The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

The Ninth Sunday
after Pentecost
26 July 2015
P ea ce wi t h Ch r i s t Lu t h er a n Ch u rch
A congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
1412 West Swallow Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80526
Reverend Richard Pierson, Vacancy Pastor
We l c o m e t o P e a c e w i t h C h r i s t
We’re glad that you’ve joined with us today to receive the gifts of
God’s grace given in his Son Jesus Christ. It is our sincere hope that
these provide you spiritual refreshment and strength, confirming you
in the promise of eternal life that is ours in Christ, both now, and in
the age to come.
Since worship involves substantial things, you may wish to prepare
through personal reflection and prayer, as many in our congregation
do. To facilitate this, we intend that the pre-service time within the
sanctuary be a quiet, tranquil environment, and we do appreciate
everyone’s considerateness in this regard. The time before worship
also offers an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the order of
service, which is detailed in the following pages.
If you are a guest with us today and would like to learn more about
our congregation, please ask a greeter or an usher for a copy of our
welcome packet. Also, if time permits, take a moment to speak with
our pastor; he would love to make a personal connection with you.
Creation Is Redeemed and Sanctified
by the Word of Christ Jesus
Having spared faithful Noah and his family from the flood, the
Lord established His covenant with them, “and with every living
creature,” that never again would there be “a flood to destroy the
earth” (Gen. 9:9–11). He signed and sealed this everlasting
covenant with His rainbow in the clouds, by which He sees and
remembers His promise that “the waters shall never again become
a flood to destroy all flesh” (Gen. 9:13–16). Although creation
suffers under the curse of sin, the Lord preserves and orders
creation for the benefit of His Church. In particular, all of creation
is redeemed and sanctified by the incarnate Son of God. “Take
heart,” and “do not be afraid,” for He is with you on the sea. He is
not a ghost, but He has come in the flesh to save you. He has
gotten “into the boat” with you, and the wind that was against you
has ceased (Mark 6:45–51). For He is the Word and promise of the
Father, and His own flesh and blood are the covenant by which
you are “strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner
being” (Eph. 3:16–17).
O rd e r o f D i v i n e S e r v i c e
Setting Three—Lutheran Service Book, page 184
Confession & Absolution
Opening Hymn
“Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness”
LSB 849
~At the final stanza of the hymn, the congregation stands, facing the cross
as it is processed into the chancel.
Confession & Absolution
S e r v i c e o f t h e Wo r d
Psalm 136:1-9 (ant. v. 26)
~Chanted responsively between the cantor and congregation.
Give thanks to the God of | heaven,*
for his steadfast love endures for- | ever.
Give thanks to the Lord, for | he is good,*
for his steadfast love endures for- | ever.
Give thanks to the | God of gods,*
for his steadfast love endures for- | ever.
Give thanks to the | Lord of lords,*
for his steadfast love endures for- | ever;
to him who alone does great | wonders,*
for his steadfast love endures for- | ever;
to him who by understanding made the | heavens,*
for his steadfast love endures for- | ever;
to him who spread out the earth above the | waters,*
for his steadfast love endures for- | ever;
to him who made the | great lights,*
for his steadfast love endures for- | ever;
the sun to rule o- | ver the day,*
for his steadfast love endures for- | ever;
the moon and stars to rule o- | ver the night,*
for his steadfast love endures for- | ever.
p. 184
Glory be to the Father and | to the Son*
and to the Holy | Spirit;
as it was in the be- | ginning,*
is now, and will be forever. | Amen.
Give thanks to the God of | heaven,*
for his steadfast love endures for- | ever.
Gloria In Excelsis
Salutation & Collect of the Day
First Lesson—Genesis 9:8-17
p. 186
p. 187
p. 189
p. 190
Rom. 11:33, 36
~Chanted in unison.
Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and
knowl- | edge of God!*
How unsearchable are his judgments and how
inscrutable | his ways!
For from him and through him and to him are | all things.*
To him be glory forever. | Amen.
Epistle Lesson—Ephesians 3:14-21
Gospel Responses
Gospel Lesson—Mark 6:45-56
Nicene Creed
Hymn of the Day
“I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say”
p. 190
p. 190
p. 190-91
p. 191
LSB 699
“Take Courage! It Is I!”
The offering is received
Mark 6:50
~During this time, you are invited you to sign the Record of Fellowship
as it is passed down the pew.
Prayer of the Church
p. 192
Service of the Sacrament
Preface & Proper Preface
Lord’s Prayer
The Words of Our Lord
Pax Domini
Agnus Dei
Concerning the Lord’s Supper
p. 194
p. 195
p. 196
p. 197
p. 198
St. Paul urged the congregation in Corinth to be united in their celebration of
the Lord’s Supper. We believe it is essential to retain that same unity in the
Body of Christ in this congregation. This unity at the Lord’s table is reflected in
two ways. The first is by there being no divisions within the Body at Peace with
Christ. That means that we practice Christ’s love and forgiveness with one
another. If you are a member at Peace with Christ and are holding a grudge or
refusing to love and forgive another member, then you are urged to refrain from
communing until you do as Christ our Lord bids and first go and be reconciled
to your brother.
The second way that unity is retained at this table is by sharing the same faith.
Therefore if you have not been instructed in the Christian Faith as we
understand and believe at Peace with Christ, then we urge you to speak with
pastor prior to communing. May the unity that Christ desires and that is pleasing
to Him be practiced in our midst for His glory and the good of His people.
During distribution:
“Eat This Bread”
LSB 638
~The refrain after v.3 will be sung by the choir; all other
refrains are sung by the congregation; the verses are sung by
the cantors.
