THE STEERS ARE STAMPEEDING Are There Any Bulls Out There? THERE IS A RESTAURANT in Northern Colorado that is nationally known for its oysters. Not the kind you find in the oceans, but ones harvested on cattle ranches. The practice, ritualized by cowboys every year, makes the male cattle easier to control and easier to take to the slaughterhouses. It makes them docile. However, since the population has increased exponentially the last half century, there has been a corresponding decrease in cattle. So why isn’t there a shortage of Rocky Mountain Oysters? I’ve pondered that for decades now and I think I have finally come up with an answer. The replacement oysters belong to our officials and are harvested by the police to make the officials and the public docile and complacent. What got me started on this thought? Two recently exposed news items disclosed by an audit of the Department of Health. One regarding a drug testing lab and the other a “confidential” patient registry established by an amendment to the state Constitution. The forensic lab ran rampant for decades, framing accused drivers and providing “experts” trained by the forensic lab director to convict accused, thereby adding to the state coffers, getting the bad guys, and establishing a safe harbor for police perjury. After all, who cared about drinking and driving other than MADD? Plus defense attorneys defending them are scum. Police are good. What’s a little perjury when you know the guy was guilty or else he wouldn’t have been arrested? The perjurer also gave lectures to judges and district attorneys to enhance her expert’s credibility. The other, in some ways, is even more serious. It totally ignored the will of the people, the Constitution and the Law in addition to defrauding thousands of patients and voters in Colorado. I refer to the disclosure that, even though expressly forbidden by the Constitution, health officials gave free access to the medical marijuana registry. Thousands applied to the registry in good faith. Thousands were betrayed. They were violated with ridicule, disgust, and arrogance. And worse yet, now no one can trust a government, operating against the will of the people and negating their vote. This occurred because certain officials didn’t agree with the Constitutional Amendments regarding marijuana. So, contrary to their oaths of office, they chose to ignore it. MOST public officials and employees take an oath of office to faithfully perform the duties office and obey the Constitution. Is that theater, or does the oath mean anything? Or, maybe the officials take oaths with their fingers crossed. In any event there are a lot of employees, ignoring their oaths of office, taking a state paycheck that shouldn’t be. They are in violation of their oaths of office. They are cynically ignoring the will of the people and democratic processes. Their attitudes is that if they don't agree with the voters, ignore them. Colorado was made a state in 1876. The citizens called a convention, drafted a Constitution, and after citizen approval, presented it to congress for ratification. Art 12, Sec 8 of the state Constitution provides that an oath of office be administered to various officials to support the Constitution and file the same with either the Secretary of State or the County of residence. The document was then sent to Congress who approved the Constitution. Since there was the provision for referendum and declaration of the power of the people, Congress or state public officials cannot either ethically or legally ignore the mandates of the people. There is nothing in the oath that gives the officials the discretion to pick and choose the constitutional sections they want enforce and others that they don’t. Article 27 states the power to govern resides with the people, not the bureaucracy. It seems simple enough to me. Of course, I don’t have a badge or robe and I don’t view myself as superior to the people or better than them. However, I can think and read and do what is right. So why can’t they? In 2000, the people of Colorado voted to make marijuana available to patients. It provided for issuing a card to a patient who was then was placed on a confidential registry. Law enforcement went ape shit. Just as Denver police ignored a mandate to lighten up on marijuana cases by doubling the arrests, the state establishment went on a propaganda crusade of fear and loathing. So, the Public was forced to make their thoughts and desires more emphatic. They were against the drug war and its collateral damage. In 2012, the state Constitution was again was amended to treat Marijuana enforcement like alcohol. Both were initiatives proposed by citizens, not by legislators. They were passed. They were then ignored by many arrogant officials. So, I ask, is the oath of office just theater to get us to trust officials, or some meaningless ritual, signifying nothing? If it has meaning, then why hasn’t anyone been prosecuted or at least chastised for violating or ignoring it? What is wrong with the good officials, if any? Why isn’t anything being done? How can the law enforcement cabal ignore the will of the people? It is because no official has balls enough to stand up to the police bullies. There isn’t a District Attorney in Colorado with the fortitude or integrity to fight the police cabal. They are supposed to act in behalf of the people of the state of Colorado. They act on behalf of our masters. One can tell that by the number of whitewashed police murders and the police brutality shown now on U-Tube videos. In some states, the videos of police misconduct were so bad, that the police cabal got laws to make it illegal to video a policeman violating his oath or the civil rights of the citizenry, or even acting like a complete ass. No, the police are privileged and special. They are bullies, but the public views them as heroes. They have been trained as an elite force by the military to control and kill. What about the Courts? Why don’t the judges do something? Well, the judges were castrated long ago and made lackeys of the power elite. Most judges were prosecutors and it is beyond their comprehensive powers to even think, yet believe that a policeman, sworn to uphold the law, would lie. No, the police are, like Brutus, honorable men. They are always right because they, unlike the rest of us, are out among the dangerous people. They don’t need to be educated. Their ignorance and bigotry has served them well enough. So, with this aura of goodness, they can lie to us, bully us, ignore us and overlook the law or constitution. Since the implements of opinion are controlled, it is just a matter of time before the people come around. If not, ignore them. Many are blinded by an apocalyptic view. For instance, one couple charged in Jefferson County with minor marijuana possession were sleeping with their 8 month old baby in the room. The police, as part of their theater, threw a flash bang grenade into the bedroom and kicked down the door. When I complained to the judge at a hearing the judge’s flippant reply was, “they should have thought of that before they brought marijuana into a house with a small child.” So, a parent can sometimes lose children if drug use is detected, but if the police use grenades to make arrests and physically injure a child that is alright. The judge believed that the ends justified the means in marijuana enforcement and would support the police under all circumstances. The judge was not judging, he was administrating. A trained clerk could have done the judges job with much less pretense of expense. He had no intent of controlling the police or mediating the conflict between citizens and government which was the original intent of a third branch of government. The independent third branch has been captured by the Executive branch. We no longer have Court, we have inquisition. We don’t have judges, we have inquisitors and magistrates. We aren’t directed, we are herded. We are forced to obey. Zero tolerance precludes debate or free speech. The people in control of the propaganda machinery define things. Variance or differences will not be tolerated. This is not only the case for our acts, but also for our symbols. A scout-knife for a camping trip is a weapon. Pointing a finger in play gun fight is the actual use of a gun and grounds for suspension. Teachers are arrested and frog-marched in front of students to establish pecking order. These are the products of an autocratic government in which oaths matter little or not at all. I say enough. Stop their pay. Make them resign or follow the Constitution and will of the people, not the elite. Particularly, don’t reward their arrogance and deliberate flaunting of the people’s law by giving them a paycheck. Don’t give them status worthy of respect. Instead make their arrogance the subject of ridicule. Take control. Stop the occupation. Make yourselves heard.