Secretary Meeting September 22, 2010 Lakeshore Learning Texas Regional Manager Chris Abernathy Office: 1-800-521-5354 ext. 7673 Cell: (817) 239-7234 Email: Lakeshore Website Integrated Pest Management for Schools Environmental Safety Manager/IPM Coordinator Bill Knight Ext. 0216 Email: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Texas Schools 1981 School IPM in Texas – Chillicothe ISD 1991 HB 2751 required school districts in Texas to practice IPM 1995 Enforcement by Texas Structural Control Board 2008 Enforcement by Texas Department of Agriculture 3 year audit schedule (DISD audited 11/2009) What is IPM? An environmentally sound approach to pest control Quality pest control using the least hazardous chemicals and techniques “Best management practice” for pests IPM Defined: IPM is a strategy using multiple control tactics to ensure that: – pest populations are managed at acceptable levels – risks to people, other non-target organisms, and the environment are minimized – the pest control program is practical and economical DISD IPM Policy ● Available on the Operations webpage ● Four Pest Management Objectives: 1. Manage pests to prevent interference with the learning environment 2. Eliminate injury to staff, students and others 3. Preserve the integrity of buildings and structures 4. Provide safest playing or athletic surfaces possible. Essential Ingredients for IPM ● Pest Identification ● Action Thresholds ● Inspections/Monitoring ● Use of multiple control tactics ● Teamwork The Pest Triangle FOOD WATER HARBORAGE The IPM Triangle PESTICIDES BIOLOGICAL CONTROLS PHYSICAL/ MECHANICAL CONTROLS PEST PREVENTION/SANITATION The Pest Triangle FOOD WATER HARBORAGE The Pest Triangle FOOD WATER •Reduce a “requisite” reduce a pest HARBORAGE Pest Treatment Notices ● Permanent Notice in various places around the campus ● Temporary Notice posted for 48 hours before the treatment ● Needs to be removed the day after treatment Campus Pest Sighting Log ● Stored in a central location on campus ● Maintained by a single individual ● All pest control problems are noted in the log ● Adams will check the log upon arriving on campus for the scheduled monthly visit ● All pest control requests need to be directed to the IPM Coordinator ● No one on campus should contact Adams Exterminating directly Responding to Pest Control Requests ● Biting or stinging insects can be dealt with immediately ● All other pest control applications occur after 48 hours ● Incidental Use applications: 1. Fire ants on playgrounds 2. Wasps 3. Contact person who maintains campus Pest Sighting Log to notify IPM Coordinator ● A limited number of DISD Maintenance Personnel can apply pesticides for Incidental Use IPM: A Cooperative Effort ● Report all pest sightings to the pest control contact person ● ● ● ● on your campus as soon as possible Do not keep food in classrooms Food in lounge areas should be kept in plastic sealed containers Any pet food in classrooms should be kept in sealed plastic containers Clean out any clutter in your classroom or office IPM: A Cooperative Effort ● Report any cracks or crevices around the building that could yield access to pests ● Report any shrubs or trees that are in contact with a building or roof ● Report any ant mounds on school grounds Procedures and Guidelines Manual Updates New Contact List/Important Dates (xv-xxii) Purchasing Updates (1.3.5) Transportation Rate Changes ( New Account Codes (Chapter 3) New Records Management Forms (Chapter 4) Expenditure audit trail/Revenue audit trail procedures (5.4) Facility Rental procedures (6.7) Returned check procedures (8.3) Fund raiser procedures (8.7) Donation procedures (8.9) Activity Fund procedures (Chapter 9) Publication procedures for PTA’s/Booster Clubs (10.3) Notary Public procedures (10.4) A few reminders… T-shirts can be purchased for fund raising purposes only. All original add/change vendors forms can be sent directly to the purchasing agent, with a completed Conflict of Interest Questionnaire, when required. The procedures have been added to section 5.4 on running an expenditure audit trail and revenue audit trail report. These reports are helpful to view individual entries for each account. eFinancePLUS example All check requests must have CR in the comment field from now on, and there cannot be any other information listed in that field. If there are special instructions, that information should be entered in the freight field. A check request will not be processed until it has CR in the comment field. AP Workflow Process Anytime a requisition is converted, an electronic copy is stored in a network folder, that Laserfiche pulls from. When the electronic documents are pulled into Laserfiche, a quick fields session runs to pull the following information from the purchase order: Vendor Number/Name Purchase Order Number There is no longer a yellow copy of the purchase order produced – the AP department receives it electronically. Once the corresponding invoice and pink receiving copy of a purchase order are received, they are scanned in and attached to the original copy of the purchase order and are ready to be paid. Once a check is cut for a purchase order, the system automatically matches the purchase order and back-up documentation up with the check. AP Workflow Process A quick fields session also runs on the incoming check