Standing in Integrity

© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
Definition of Ethics
The science of moral; the branch of knowledge
that deals with human duty or the logic of moral
discourses; the whole field of moral science
The moral principles or system of a particular
leader or school of thought; the moral principles
by which any particular person is guided; the
rules of conduct recognized in a particular
profession or area of human life
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
Definition of Integrity
The condition of having no part or element
taken away or lacking, undivided state;
The condition of not being marred or violated;
unimpaired condition; original state; soundness
Freedom from moral corruption; innocence,
sinlessness. Soundness of moral principle; the
character of uncorrupted virtue, honesty,
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
Standards established by
organizations or
professional societies
A value or personal factor
that enables a person to
uphold ethical standards
Codes or rules of conduct
Written and shared with
employees or members for
compliance with those
Integrity is honesty,
truthfulness, consistency of
words and actions, without
compromise and the state
of being complete or
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
© C. Gray &
Associates, 2011
You are your word.
It defines how people view you.
Extent of honoring your word = your level of
Your actions are aligned with your word
Your actions create trust because you honor
your word
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
 Integrity level you have with yourself
 Integrity level in relation to interactions with other people
 Integrity level regarding your interaction with the organization
 Your perceptions the organization’s level of integrity
© C. Gray & Associates, LLC, 2011
Take risks in order to do what you feel is right
Stand for what you believe even when unpopular
Follow through on your commitments
Unwilling to compromise values for advancement
Aware of your limitations
Honor health and personal needs
Note: These are some examples of characteristics
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
 Openness & Honesty with Others
 Transparency with Information
 Address Your Mistakes & Conflicts
 Vulnerability
 Clarify Expectations
 Accountability
 Keep Commitments and Deliver Results
Note: These are some examples of characteristics
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
Use of Resources “Fraud”
Use of Time – Abuse or Excess
Conflict of Interest
Alignment with Vision & Mission
Alignment with Policies & Procedures
Commitment Level “Disengagement”
Note: These are some examples of characteristics
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
© C. Gray & Associates, LLC, 2011
 “What most people think about when they think
about trust. Integrity means honesty. It’s
integratedness. It’s walking the talk. It’s being
congruent, inside and out. It’s having the courage to
act in accordance with your values and beliefs.
Interestingly, most massive violations of trust are
violations of integrity.”
Sustains leaders who are continually challenged to
compromise from internal and external pressure
Enables a leader to hold firm to values and ethical
Maintains consistency of action and values
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
Allows leaders to behave according to what they
profess to hold true
Affects trust, dependability, respect, which
influences interactions and access
Preserves a leader or organization’s standing in the
public and private arenas
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
Doing what is right versus expedient & easy
Making difficult decisions and acting on them
Making adjustments based on the situation and
the people
Doing your best you with responsibilities
Being accountable
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
Be honest with yourself (Limits, Needs, Etc.)
Communicate with Candor (Tell others what you need)
Honor commitments
Identify gaps between your word and actions
Renegotiate when you can’t keep your word
 Apologize
 Restore integrity
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
You are your word and it defines how others view
You are 100% responsible for your word
When you function with integrity, unfinished
business disappears
Nobody ever achieves 100% integrity
Become aware of areas to increase integrity
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011
Living with Integrity
continually striving
to make all aspects of your life
with what you say.
© C. Gray & Associates, 2011