Capabilities of the R2D detector Matt Lamont, Yale University Relevant RHIC-I results Hydrodynamics: Strong collectivity in a liquid like (not plasma) phase which requires a partonic EoS Jet Quenching: The ‘quenching’ of high pT particles due to radiative partonic energy loss. Energy loss 15 times higher (several GeV/fm3 ) than in cold nuclear matter (compare RHIC AA to HERMES eA) Constituent quark scaling: recombination provides a description ~1.5 - 5 GeV/c for identified particle properties v2 and jet quenching might probe d.o.f above Tc ! : RHIC II Workshop 2 Contributions to particle production in RHI collisions SPS, RHIC-I Soft 0 LHC, RHIC-II RHIC-II: pT to 30 GeV/c Parton Medium60 GeV Max. jet energy: recombination modified Fragmentation and fragmentation (jet quenching) coalescence ~ 2 GeV/c ~ 6 GeV/c ~ 30 GeV/c ? : RHIC II Workshop pT 3 Are p+p particle spectra at RHIC-II pT limited ? pq,g > 10 GeV/c pq,g > 10 GeV/c all h |h| < 0.5 106 particles in AA 5 Gev higher in momentum factor 10x smaller yield 100K L with pT >20GeV Multiply pp events by factor of ~ 8 x 1015 for AuAu events in 30 nb-1 RHIC-II year : RHIC II Workshop 4 R2D Concepts • What is missing in current RHIC detectors ? – Large, continuous coverage in h, and pT • Onium, -jet, RAA (hpT,), v2 (hpT) – PID out to high pT • Identified v2, identified jets, identified 2-particle correlations – Hadronic calorimetry • Isolation cuts, missing energy, unbiased jet triggering : RHIC II Workshop 5 Requirements for an Ideal Detector • High rate detectors, DAQ – Required for high luminosity A+A, p+A and p+p collisions at RHIC II • Uniform high magnetic field over “large volume” – Good quality tracking/momentum measurements • Precision Vertex tracking • 4 EM and Hadronic Calorimeters – Missing energy measurements and identification • e/h discrimination – At low pT as well as at high pT /K/p identification – Momentum up to ~ 25 GeV/c • Forward capabilities – High-rapidity measurement/identification possibility : RHIC II Workshop 6 EOI for a comprehensive New Detector for RHIC II P. Steinberg, T. Ullrich (Brookhaven National Laboratory) M. Calderon (Indiana University) J. Rak (Iowa State University) C. Markert, S. Margetis (Kent State University) M.A. Lisa, D. Magestro (Ohio State University) R. Lacey (State University of New York, Stony Brook) G. Paic (UNAM Mexico) T. Nayak (VECC Calcutta) R. Bellwied, C. Pruneau, A. Rose, S. Voloshin (Wayne State University) and H. Caines, A. Chikanian, E. Finch, J.W. Harris, M.A.C. Lamont, J. Sandweiss, N. Smirnov (Yale University) Submitted : Aug 04, ArXiv : nucl-ex/0503002 : RHIC II Workshop 7 L-R2D - SLD Magnet 2.8m 6m : RHIC II Workshop 8 S-R2D - “CDF” Magnet CDF, CLEO and BABAR have same size magnets SC Coil; R = 1.5 m; Bz = 1.5 T EMC, CsI crystal, ~24 X0 Si Strip Detectors AeroGel2 Ch. D. AeroGel1 Ch. D. HC and Muon Detectors Rcoil = 150 cm Gas RICH Detectors GEM Tracking D. Si Vertex D. : RHIC II Workshop 9 Differences between L-R2D and S-R2D • Magnetic field strength – 1.3T 1.5T - not much difference (~2.5x STAR) • PID capabilities – Dependent on RICH detectors, not layout • Size/Cost – SLD layout is larger and more costly in terms of infrastructure (need changes to 12 o’clock, CDF layout fits inside a current hall). • No difference in physics observables for either layout. : RHIC II Workshop 10 Need high pT PID and large acceptance ! 