Week-At-A-Glance Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Frog Dissection wrap up Traits Intro to DNA and proteins DNA Have your DNA and eat it too! Grade level:7th grade Subject: Science Lesson Topic: Frog Dissection write up Teacher: Lusk Date: January 14th, 2013 Stage 1 – Desired Results Standards (CCS/ES): Key Ideas from the Standards: 7.L.1.1-7.L.1.4 What will the students be able to do? Vocabulary: SWBAT elaborate the differences and similarities between the frog we dissected and the human body. Sources/Materials/Technology: ____Literary Text: ____ Information: ____ Lab: ____Art: ____Technology: Formal: Lab write up Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Informal: Stage 3 – Opening Activities Warm Up: (10 minutes) 1. 2. What were your reactions towards the frog dissection? Would you want to do things differently if you could? Stage 4- Learning Plan GUIDEDPRACTICE “WE DO” (10 mins) Teacher and student will create a Venn diagram noting the main differences between the frog and the human body. Independent Practice “YOU DO” (25 mins) Students will write three paragraphs noting the main differences between a frog and the human body using detail from both what we’ve learned in class and what we learned in the lab. One paragraph of this will need to talk about the social impact on dissecting a frog. Students will need to address the question “did you feel any guilt while dissecting a frog?” LESSON FOCUS “I DO” (10 mins) Teacher will introduce the homework packet for the week of completing the science fair project. GUIDED PRACTICE “WE DO” (10 mins) Teacher and students will review a list of potential scientific questions students could use for their science fair project. Students will need to have chosen their scientific question and written down their hypothesis before leaving class. SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT – Steps of the scientific method Directions: Please complete the worksheet as clearly as possible. This worksheet will help you do the steps of the scientific method so you can be organized for your science project. Each part matches a section you need on your science fair poster. On your poster, some of these questions (purpose and procedure especially) should be longer than there is space here. 1.Topic: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Scientific question: __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Purpose(Why did you choose the experiment that you are conducting?) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Hypothesis (An educated guess before the experiment begins. This one sentence answers your scientific question above.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is your independent variable? __________________ What is your dependent variable?_______________________ 5. Research: From your references what 5 main points (facts) did you find? 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6. Materials: What do you need in order to complete your research? Remember, you must come up with these materials on your own! If you need to borrow equipment (microscope, a chemical) we will try to arrange an after school event. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 7. Procedure: Write the steps would you follow to complete your experiment (directions)? These can be numbered. 8. AFTER YOUR EXPERIMENT YOU WILL COMPLETE: 1) Data( present using tables, graphs, charts, etc, as well as pictures and drawings) 2) Results/conclusions (don’t just state the results, explain why you think they occurred!) 3) Prepare for presentation (make sure your poster is clear and you know how to explain your work) 4) Know your experiment inside-out (Be able to discuss your experiment) MAKING YOUR POSTER: Use a trifold carboard display. Use at least size 16 font. Make it attractive and neat Include pictures, drawings, or where possible. models RESOURCES: http://science-project.com/http://www.all-science-fair-projects.com/www.sciencebuddies.org DUE DATE: JANUARY 23rd 1 DAY LATE=20% off 2 DAYS LATE= 30% off Science Fair Evaluation Rubric Student Name(s): __________________________________________ Category Criteria Possible Points Title Gives a clear idea of what the project is about, well written 5 Purpose Student has clear, well written reason for his/her investigation 5 Hypothesis Clear; statement; testable; specific 5 Materials list Clear and comprehensive 5 Experimental Design/Procedure Clear, step-by-step, could be easily repeated 10 Data Data is displayed in an organized manner, including graphics 15 Research Student conducted research prior to their experiment and cited the sources used. 5 Points Earned Conclusion/Results Student has a clear conclusion; accepts or rejects their hypothesis; well written (good spelling and grammar). 10 Time management Experiment was able to be carried out completely in the time-frame given 5 Presentation Display area is well thought-out, clear and easy to read and interesting 10 Discussion Student is able to comfortable and accurately discuss his/her experiment and results 10 Creativity Idea is original, interesting and well thought-out, and in the right content area (chemistry, hydrology, cell microbiology, geology) 15 TOTAL: 100