Episcopal Church in Vermont News A Message from Our Bishop: It was a great joy for me to return from sabbatical and see so many of you at Diocesan Convention. It was a wonderful way for me to reconnect with folks and what has been going on in the Episcopal Church in Vermont during my sabbatical. I found the energy and engagement around our Convention theme to be most encouraging. Thanks goes out to all our Presenters, the Program Planning Team, the Worship Team, the Dispatch of Business Committee, members of the diocesan Ministry Support Team and all the many volunteers who helped make Convention a success. I hope the energy and joy from this Convention will continue as we go forward with our commitment to be a more missional church in Vermont. I hope Convention delegates will share their Convention experience widely with others in our congregations. I commend the various reports and videos from Convention, available on our website. I look forward to my continued reconnecting in the weeks ahead and to our continuing work as we reach some decisions together regarding the future shape of our missional work as the Episcopal Church in Vermont. Tom Bishop Thomas C. Ely "Together We Are The Episcopal Church in Vermont“ Diocesan Convention Address 2014 – The Right Reverend Thomas C. Ely: My Convention Address begins with an expression of gratitude (The Bishop played a recording of John Rutter’s: Now Thank We All Our God). I begin with one of my favorite hymns. It captures so well the overwhelming feeling I have as I return from a rich and full sabbatical. There is so much for which to be grateful as I look back over the past four months. There was my time in Israel-Palestine during the Gaza conflict of this past summer; and my “summer camp” experience with the Jerusalem PeaceBuilders Leadership Camp in Brattleboro, about which you will hear more tomorrow; Diocesan Convention Address 2014 – The Right Reverend Thomas C. Ely - Continued There was my travel to three different dioceses of The Episcopal Church to ordain three bright, young, talented priests who have come through the ordination process in Vermont and are now serving in the Dioceses of Los Angeles, Long Island and Michigan. (I think of them as part of our missionary program); Then too there was my participation in the Kids4Peace International Summit in Massachusetts, along with eight other folks from Vermont; I will long remember the travels with Ann to Taiwan, Japan and back to Taiwan and the many discoveries of mission and ministry in a part the world about which I was eager to learn, including a powerful trip to Hiroshima; I had the chance to re-connect with Donna Hicks, one of my sabbatical mentors, to reflect upon the theme of Dignity, which was the lens through which I looked at many things during my sabbatical. Donna is the author of a book titled “Dignity: Its Essential Role in Resolving Conflict.” I invite all of your to read this book and see what conversations it may spark in your congregation and your community.” I had the gift of time with family, friends and various golf courses around Vermont; There was my Retreat time with the brothers at the Society of St. John the Evangelist, a monastic community in Cambridge, Massachusetts, near the end of my sabbatical, as we watched and waited and prayed for our bother and friend Tom Shaw, recently retired Bishop of Massachusetts and an SSJE brother, as he ended this life and entered the next with confidence in God’s goodness and love. He was a good friend and colleague and I miss him dearly; And, perhaps most important of all, I value the time this sabbatical provided to rest, renew and refresh from the demands of a ministry I deeply love. Words are not sufficient for me to express my gratitude for the gift of this sabbatical time, so let it be enough for me to say “thank you.” Thank you for the gift of time away, for your prayers, your support and your welcome home. Of course, while I was away others continued their ministries here with great faithfulness and devotion. I am especially grateful to the members of the diocesan Ministry Support Team and especially to Canon Lynn Bates for taking on the added responsibilities that accompany a Bishop’s sabbatical. Did you know that on April 17, 2015 Lynn will celebrate 20 years of service in ministry with the Episcopal Church in Vermont? Please join me in thanking her and all the members of the Ministry Support Team. I also want to thank the good folks who are part of our Convention Planning Team this year, under the leadership of the Reverend Carole Wageman. They, along with the Worship Team, the Dispatch of Business Committee, the staff at Jay Peak, the various exhibitors, and all the volunteers serving among us these days contribute so much to our Convention experience. When I told some bishops at the House of Bishops meeting that my sabbatical ended the day before our Diocesan Convention, many looked at me with amazement as if to say, “Are you nuts? Are you really going to trust all that to others?” I said, “Absolutely!” Thank you one and all! Diocesan Convention