4:30 AM February 22, 2014 today's date the day that will forever live

4:30 AM
February 22, 2014 today’s date the day that will forever live with me, the best day of the
month so far. I wake up to my alarm set for 4:30 I rub the crust off my eyes and walked
to the bathroom, I did all my necessities and then yelled “ guys wake up we need to go
meet my future boyfriend ” across the room. Both my sister and my mom wake up and
get dressed getting ready to go. We were all dressed and ready to go so we walked out
the door, our next destination is to Lisette's house.
McDonald’s / Notification
Reaching Lisette’s house I see she's already outside ready to go with her mom and
sister “ morning” I say with a bright smile. We walk a couple of blocks and stop right in
front of a McDonald's . Walking in we order our food and take a seat on a clean table. “
Lisette we should tweet at the boys who knows maybe they'll finally notice us”, I spoke
and wiggled my eyebrows “ omg it would be a dream come true” , she replied with a
wide smile. Once we posted that tweet and tagged the boys we began to it . This food is
so good , not healthy but delicious, yum ! I love orange juice! After we were all done
eating we were exiting McDonalds and heading towards the train station , as Lisette and
I were walking we checked our Twitter accounts to see if the boys posted anything
ignoring the notification we had in the left hand corner we kept scrolling on their tweets,
when we were done stalking their profile we opened the notification bar and I see that
James Yammouni has followed me and Lisette sees that Jai Brooks followed her at that
moment we began jumping up and down and people were giving us looks but we kept
freaking out and didn't care if anyone saw us looking crazy.
“ Stand clear for the closing doors please “ *bee boop* looking for empty seats in the
train we all take a seat and start talking. In my own little world I'm listening to ‘set this
world on fire’ by the Janoskians and singing along with. “We're gonna set this world on
fire” I sing aloud Brittney and Lisette start laughing at me but I just keep singing. Wow
I'm really going to meet them today , right now, as soon as we get off the train , woah
that's crazy , I've never seen this day coming , I've only dreamt about meeting them. “Oh
my goodness, you guys what would we say or do when we see them ?” Brittney asked
with a panicked face, Lisette then replied “ just act neutral we don't want to scare them
off” with calmed tone. Janoskians here we come !
Times Square
As soon as the train stopped at Times Square we immediately got off Brittney, Lisette,
and I got really nervous we breathed in and out slowly and walked up the stairs that lead
us outside. All we heard was girls screaming and screaming it was so loud it was like
sitting right in front of a speaker booming loudly . We all checked our Twitter accounts to
see if the boys posted the location they were in and all we found was a tweet from
Daniel Sahyounie (Skip) that read ‘we see you’ as we join the mob of girls standing right
in front of police officers everyone looks up all around the city to see if they can find any
one of the boys. Everyone was being pushed and shoved violently . All the girls attacked
a black van thinking the boys were inside, all I see is pix 11 news broadcasting the
whole thing they asked interviewed some girls on why they were here and why they
wanted to meet them. Then everyone checks their phone again and found a tweet that
Beau Brooks posted reading ‘we’re in front of the American flag’ oh no here goes the
shoving again . At this moment we all broke apart my mom and Lisette's mom with
Lisette's sister were all the way in the back meanwhile Brittney Lisette and I were
running forward so that we wouldn't get hurt.
Meeting the Boys
There it was the most adorable face like if I was dreaming it was the most angelical face
ever it was Jai Brooks with a bright smile that lit up the whole city it shines brighter than
the famous looking Times Square lights, well at least that's what I thought . Police were
protecting the boys and girls were hurting each other so that they can be closer to the
boys . All three of us see a girl on the concrete floor with one shoe only as we were
about to help her out a mob of girls came rushing past us , we moved along with them
because we didn't want to get run over. Pulling out my phone and iPod I open the
camera and take videos in one device and lots of pictures on the other. All three of us
were so close to them we could reach out to them and so that's what I did . Call me a
creep all you want but in that moment Luke Brooks saw me and my hand right next to
his face he looked down and kissed my hand . Yes he kissed my hand ! It was like a
dream come true I mean I didn't dream about this moment but I wasn't complaining ,
afterwards the police blocked all the girls from coming too close to a theater that the
boys were holding a meet and greet in, the boys were then nowhere to be seen as to
them already being shoved inside the theater. Multiple girls were crying and all you could
see was their black mascara running down their faces it was horrifying.Brittney , Lisette
,and I gathered together and went back to get our family . We were caught up in the
moment that we didn't even realize we were the only ones in the street a couple of girls
were already walking to wherever they needed to go and here were we looking scared.
Looking everywhere we couldn't find any of our family we were panicking and panicking
we didn't know what to do. We were so far away from where we first got off the train I
could tell that this wasn't Times Square this place was somewhere downtown of the city.
Checking my phone I see I only had 5% of battery life left both girls checked their
phones and Brittney's was the one that had 30% of battery life, she called my mom
*beep, beep, beep* on the third ring my mom finally answered “girls where are you we’re
looking everywhere for you guys we are right in front of the American flag meet us right
here we won't move” and with that Brittney hangs up.
Moral lesson
We run quickly all I felt was salted water trickling down my forehead indicating that I was
sweating. We finally saw our parents we ran up to them and hugged them tightly. “ we
were so worried girls, Are you fine? Did any of you get hurt?” Our parents asked while
caressing our cheeks and hugging us one more time . “We're fine we just lost you guys
because of the mob of girls. They kept pushing violently and hurting everyone. But the
good news is we got to meet the boys without getting hurt.” Lisette explained
“Girls don't ever get separated or lose us again, you girls are one of a kind in this world
we wouldn't want to risk losing either one of you .” Both our parents said building upon
each other's sentences. Right after we learned our lesson we all stuck by each other's
side while heading to Dave & Buster’s. We ate , we played the arcade games and
cherished every moment of it. Right after we enjoyed our time there we were exhausted
so we all decide to head back home.
Years Later
Today I still look back at all of the pictures and videos I took on that day . The best part
of it all was that I recorded the part where Luke Brooks kissed my hand oh boy wasn't
that the best moment ever. Remembering all of the girls getting hurt and ran over I was
glad no of us got hurt. Now I still go to meet and greets with both my sister and Lisette
and this time we go with adult supervision and stay with them never separating them or
losing our sight off of them