Mixer Design • • • • • Introduction to mixers Mixer metrics Mixer topologies Mixer performance analysis Mixer design issues 1 What is a mixer • Frequency translation device – Convert RF frequency to a lower IF or base band for easy signal processing in receivers – Convert base band signal or IF frequency to a higher IF or RF frequency for efficient transmission in transmitters • Creative use of nonlinearity or time-variance – These are usually harmful and unwanted – They generates frequencies not present at input • Used together with appropriate filtering – Remove unwanted frequencies 2 Two operation mechanisms • Nonlinear transfer function – Use device nonlinearities creatively! – Intermodulation creates the desired frequency and unwanted frequencies • Switching or sampling – A time-varying process – Preferred; fewer spurs – Active mixers – Passive mixers 3 An ideal nonlinearity mixer If x(t ) A cos 1t y (t ) B cos 2t x(t)y(t) x(t) y(t) Then the output is AB AB A cos 1t B cos 2t cos(1 2 )t cos(1 2 )t 2 2 down convert up convert 4 Commutating switch mixer VRF (t ) VLO (t ) VLO (t ) VIF (t) VRF (t ) VLO (t ) ARF sin ω RF t sqω LO t 2 1 ARF cos(ω RF ω LO )t cos3(ω RF ω LO )t π 3 5 A non-ideal mixer RF-IF x aixi + + + output Distortion + gain + RF-LO noise y' LO-RF LO-IF y 6 Mixer Metrics • Conversion gain – lowers noise impact of following stages • Noise Figure – impacts receiver sensitivity • Port isolation – want to minimize interaction between the RF, IF, and LO ports • Linearity (IIP3) – impacts receiver blocking performance • Spurious response • Power match – want max voltage gain rather than power match for integrated designs • Power – want low power dissipation • Sensitivity to process/temp variations – need to make it manufacturable in high volume 7 Conversion Gain • Conversion gain or loss is the ratio of the desired IF output (voltage or power) to the RF input signal value ( voltage or power). r.m.s. voltage of the IF signal Voltage Conversion Gain r.m.s. voltage of the RF signal IF power delivered to the load Power Conversion Gain Available power from the source If the input impedance and the load impedance of the mixer are both equal to the source impedance, then the voltage conversion gain and the power conversion gain of the mixer will be the same in dB’s. 8 Noise Figures: SSB vs DSB Signal band Signal band Image band Thermal noise Thermal noise LO LO IF 0 Single side band Double side band 9 SSB Noise Figure • Broadband noise from mixer or front end filter will be located in both image and desired bands • Noise from both image and desired bands will combine in desired channel at IF output – Channel filter cannot remove this 10 DSB Noise Figure • For zero IF, there is no image band – Noise from positive and negative frequencies combine, but the signals combine as well • DSB noise figure is 3 dB lower than SSB noise figure – DSB noise figure often quoted since it sounds better 11 Port-to-Port Isolations • Isolation – Isolation between RF, LO and IF ports – LO/RF and LO/IF isolations are the most important features. – Reducing LO leakage to other ports can be solved by filtering. IF RF LO 12 LO Feed through • Feed through from the LO port to IF output port due to parasitic capacitance, power supply coupling, etc. • Often significant due to strong LO output signal – If large, can potentially desensitize the receiver due to the extra dynamic range consumed at the IF output – If small, can generally be removed by filter at IF output 13 Reverse LO Feed through • Reverse