Address 2014 – The Right Reverend Thomas C. Ely - Continued My deep appreciation also goes out to our special guests and presenters: My colleague (and Mentor for my 2007 sabbatical) Bishop Ian Douglas, 15th Bishop of the Diocese of Connecticut; Province One Executive Director, Julie Lytle, a colleague for many years now; and Sharon Ely Pearson, Christian Formation Specialist from the Church Publishing Company and (oh yes) my cousin! Each of these special guests brings gifts and perspective that help enhance our understanding of what it means to be a more missional church during this challenging time. I thank them for being here with us and helping us think about our own formation for participation in God’s mission in that changing church and world. Tomorrow you will hear from three others who help us connect our missional work to the more global context: The Reverend Christopher Hingley is the Overseas Ambassador for the Petra Schools in Zimbabwe; the Reverend Lisa Ransom, (One of “our own”) is co-chair of the Vermont Chapter of Kids4Peace; and the Reverend Nicholas Porter, who is Co-Founder and Director of the Jerusalem PeaceBuilders Leadership Camp. We give thanks for their ministries and presence among us. Welcome. Shortly before beginning my sabbatical I shared some thoughts with you about the Episcopal Church in Vermont embracing what it might mean for us to become more "missional." Actually, the way I framed the question was “What do we need in order to support and sustain a more missional Episcopal Church in Vermont for the next 5-10 years.” By Missional Church, I mean a body of people equipped through worship, study and fellowship to go out into the world of our daily life to live and participate in God’s reconciling mission. It is a question I left with you and carried with me on my sabbatical. I understand and acknowledge that for many this concept of missional church is quite "new," but at the same time it is very "old." The work of the Church has always been "missional,” as Bishop Douglas and others have been reminding us today. That "missional” work began with Jesus and those called to be his disciples. What is perhaps “new” in this for us is the understanding that being missional means we are both a gathered and a sent community. Most of us understand that we are called to serve. What may be new is the appreciation that we are called as well to open our eyes and ears with the confidence that God is already at work in the world. It is for us to discover that work and join ourselves to it. We are called to discover what God is already up to in the world, “in the neighborhood,” to borrow the phrase from the title of Alan Roxburgh’s book that many of you have been reading, entitled “Missional: Joining God in the Neighborhood.” I invite those of you who have not already done so to read and discuss the book. To my way of thinking, the theme of our Convention: “Equipped for the Journey: Formation for Mission,” continues a journey we have been on together for nearly 14 years now. It is a journey deeply rooted in the seeds of our understanding and practice of Baptismal Ministry and Baptismal Living that have been part of the focus of my ministry among you as Bishop. You and I have explored and continue to explore various themes and ideas of Emergent Christianity, The Great Emergence, or what Alan Roxburgh calls “The Great Unraveling.” One might say it’s an invitation to think about being the Church in a new way. Diocesan Convention Address 2014 – The Right Reverend Thomas C. Ely - Continued Remember those folks who in recent years have encouraged and helped us think about the Church in new ways: Folks like Anthony Robinson, Phyllis Tickle, Brian McLaren, Emily Scott, Tom Bracket, Titus Presler, Stephanie Spellers, Michael Curry, Sean Lanigan, Dwight Zscheile, Ana Hernandez, and our own Stirrings of the Spirit and Alleluia Fund leaders. And now we can add Ian Douglas, Sharon Pearson, Julie Lytle and Christopher Hingley to our list of encouragers. And don’t forget Bill McKibben, Stephanie Johnson, our Earth Stewards Committee and ministries like Rock Point, Mission Farm and Church of the Woods with our colleagues in New Hampshire, and others who call us to see our connection to all creation as an integral part of what it means to be a missional church. In my pre-sabbatical reflection on the calling of the seventy in the Luke Gospel (chapter 10), I suggested that our work together is rooted in the challenging word Jesus spoke to his disciples: “GO!” Just as those first disciples struggled to find ways to listen to and respond in love to those around them, we are called to be that kind of listening and responding community today right here in Vermont. God in Christ is calling us to “GO!” just as He did to those first disciples. As a part of our continuing effort to discern our connections and common ministry as a Diocese, I asked for three studies to be conducted, separately but contemporaneously. I believe collectively they afford us an opportunity to take stock of our common life together at a critical time in my