WJ-III Cognitive Assessment: Intellectual Functioning Report

If considering MR/ID, then use table below and subsequent narrative:
Intellectual functioning was assessed using formal instruments. An intelligence test was administered in
order to assess the student’s general range of intellectual functioning and to determine current strengths
and weaknesses across cognitive processing areas.
The Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ III-Cog) is a wide age-range comprehensive
system for measuring general intellectual ability, g, and specific cognitive skills in various processing
Standard Percentile
General Intellectual Ability (GIA)
Verbal Comprehension
Visual-Auditory Learning
Spatial Relations
Sound Blending
Concept Formation
Visual Matching
Numbers Reversed
The General Intellectual Ability score indicates global intellectual functioning to be within the very low
range of intelligence. Results of a standard score of 70 or below (considering the standard error of
measurement) indicate sub-average cognitive ability.
An analysis of Xxx’s performance across the various tests indicates (summarize what student could and
couldn’t do)
If not for MR/ID and only using WJ-III Cognitive
Intellectual functioning was assessed using formal instruments. An intelligence test was administered in
order to assess the student’s general range of intellectual functioning and to determine current strengths
and weaknesses across cognitive processing areas.
The Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ III-Cog) is a wide age-range comprehensive
system for measuring general intellectual ability, g, and specific cognitive skills in various processing
areas. The results are presented below.
Standard Percentile
General Intellectual Ability (GIA)
Verbal Comprehension
General Information
Visual-Auditory Learning
Retrieval Fluency
Memory for Names (DS)
Spatial Relations
Picture Recognition
Visual Closure (DS)
Block Rotation (DS)
Sound Blending
Auditory Attention
Sound Patterns-Voice (DS)
Sound Patterns-Music (DS)
Concept Formation
Number Series (DS)
Number Matrices (DS)
Visual Matching
Decision Speed
Cross Out (DS)
Numbers Reversed
Memory for Words
Memory for Sentences (DS)
The General Intelligence Ability score indicates global intellectual functioning.
Xxx’s GIA (is within normal limits/indicates a normative deficit/indicates a normative strength).
The General Intelligence Ability score is attenuated (weakened) due to the degree of scatter across Xxx’s
profile of scores and should not be viewed as the most representative score of his/her overall ability.
Crystallized Intelligence (Gc)
Comprehension Knowledge, or crystallized intelligence, is the breadth and depth of a person’s acquired
knowledge of a culture and the effective application of this knowledge. This cluster is composed of
Verbal Comprehension (stating synonyms and antonyms, completing analogies, and naming objects)
and General information (answering Questions such as “Where would you find … [an object]?” and
“What would you do with … [an object]?”) Xxx’s performance indicates … (personalize this section
based on your analysis of the student’s responses)
Long-Term Retrieval (Glr)
Long-term retrieval is the ability to store information (e.g., concepts, ideas, items, or names) in long-term
memory and to retrieve it later fluently through association. This cluster is a combination of Visual–
Auditory Learning(viewing symbols and listening to a word that is associated to each symbol; the
symbols are strung together and the examinee is asked to ‘read’ the sentence based on memory of the
auditory association of the word) and Retrieval Fluency (stating items from a given category). Xxx’s
performance indicates … (personalize this section based on your analysis of the student’s responses)
Visual-Spatial Thinking (Gv)
Visual processing is the ability to generate, perceive, analyze, synthesize, manipulate, transform, and
think with visual patterns and stimuli. This cluster includes Spatial Relations (matching parts of a given
whole shape) and Picture Recognition (recognizing a subset of previously presented pictures within a
field of distracting pictures). Xxx’s performance indicates … (personalize this section based on your
analysis of the student’s responses)
Auditory Processing (Ga)
Auditory processing is the ability to perceive, analyze, and synthesize patterns among auditory stimuli.
This cluster is composed of Sound Blending (saying whole words after hearing syllables or phonemes of
the words) and Auditory Attention (discriminating similar-sounding words in the presence of increasing
noise). Xxx’s performance indicates … (personalize this section based on your analysis of the student’s
Fluid Reasoning (Gf)
Fluid reasoning, or fluid intelligence, is the ability to use and engage in various mental operations when
faced with a relatively novel task that cannot be performed automatically. This cluster is a combination
of Concept Formation (identifying the rules of concepts when shown illustrations of instances of the
concepts and non-instances of the concepts) and Analysis-Synthesis (identifying the present components
of a puzzle and identifying the missing components). Xxx’s performance indicates … (personalize this
section based on your analysis of the student’s responses)
Processing Speed (Gs)
Processing speed is the ability to perform cognitive tasks fluently and automatically, especially when
under pressure to maintain focused attention and concentration. This cluster is a combination of Visual
Matching (locating and circling two identical numbers in a row of six numbers) and Decision Speed
(scanning a row of pictures rapidly and deciding which of the two drawings are conceptually related).
Xxx’s performance indicates … (personalize this section based on your analysis of the student’s
Short-Term Memory (Gsm)
Short-term memory is the ability to apprehend and hold information in immediate awareness and then use
it within a few seconds. This cluster is a combination of Numbers Reversed (repeating a number
sequence in reverse order) and Memory for Words (repeating a list of unrelated words). Xxx’s
performance indicates … (personalize this section based on your analysis of the student’s responses)