“Hope of the World”
LSB 690
Special music
“Holy Ground”
“Salvation unto Us Has Come”
LSB 555
vv. 1-6
Nunc Dimittis
p. 199
p. 200
Salutation & Benedicamus
p. 201-02
p. 202
Recessional Hymn
“Jesus Has Come and Brings Pleasure Eternal”
LSB 533
~At the final stanza of the hymn, the congregation stands, facing the cross
as it is processed out of the nave.
Welcome & Announcements
Acknowledgments: Divine Service, Setting Three from Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House. Reprinted with permission.
T h i s We e k
Sunday, July 26
8:00 a.m.—Divine Service with communion
9:30 a.m.—Education Hour
10:45 a.m.—Divine Service with communion
Tuesday, July 28
10:30 a.m.—Youth Midweek Program
Thursday, July 30
10:30 a.m.—Youth Midweek Program
Sunday, August 2
8:00 a.m. —Divine Service with Communion
9:30 a.m.—Education Hour
10:45 a.m.—Divine Service with Communion
Bible Readings for the Week
Psalm 52; 1 Chronicles 1-5
Psalm 53; 1 Chronicles 6-10
Tuesday: Psalm 54; 1 Chronicles 11-15
Wednesday: Psalm 55; 1 Chronicles 16-20
Thursday: Psalm 56; 1 Chronicles 21-25
Deut. 32:1-4; 1 Chronicles 26-29
Saturday: Hab. 3:2-19; 2 Chronicles 1-3
Next Week’s Bible Readings
First Reading: Exodus 16:2-15
Eph. 4:1-16
John 6:22-35
On the Air and the Net
~The Lutheran Hour is broadcast locally on Sunday mornings on:
KOA 850 – 6 a.m., KFKA 1310 – 9:30 a.m., or KATR 98.3 – 8:30
a.m. Sermons, devotions, and other resources are also available on
the LHM website:
~The Peace with Christ Radio Broadcast can be heard on KCOL
600 on Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
~The sermon from our radio program is available on the church
News & Notes
Weekly Figures
Attendance—July 19
Worship: 8:00 a.m.—82, 10:45 a.m.—90
Education Hour: Adult Bible Study—50, Sunday School—11
Financials—As of June 2015
Expenses: $221,898.19
Net Income: -$6,410.06
In Our Prayers
Those ill, hospitalized, or recovering
Daniel Cerman, Mackenzie Cheuvront, Rev. Perry Copus, Patrick
Those unable to attend church
Nancy Drage, Richard & Jeannine Salisbury, Betty Walters,
Esther Kent, Lorraine Buchleiter, Marjorie Brannen, Jan
Wergin, Leora Snyder, June Schwarck, Patty Price, Shirley
Poppe, Shirley Norman
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
• July's Mission Project: School Supplies for Ysleta. No shopping
time, shipping costs, gas money or drivers needed. Your Walmart gift
cards will allow Ysleta to purchase the supplies their children need
when Back to School sales are in full swing. Marked envelopes can
be found in the Sunshine Hall. Simply drop in your cash, check or
Walmart gift card and place in Cheryl Harsen's mailbox #142.
• Save the date! September 12th is LWML's Fall Rally at Trinity
Lutheran Church in Greeley. Our mission project for August will
align with the Rally's Ingathering. Stay tuned to future bulletins for
info as it becomes available.
Pastoral Expectations Form
Please complete the pastoral expectations form that you recently
received in the mail. You may place them on the small table in the
narthex. They are due August 2.
Pastoral Nomination Forms
The official District forms will be available August 2nd. In addition
to the name and congregation of a pastor, you will need to provide a
short justification for your nomination and sign the form. The forms
will be available on the small table in the narthex or you may request
one from Paul Rubel. You may return the completed form to the small
table or Paul Rubel. The due date is August 30th.
Sunday School Teacher Needed
We're in need of one (that's 1) teacher to complete coverage for our
Sunday School classes for the coming year. The slot that remains
open is for Kindergarten--2nd grade. Lesson materials are provided. If
you are willing to help with this important work, please speak with
Michael at your earliest convenience.
Attention Campers
Unfortunately, due to the low number of people that were able to go
camping, the camping trip has been cancelled.
Help Needed
The Hands In Harmony Team for the month of August needs your
help filling some positions. Please check the HIH bulletin board in the
sunshine hall. Thank You!
Baby Shower
Mark & Emily Geisler invite you to our baby shower at Peace With
Christ Lutheran Church at 2:00 pm on August 22nd. We will be
having twins expected December 5th and wish to celebrate with
church friends and family. A gift card will be raffled to those who
bring diapers. We are registered at Target and Babies R Us.
Please have RSVP by email to
Save the Date
The Fourth Annual Pie Auction will be Sunday, August 30th at 2pm.
Stay tune for upcoming information.
S e r v i n g To d a y
Guest Book:
8:00 a.m.
Elenore Lund
10:45 a.m.
Ray Kaiser
Brian Lacey
Richard Lund
Chris Dunker
Cliff Buchholz
Jodi Lacey
Logan Mohr
Christian Peterson
Chris Dunker
Wes Nierman
Larry Siegfried
Chuck Black
Chris Dunker
Steve & Barb Spanjer
Barb Spanjer
Sandra Vanatta
Matthew Vanatta
Ron Pichel
Flowers on the Altar in Celebration for
Lu Buchholz Birthday
Serving August 2
Guest Book:
Martha Pforr
Martha Pforr
Jerry Buchleiter
James Pennington
Isaac Pennington
Pastor & Carol
Wes Nierman
Chris Dunker
Ernestine Munsey
Lynn Boehnke
Kai Olsen
Soren Olsen
Flowers on the Altar in Celebration for
Claude & Donna France’s 45th Wedding Anniversary