episcopacy. First, I asked Christine Graham, of CPG Consultants, who conducted the 2011 Capital Campaign Feasibility Study, to take the pulse of the diocese with regard to the issues that were raised in that feasibility study - issues that were then presented and discussed at the special Diocesan Convention in June 2011. She conducted phone interviews and launched a diocesan-wide survey to solicit input for her follow up study. The work that Christine did confirms that we have made significant progress in addressing many of the issues that were identified in 2011. I am encouraged by that. Second, I asked the Reverend Craig Smith, recently retired Rector of Trinity, Shelburne, current President of the Rock Point Board and the newly appointed Rock Point Development Minister, to focus his efforts on the future mission and ministry of the Rock Point property in Burlington. Financial and infrastructure realities continue to challenge us in our efforts to embrace the full potential of this valuable property that has been part of our Episcopal life and story since the time of Bishop Hopkins in the mid-nineteenth century. In truth our common commitment to Rock Point has sometimes waivered and there are certainly differences of opinion about how best to include this resource in our future. Still, my hope is that we can develop a vision and plan for the future that we all can embrace – one that is both realistic and achievable. Craig’s work is far from complete, but already some good things are emerging about the importance of partnerships (internal and external) and some ways we might improve our governance structure at Rock Point. Finally, I asked Del Glover, a retired business executive with extensive diocesan and Churchwide experience, to consult with me in areas related to funding our mission, the personnel needed to support that mission and the institutional structures that shape and serve our common life. As part of Del’s consultation he has conducted individual and group interviews with over a hundred people. Diocesan Convention Address 2014 – The Right Reverend Thomas C. Ely - Continued I wanted, from Del, information leading to recommendations on income and expenses, organizational restructuring and personnel configurations needed to help the Episcopal Church in Vermont realize and sustain a balanced budget and an effective organizational structure for 2016, and beyond, as we seek to be a more Missional Church. Understand, I am not interested in a budget-driven mission. I hunger for a mission-driven budget. Christine has sent me her report and I met briefly with both Del and Craig earlier this week. As you can imagine, there is much to digest and there are more conversations planned for the future. I am pleased and proud of the way you have welcomed the efforts of Del, Craig and Christine, especially during my sabbatical time. I think each brings important gifts and perspectives that will help us become more missional. As I re-engage from my sabbatical I will invite some key leaders to help shape a process that will connect this good work to a wider diocesan audience. Together, we will determine specific ways of moving forward with the information these three consultations have discovered and shared. My plan is to schedule a series of regional Town Meetings around the diocese this winter, during which I can share and test with you some specific recommendations before final determinations are made in collaboration with the Diocesan Council. These steps will lead to a diocesan-wide gathering next June where I hope we can celebrate together some good things about the missional direction for the Episcopal Church in Vermont and our future together. I have good energy for this discernment work in the months ahead. At the same time I want very much to continue deepening my focus on Dignity as an essential component of all we do. The more I work with Donna Hicks, the more I am convinced that the call to be a Dignity Agent lies at the heart of the Gospel. Jesus was, and is, the ultimate Dignity Agent. That focus, around which I have much passion, will inform the commitment I’ve made to work with others in addressing issues of economic justice, poverty and income inequality in our State and Country. It has enlivened my commitment to strengthen Kids4Peace Vermont and connect more deeply with Jerusalem PeaceBuilders around the complex issues related to Peacebuilding in our world. It will undergird my commitment to work with our Earth Stewards Team and others on issues of sustainability and environmental justice on “this fragile earth, our island home.” And it will be at the heart of my commitment to work together with all of you and the people of our diocese to strengthen the life, witness and ministry of the Episcopal Church in Vermont for a long time to come. Together, we are the Episcopal Church in Vermont! Speaking of that future, I hope you are mindful of the fact that this Convention is the 224th Convention of the Episcopal Church in Vermont, meaning next year at this time we will celebrate 225 years of ministry as the Episcopal