Goal(s) of Lesson Write equations using function notation. Recognize multiple representations of functions. Determine and recognize characteristics of functions. Determine and recognize characteristics of function families. Common Core Standards Addressed A-SSE.A.1 A-SSE.A.2 A-SSE.B.3 A-SSE.B.4 A-APR.A.1 A-APR.B.2 A-APR.B.3 A-APR.C.4 A-APR.C.5 A-APR.D.6 A-APR.D.7 A-CED.A.1 A-CED.A.2 A-CED.A.3 A-CED.A.4 A-REI.A.1 A-REI.A.2 A-REI.B.3 A-REI.B.4 A-REI.C.5 A-REI.C.6 A-REI.C.7 A-REI.C.8 A-REI.C.9 A-REI.D.10 A-REI.D.11 A-REI.D.12 F-IF.A.1 F-IF.A.2 F-IF.A.3 F-IF.B.4 F-IF.B.5 F-IF.B.6 F-IF.C.7 F-IF.C.8 F-IF.C.9 F-BF.A.1 F-BF.A.2 F-BF.B.3 F-BF.B.4 F-BF.B.5 F-TF.A.1 F-TF.A.2 F-TF.A.3 F-TF.A.4 F-TF.B.5 F-TF.B.6 F-TF.B.7 F-TF.C.8 F-TF.C.9 F-LE.A.1 F-LE.A.2 F-LE.A.3 F-LE.A.4 F-LE.B.5 G-CO.A.1 G-CO.A.2 G-CO.A.3 G-CO.A.4 G-CO.A.5 G-CO.B.6 G-CO.B.7 G-CO.B.8 G-CO.C.9 G-CO.C.10 G-CO.C.11 G-CO.D.12 G-CO.D.13 Date September 10 - 12 Resources Needed Lesson Title: Recognizing Algebraic & Graphical Representations of Functions book calculators scissors tape glue sticks graphing calculators G-SRT.A.1 G-SRT.A.2 G-SRT.A.3 G-SRT.B.4 G-SRT.B.5 G-SRT.C.6 G-SRT.C.7 G-SRT.C.8 G-SRT.D.9 G-SRT.D.10 G-SRT.D.11 G-C.A.1 G-C.A.2 G-C.A.3 G-C.A.4 G-C.B.5 G-GPE.B.4 G-GPE.B.5 G-GPE.B.6 G-GPE.B.7 G-GMD.A.1 G-GMD.A.2 G-GMD.A.3 G-GMD.B.4 G-MG.A.1 G-MG.A.2 G-MG.A.3 S-ID.A.1 S-ID.A.2 S-ID.A.3 S-ID.A.4 S-ID.B.5 S-ID.B.6 S-ID.C.7 S-ID.C.8 S-ID.C.9 S-IC.A.1 S-IC.A.2 S-IC.B.3 S-IC.B.4 S-IC.B.5 S-IC.B.6 S-CP.A.1 S-CP.A.2 S-CP.A.3 S-CP.A.4 S-CP.A.5 S-CP.B.6 S-CP.B.7 S-CP.B.8 S-CP.B.9 S-MD.A.1 S-MD.A.2 S-MD.A.3 S-MD.A.4 S-MD.B.5 S-MD.B.6 S-MD.B.7 G-GPE.A.1 G-GPE.A.2 G-GPE.A.3 Function notation is introduced. Steps are provided to guide students through entering and viewing the graph of a linear function on a graphing calculator. The terms increasing function, decreasing function, and constant function are defined. Students will sort the graphs from the previous lesson into groups using these terms and match each graph with its appropriate equation written in function notation. The terms function family, linear function, and exponential function are then defined. In the final activity, students will complete a graphic organizer for each function family that describes the graphical behavior and displays the various graphical examples. Day 1: Problem 1 and Problem 2 (HW: selected skills practice problems) Teacher observation Rubric Checklist Homework data collection warm-up check for understanding exit slips performance task oral response written test/quiz project/presentation essay guided practice student conference journal/reflections other _________ Assessment(s) Outline of Teaching Procedure Next, the terms absolute minimum and absolute maximum are defined. Students will continue to sort the remaining graphs into groups using these terms and match each graph with its appropriate equation written in function notation. The terms quadratic function and linear absolute value function are then defined. Finally, linear piecewise functions are defined and students match the remaining graphs to their appropriate functions. Day 2: Problems 3 – 5 (HW:1.3 Skills Practice; Vocab 1-12, 14-30) Day 3: Create classroom posters for the function families (linear, quadratic, exponential, linear absolute value, linear piecewise, and constant) Anchor Activities Bloom's Taxonomy Centers Choice Boards Compacting Flexible Grouping Graphic Organizers Group Investigations Independent Study Jigsaw Learning Contracts Menus Multiple Intelligence Options Portfolios Problem Based Learning Socratic Seminar Think, Pair, Share Tic-Tac-Toe Tiered Assignments Web Quests Math Practices Addressed Differentiation Strategies MP 1 MP 2 MP 3 MP 4 MP 5 MP 6 MP 7 MP 8 Make sense/persevere Reason abstract/quantitatively Construct arg/critique reasoning Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools Attend to precision Look for/make use of structure Look for/express regularity Reflection/ Modifications