1867 July 2 Notice is hereby given that the subscribers Thomas Kerr

1867 July 2
Notice is hereby given that the subscribers Thomas Kerr, Margaret
Kerr, Mary Kerr, Jane Kerr & Ann Milne all residing in
Dundee, James Kerr residing at Broughty Ferry, Helen Kerr
or Jack Spouse of John Jack Harbour Master Dundee with
Consent of her said husband and him for his interest, David
Hunter residing at Mount Pleasant Dundee, Elizabeth Hunter
residing in Dundee and James Hunter Junior and Renault Ferguson
Hunter both Solicitors in Dundee intend to take down a
Coach house on that piece of ground belonging to them situated
on the east side of North Tay Street Dundee and thereafter
to erect a Building of one Storey.
Conform to Plan lodged in the hands of the Clerk of the Guild Court of Dundee and that
unless interdicted by any of the conterminous Proprietors the operations will be proceeded
with within three days from this date.
R. Hunter
2nd July 1867
These do certify that I James Baird Dean of Guild officer Dundee Lawfully Intimated true
Copy of the above notice to each of Thomas Kerr, Margaret Kerr, Mary Kerr, Jane Kerr &
Ann Milne all residing in Dundee, James Kerr residing in Broughty Ferry. Helen Kerr or
Jack Spouse of John Jack Harbour Master Dundee with consent of her husband and him
for his own interest, David Hunter residing at Mount Pleasant Dundee Elizabeth Hunter
residing in Dundee and James Hunter Junior and Renault Ferguson Hunter both Solicitors
in Dundee to take down and James Allan Esq. Convener Town Property Committee Dundee
by putting with my own hand Copy into the Post Office at Dundee Prepaid upon this second
day of July Eighteen hundred and sixty seven years.
James Baird Dean of Guild officer
Dundee 27th July 1867 The Dean of Guild having visited the subjects mentioned in the
preceding Notice and no objections having been lodged for Conterminous Proprietors Grants
Warrant to the within designed Thomas Kerr, Margaret Kerr, Mary Kerr, Jane Kerr & Ann
Milne all residing in Dundee, James Kerr residing in Broughty Ferry. Helen Kerr or Jack
Spouse of John Jack Harbour Master Dundee with consent of her husband and him for his
own interest, David Hunter residing at Mount Pleasant Dundee Elizabeth Hunter residing in
Dundee and James Hunter Junior and Renault Ferguson Hunter both Solicitors in Dundee
to take down a Coach House on that piece of ground belonging to them situated on the east
side of North Tay Street Dundee and thereafter to erect a building of one Storey thereon
Conform to Plans produced and subscribed by the Clerk of the Guild Court on the second
day of July Eighteen hundred and sixty seven farther allows to the said Thomas Kerr,
Margaret Kerr, Mary Kerr, Jane Kerr, Ann Milne, James Kerr, Helen Kerr or Jack, Spouse of
John Jack, David Hunter, Elizabeth Hunter, James Hunter Junior and Renault Ferguson
Hunter the use of the public Street immediately opposite said premises to the extent of ten
feet in breadth measuring from the street line thereof. For the purpose of laying down such
materials as may be required in carrying through said operations. But appoints them for
the safety of the Lieges to enclose said space with a close wooden Paling of sufficient height
and properly Lighted with gas from sun set till sun rise until said operations shall have
been completed, and the said paling removed. As also for the safety of the passengers to
construct a Platform or Foot Walk three feet six inches in width to be laid with planks three
inches thick or flags outside of said paling, with a suitable Hand Rail all to the satisfaction
of Mr John Fulton Town Surveyor Dundee.
Thomas Nicoll D.G