Church in Vermont. The first Convention of the Episcopal Church in Vermont took place in September, 1790 in Arlington. Representatives from Arlington, Sandgate, Manchester, Pawlet, Weathersfield, Dorset , Hinesburgh and Tinmouth were present. The Rev. Daniel Barber read prayers and the Rev. James Nichols preached a sermon. Diocesan Convention Address 2014 – The Right Reverend Thomas C. Ely - Continued As I think about that history and what it means for us to be equipped for mission in our day and time, I am again profoundly grateful for the faithful witness, vision and commitment of those leaders who gave birth to the Episcopal Church in Vermont. Theirs is a legacy we are called to honor and build upon. My hope is that our celebration of this 225th anniversary will not simply be a nostalgic remembrance of the gift our ancestors in the faith gave to us, but rather a celebration of renewal and recommitment to the Gospel challenge to go into the neighborhoods, villages, communities, towns and cities of this State and discover what God is up to and connect our lives and ministries to the signs and wonders of God at work in our midst. As we continue our journey mindful of our Lord’s admonition to “travel light,” I want to share some thoughts and words I received in a homily during my sabbatical retreat at SSJE. The preacher was Brother Luke Ditewig and his text was from the beginning of the 4th Chapter of the Letter to the Ephesians: “Lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called.” Brother Luke focused our attention on this text by inviting us to remember what it means to be members, by grace, of God’s family: connected to one another; no longer strangers without hope but with equal access to God; beloved children of God; welcomed at God’s banquet table; welcomed to rest in God’s arms. He reminded us that Grace is beyond big. It is boundless. And, in the truth and spirit of that we are called to lead a life worthy of the calling to which we have been called. His word of encouragement was to “lean in” to “go deeper” to “let grace saturate our lives, infuse how we interact.” “How?” he asked. And turning to the text he replied, “With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Brother Luke’s counsel to us was to “Lift others up; See the holiness of each person; Learn to wait and stick it out; Listen with compassion; Be attentive to difference; and practice mending fences.” That sounds an awful lot like embracing the Dignity call of Donna Hicks. Brother Luke ended by reminding us that “grace isn’t for safe-keeping.” “Grace is for becoming.” “Love leads to action.” “Love shapes interaction.” He invited us to remember how grace has touched us, welcomed us home. “From gratitude,” he said, “consider the people with whom you are placed. For it is most evident in community, in the one Body of Christ, that grace seeks to saturate, further shaping us.” As we continue to ponder our own formation for mission in this challenging time, I invite us to embrace Brother Luke’s counsel as a core value and practice in our life together as the Episcopal Church in Vermont. I think that from such devotion will come many graces that will strengthen us for the life to which God in Christ has called us. With grateful hearts then, I invite us together to lead a life worthy of the calling to which we have been called. Diocesan Convention Address 2014 – The Right Reverend Thomas C. Ely - Continued I end my Address, with another song. As many of you know, I have a very warm spot in my heart for the song, “This Little Light of Mine,” and I actually think it is a great reminder to us of our call to be more missional. So imagine my surprise and delight when we arrived at Saint James Church, Taichung, Taiwan to learn about the ministry of this remarkable Episcopal Church and were greeted in this way by the children of their Kindergarten. (The Bishop played a recording of the children at St. James’ Taichung singing “This Little Light of Mine”). It is good to be back home with you. Advent Resources & Events Let Heaven & Nature Sing: Advent Retreat Friday, December 5th – Sunday, December 7th, 2014 Have you ever laughed out loud with delight watching an ant go about its work in the dirtying? Or been moved to tears when you’ve closed your eyes and silently listened to the breeze? Have you ever had a stone speak to you and looked around for Jesus? Have you ever noticed that all the world is a womb? That the bees, trees, birds, ants, soil, streams…are not just busy, but are all about life…sustaining life even in death? That in fact “earth is crammed with Heaven”? Would you like to? Then join us for a unique exploration of what it means to Let Heaven and Nature Sing. “My work is loving the world…which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished”, writes Mary Oliver in her poem Messenger. This Advent, let our work and play, be about standing still and learn or relearn to be astonished by the natural world, which is infused with the Incarnate God. Through prayerful and playful music, song, silence, meditations, and hands on activities