Lodge France BY-LAWS PRESENTED TO BRO / /20xx By-Laws define the specific rules by which an enterprise, organization, society or any other legally constituted group operates. The By-Laws are an extension of the legal framework under which the the enterprise, organization or society was constituted, but must not be contrary to any specific section of that legal framework. The legal framework under which these By-Laws have been framed are: The Constitution and Laws of the Commonwealth of Australia The Laws of the State of New South Wales The Constitution and Regulations of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. These By-Laws conform to the above requirements Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws CONTENTS 1. Designation ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 2. Time,Place and Content of Meetings ........................................................................................................................................ 4 3. Language adopted in Meetings .................................................................................................................................................. 5 4. Lodge France Jewel and Banner ................................................................................................................................................. 5 5. Election and Installation of Officers .......................................................................................................................................... 5 6. Minutes ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 7. Fees and Dues ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6 8. Arrears of Dues .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 9. Treasurer’s Duties ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 10. Investment of Funds .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 11. Audit Committee ................................................................................................................................................................... 7 12. Nominations Committee ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 13. Management Committee ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 14. Membership........................................................................................................................................................................... 8 15. Fraternal Correspondents ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 16. Lodge Historian ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9 17. Acceptance of New Members................................................................................................................................................ 9 18. Relief .................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 19. Notices of Motion ................................................................................................................................................................ 10 20. Rules of Discussion............................................................................................................................................................... 10 21. Tyler ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 22. Changes of Residence or Communications Details .............................................................................................................. 10 23. Real Estate and Lodge Trustees ........................................................................................................................................... 11 24. Non-Profit Status ................................................................................................................................................................. 11 25. Dissolution ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12 26. Alteration of By-Laws ........................................................................................................................................................... 12 27. Declaration of Adherence .................................................................................................................................................... 12 28. Opening of a Lodge France General Meeting ..................................................................................................................... 13 . ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Approved by Board of Management September 2008 2 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws 29. Closing a Lodge France General Meeting ............................................................................................................................ 17 30. Opening of a Lodge France Agape Meeting . ...................................................................................................................... 18 i. The Masonic Toasts........................................................................................................................................................................ 18 ii. 1st Toast ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 iii. 2nd Toast (Only proposed if the GM or a Representative is present) .................................................................. 