2 10 GeV PHENIX STAR, 4 GeV R2D, 25 GeV 4 GeV 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 : RHIC II Workshop 2 3 4 h 11 Large acceptance for all detector components • High momentum PID – RICH + Aerogel • Calorimeters – EMCAL + HCAL • Central Tracker • Vertex Tracker • All components cover |h| < 3.5 PLUS dedicated forward tracker to |h| < 4.8 : RHIC II Workshop 12 Acceptance in h and pT Essential for jets, high pT correlations, quarkonium, spin programs • h distributions in pp (+jet) Preliminary STAR results on number correlations for pT < 2 GeV/c • Broadening in h and pp pp AA AA Octupole Twist nucl-th/0505004 parton fragmentation modified in dense color medium: Dh elongation even on near side can measure 40 GeV jets: 180k in 30 nb-1 : RHIC II Workshop 13 L-R2D Detector Coverage PID Calorimeter and μ-detector: η = +/- 3.4 Tracking: η = (-3.5 – +4.5) PID: h = +/- 1.2 (2.8) RICH : C5F12 - n = 1.00175 PID (, K, p) dE/dx, ToF A1+ToF 1. 2. 3. A1+A2+RICH 4. 5. 6. 7. RICH 8. 9. 10 12. 14. : RHIC II Workshop 16 18. p (GeV/c) 14 Momentum reconstruction { |η| = (0. - 2.) } dpT/pT, % 20 dpT/pT, % η = 3. – 4. 10 |η| = 2.5 – 3. 8. Pad Detectors only All tracking 4. * |η| = 2. – 2.5 |η| = (0. - 2.) 4 10 5. pT, GeV/c : RHIC II Workshop 15. 30. pT, GeV/c 15 J/, e+e- (μ+μ-), |h|<2 One particle / event; no background J/Ψ e+eΥ e+ew/ upgrade (1S) STAR: Dm = 340 170 MeV (1S) (2S) (3S) (2S) 3. Dm ~ 35 MeV 4. GeV 9. PHENIX: Dm = 170 60 MeV 10. GeV Dm ~ 65 MeV For J/Ψ (Y) μ+μ- resolutions are the same. : RHIC II Workshop 16 Quarkonium Rates in R2D Au+Au minbias, 30 nb-1 : (plepton > 2 GeV/c for J/, 4 GeV/c for ) 100,000,000 10,000,000 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 : RHIC II Workshop Y' ' ? Y' Xc Ps i' 10 Xc ? Y 100 J/ Ps i New Detector PHENIX 17 High pT Identified particles & jets in R2D : RHIC II Workshop 18 Summary : Comparative Physics Reach PHENIX-II STAR-II ALICE R2D De-confinement and low x physics a.) Onium physics ’ J/cc Y(1s) Y(2s) Y(3s) Fragmentation and hadronization a.) Di-hadron jets 10 GeV 20 GeV 30 GeV 40 GeV b.) Rapidity gap measurements and forward physics Dh > 1 >2 >3 >4 >5 >6 b.) Gamma-jet with identified hadrons (h > 5 GeV/c) 5 GeV 10 GeV 15 GeV 20 GeV c.) Degrees of freedom above Tc (w. PID) v2 > 4 GeV/c::R(AA) |h|=1::v2 > 10 GeV/c::R(AA) |h|=3 c.) Identified high pT di-hadron correlations pp > 3 GeV/c > 5 GeV/c > 10 GeV/c LL> 5 GeV/c : RHIC II Workshop 19 Backup Slides : RHIC II Workshop 20 How PID is done in R2D Muons: - MIP track reconstructed in HC, “catcher” & Muon Detector; - matching with track inside of Magnet e/h: - high Pt; EMC (E/p), HC, all Ch. Detectors - low Pt; dE/dX, ToF, Ch. Detectors π/K/p: - dE/dX, ToF, AeroGel and Gas Ch. , & gas RICH Detectors : RHIC II Workshop 21 dpT/pT and PID possible performances ( barrel part) 2. AG – AeroGel Ch. D. GCh – Gas Ch. D. 0.5 Plus: dE/dX, EMC, HC, Muon D. π AG1 +AG2 + GCh1 +GCh2 π AG1 K +AG2 +GCh1 +GCh2 K AG1 p 2 4 6 8 +AG2 10 +GCh1 12 14 : RHIC II Workshop 16 18 p 20 GeV 22 : RHIC II Workshop 23 : RHIC II Workshop 24 : RHIC II Workshop 25 : RHIC II Workshop 26