with nature, we will deepen the holy intimate communion we share with the natural world, God and one another. This retreat is designed for hands-on experiential meditations with nature. Following our gathered time of song, music and spoken meditations, you will be invited to spend time with the natural world. All activities can be experienced either inside or outdoors. As always, allow the Spirit to guide you in what you need and how you will move through this time of retreat. Saturday evening will be a special musical meditation and offering with our song leader Will Burhans and harpist Dominique Dodge. Massage sessions of 60 minutes @ $60 will be available throughout Saturday’s schedule by Alissa P. Fromkin, Certified Massage Therapist. Sign-up for massages will take place Friday evening. Advent Retreat – Continued BIOS Retreat Leader: The Rev. Sherry Osborn is a priest and nature educator who loves to playfully and prayerfully share her sense of wonder and curiosity with others. Her professional life, ordained and secular, is woven with a delight of nature, people, song, stories and adventure. Sherry grew up in Vermont and she was formed by a family who played, explored and learned from the great outdoors. After years of work as Nature Educator Consultant, Camp Director and Education Director for the Adirondack Mountain Club, she was called to ordained ministry. She was ordained an Episcopal priest in 2003 and served nine years in parish ministry in both the Diocese of Massachusetts and Vermont. She now leads nature and spirituality retreats, supply preaches and is planting the Church on the Trail, Vermont. Sherry holds a Bachelor degree in Therapeutic Recreation from Green Mountain College, a Master degree in Outdoor/Environmental Education from Boston University, a M.Div from Yale Divinity School and a Certificate of Anglican Studies from Berkeley Divinity School at Yale. She is currently employed at Wake Robin Life Care Community in Shelburne, VT. Chaplain: The Rev. Stephen Blackmer is chaplain and founder of Church of the Woods in Canterbury, NH and executive director of Kairos Earth, a non-profit organization dedicated to renewing the Earth by connecting conservation with spiritual practice. He also serves as Priest Associate at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Pittsfield, NH. Prior to being ordained as an Episcopal priest in 2013, Steve worked for 25 years to conserve the Northern Forest region of New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, and New York, including as president and founder of the Northern Forest Center from 1997 to 2008. He served also as director of conservation programs for the Appalachian Mountain Club and director of policy for the Society for the Protection of NH Forests. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from Dartmouth College and Master’s degrees in both Forestry and Religion from Yale University. Music Director: The Rev. Will Burhans is a singer, songwriter, guitarist, and Pastor of the Charlotte Congregational Church, UCC in Charlotte, VT where he has served for 14 years. He has 3 CD's of original contemporary Christian music and has developed and led Christian Kirtan chant services as well as written Taize-style chants that have been used in both local and denominational settings. Will's crafting of contemplative prayerful music has been influenced by an internship program at a Benedictine Monastery in CT and his seminary years at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA where he graduated with an M.Div. Will is currently collaborating and performing locally with Celtic Harpist Dominique Dodge as they develop a repertoire of original ecologically-grounded folk duets. He is the father of three teenage daughters and husband of Vermont painter Tracy Vartenigian Burhans. Dominique Dodge is a harper and singer based in Charlotte, VT. She is deeply grounded in the music and song traditions of Ireland and Scotland. Dominique has a passion for melodydriven dance music and creative, rhythmic accompaniment as well as for songs, airs, and 18th century harp music. She is a former Fulbright Scholar and graduate of the University of Limerick, from which she earned an MA in Irish Music Performance in 2012. She also holds a BA honors in Scottish Music from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow. Dominique has extensive experience in traditional arts education for students of all ages and abilities. Advent Retreat – Continued She has a vibrant teaching practice and runs a monthly workshop series called the Champlain Valley Harp Gathering. She has been performing, recording, teaching, and organizing traditional arts events on both sides of the Atlantic for over ten years. SCHEDULE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5TH 5:00 P.M. Social Time and Registration 6:30 p.m. Dinner & Announcements SILENCE BEGINS 8:00 P.M. First Meditation followed by Compline SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6TH 7:00 A.M. Wake up bell 7:30 A.M. Morning prayer 8:00 A.M. Breakfast 9:00 A.M. Second Meditation 9:30 