19 iv. 3rd Toast ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 20 v. Discussions of the Evening.......................................................................................................................................................... 22 31. Closing a Lodge France Agape Meeting ............................................................................................................................... 22 Approved by Board of Management September 2008 3 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws 1. DESIGNATION 1.1 This Lodge shall be known as Lodge France, No. 1021 on the register of The United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. 2. TIME,PLACE AND CONTENT OF MEETINGS 2.1 The Lodge shall hold eleven [11] meetings each year. The meetings in February, May, August and November shall be designated Ritual Meetings for the conduct of degree work and the remainder of the meetings as General Meetings for the conduct of Lodge business and discussions on matters Masonic. 2.2 Every Lodge meeting shall be followed by Agape. 2.3 The Worshipful Master may elect that any General Meeting may be declared a Ritual Meeting and defined as such on the Notice Paper that must be issued as per section 2.10. 2.4 Every Meeting will conduct Lodge business. Any Lodge business conducted at a General meeting must be ratified at the next Ritual meeting of the Lodge. 2.5 Ritual meetings of the Lodge shall be held at The Sydney Masonic Centre, Castlereagh Street, Sydney on the third Monday of the designated month, at 6.30 pm or such other time as the Worshipful Master may direct and shall be opened in proscribed Masonic manner for Regular Meetings. 2.6 General Meetings shall be held at the Sydney Masonic Centre or at any other private location, not open to the public, , but not in a tyled Lodge Room, as the Worshipful Master may determine, provided at least seven [7] days notice is given to Brethren of any change in venue. Regalia shall NOT be worn at General Meetings. 2.7 General Meetings will be conducted in a formal manner as set out in Appendix A. 2.8 The Worshipful Master shall, each year, nominate a symbolic theme and all planches delivered during that year should relate to that theme. 2.9 The Lodge will conduct Emergency Ritual meetings with appropriate issue of a summons to members when the load of ritual work cannot be contained in the four standard or seven General meetings decreed as Ritual Meetings by the Worshipful Master. 2.10 Summonses for each meeting of the Lodge shall be issued at least seven clear days before the day of the meeting. Summonses may be issued by email. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 4 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws 3. LANGUAGE ADOPTED IN MEETINGS 3.1 At the discretion of the Worshipful Master, this Lodge may conduct all or part of the Ceremonial of the Lodge in the French Language, notice of which shall appear on the Notice Paper. The Ritual then used will be a direct French translation of that adopted by the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territories. 3.2 Lectures may also be delivered in the French language provided that a summary in English, previously reviewed by the Management Committee, is available for the attendees at the meeting. 3.3 When necessary, visitors may be examined and vouched for in the French language. A Masonic document and/or Certificate from a Grand Lodge recognized by the United Grand Lodge of N.S.W. and the A.C.T. should be presented. 4. LODGE FRANCE JEWEL AND BANNER 4.1 A breast Jewel representing the logo of the Lodge or the same Jewel on a blue/white/red ribbon should be worn by every member during any Lodge meeting. Collarettes that are not approved by the Board of Management are not permitted. 4.2 During meetings, the banner with the logo of the Lodge should be exhibited. 5. ELECTION AND INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS 5.1 The Worshipful Master and Officers shall be elected at the regular meeting in May each year for an office term commencing with their installation and investiture at the regular August meeting and ending with the installation of their successors. 5.2 The Worshipful Master shall be installed and the Officers invested at August meeting unless there has been no change in the Officers of the Lodge, in which case an Installation and Investiture will be carried out each second year. 6. MINUTES 6.1 The Minutes of the Lodge shall be reviewed by the Senior Warden and he shall testify as to their correctness and, if satisfied, move that they be adopted.. 6.2 The Secretary shall display the minutes of the previous meeting for any member to review prior to the opening of the Lodge. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 5 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws 7. FEES AND DUES 7.1 The Fees and Dues payable to the Lodge shall be those fixed from time to time by the Lodge in accordance with Regulation 14.3 Book of Constitutions (B of C) and approved by the Board of Management. 7.2 Lodge Dues shall be set on a yearly basis and levied in two tranches payable on the first day of July and January. 