Basics of Information Technology

Basics of Information Technology
Answer the following questions
1. Define Information Technology?
Ans. Information technology is a technology which supports activities involving
the creation, storages, manipulation and communication of information together
with the related methods, management and application.
2. What are the basic operations performed by a computer system?
Ans. Inputting, storing, processing, outputting and controlling
3. What rea the characteristics of a computer?
Ans. Speed, reliability and accuracy, storage or memory, capability of decision,
versatility, automation, diligence (Unlike human beings ie. Free from dullness and
lack of concentration)
4. What are the limitations of a computer system?
Ans. Lack of intelligence and need of special language
5.. Explain components of a computer system?
CPU(Central processing unit)
CPU is responsible for execution of program and also controls all the devices
attached to it. It consists of 1.Primary memory, 2.Arithmetic and logic unit, 3.
Control unit
1.Primary memory:- It is a fast random access memory(RAM) which is
directly addressed by the processor. It stores the necessary programs of
software which are required to xecute user programs.
2. Arithmetic and logic unit:- ALU performs all the calculations and
3.Control Unit:- CU is responsible for controlling the entire function of ALU.
It generates timing signals for execution.
6. Explain different types of printers.
Ans. Printers are broadly classified as – Impact and Non impact printers.
Impact Printers:- Printers that work by banging a needle or head against an
ink ribbon to make a mark on the paper. This includes dot matrix printer,
Daisywheel printers and line printers.
Non Impact Printers:- This type of printers does not operates by striking
ahead against a ribbon. Eg. Laser and Inkjet Printer.
7. Briefly describe five input and five output devices.
Ans. Input devices.
1.Keyboard:- It is an input device with a number of keys and is very much
similar to a typewriter machine with additional control keys.
2.Mouse:- It’s a pointing device. It has two rotating wheels on the underside.
It communicates with the computer via radio waves. The mouse is rolled over
the mouse pad, which in turn controls the movement of the cursor in the
3.Scanners:- They are kind of input devices. They are capable of entering
information directly in to the computer. This device works like a Xerox
4. Light Pen:- This is an input device which is used to draw lines or figures on
the computer screen. It’s touched to the CRT screen where it can detect raster
on the screen as it passes.
5. MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) is capable of recognizing
marks of characters used for direct data entry in to the system.
6. Optical Character Rader: It’s a device which detects alpha numeric
characters printed or written on a paper.
Output Devices
1. VDU:-It stands for Visual Display Unit. It may be a screen or a monitor.
Monitor is like a TV screen (it can be plasma, LED, LCD).Resolution of
monitor depends on the number of pixels per inches.
2. Printer:-Printer is an output device which is used to show result in hard
copy form or in paper form.
3. Plotter:-Plotter is a well known output device which produce high quality
graphics in multiple color .Plotter is used to create maps, charts etc. on a
paper sheet.
4. Speakers: Speakers are popular output devices used with computer
systems. They receive audio input from the computer's sound card and
produce audio output in the form of sound waves. Most computer speakers
are active speakers, meaning they have an internal amplifier which allows
you to increase the volume, or amplitude, of the sound.
8. Explain primary memory?
Ans. Primary memory stores the necessary programs of software which are
required to execute user programs. This is also called main memory which is
directly accessed by the CPU. This is manufactured by using semiconductor
technology. These memories are static, lighter, and cheaper and are volatile
which retains the information as long as the power is not switched off. When
power supply is switched off and interrupted the stored information is lost.
Primary memory is divided in to two types, RAM and ROM.
Primary storage, also known as main storage or memory, is the area in a
computer in which data is stored for quick access by the computer's processor.
The terms random access memory (RAM) and memory are often as synonyms
for primary or main storage.
9. What are the characters of secondary storage devices?
Ans. Secondary Storage devices those are used for storing the data in a
Permanent Manner. Data will remain Stored whether the Power is Switched
on or Switched off. For storing the data in a Permanent Manner we uses the
Magnetic Storage Devices.
1. Massive capacity – They have capacity much larger than the main
memory. They can store larger programs and data.
2. Non-Volatile:- The magnetic memory retains the information once stored
in it even if the power is switched off.
3. Modular expandability – The capacity of each of the secondary storage
devices can be increased as the need of the organization grows.
10. Explain ROM?
Ans. Read only memory
In this memory the information can be only written but cannot be edited.
This is also a primary memory which is permanent type of memory. Its
contents are not lost when the power supply is switched off because user
cannot write in to this memory. This is only read only memory. Its contents
are written while manufacturing. It stores some system programs and some
built in functions required for executing program.
29. Explain any three secondary storage devices
Ans. Floppy disc – they have a plastic cove which keeps the whole disc
surface covered an protected when not in use. They are compact , reusable
and cheap. But they are more prone to data loss and delicate handling.
Optical disc – these are ROM pre recorded by the manufacture, the disc is flat
round in shape made up of a resin. Its advantages are large capacity and less
error prone. Disadvantages are read only so non reusable ang high cost.
Magnetic disc – In this memory device a number of discs make disc
pack.advantages are large capacitive of storage , reusable, ability to store
large number of files in one unit, direct access for addition and deletion of
records. Disadvantages are costlier than tapes, more susceptible to errors.
30. Arrange the following memory unit in ascending orders as their storage
capacities .
Kilo byte, Gigabyte, bit, Terra byte, Word, Byte, Mega byte
Bit, Byte, Word, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte.
Fill in the blanks.
1. Read only memory is the type of permanent memory.
2. The brain of the computer is CPU.
3. The unit which is responsible for controlling the function of ALU is control
4. Bit is the smallest unit of memory.
5. The set of instructions that perform particular tasks is called software.
6. Mouse is a pointing device.