A.M. Spiritual Counsel 11:30 A.M. Third Meditation 12:15 A.M. Lunch 1:30 P.M. Spiritual Counsel 2:00 P.M. Spiritual Counsel 5:00 P.M. Fourth Meditation 5:30 P.M. Holy Eucharist 6:00 P.M. Dinner 7:15 P.M. Musical Meditation/Offering followed by Night Prayer SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7TH 7:00 A.M. Wake up bell 7:30 A.M. Morning prayer 8:00 A.M. Breakfast 9:30 A.M. Spiritual Counsel 11:30 A.M. Holy Eucharist with Homily SILENCE ENDS 12:30 P.M. Lunch - Closing Remarks Depart by 2:00 P.M. Massage's will be available for $60/hour by Certified Massage Therapist, Alissa P. Fromkin. Sign-up Friday evening by 7:30. [9:30 a.m., 10:30, 11:30, 1:00 p.m., 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00] Contact Michael Hechmer with any questions. (802) 878-3725, Mhechmer@me.com Society of St. John the Evangelist Advent Resources During Advent, we anticipate the coming of Christ, an event that awakens our deepest desires and longings. This Advent, the SSJE Brothers invite you to join us in looking clearly and honestly at our lives and taking action. 'Tis the season to Catch the Life. If you would like a printed copy of the SSJE Advent Calendar, and do not have access to a computer, contact Kathleen Moore at (802) 768-802. 2014 Advent Devotional Calendar The Advent calendar from Thomas Mousin and Merry Watters begins on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, and offers a scripture reading and suggested devotion for each day of the season until December 24th. If you would like a printed copy of this Advent Calendar, and do not have access to a computer, contact Kathleen Moore at (802) 768-802. Upcoming Diocesan Events & Reminders Applications Accepted for Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps The Episcopal Church offers untold opportunities for young adults to live, work and pray with brothers and sisters around the Anglican Communion through the Young Adult Service Corps. Commonly known as YASC, applications for 2015-16 are now being accepted for the Young Adult Service Corps from young adults between the ages of 21-30. If you do not have access to a computer, and would like more information, contact Susan Ohlidal at (802) 748-8755. 2015 United Thank Offering Grant Applications Now Available In recognizing the Five Marks of Mission, especially "to seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation," the United Thank Offering is seeking to address the current culture of violence by supporting the mission of peace as expressed in the Gospel. The Gospel of Love proclaimed by Jesus Christ is the focus for the United Thank Offering Grants during the 2014-2015 period. Please contact Donna Abramov with any questions at (802) 483-6150. Trinity Institute Creating Common Good Conference Simulcast January 22nd - 24th, 2015. Streamed at Other Times TBA This year's Trinity Institute (TI2015) speakers have real-world experience making change happen. They will provide you with hopeful, practical tools you can use in your community to make a positive economic impact. This event will be simulcast or streamed at select parishes in Vermont. Details and times to be announced. If your parish would like to participate, contact Diane Root at (603) 298-7597. NECS Stewardship Conference Friday, April 17th - 18th, 2015 Keynote speakers: The Right Reverend Michael Curry & Ben Stroup. Applications for CS&R for expense and registration are due January 15th. If you would like more information, or have questions, contact Angela Emerson at (802) 299-5866. Vermont Interfaith Action Dear Friends and Colleagues, For the first time in our memory, clergy from all over Vermont are coming together to create a movement for a moral economy in our state. We invite you to join with other members of the clergy (and key lay leaders who may want to attend) to one of 4 Legislative Breakfasts, being held around the state to acquaint members of the General Assembly with our campaign for a moral economy, sponsored by the Clergy Caucus of Vermont Interfaith Action. As faith leaders, we can testify to the inequities we see all about us – and we can seek to address, with our elected officials, the root causes of these injustices. Vermont Interfaith Action - Continued The Advent calendar from Thomas Mousin and Merry Watters begins on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, and offers a scripture reading and suggested devotion for each day of the season until December 24th. If you would like a printed copy of this Advent Calendar, and do not have access to a computer, contact Kathleen Moore at (802) 768-802. On Thursday, November 20th, 9:30 to 11 am, clergy and lay people from around Vermont will be gathering in Montpelier at Christ Episcopal Church (64 State St) to discuss applying the concept of a moral economy to the budgeting process with key members of the administration and House and Senate majority and minority leaders. We hope to see you again on that day, to help us demonstrate to these lawmakers how strongly we believe in justice and opportunity for all. You may be familiar with “Moral