the interactive nature of living ecosystems. Aquatic Habitats: Exploring Desktop Ponds Teacher’s Guide needed (ISBN 0-924886-01-3) . Planets and Stars [$39.00] (Science in a Nutshell) Find out about our solar system's place in the universe. Also recommended for 6th graders. Body Basics [$39.00] (Science in a Nutshell) Explore the structure and function of human digestive, respiratory, and skeletal systems. Of Cabbages and Chemistry [$11.00] Students explore acids & bases using the special indicator properties of red cabbage juice. They learn chemicals can be classified by behaviors and make connections to their personal daily experiences. Also recommended for students in grades 6-8. Of Cabbages & Chemistry Teacher’s Guide needed (ISBN 0-924886-28-5) Messages from Outer Space: The Solar System and Beyond [$20.00] This exciting unit opens with a binary-coded message “from space” and takes students on a journey through our solar system and beyond. Students model size and distance, explore how systems may have formed, ponder stellar “life zones,” and design space travel brochures. Also recommended for grades 6-8. Messages from Outer Space Teacher’s Guide needed (ISBN 0-924886-17-X) Crime Lab Chemistry [$15.00] Student detectives use paper chromatography to investigate solubility, pigments, and separation of mixtures. Also recommended for grades 6-8. Crime Lab Chemistry Teacher’s Guide needed (ISBN 0924886-90-0) Guerilla Gardening with Native Plants [$10.00] Computer links to lessons on plants for grade levels K-5 are provided in this kit along with the materials to make two types of seed balls. Students may then distribute seeds of some native California plants in their community. Also recommended for students in grades K-2.