feed through from the LO port to RF input port due to parasitic capacitance, etc. – If large, and LNA doesn’t provide adequate isolation, then LO energy can leak out of antenna and violate emission standards for radio – Must insure that isolation to antenna is adequate 14 Self-Mixing of Reverse LO Feedthrough • LO component in the RF input can pass back through the mixer and be modulated by the LO signal – DC and 2fo component created at IF output – Of no consequence for a heterodyne system, but can cause problems for homodyne systems (i.e., zero IF) 15 Nonlinearity in Mixers • Ignoring dynamic effects, three nonlinearities around an ideal mixer • Nonlinearity A: same impact as LNA nonlinearity • Nonlinearity B: change the spectrum of LO signal – Cause additional mixing that must be analyzed – Change conversion gain somewhat • Nonlinearity C: cause self mixing of IF output 16 Focus on Nonlinearity in RF Input Path • Nonlinearity B not detrimental in most cases – LO signal often a square wave anyway • Nonlinearity C avoidable with linear loads • Nonlinearity A can hamper rejection of interferers – Characterize with IIP3 as with LNA designs – Use two-tone test to measure (similar to LNA) 17 Spurious Response IF m RF n LO IF LO IF LO n m, 0 1 RF RF RF RF y n x m 0 y x 1 y IF RF IF Band x LO RF 18 Mixer topologies • Discrete implementations: – Single-diode and diode-ring mixers • IC implementations: – MOSFET passive mixer – Active mixers – Gilbert-cell based mixer – Square law mixer – Sub-sampling mixer – Harmonic mixer 19 Single-diode passive mixer VLO VLO L C RL VIF t VRF ID VIF VD • • • • • Simplest and oldest passive mixer The output RLC tank tuned to match IF Input = sum of RF, LO and DC bias No port isolation and no conversion gain. Extremely useful at very high frequency (millimeter wave band) t 20 Single-balanced diode mixer VLO VIF VLO L C RL t VRF VIF • • • • • Poor gain Good LO-IF isolation Good LO-RF isolation Poor RF-IF isolation Attractive for very high frequency applications where transistors are slow. t 21 Double-balanced diode mixer VLO VLO VIF VRF t VIF • • • • Poor gain (typically -6dB) Good LO-IF LO-RF RF-IF isolation Good linearity and dynamic range Attractive for very high frequency applications where transistors are slow. t 22 CMOS Passive Mixer RS VLO M1 M2 VLO M4 VLO VIF VLO M3 • M1 through M4 act as switches 23 CMOS Passive Mixer • Use switches to perform the mixing operation • No bias current required • Allows low power operation to be achieved 24 CMOS Passive Mixer RFLO+ LO- IF RF+ Same idea, redrawn RC filter not shown IF amplifier can be frequency selective [*] T. Lee 25 CMOS Passive Mixer IM1 t VLO LO RF t VOUT GC Vout IF 4 VRF RF t 4 4 4 Vout VRF .Cos RF t Cos LO t Cos 3 LOt Cos 5 LOt ... 3 5 26 CMOS Passive Mixer • Non-50% duty cycle of LO results in no DC offsets!! IM1 t DC-term of LO VLO t LO RF VOUT t 4 4 4 Vout VRF .Cos RF t DC Cos LO t Cos 3 LOt Cos 5 LOt ... 3 5 27 CMOS Passive Mixer with Biasing VLO 200 VLO VLO Cbias 1nF RS 200 VS Vgg Rsd Rgg VLO M1 VLOCbias 1nF M2 Vsd CL M 2' Rgg RL 2k M 1' Rsd Cbias 1nF 28 A Highly Linear CMOS Mixer • Transistors are alternated between the off and triode regions by the LO signal • RF signal varies resistance of channel when in triode • Large bias required on RF inputs to achieve triode operation – High linearity achieved, but very poor noise figure 29 Simple Switching Mixer (Single Balanced Mixer) • The transistor M1 converts the RF voltage signal to the current signal. • Transistors M2 and M3 commute the