State Coastal Zone Management Programs

Coastal Management Issues
and Strategies: State and
Biology 561
Barrier Island Ecology
State Coastal Zone
Management Programs
• North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act
– Began with diversity of agency responsibilities and
a time-consuming, cumbersome permits program
• Texas Coastal Management Program (CMP)
– Permits program
• The Florida Coastal Management Program
– Consists of network of 23 Florida
Statutes administered by eleven
state agencies and four water
management districts.
State Coastal Zone
Management Programs
• Oregon Coastal
Management Program
– Oregon's Coastal
Management Program
Approved in 1977
• Louisiana Coastal Zone
Management Program
– Louisiana State and Local
Resources Management Act
of 1978 is key legislation
Grants Programs for Local
– local hazard
mitigation planning
– beach access
– waterfront
– waterfront access
creation and
– pollution
– habitat inventories
– land protection
– environmental
– environmental
Coastal Recreation &
Tourism Projects
• Florida Sea Grant established low power
radio station that provides motorists and
boaters with information about Florida
• In Delaware, federal, state and private
interests have embarked on effort to bring
nature-based tourism (or ecotourism) to
the forefront in the state
• Marine Services guide to Georgia coast
created for disseminating information to
boating tourists and recreational anglers
Community Assistance
• The community assistance
unit of the Florida Coastal
Management Program
provides technical assistance
and training aimed at
improving management and
enhancing public
understanding of coastal
Estuarine Research Reserve
• Cooperative program
between state coastal
environmental agencies
and the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA)
• The goal of the program is
to establish, protect, and
manage natural estuarine
habitats for research and
Coastal Preserves
• Texas Coastal Preserves
– Coastal Preserve Program protects unique
coastal areas and fragile biological
communities, including important colonial bird
nesting sites
– Currently, there are four coastal preserves
• North Carolina Reserves
– N.C. Coastal Reserve program sets aside
undeveloped coastal lands and waters for
research, education and public use
– Currently, there are nine coastal Reserves
Public Recreational Access
• North Carolina Public Access program
– The North Carolina General Assembly
established the Public Beach and Coastal
Waterfront Access Program by providing
matching grants to local governments for
projects designed to improve pedestrian
access to the state's beaches, estuarine
beaches and waterways.
• Texas has adopted a coastal access plan
– Working with communities to identify current
public access sites, to make recommendations
for improving shoreline access, and to publish
a beach and bay access guide
Oil Spill Prevention and
Response Program
• In Texas, coastal interests have
– Facility to receive oily bilge water from
recreational boats
– Practice and drill in responding to spills
– A study of factors responsible for oil
– Education program for people
concerning impact of spills
Beach Cleanup
• New York: Coastal Cleanup Day
– Part of international beach cleanup
• Texas: Adopt-A-Beach program
– All volunteer
– Texas’ beaches receive huge
amount of debris
• North Carolina: Beach Sweep
• Massachusetts: COASTSWEEP
Non-point Pollution Control
Program (NH)
• Technical assistance to state,
regional and local agencies
regarding control measures
• Public education and public
participation opportunities for nonpoint source control
• Long-term water quality monitoring
and research support in the coastal
Planning and Monitoring
• Port and Harbor Planning in the Massachusetts
Coastal Zone
– encourage the creation or expansion of waterdependent facilities in developed port and harbor areas
• Massachusetts Marine Monitoring and Research
– proactively monitoring water quality and sources of
contamination and creating models to predict future
• Gulf Ecological Management Site (GEMS)
– The GEMS Program is initiative of the Gulf of Mexico
Program (GMP) and the five GOM states
– Goal is to conserve, restore, enhance and create Gulf of
Mexico habitats
Planning and Monitoring
• The New York District Corps of
Engineers, in partnership with the
Port Authority of New York and
New Jersey, the States of New York
and New Jersey, and the City of
New York are working together to
evaluate the navigational needs of
the Port of New York over the next
50 years.
• Maryland has prepared a “Sea
Level Rise Response Strategy for
the State”
Cultural Resource
Management Programs
• Massachusetts Board of
Underwater Archaeological
– the sole trustee of the
Commonwealth's underwater
heritage, promoting and
protecting the public's interests
in these resources for
recreational, economic,
environmental, and historical
Examples of Individual State
• Texas Open Beaches Act
– Use And Maintenance Of Public Beaches
• Texas Dune Protection Act
– Establishing and Location of Dune Protection
• The Oregon Removal-Fill Law
– regulates alterations to estuaries, lakes and
other waterways
• The Oregon Beach Bill
– regulates uses and alterations along the ocean