7.3 The Lodge Dues shall have a separate component for Grand Lodge Capitation charges to recover from each member, those charges levied by Grand Lodge against that member. This separate component will include any voluntary contributions for the Grand Charity and will be levied in July. 7.4 The Worshipful Master may grant partial or total relief from Fees and Dues when so requested by a Member. 7.5 The Worshipful Master may recognize valuable service to the Lodge by exempting a Brother from payment of all Lodge dues apart from charges levied by Grand Lodge. Once granted exemption, the exemption will continue whilst the Brother remains a member of the Lodge. No more than two Brethren may hold this exemption at any one time. 7.6 A resolution fixing Fees and Dues does not need to be confirmed at a subsequent meeting of the Lodge. 8. ARREARS OF DUES 8.1 Lodge Dues shall be deemed to include all UGL Charges, Lodge Dues and other charges incurred by a Member. 8.2 All arrears of Dues shall be paid by the end of June each year. 8.3 Any member whose dues are six months or more in arrears shall be disqualified from being elected to any office in the Lodge, or from voting in any election of officers 8.4 Any member whose dues are twelve months or more in arrears may be excluded in accordance with Section 11.2.8 (B of C) and Regulation 11.2.8. 9. TREASURER’S DUTIES 9.1 The financial year shall start on July 1 of one year and end on June 30 of the following year. 9.2 At the regular meeting in the month of November, the Treasurer shall present a balance sheet and profit and loss statement for the preceeding financial year signed by the Worshipful Master for the preceeding year, the Treasurer for the preceeding year and the Audit Committee for the preceeding year. 9.3 The statement shall include the value of the property of the Lodge, and all outstanding liabilities Approved by Board of Management September 2008 6 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws and assets as at the balancing date. 9.4 A printed copy of such statements shall be sent to each member and to the Grand Secretary with the summons for such meeting. 9.5 The funds of the Lodge shall be deposited in such Financial Institution as the members may decide, in the name of the Lodge or its Trustees, and all cheques shall be signed by any two of the following: (a) Worshipful Master; (b) Secretary; (c) Treasurer; (d) Immediate` Past Master. Internet banking is permitted. 9.6 All payments from the funds of the Lodge shall be presented to and approved by the Worshipful Master. 9.7 At the May meeting, the Treasurer shall present the Lodge with a budget for the ensuing year for approval. 10. INVESTMENT OF FUNDS 10.1 Surplus funds of the Lodge may be invested in any manner provided or permitted by the Trustee Act, 1925, as amended, or in the purchase of any shares of or deposit with any prescribed building society or other institution, corporation, society or body as the Lodge shall by resolution approve from time to time. 10.2 Such funds shall be invested in the joint names of the Worshipful Master, the Secretary and Treasurer and shall be held in trust for the Lodge. 10.3 The Worshipful Master shall, if necessary, appoint the persons to be recorded as the shareholders, depositors or investors of any such invested funds. 10.4 Where the Lodge has appointed Trustees under By-Law 22, By-Laws 10.2 and 10.3 shall not apply. 11. AUDIT COMMITTEE 11.1 The Audit Committee shall consist of two members, not being the Worshipful Master, Wardens, Secretary or Treasurer, but may be a Registered Company Auditor, who need not be a member of the Lodge or a Freemason, who shall be elected at the regular meeting in the month of May and who shall audit the accounts for the financial year commencing on the following 1st July. 11.2 They shall have the power to examine all records, vouchers, books, securities and the furniture and jewels of the Lodge, and shall report upon the same to the Lodge at least once in every year when the Annual Statement of Accounts is presented. 11.3 The Lodge may fill any casual vacancy on the Audit Committee at the next or any subsequent regular meeting. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 7 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws 12. NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE 12.1 The Worshipful Master, Past Masters, Secretary, Wardens and Deacons shall form the Nominations Committee to inquire into the moral and general character, home life, health and financial fitness of all candidates. 12.2 Four members being present shall form a quorum. 12.3 The Committee shall report to the Lodge at the next regular meeting upon any business it may have had before it for consideration. 13. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 13.1 The Lodge Management Committee shall consist of the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Secretary with other Officers to participate. The Worshipful Master may invite any other members of the Lodge and Brethren from other Lodges to attend the meeting. 13.2 The Management Committee shall meet on the nights of a General Meetings, or at any other time or place as determined by the Worshipful Master. 13.3 Four Members of the Committee shall form a quorum. 14. MEMBERSHIP 14.1 The Lodge shall consist of Regular members and Honorary Members. 