Mondays” being held in other states. This is our chance in Vermont to generate a movement for a moral economy that allows us to live up to our great expectations of Vermont. We know personally how busy we clergy are, and we urge you to mark your calendars and join us for these historic gatherings. Please RSVP to Alison at office@viavt.org or 802-651-8889. Legislative Breakfast: Bennington County Area Monday, November 17th from 8am to 9am Federated Church of East Arlington Legislative Breakfast: Chittenden, Grand Isle and Franklin Counties Monday, November 17th from 8am to 9am Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Burlington Legislative Breakfast: Windham County Area Tuesday, November 18th from 8am to 9am St. Michael's Episcopal Church, Brattleboro Legislative Breakfast: Addison County Area Wednesday, November 19th from 8am to 9am Congregational Church in Middlebury, UCC Moral Economy Clergy Conference Wednesday, November 20th from 9:30am to 11am Christ Episcopal Church, Montpelier Employment Opportunities Christ Church Montpelier Organist Christ Church Montpelier is seeking an organist. For details, please contact Maggie Thompson at (802) 454-4635. Episcopal Church in Vermont Events: November 8th – November 16th Christmas Bazaar Saturday, November 8th: 9:00am Holy Trinity, Swanton 5 Corners Craft Fest Saturday, November 8th: 9:00am St. James', Essex Junction Bishop Ely's Visit to St. James', Essex Junction Saturday, November 8th: 5:00pm and Sunday, November 9th: 8:15am & 9:30am St. James', Essex Junction The Rev. Dr. Randall Balmer (Chair of Religion Dept. at Dartmouth College) Sunday, November 9th: 8am and 10am Zion, Manchester Intimacy With God: Contemplative Prayer Workshop Wednesday, November 12th: 5:30pm St. Peter's, Bennington Taize Service Wednesday, November 12th: 6:30pm Holy Trinity, Swanton Stakeholders Gathering, Stirrings of the Spirit Leadership Team Saturday, November 15th: 9:00am Church of Our Saviour, Killington Altered States: A Day of Chanting Saturday, November 15th: 10:00am St. Michael's, Brattleboro Concert: Scott Sanchez, concert guitarist Saturday, November 15th: 7:30pm Immanuel Church, Bellows Falls Bishop Ely's Visit to St. Luke's, Chester Sunday, November 16th: 8:00am & 10:00am St. Luke's, Chester Did you Know? The 2014 Episcopal Church in Vermont Convention offering of $3,825.78 was designated for Episcopal Relief and Development's Ebola Relief Efforts! Donations to the ERD's 75th Anniversary Fund between October 30th and December 31st will be matched dollar-for-dollar as part of the 2014 Matching Gift Challenge! This year's $750,000 match is their largest ever, meaning an even bigger impact toward tackling poverty, hunger and disease. To make a contribution by phone, call 1.855.HEAL (4325) To make a contribution by mail: Episcopal Relief & Development P.O. Box 7058 Merrifield, VA 22116-7058 Diocesan Prayer Calender Date Nov 9th Nov 16th Liturgical Day Remembering the Congregation of The Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost: St. Paul's Church Windsor Proper 27 The Twenty-Third Sunday St. James on the Green Woodstock after Pentecost: Proper 28 Remembering the Provinces of the Anglican Communion and the Episcopal Church Province 2: Dioceses in NY and NJ; Convocation American Churches in Europe, Haiti, and the Virgin Islands Province 3: Dioceses in PA, MD, VA, WV, and Washington, D.C. Province 4 (Southeast): Diocese of LA, Dioceses in NC, SC, TN, FL, KY, TN, GA, MS, AL, and Central Gulf Coast The Last Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 29 The faithful ministry of our Bishop, Thomas C. Ely, among us. Nov 30th The First Sunday of Advent The Ministry Support Team (Craig Smith, Lynn Bates, Donna Crabtree, Province 5 (Mid-West): The Diocese of Missouri Susan Kremer, The Rt. Rev. Thomas and Dioceses in the States of Ohio, Illinois, Ely, Julie Giguere, Susan Ohlidal, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Michelle Sandul, Kathleen Moore, Elizabeth Allison and Angela Emerson) Dec 7th The Second Sunday of Advent The Ministry Developers (Lynn Bates, Susan Ohlidal, and the Diocesan Companions) Province 6 (Land of Mountains, Plains & Lakes): The Dioceses of MN, IA, NE, CO, MT, ND, SD, and WY. Dec 14th The Third Sunday of Advent The Administration Group (Elizabeth Allison, Lynn Bates, Michelle Sandul, Susan Kremer, Julie Giguere and Donna Crabtree) Province 7 (Southwest): The Dioceses of Arkansas, West MO, Rio Grande, Western LA and the Dioceses in the states of Texas and Kansas. Dec 21st The Fourth Sunday of Advent Province 8 (West & Pacific Rim): The Dioceses of The Ministry of the Clergy licensed to Alaska, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii, Idaho, Olympia, officiate in the Diocese. Oregon, Eastern Oregon Spokane, Navaholand and Dioceses in the State of California Dec 28th The First Sunday after Christmas Day Province 9 (Caribbean, Latin America, Northern South America): Diocese of Columbia, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Eastern Ecuador, and Central Ecuador. Nov 23rd The Ministry of our Retired Clergy.