Week 1: Nutrition Lesson 3 Assignments Due: Learning Objectives: HS20-NU1 Assess the importance of micro and macromolecules in maintaining a healthy human. b. Establish the critical role of lipids (e.g., saturated, unsaturated, trans fats) in processes such as long term energy storage, supporting vitamin absorption, creating cell membranes, synthesizing hormones and HDL vs. LDL. (K) c. Describe the role of protein in the production of antibodies, hemoglobin and insulin, structural support, building and maintaining muscle. (K) g. Identify which macronutrients and micronutrients are found in common food groups (i.e., Grains, Milk and Alternatives, Meat and Alternatives, Vegetables and Fruits, and Fats and Oils). (K) h. Explain how micronutrients (e.g., Vitamins A, B, D, C, E, K, and iron, calcium, phosphorous) are necessary for health. (K) HS20-NU2 Analyze dietary choices based on personal and cultural beliefs and scientific understanding of nutrition. j. Analyze eating practices such as carbohydrate loading, fad diets, vegetarianism, veganism, fast food, energy drinks, 100-mile diet, and fasting to determine if they provide sufficient nutrition to support healthy functioning. (A, STSE) (While we are including each of these indicators, we are not completely covering all of them in this series of lessons, outcome HS20-NU1 b. and c. require additional coverage and are included here as more of an introduction to where protein and fat are found in foods and their importance.) By the end of this class you should be able to: Explain the importance and role of micro and macronutrients in a diet. Analyze and assess a diet plan to determine its suitability for the average Canadian. Determine what foods can be substituted in a diet in order to meet nutritional needs as a result of cultural, personal or medical reasons. Time 5 min Activity Hand out assignment sheet Read through with class Outline expectations Answer any questions 5 min Introduce website http://www.nourishinteractive.com/nutrition-toolshealthy-family/parents-nutrient-vitamin-mineralinformation Show how to look at different vitamins or minerals Where recommended intake is Materials Computer lab Hand out sheet (Vitamins and Minerals, see page 3-4) Computers lab or tablets. 35 min 15 min Where to find the function of the vitamin or mineral in the body How to look at different foods which contain the vitamin or mineral How to calculate amount of food needed to reach recommended daily intake of nutrient Students work on assignment Teacher circulates, checking on student’s progress and understanding of the material Students hand in assignment sheet to be marked as soon as possible – the data collected will be of use for their next assignment Explain summative assessment project: Diet analysis Assignment sheet Students will have the next two class periods to work on (page 5) this assignment. Rubric (page 5) Teaching skills to focus on: Use guiding questions to facilitate their research. Notes for next iteration: Vitamins and Minerals in class assignment Name:__________________ Partner (s):____________________________________________ Fill out the following tables using the website http://www.nourishinteractive.com/nutrition-tools-healthy-family/parents-nutrientvitamin-mineral-information Split the work up evenly between all group members and then share information about how our body uses the vitamins or minerals and daily recommended intake. Each student must individually fill out the last two columns regarding food that they eat and how much of that food they need to eat. Vitamin: Vitamin A Vitamin B12 Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E What does our body use this nutrient for? Daily recommend ed intake Food rich in this nutrient: Food I eat that is rich in this nutrient: How much do I have to eat? Vitamin/ Mineral: Vitamin K: Iron Calcium Magnesiu m Zinc What does our body use this nutrient for? Daily recommend ed intake Food rich in this nutrient: Food I eat that is rich in this nutrient: How much do I have to eat? Diet Analysis Assignment Your goal in this assignment is to analyze a diet. As we discussed, a diet is not necessarily a method used to lose weight. A diet instead describes the food and drink which are regularly consumed and may limit the intake of other foods. While analyzing the diet you should keep in mind the following: Assess both positive and negative aspects of the diet. Explain the broad points of the diet, which foods are included/ excluded, historical or cultural significance, scientific background, etc. Which micro and macronutrients are easily obtained. Which micro and macronutrients are difficult to obtain. o How do people who follow this diet obtain those nutrients? If there are nutrients which are difficult to obtain explain why these nutrients are needed for good health and how lack of those nutrients can affect anyone following this diet. Additional reasons why this diet may be beneficial or detrimental to certain people (cost, convenience, health reasons, cultural, religious, personal choice, ecological impact, etc.) Your final assignment may be presented in a number of ways to demonstrate your learning such as: Poster/ Visual presentation (brochure, animation) Presentation to class/ Youtube video (or to just myself during lunch or recess). Written report If you would like to use another format to demonstrate your learning then please feel free to ask me and I will allow it if it seems appropriate. Whatever format you choose, be sure that you are able to convey all of the important information in a meaningful way. This assignment may be done individually or in groups of 2-3. You may choose which diet you wish to do your assignment on. If a diet you would like to analyze is not listed please feel free to ask me if you can do your assignment on that diet. You must let me know which diet you plan to analyze before (insert date here). The following diets may be analyzed by the class: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Atkins Diet Gluten Free Diet Vegan Diet Vegetarian Diet South Beach Diet Weight Watchers Diet Raw Food Diet Paleo Diet Kosher Diet (Based on Jewish Dietary Laws) Islamic Diet (based on Islamic Dietary Laws) Diabetic Diet Blood Type Diet Food Combining Diet Diet analysis marking rubric. Student Name: ________________________________________ CATEGORY 4 Research/Statistical Students include 4 Data or more highquality examples or pieces of data to support their arguments. Sources - Quality Students include 4 or more high quality sources. 3 Students include at least 3 high-quality examples or pieces of data to support their arguments. 2 Students include at least 2 high-quality examples or pieces of data to support their arguments. Students include 23 high quality sources. Students include 23 sources but some of are questionable quality. Explanation of nutritional adequacy Students accurately identify and explain 4 areas of benefit or inadequacy in the diet plan of study. Students accurately identify and explain 3 areas of benefit or inadequacy in the diet plan of study. Students create an accurate project that adequately demonstrates knowledge of diet and nutrition Students create an accurate project but it does not adequately demonstrate knowledge of diet and nutrition Overall demonstration of knowledge Students accurately identify and explain 5 or more areas of benefit or inadequacy in the diet plan of study. Students create an original, accurate and interesting project that adequately demonstrates knowledge of diet and nutrition 1 Students include fewer than 2 highquality examples or pieces of data to support their arguments. Students include fewer than 2 sources. Students accurately identify and explain 2 or fewer areas of benefit or inadequacy in the diet plan of study. The project does not fulfill the required demonstration of knowledge.