Ch-14 Blood

Ch-14 Blood
Blood is a connective tissue formed
primarily in the bone marrow.
• Transport nutrients, oxygen, waste and hormones.
• Distributes heat.
• Promotes homeostasis.
An average adult has about 5 liters of blood in
the body. It accounts for 8% body weight.
Blood Composition
Red blood cells
White blood cells
1. Plasma
• Composition: 92% water, wastes, salts and
• Albumins- maintain osmotic blood pressure.
• Globulins- transports lipids and fat soluble
• Fibrogens- aids in blood coagulation.
2. Platelets
• Cell fragments that help with
blood clotting, or thrombus.
• Hemostasis- coagulation of blood.
• Proteins repair the holes in the vessels.
• Lack of platelets = hemophilia
• Life span = 12 days
Hemostasis= stoppage of blood
Blood vessel spasms and
5. Blood clot forms and
surface forms a scab.
3. Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes)
• Carry oxygen to the lungs and tissues via
hemoglobin. (O2 = scarlet red color.)
• Constantly produced within red bone marrow.
• Life span ~120days
• Lack nuclei
• Flexible to fit through
• Lack of rbc’s = anemia.
4. White Blood Cells (leukocytes)
• Primary cells of the immune system that produce
• Normal count 5,000 – 10,000 (mL)
• leukopenia
• low WBC count
• flu, measles, chicken pox, & AIDS
• leukocytosis
• high WBC count
• acute infections, vigorous exercise, great loss of body
fluids and leukemia (cancer of white blood cells.)
Types of WBC’s
1. Neutrophils: (54%-62% of all leukocytes)
• General phagocytosis; acute bacterial
• First to arrive at infections
2. Basophils: (less than 1% of leukocytes)
• Cause inflammatory reactions:
- release histamine (inflammation)
-Heparin- natural anticoagulant to keep blood
3. Eosinophils: (1-3% of all leukocytes)
• moderate allergic reactions
• defend against parasitic worm infestations
4. Monocytes: (3-9% of all leukocytes)
• leave bloodstream to become macrophages,
which digest bacteria and dead cells.
• elevated in typhoid fever, malaria,
5. Lymphocytes: (25-33% of all leukocytes)
• Important in immunity due to T and B Cells.
• Produce antibodies
• Decreased T Cells in
AIDS patients.
• How leukocytes squeeze through capillary
walls to leave the blood vessels and enter
infected tissues.
Blood Typing
• Proteins called antigens
coat the outside of the
red blood cells.
• 4 Types:
O= no coating
O= universal donor
AB = universal recipient
O+ most common blood type
AB- most rare blood type
Blood Typing Game
Blood Typing con’t
• Rh Blood Group – discovered in rhesus monkeys.
- agglutinogen D protein coating = (+)
- NO agglutinogen D coating = (-)
- causes concern for transplants and
transfusions and some pregnancies.
Example: An Rh- mother pregnant with a Rh+
baby leads to miscarriage or erythroblastosis
fetalis if not treated with a Rhogam serum.
The end!
Blood Doping
Blood Doping
Stop at nothing