documents, and pulls the following information: Vendor Number/Name Purchase Order Number Check Number Budget Unit The AP department then double-check the information, and mark the document complete, where it is stored according to it’s record retention schedule. New Secretary? If you are new to the district or need a refresher on the steps for proper Records Management – please pick up a copy of last year’s PowerPoint presentation. All of the Records Management Forms are located under the Business Office website. Quick Checklist… Is this a copy or a record? Check Retention Schedule for proper length of time to keep the record. Place records for storage in proper “Records Box”. (Submit box request to Sandy Garza.) Properly label boxes when storing. (Keep a log.) When records have met their retention, submit a Request to Destroy Form. Records will be destroyed at the warehouse by a shredding company. Highlights School Year 2009-2010 – approx. 34,568 lbs. of documents were shredded through Records Management. 1st school to call me… Ginnings Elementary. One of the bigger cleanings … Calhoun Middle School. Other schools visited – Hodge, Houston, Providence, Rivera, Crownover, Harpool and ATC. Offices visited – Special Ed., HR – Central, HR – Annex, Testing, Health Services & Business Office. THANK YOU to those campuses and offices that have been consistent throughout the years with Records Management. What’s New? After 17 Years…. the School District Retention Schedule from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) has been updated!! Woo Hoo! Oh Yeah!! What does this mean for you? Must confirm that retention periods are accurate. Many of the records are changing from a 7 Year to a 5 Year retention, with the exception of a couple of records increasing in time. All records will fall under the new schedule's retention period, even those created while the other schedule was in effect. (Per TSLAC) The new schedule will be emailed to you. Examples of New Records Listed Notes “Quick List” will be mailed to each campus. New Retention Schedule will be emailed. All destruction of “Records” needs to be documented and destroyed through the Records Management process. Schedule an Appointment I have been directed to visit every campus this school year. Therefore, I will email my calendar to you so that you may choose your date. If I don’t hear from you, I will give you a call. You may schedule a morning or afternoon appointment. I will be happy to spend as much time with you as necessary. Contact Information: Sandy Garza Ext. 0035 Budget Amendments Teacher Lounge Accounts – If your campus had a balance remaining at the end of school year 2009/2010, you may submit a budget amendment to move the funds from 4611-11-00-XXX-99-000-6000 to 4611-23-TL-XXX-99-000. To check the balance remaining in the ‘TL’ account, run an expenditure audit trail report (5.4.3). Be sure to use 4610 and period 13. This report will give the remaining balance for that account. Budget Amendments Special Accounts – Prepare budget amendments for any funds that were in special accounts. The business office only moves prior year textbook money to the current year. Example: If the library had a remaining balance in 2009/2010, you will need to submit a budget amendment to transfer the funds from 4611-1100-XXX-99-000-6000 to 4611-12-00-XXX-99-000-6000. Remember that the host account for Fund 461 and 890 is 6000. Educational Leave The procedures for educational leave are located in the Procedures and Guidelines manual, starting at section 7-17. Activity Funds There are two types of activity funds: Campus Activity Funds (CAF) Student Activity Funds (SAF) Campus Activity Funds The Campus Activity Funds (CAF) benefit the campus, and the decisions are made by adults. Fund 461 Student Activity Funds Student Activity Funds (SAF) benefit a specific student group, and the decisions are made by the members of that student group. Fund 890 and Campus Checkbook Did you know… It is a felony to misuse public funds regardless of the dollar amount. The following procedures and guidelines related to CAF and SAF are being implemented to protect everyone involved with cash handling. Responsibilities in relation to Activity Funds Principal Secretary/Bookkeeper Activity Sponsor District Accounting Department Deposit Procedures Security Verification Deposit Reconciliation Form DISD Website Sign-In Departments Business Office Forms Deposit Reconciliation Form listed under ‘Accounting’ Deposits are to be made on a weekly basis. Payments to Individuals… Payments to individuals for services need to go through the 461 or 890 fund. DO NOT PAY INDIVIDUALS FOR SERVICES through your checkbook. This causes a 1099 issue at the end of the year. Financial Records Financial record keeping example notebook. Future training details to be sent via Weekly Tips. Bank Reconciliation Expectations Future training details to be sent via Weekly Tips. If you need help reconciling your campus checkbook, please contact Sharon Harris at ext. 0012. Internal Audits The Business Office will be conducting periodic surprise audits of each campus/department’s financial records. The audit may include, but is not limited to: Checkbook Reconciliations Timeliness of Deposits Location/Access to Vault Petty Cash Accuracy The internal audits will begin in October. Any Questions???