Chapter 20 Review – Section 1 Kennedy and the Cold War When

Chapter 20 Review – Section 1 Kennedy and the Cold War
When was John F. Kennedy elected?
Who were the opponents during the 1960 election?
How did the debates in 1960 fundamentally change political campaigns?
What concerns did people have about electing Kennedy?
How did RFK and JFK gain African American votes?
Why did the nation become enamored with the Kennedy Family?
Who were “the best and the brightest”?
What does the term Flexible Response mean?
What was the American military strategy before the Flexible Response strategy?
What are conventional military forces?
How did the Flexible Response change the defense budget?
When did Fidel Castro gain power?
What did Castro promise to achieve if he gained power? Did he follow through?
What did Castro do that upset American sugar plantation owners?
How did the United States react to his actions? ^^^
When was the Bay of Pigs incident?
Who was involved in the Bay of Pigs incident?
What was the planned purpose of the Bay of Pigs?
What was the Bay of Pigs incident?
What was the outcome of the Bay of Pigs?
What criticism did JFK endure because of the Bay of Pigs?
What did JFK do to secure the release of prisoners captured during the Bay of Pigs?
When was the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Who was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis?
What were the steps leading up to the Cuban Missile Crisis?
What was Kennedy’s reaction to the Cuban Missile Crisis?
What was the outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
What criticisms did Kennedy and Khrushchev endure because of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
When did the Berlin Crisis take place?
Who was involved in the Berlin Crisis?
How many people had fled from East Germany into West Berlin by 1961?
Why did the refugees matter to Khrushchev?
What was Khrushchev’s plan of action to fight the immigration to West Berlin?
What was Kennedy’s reaction to Khrushchev?
When did construction of the Berlin Wall begin?
Who was involved in establishing the hot line?
When was the hot line established?
Why was the hot line established?
What was the hot line?
When was the Limited Test Ban Treaty signed?
Who signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty?
What was the agreement in the Limited Test Ban Treaty?
Why was the Limited Test Ban Treaty signed?
Chapter 20 Review – Section 2 The New Frontier
What was the “New Frontier”?
Who labeled it the New Frontier?
Was he successful in pushing legislation relating to the New Frontier?
Why or why not?
What is a mandate?
How proposals did Kennedy send to Congress in 1961 that changed the budget?
What is the Peace Corps?
When was the Peace Corps established?
Who established the Peace Corps?
Who joined the Peace Corps?
What was the Alliance for Progress?
When was the Alliance for Progress in effect?
How much money did the Alliance for Progress invest in other countries?
What area of the world did Alliance for Progress invest money?
Why was money invested under the Alliance for Progress?
Who was the first human in space?
When did he become the first human in space?
What country was the first human in space from?
How did Kennedy envision the United States would surpass the success of the first human in
Who was the first man on the moon?
When did he step on the moon?
What were some of the results of the space program?
Why was Kennedy losing popularity by 1963?
How did Kennedy advocate for civil rights?
When was Kennedy assassinated?
Where was Kennedy assassinated?
Who became president after Kennedy died?
Who was charged with the assassination of Kennedy?
Who killed that guy? ^^^
When was the Warren Commission established?
Why was the Warren Commission established?
What did the Warren commission conclude in 1963?
What did the reinvestigation into the assassination occur?
What was the conclusion of the reinvestigation?
Chapter 20 Review – Section 3 The Great Society
How did LBJ rise to power?
Why was LBJ chosen to be the running mate for JFK?
What was the legislation that LBJ helped to pass in 1957?
What was the significance of the Civil Rights Act of 1957?
What did the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 prohibit?
What was the Economic Opportunity Act?
Who was LBJ’s opponent in the 1964 election?
What did Goldwater believe about the federal government?
What was the “Daisy” ad?
What was the Great Society?
What was the significance of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965?
What does Medicare provide?
What does Medicaid provide?
Who was Robert Weaver?
What did the Immigration Act of 1965 do?
Who wrote Silent Spring?
What did Silent Spring cause?
When was the Water Quality Act passed?
What did the Water Quality Act do?
What events helped trigger the environmental movement in the US?
What do truth-in-packaging safety laws accomplish?
What did Ralph Nader’s testimony in Congress help accomplish?
When was the Warren Court active?
Name four issues the Warren Court ruled on
What is reapportionment?
Name two cases that established the so call “one person, one vote” principle
Name four cases that expanded the rights of the accused in court
What was the liberal response to the Warren Court rulings regarding the rights of the accused?
What was the conservative response to the Warren Court rulings regarding the rights of the
Which post WWII president expanded the role of the federal government most?
What was the effect of the expansion of government under LBJ?