PowerPoint Presentation - Quiz on Shoulder and Spine

Quiz on Shoulder and Spine
Please answer the questions shown in the
following slides. When you have answered
incorrectly, you will be taken back to the
previous slide. If you answer correctly you will
proceed to the next slide. Please feel free to take
this quiz as many times as you wish.
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
1. What side of the scapula is
showing in this illustration?
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
2. The joint shown at the very top
right of the illustration is
The GH joint
The AC joint
The SC joint
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
3. The muscle on the anterior
surface of the scapula is
The subscapularis
The rhomboids
The anterior
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
4. What is the posterior shoulder muscle to
the upper left side of the illustration below?
The trapezius
The deltoid
The latissimus
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
5. What is the shoulder muscle in
the middle of the shoulder region?
The anterior
The posterior
The middle
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
6. What are the small finger like muscles that
run off of the ribs and attach distally to the
scapula coracoid process?
The pectoralis
The anterior
The short head of
the biceps
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
7. The smaller muscle above the large chest muscle
that comes off of the clavicle and attaches to the lateral
aspect of the humerus just below the head is
The pectoralis
major (clavicular
The anterior deltoid
The pectoralis
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
8. The shoulder muscle responsible for
elevation, retraction, upward rotation and
depression of the scapula is
The posterior
The trapezius
The latissimus
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
9. The small rotator cuff muscle just
below the spine of the scapula is
The teres minor
The supraspinatus
The infraspinatus
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
10. The muscle that runs off of the
medial border of the scapula at an
oblique angle in the illustration is
The infraspinatus
The supraspinatus
The rhomboids
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
11. What muscles have a saw tooth
appearance and are responsible for protraction
of the scapula are shown here?
The posterior
serratus muscle
The anterior
searratus muscle
The pectoralis
major muscle
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
12. The muscle pictured that runs off of
the lower angle of the scapula and inserts
on the anterior humerus is
Teres major
Teres minor
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
13. The muscle that is pictured to the lower
portion of the illustration and is responsible
for adducting and medially rotating the arm is
The posterior
The trapesius
The latissimus
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
14. What is the deep posterior
muscle shown in this illustration?
The erector
The trapezius
The posterior
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
15. What is the name of the muscles
pictured that are responsible for elevating
the ribs?
The internal and
external obliques
The diaphram
The internal and
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
16. The muscle to the right of the illustration
below which laterally flexes the hip is
The quadratus
The erector spinae
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
17. The deep posterior muscle to the
right side of the cervical vertebrae is
The splenius
The suboccipitals
The posterior
serratus superior
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
18. What is the deep posterior muscle shown
in the lower right portion of the illustration?
The rhomboids
The serratus
The erector spinae
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
19. What are the small deep posterior
muscles at the base of the scull on the left?
The splenius
The serratus
posterior superior
The suboccipitals
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
20. What is the name of the small group of muscles that
run obliquely off of the transverse processes and insert on
the spinous processes of the vertebrae?
The erector spinae
The transversospinalis
The serratus posterior
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
21. What is the name of the muscle here that
runs off of the lower spine, under the arm pit
and inserts anteriorly on the humerus?
The latissimus
The trapezius
The posterior
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
How did you do?
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy
The End
• Feel free to start over by returning to this
presentation as many times as you wish.
Start Over
End Session
By Robert Pankey
Texas State University
Illustrations by
Primal Interactive Anatomy