A Poster is a very useful medium to 1. Create social awareness about issues related to current problems and needs 2. Extend Invitation 3. Issue a notice for the general public. 4. Make an announcement or appeal 5. Advertise a product • NOTICE BOARDS • BULLETIN BOARDS • WALLS (A WRONG PRACTICE) ISSUING AGENCIES POLITICAL PARTIES RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS ARTISTS EVENT ORGANIZERS FILM MAKERS ADVERTISING AGENCIES NGO’S GOVT. DEPARTMENTS PUBLIC RELATION DEPARTMENT HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION AGENCIES GROUPS/AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS Points to Remember DESIGNING A POSTER Use eye catching presentation. Use persuasive language - catchy slogans - jingles - emotional appeal Give appropriate visual appeal. Give important information (e.g. venue, date, time, occasion, purpose) Use different sizes of letters and different placing. Make letters light or dark to create requisite effects. Draw simple sketches if you can. Mention the issuing authority at the end with address, telephone number, website etc. Present the matter in a BOX. Marking Scheme Format : 01 mark Content : 02 marks Expression : 02 marks TOTAL : O5 marks Word Limit : 50 Time Limit : 5 -7 min. Identify the fields related to these slogans-peer discussion Reuse the past, Recycle the present, Save the earth. GO GREEN! Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Renew! From Exploitation to Education If you can’t stop smoking cancer will“ Too much smoke will leave you broke” Write slogans on the following topics Child Labour Global Warming. Protection of Wild Animals Education of Girls Population Control SAY NO TO CHILD LABOUR Let the children enjoy their CHILDHOOD Participate in a RALLY against Exploitation of Children Date:20th July 2009 Time:9 a.m.-11 a.m. Venue: India Gate to Child Care Society Children are the future of the nation Child labour is the worst crime. Issued by: Programme Officer, Child Care Society, New Delhi. Question-(Partly Solved) Sameera Khan,the manager of International Trade Authority of India drafts a poster informing the public about one week International Book Fair being held at Pragati Maidan. Draft the poster giving necessary details in not more than 50 words. (Fill in the blanks) Title Date: ………………………. ……. …………………… ……. …………………………. Book for all age groups & on all subjects …………………………………………….. …………………………………………… International best seller Organizers: International Trade Authority of India POSTER ON BLOOD DONATION POSTERS ON POLLUTION POSTER ON RAIN WATER HARVESTING POSTER ON WOMEN EMPOWERMENT POSTER ON TRAFFIC RULES Issued by Traffic Police What are we to leave for the next generation on this Earth…? Hunger…Poverty…Dearth It’s Global Warning ACT NOW Go GREEN Issued by : Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India Question for Practice The Directorate of Education, Delhi State is organizing an Essay Contest for all the students of the state. Prepare a suitable poster, which can be sent different schools for display on the notice boards. Hints: The topic of the Essay Contest Last date of sending entries Word limit Prizes Eligibility Condition Entries to be sent to? Use slogans QUESTION FOR PRACTICE You are the secretary of the Health Club of your school. You are organising a campaign against smoking. Draft a poster to put up on the school premises to build awareness among the students of the disastrous effects of the use of tobacco. PROJECT Draft posters on all important days/celebrations and put up in the prescribed places in the school. Time required: Throughout the year.