14.2 No new Honorary Member may be appointed if the number of Honorary Members exceeds two. 14.3 Regular Members are those Members who are initiated or affiliated into the Lodge and have not been accorded Honorary Membership status 14.4 Regular Members who absent themselves from more than two Lodge meetings without prior apology must be advised personally that if a third meeting is missed without apology, they shall be deemed to have submitted a resignation and will be removed from the Membership register. If the Member after having missed two or more meetings is not advised, then no action shall be taken until he has missed a further meeting after having been so advised. They may apply to be re-admitted to the Lodge. 14.5 HonoraryMembers may elect to become Regular Members. 14.6 Honorary Members are not entitled to take office in the Lodge. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 8 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws 15. FRATERNAL CORRESPONDENTS 15.1 The Lodge shall recognize Brethren with whom it has a special fraternal relationship and shall designate then Fraternal Correspondents. 15.2 Fraternal Correspondents status may be granted to a Regular Member of the Lodge who applies for to become a Fraternal Correspondent and who has moved over 150 kilometres away from Sydney and is consequently able to show that he is unable to attend Lodge meetings on a regular basis. 15.3 Fraternal Correspondents must pay Lodge Dues to cover the cost of administration associated with their special status as set out in the approved budget. 15.4 Fraternal Correspondents may elect not to be registered on the records of the United Grand Lodge as long as they remain a members of a Lodge in a jurisdiction in harmony with our Grand Lodge. 15.5 Fraternal Correspondents may elect to become Regular Members. 15.6 Fraternal Correspondents are not entitled to vote or take office in the Lodge. 16. LODGE HISTORIAN 16.1 The Worshipful Master may appoint a Lodge Historian for his term of office. If no Historian is appointed, the Lodge Secretary shall act in this capacity. 16.2 The Historian shall maintain a record of the Master’s term in the following format: Section 1–Worshipful Master and Officers with photos if available Section 2-Details of Candidates and Affiliates with photos if available Section 3 - Notable events with photos if available. Section 4 – Planches delivered throughout the year. 16.3 The Historian shall provide the record of the term to the Secretary who shall: - Submit to the Worshipful Master for approval; - After approval by the Worshipul Master, add to the previous term’s record and write to a removable form of electronic recording to be stored in the Lodge’s storage area at Castlereagh Street; - Deposit a second copy in electronic form with the Grand Archivist. 17. ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MEMBERS 17.1 In all cases where a ballot is called for and taken for the acceptance of an Applicant for Initiation or for the admission of an Affiliating Member two black balls shall reject. The candidate/s so rejected shall not be proposed again until six months shall have elapsed. 17.2 All Initiates and Brethren seeking advancement are required to deliver a Planche that conforms to the Worshipful Master’s theme as set out in section 2.8. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 9 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws 18. RELIEF 18.1 At all meetings of the Lodge, a Tronc de la Veuve [Alms Box] collection will be made for Lodge charitable works . 18.2 All applications for relief from the Tronc de la Veuve Fund shall be dealt with in open Lodge, but no sum exceeding $500 shall be voted without notice being given. 18.3 The Worshipful Master may authorize up to $250 to be paid from the Tronc de la Veuve Fund to a Brother in need without prior reference to the Lodge. 19. 19.1 NOTICES OF MOTION All Notices of Motion shall be in writing, and delivered to the Secretary at least fourteen days before the Regular Lodge Meeting and appear on the Summons. 20. RULES OF DISCUSSION 20.1 Every Brother (including a visiting Brother) who desires to speak shall clap and raise his left hand. If granted permission to speak, he shall stand, addressing himself to the Worshipful Master. He shall not be interrupted unless out of order. Any Brother wishing to reply must wait until the last speaker shall have resumed his seat. 20.2 No Brother shall speak twice on the same question except in explanation, or the mover in reply. 21. TYLER 21.1 The Tyler shall prepare the Lodge at every meeting in sufficient time for the Worshipful Master to open at the appointed hour. 21.2 The presence book and banquet attendance book shall be under his control . 21.3 The Tyler shall not leave his duties during Lodge hours, without seeking replacement.. 21.4 In the absence of the Tyler, the Senior Warden shall arrange for a Brother to perform his duties. 22. 22.1 CHANGES OF RESIDENCE OR COMMUNICATIONS DETAILS Every member shall promptly notify his change of address , phone number or email address to the Secretary in writing or by email. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 10 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws 23. 