current between the two branches. RL RL VLO M2 Vout M3 VLO I DC I RF VRF M1 30 Single balanced active mixer, BJT • • • • Single-ended input Differential LO Differential output QB provides gain for vin • Q1 and Q2 steer the current back and forth at LO VCC RL RL + out - LO+ vin + DC Q1 Q2 LO- QB vout = ±gmvinRL 31 Double Balanced Mixer RL VLO M2 VRF RL VOUT M3 I DC I RF VLO M2 VRF M3 VLO I DC I RF • Strong LO-IF feed suppressed by double balanced mixer. • All the even harmonics cancelled. • All the odd harmonics doubled (including the signal). 32 Gilbert Mixer • Use a differential pair to achieve the transconductor implementation • This is the preferred mixer implementation for most radio systems! 33 Double balanced mixer, BJT • Basically two SB mixers – One gets +vin/2, the other gets –vin/2 VCC RL RL + out - LO+ Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 LO+ LOQB1 + vin - QB2 34 Mixers based on MOS square law Cl arg e I ds K SQ . VGSQ VT 0 2 Rb VLO VBB1 VRF I ds K SQ . Vbias VRF VLO VT 0 2 K SQ . Vbias VT 0 VRF VLO 2 Vbias VT 0 . VRF VLO 2 2 (VRF VLO ) 2 gives rise to cos(RF LO )t and cos(RF LO )t 35 Practical Square Law Mixers I ds K SQ . VGSQ VT 0 Cl arg e 2 Cl arg e Rb VRF VBB1 I BIAS VLO The conversion gain can be shown to be CoxW K sqVLO VLO 2L 36 Practical Bipolar Mixer IC ICO . e Cl arg e VBE VT Cl arg e Rb VRF VBB1 I BIAS VLO The conversion gain can be shown to be I CQ 2 T v VLO 37 MOSFET Mixer (with impedance matching) VDD Cmatch IF Filter RL VBB2 RS Cl arg e Lg I ds K SQ . VGSQ VT 0 2 RLO Rb VRF VBB1 Cl arg e Le Matching Network VLO 38 Sub-sampling Mixer • Properly designed track-and-hold circuit works as sub-sampling mixer. • The sampling clock’s jitter must be very small • Noise folding leads to large mixer noise figure. • High linearity 39 Harmonic Mixer •Emitter-coupled BJTs work as two limiters. •Odd symmetry suppress even order distortion eg LO selfmixing. •Small RF signal modulates zero crossing of large LO signal. •Output rectangular wave in PWM •LPF demodulate the PWM • Harmonic mixer has low self-mixing DC offset, very attractive for direct conversion application. • The RF signal will mix with the second harmonic of the LO. So the LO can run at half rate, which makes VCO design easier. • Because of the harmonic mixing, conversion gain is usually small 40 Features of Square Law Mixers • Noise Figure: The square law MOSFET mixer can be designed to have very low noise figure. • Linearity: true square law MOSFET mixer produces only DC, original tones, difference, and sum tones • The corresponding BJT mixer produces a host of nonlinear components due to the exponential function • Power Dissipation: The square law mixer can be designed with very low power dissipation. • Power Gain: Reasonable power gain can be achieved through the use of square law mixers. • Isolation: Square law mixers offer poor isolation from LO to RF port. This is by far the biggest short coming of the square law mixers. 41 Mixer performance analysis • Analyze major metrics – Conversion gain – Port isolation – Noise figure/factor – Linearity, IIP3 • Gain insights into design constraints and compromise 42 Common Emitter Mixer • • • • Single-ended input Differential LO Differential output QB provides gain for vin • Q1 and Q2 steer the current left and right at LO VCC RL RL + out - LO+ vin + DC Q1 Q2 LO- QB 43 Common Emitter Mixer • Conversion gain VCC Two output component: RL RL vout1 = ±gmvinRL vout2 = ±IQBDCRL IF signal is the RF – LO component in vout1 + out - LO+ vin + DC Q1 Q2 LO- QB So gain = ? 