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Name that Country.
We are on the Persian Gulf
King Abdullah is our leader
We helped the British against the
We are Wahhabis.
Osama Bin Ladin came from here
Our democracy is threatened by
We have a border on the
Our occupation makes the rest of the
world really mad, except the U.S.
We were created in 1948 by the U.N.
We have been in five or more wars
since World War II.
We have beautiful beaches on the
We have a large Shiite minority on our
southern border.
We have a parliament where each ethnic
group gets a prescribed amount of seats,
established in a long ago census.
Hezbollah lives there.
We border Israel to the North (of Israel).
Beirut is our capital.
We are on the Saudi Peninsula
You really wouldn’t want to be a young woman
We have had the same leader for 40 years.
We used to be a British “protectorate”
We grow lots of khat
Saleh is our dictator, but probably not for long.
We were where the USS Cole was bombed
We were where Imam Al Alwalki was droned.
Hannibal came from my country.
Our revolt started with a slap and a
I was the first country to revolt in
the Arab Spring.
The Bin Ali Family was our leaders
We recently changed governments.
We are the largest Arab country by
We made a peace treaty with Israel in
Abdul Nasser was our President.
Anwar Sadat was our President
Hosni Mubarak was our President.
The Suez Canal is on our eastern border.
We border Israel to East.
Our leader is an Alawite Muslim, but our
population is Sunni.
We took over Lebanon for a while to stop
the civil war.
We attacked Israel three or four times.
Israel took the Golan Heights from us.
Our leader’s dad was a forty year dictator
Our leader is Bashar al Assad.
We are on the Persian Gulf
We have a large Shiite and a large
Sunni population.
We invaded Kuwait, a big mistake.
Iran is our traditional enemy.
We fought a war with Iran in the 80s.
Saddam Hussein used to be our
We are an Arab country.
We attacked Israel three or four times, but
now recognize their right to exist.
Our King is a Hashemite.+
Our King is the moderate Abdullah
Our Queen Mum is an American.
We were part of the British Mandate.
The West Bank of the Jordan river was
taken from us in 1967.
We border the Mediterranean
We have a new leader
AQ Khan sold us nuclear secrets
Our President/Dictator had a team of
virgin bodyguards.
Our President traveled with an Ukrainian
We were responsible for the deaths of
many Americans over Lockerbie, Scotland
Our leader was recently killed.
Arabs call this the catastrophe
Because of this, no two state solution
Resulted in millions of refugees and
hundreds of refugee camps
Major sticking point in any
negotiations of Palestinian/Israel
Passed by U.N. in 1948
Would upset Israeli demographics if
it was implemented
Was a terrorist
Then a Prime Minister
Player at Camp David
Some power on the West Bank
Political wing of the PLO
Asked for Statehood for Palestinians
at U.N.
Abbas is in control
The prototypical terrorist
Face of Palestinian resistance for 30
Looks like ringo starr
Married to a Christian
President after Nasser
Player at Camp David
Killed by Muslim Brotherhood
I was in 9th grade
West Bank occupied by Israel
Sinai taken be Israel
Land taken here a potential
Palestinian state
Lasted less than a week
Returned the Sinai
Cost the U.S. a lot of cash
Made Peace between Israel and
largest Arab country
Recognized Israel right to exist by
Arabs point to this a lot
Passed by the U.N.
Requires a return to the pre 67
Would mean the settlements have to
Lives on the West Bank
Ask U.N. to recognized Palestinian
Head of the political wing of PLO
More Moderate than Arafat
Head of Fatah
Right of Return
Israel’s Demographic Problem
5 countries who routinely attacked
Israel before 1975
The Lebanese Invasion 1982
Qudz force
The Wall
Resolution 242