23.1 REAL ESTATE AND LODGE TRUSTEES The real estate and personal property of the Lodge (subject to the provisions relating to furniture and jewels contained in Section 14.12 (B of C) hereinafter referred to as “the Trust property” may be vested, by resolution of the Lodge, in either: three (3) personal Trustees elected by the Lodge, or the Corporate Trustee created under Section 14.15 (B of C) 23.2 Each personal Trustee shall hold office for life, unless he shall retire, or resign or be displaced by resolution of the Lodge. The Corporate Trustee may be displaced by resolution of the Lodge. 23.3 Where one or more of the Trustees ceases to be a Trustee, a new Trustee or Trustees shall be elected by the Lodge. The Worshipful Master for the time being of the Lodge shall be the person who shall execute any Deed of Appointment of new Trustee or Trustees. 23.4 Terms and Conditions of Trust: The Trustees shall hold the Trust property of the Lodge upon trust for the benefit of the Lodge until sold or otherwise dealt with. The Lodge shall pay or provide for all payments required in respect of the rates, taxes, repairs, painting, maintenance and other renewals and outgoings of all kinds in respect of the Trust property and shall indemnify the Trustee/s in respect thereof. The said Trust property shall be insured in the names of the Trustees with an insurance company approved by the Lodge against all risks as the Lodge shall by resolution direct and for such sum as the Lodge may nominate. The Trustees shall not be required to pay the insurance premiums or any outgoings of the said Trust property. If the Trustees shall in their discretion, make any such payments, they shall give notice thereof to the Lodge and shall forthwith be reimbursed by the Lodge. Subject as aforesaid, the Trustees shall, as far as practicable in any dealing with the Trust property, act in accordance with any resolution or direction of the Lodge of which they have notice. 24. NON-PROFIT STATUS 24.1 The property and income of the Lodge shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Lodge and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise by way of profit to the members of the Lodge. 24.2 Nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration or expenses incurred to any member of the Lodge for any services rendered to the Lodge Approved by Board of Management September 2008 11 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws 25. DISSOLUTION 25.1 The Lodge shall not be dissolved except at a meeting specially convened for that purpose and in accordance with the provisions of the Book of Constitutions. 25.2 Upon the dissolution of the Lodge any property remaining after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities shall be transferred to the Grand Lodge as provided in Section 12.10 (B of C). 26. ALTERATION OF BY-LAWS 26.1 Notice of Motion to add to or alter these By-Laws shall be delivered to the Secretary in accordance with By-Law 18. 26.2 Particulars of the proposed additions or alterations shall be inserted in the summons for the next regular meeting, or for a meeting specially called to consider the same. 26.3 Additions or alterations to these By-Laws shall only be valid and effective when: 1] the Notice of Motion is duly passed at such meeting by a majority of the members present, and 2] the Motion has been submitted to and approved by the Board of Management. 27. 27.1 DECLARATION OF ADHER ENCE Every Brother on subscribing his name to these By-Laws, solemnly pledges himself to submit to them. He also acknowledges the supremacy of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory and agrees to abide by the Constitution, Established Customs and Ancient Landmarks of the Order as promulgated by the Grand Lodge. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 12 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws 28. OPENING OF A LODGE FRANCE GENERAL MEETING . D of C Mes Frères, please assemble around the table. WM gavels: SW gavels*: JW gavels* D.C. The 1er Surveillant will sit on the left facing the VM and the 2éme Surveillant on the right. WM: Mes Frères, has every Brother signed the attendance book? Any Brother who has not done so must do so now before we proceed. Frère 2éme Surveillant, what is the hour? JW: It is the twelfth hour, VM. WM: To Order, mes frères. Unite with me in this General Meeting of Lodge France All: Adopt S of F. WM: To the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe and by virtue of the power which I have received, I open the labour of this Lodge France General Meeting. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 13 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws WM gavels*: SW gavels*: JW gavels*.. WM: Unite with me, mes frères. WM: Mes Frères, à la Gloire du Grand Architecte de l’Univers, je déclare la Loge normalement ouverte et dédiée à la Franc-maçonnerie ALL: Ainsi soit-il! WM: Be seated Mes Frères. WM: Frère Secrétaire, May we have the minutes of the previous meeting? Secretary: Venerable Maître, the minutes of the previous meeting having been circulated to members by email and tabled tonight prior to the opening of this Table Lodge and all amendments noted, I move that they be accepted as a true and correct record of that meeting’s proceedings. SW: VM, I second the motion. WM: Mes Frères, you have heard the motion that the minutes be accepted as a true and correct record of our previous meeting’s proceedings. I shall ask all those in favour to signify in the usual Approved by Board of Management September 2008 14 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws Masonic manner. WM gavels*: Any against? Carried. They shall now be ratified at the next Ritual Meeting of the Lodge. The Brethren, having accepted the motion, the WM will initial as confirmation that he can sign at the next ritual meeting.. WM: Frère Secrétaire, is there any business arising from the minutes? The Secretary will then introduce with any business arising from the minutes WM: Frère Secrétaire, will you please read the correspondence. The Secretary will read appropriate correspondence and note any actions required. WM: Mes Frères, you have heard the correspondence. I will thank some brother to move and another to second that the correspondence as read be received and all matters contained therein dealt with. SW: VM. I move accordingly JW: VM, I second the motion. WM Mes Frères, you have heard the motion. I will thank all those in favour to signify in the usual Masonic manner. Any against? Carried. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 15 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws This will be ratified by reference to the minutes of this meeting at our next Ritual Meeting. WM: Frère Trésorier, may we please have the Financial Report? The Treasurer presents the financial report & any accounts for payment. SW: VM, I move that the financial report be received. JW VM, I second the motion. WM: Mes Frères, you have heard the motion. I will thank all those in favour to signify in the usual Masonic manner. WM gavels*: Any against? Carried This Financial Report will be ratified at the next Ritual Meeting of the Lodge. WM Frère Secrétaire, is there any further business? Secretary The Secretary will then introduce any further business on the Notice Paper WM Mes Frères, Does any Brother have anything to propose concerning the lodge before the closing of the labour Brethren Brethren may rise and make comment Approved by Board of Management September 2008 16 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws 29. CLOSING A LODGE FRANCE GENERAL MEETING WMgavels*: SW gavels: JW gavels: WM: Frère 2ème Surveillant, what is the hour? JW: It is low twelve, Venerable Maître WM gavels*: To order mes frères. Unite with me. All Adopt the S of F. WM: Assist me to close this Lodge France General Meeting: All Adopt the S of F. WM: To the glory of the Great Architect of the Universe and by virtue of the power which I have received, I close the labours of this Lodge France General Meeting. WM gavels SW gavels: JW gavels: Approved by Board of Management September 2008 And closed it is accordingly until the third Monday in xxxxxx, emergencies excepted, of which all Brethren will have due and timely notice. 17 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws 30. OPENING OF A LODGE FRANCE AGAPE MEETING . When the Brethren are all in place and there is silence WM gavels: SW gavels*: JW gavels* WM: To Order, mes frères. Unite with me in this Agape Meeting of Lodge France All: Adopt S of F. The Worshipful Master gives the following prayer. WM: Great Architect of the Universe, You who provides for the needs of Your creatures. We receive this nourishment from Your hands with gratitude. Through this fraternal meal let us remain united as one family and let us, in holy joy and unending friendship, celebrate Your glory and our happiness with this joyful union. ALL: Ainsi soit-il! I. THE MASONIC TOASTS The following toasts will be proposed by the Worshipful Master immediately following the opening. WM: Mes Frères, I invite you to join with me in the three Masonic toasts. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 18 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws The brethren stand and are silent, leaving their glasses on the table. II. WM: 1ST TOAST Her Majesty, the Queen of Australia ** or The Queen **The Board has been advised that as UGL is a private organization, the two approved forms of the loyal toast ‘Her Majesty, Queen of Australia’ and ‘The Queen and People of Australia’ may be replaced by “The Queen”. The Grand Master has asked that for uniformity, the latter form should be used if agrred to by Lodge. The Brethren raise their glasses, drink the toast and replace glasses on the table without comment. III. WM: 2ND TOAST (ONLY PROPOSED IF THE GM OR A REPRESENTATIVE IS PRESENT) This toast is to our Most Worshipful Grand Master. The Brethren raise their glasses, drink the toast and replace glasses on the table without comment. There is no response to the toast, unless there is present one of the Grand Dignitaries referred to in this toast. WM: Let us celebrate this toast by the Grand Master’s honours – feint one, twenty one, last time, hand and foot don’t forget the feint The Brethren are led in the ‘honours’ by the Director of Ceremonies. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 19 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws IV. WM: 3RD TOAST This toast is to our visiting brethren present at this meeting and to the lodges to which they belong; to brethren travelling on land, on sea or in the air, [to our newly initiated/passed/raised Brother xxxx] and principally to those who are travelling for the good and prosperity of the Craft; and to those who are sick, in pain or adversity. Let us celebrate this toast by triple fire with all the honours of Freemasonry Brethren being honoured in the toasts remain seated and do not drink. The Triple Fire is given as follows: WM Take your arms in your right hand! Brethren Place their right hand on the canon (glass) without moving it from the table. WM Presenter Arme! Brethren The arm holding the glass is raised to the level of the chin, with the arm held out. WM En Joue! Brethren Bring the canon (glass) to the mouth. WM Feu! Brethren Drink and carry the canon (glass) forwards again. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 20 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws WM Grand Feu! Brethren Drink and carry the canon forwards again. WM Parfait Feu! Brethren Drink, empty glass and carry canon forwards again. The Brethren then trace a square with the canon by carrying it against the left shoulder, then the right shoulder and then forwards again, repeated three times. WM counts 1,2,3. Brethren On the 3rd count, the Brethren bring the canons to the table in unison Brethren Clap the hands three times three and then the word VIVAT is exclaimed without any hand movement WM Mes Frères, I now declare this Agape Meeting of Lodge France has ceased labour and refreshments may now be served. WM Mes Frères, Dinner will now be served. During dinner, we shall commence our discussions for the evening. I remind you that there is 3 minute limit on speeches and they should be directed to the subject matter on the table. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 21 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws V. DISCUSSIONS OF THE EVENING The WM will introduce the subjects for discussion 31. CLOSING A LODGE FRANCE AGAPE MEETING WMgavels*: SW gavels: JW gavels: WM: Mes Frères, will you please stand for Le Tronc de la Veuve. Frère 1er. Trésorier, will you please carry the collection bag around the table so that our Brethren may deposit or collect according to their will and afterwards, will you please account for it at our next meeting. The Treasurer will then perambulate around the Table with the Collection Bag. WM: Frère 2ème Surveillant, what is the hour? JW: It is low twelve, Venerable Maître WM gavels*: To order my brethren. Unite with me. All Adopt the S of F. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 22 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws WM: Supreme Architect of the Universe, we give You thanks for Your kindnesses, and in particular for the nourishment which providence has just granted us. Bless our efforts to assist the needy, who we commend to Your paternal goodness . We pray You to patronise our labours, that they may bear fruit to Your greater glory and for our prosperity. All: So mote it be! WM-Taking his gavel in his right hand: To the glory of the Great Architect of the Universe and by virtue of the power which I have received, I close the labour of this Lodge France Agape meeting. WMgavels*: WM: What is now the hour? JW: It is XXXX o'clock, VM. WM: Frère 2ème Surveillant, you will render our parting words to the Brethren JW: Mes Frères, see your glasses charged for our parting toast: “Are your glasses all charged in the West and South?”The Worshipful Master cries, “All Charged in the West” “all Charged in the South” were the Wardens prompt replies, “Then with our parting toast tonight, your glasses fairly Approved by Board of Management September 2008 23 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws drain” [All Brethren] “Happy to Meet, Sorry to Part, Happy to Meet again”. The Mason feels the noble truth that the Scottish peasant told, That Rank is but a Guinea stamp, the man himself the Gold. With us the rich and poor unite and equal rights maintain, [All Brethren] “Happy to Meet, Sorry to Part, Happy to Meet again”. Dear Brethren of the Mystic tie, the night is waning fast, our work is done, our feasting oer, this toast must be our last, again and again once more, repeat that farewell strain, [All Brethren] “Happy to Meet, Sorry to Part, Happy to Meet again”. [All Brethren] Approved by Board of Management September 2008 To Our Next Merry Meeting 24 March, 16 Lodge France No. 1021 By-Laws The Worshipful Master hand the gavels and banquet protocol to the brethren assigned to look after the lodge chattels and all gather for the Chain of Union. Brethren, I invite you to unite our hands to create The Union Chain. This circle is a symbol of Eternity that has neither a beginning nor an end. Brethren, may the force and our Perseverance mark our contribution to work so that this Masonic Lodge is perpetuated from generation to generation and, having been received tonight in our chain of brotherly Love, may you not leave this Honorable ring until time shall be no more. Great Architect of the Universe, make us Artisans of Peace. We now take a moment of silence to remember our absent Brethren. Brethren, we are now taking leave of one another – but we are not breaking this Union Chain. Approved by Board of Management September 2008 25 March, 16