44 Common Emitter Mixer • Port isolation VCC At what frequency is Vout2 switching? RL RL + out - vout2 = ±IQBDCRL LO+ Q1 Q2 LO- vout2 = SW(LO)IQBDCRL This is feed through from LO to output vin + DC QB 45 Common Emitter Mixer • Port isolation VCC How about LO to RF? RL RL + out - This feed through is much smaller than LO to output LO+ vin + DC Q1 Q2 LO- QB 46 Common Emitter Mixer • Port isolation VCC How about RF to LO? RL RL + out - If LO is generating a square wave signal, its output impedance is very small, resulting in small feed through from RF to LO to output. LO+ vin + DC Q1 Q2 LO- QB 47 Common Emitter Mixer • Port isolation VCC What about RF to output? RL RL Ideally, contribution to output is: + out - SW(LO)*gmvinRL LO+ What can go wrong and cause an RF component at the output? vin + DC Q1 Q2 LO- QB 48 Common Emitter Mixer • Noise Components: 1. Noise due to loads 2. Noise due to the input transistor (QB) 3. Noise due to switches (Q1 and Q2) RL RL + out - LO+ LOQ1 Q2 QB 49 Common Emitter Mixer 1. Noise due to loads: – Each RL contributes vRL2 = 4kTRLf – Since they are uncorrelated with each other, their noise power’s add – Total contribution of RL’s: voRL2 = 8kTRLf RL RL + out - LO+ LOQ1 Q2 QB 50 Common Emitter Mixer 2. Noise due input transistor (the transducer): – From BJT device model, equivalent input noise voltage of a CE amplifier is: 2 inCE v 1 f 4kT rb 2gm RL RL + out - LO+ LOQ1 Q2 QB 51 Common Emitter Mixer 2. Noise due to input transistor: – If this is a differential amplifier, QB noise would be common mode – But Q1 and Q2 just switching, the noise just appears at either v terminal of out: RL RL + out - LO+ LOQ1 Q2 QB 2 in(CE) 2 out ,QB v gain v 2 2 inCE 52 Common Emitter Mixer 2. Noise due to input transistor: – Noise at the two terminals dependent? – Accounted for by incorporating a factor “n”. 2 out ,QB n gain v 2 out ,QB g m RL v v 2 2 2 inCE RL RL + out - LO+ LOQ1 Q2 QB vin(CE) 2 1 f 4nkT rb 2gm 53 Common Emitter Mixer • Total Noise due to RL and QB: RL – If we assume rb is very small: RL + out - LO+ vT2 g m RL 8kTRL 1 f 4 When: LOQ1 Q2 QB rb << 1/(2gm) and n=1 54 Common Emitter Mixer 3. What about the noise due to switches? – – – When Q2 is off and Q1 is on, acting like a cascode or more like a resister if LO is LO+ strong Can show that Q1’s noise has little effect on vout VE1~VC1, VBE1 has similar noise as VC1, which cause jitter in the time for Q1 to turn off if the edges of LO are not infinitely steep RL RL + out LOQ1 Q2 QB 55 Common Emitter Mixer 3. What about the noise due to switches: RL – Transition time “jitter” in the switching signal: RL + out - LO+ LOQ1 Q2 QB no noise noise Effect is quite complex, quantitative analysis later 56 Common Emitter Mixer • How to improve Noise Figure of mixer: – Reduce RL – Increase gm and reduce rb of QB – Faster switches – Steeper rise or fall edge in LO – Less jitter in LO RL RL + out - LO+ LOQ1 Q2 QB 57 Common Emitter Mixer • IP3: – The CE input transistor (QB) converts vin to Iin • BJTs cause 3rd-order harmonics – Multiplying by RL is linear operation – Q1 & Q2 only modulate the frequency – IP3mixer = IP3CE’s Vbe->I I QB I s e (VBB vin ) / vt RL RL + out - LO+ LOQ1 Q2 QB 1 1 2 1 3 I DC (1 vin 2 vin 3 vin ...) vt 2v t 6v t 58 Double Balanced Mixer • Basically two CE mixers – One gets +vin/2, the other gets –vin/2 VCC RL RL + out - LO+ Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 LO+ LOQB1 + vin - QB2 59 Double Balanced Mixer VC +1 C R R L L + out - -1 Local Oscillator LO+ Q1 Q2 vout = gmvinRL vout = – gmvinRL Q3 Q4 LO+ LOQB1 + vin - QB2 60 Double Balanced Mixer • Benefits: – Fully Differential – No output signal at LO • Three stages: – CE input stages – Switches – Output load 61 Double Balanced Mixer • Noise: – Suppose QB1 & QB2 give similar total gm – Similar to CE Mixer VCC RL RL • IP3: – Similar Taylor series LO+ expansion of transducer transistors – Vin split between two Q’s, it can double before reaching the same level of nonlinearity – IIP3 improved by 3 dB + out - Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 LO+ LOQB1 + vin - QB2 62 Common Base Mixers • Similar operation to CE mixers • Different input stage – QB is CB • Slightly different output noise VC C RL + out - LO+ V Bias – Different CB input noise • Better linearity RL Q1 Q2 LO- QB vin IDC 63 Mixer Improvements • Debiasing switches from input transistors: – To lower NF we want high gm, but low Q1 and Q2 current VCC RL RL + out - LO+ Q1 Q2 LO- • Conflicting! – We can set low ISwitches and high IQb using a current source I difference I Qb vin + DC 2c g m RL NF 1 2 1 g m RL RS 4 I Switches QB 64 MOS Single Balanced Mixer • The transistor M1 converts the RF voltage signal to the current signal. • Transistors M2 and M3 commute the current between the two branches. RL RL VLO M2 Vout M3 VLO I DC I RF VRF M1 65 MOS Single Balanced Mixer IM1 t VLO t VOUT t 66 MOS Single Balanced Mixer VOUT t IF Filter VOUT t 67 MOS Single Balanced Mixer IF Filter RF IF LO LO RF RF LO LO RF LO RF 68 MOS Single Balanced Mixer RF SMIX SLO LO LO RF RF LO 2 LO 3 LO 69 Single Balanced Mixer (Incl. RF input Impd. Match) RL VLO RS VS RL Vout M3 M2 Cl arg e Lg VLO GMVRF Rb VGG Ls This architecture, without impedance matching for the LO port, is very commonly used in many designs. 70 Single Balanced Mixer (Incl. RF & LO Impd. Match) VGG 2 VGG 2 RL RL VLO Lg Lg Vout M3 M2 Lm2 RS VS Cl arg e Lg VLO Lm3 GMVRF Rb VGG1 Ls • This architecture, with impedance matching for the LO port, maximizes LO power utilization without wasting it. 71 Single Balanced Mixer Analysis: Linearity RL VLO RS Lg Rb VGG Vout M3 M2 Cl arg e VS RL VLO GMVRF Ls • Linearity of the Mixer primarily depends on the linearity of the transducer (I_tail=Gm*V_rf). Inductor Ls helps improve linearity of the transducer. • The transducer transistor M1 can be biased in the linear law region to improve the linearity of the Mixer. Unfortunately this results in increasing the noise figure of the mixer (as discussed in LNA design). 72 Single Balanced Mixer Analysis: Linearity RL VLO M2 RL Vout VLO M3 VGG RS Ibias Cc VS • Using the common gate stage as the transducer improves the linearity of the mixer. Unfortunately the approach reduces the gain and increases the noise figure of the mixer. 73 Single Balanced Mixer Analysis: Isolation RL VLO RL Vout M3 M2 VLO LO-RF Feed through RS VS Cl arg e 0.5TLO Lg Rb VGG GMVRF 0.5TLO 0.5TLO Ls 0.5TLO • The strong LO easily feeds through and ends up at the RF port in the above architecture especially if the LO does not have a 50% duty cycle. Why? 74 Single Balanced Mixer Analysis: Isolation VLO M3 M2 VLO GMVRF VBB2 RS Cl arg e VS Lg Rb VBB1 Weak LO-RF Feed through Ls • The amplified RF signal from the transducer is passed to the commuting switches through use of a common gate stage ensuring that the mixer operation is unaffected. Adding the common gate stage suppresses the LO-RF feed through. 75 Single Balanced Mixer Analysis: Isolation RL LO-IF Feed through VLO RS Lg Rb VBB1 Vout M3 M2 Cl arg e VS RL VLO GMVRF Ls • The strong LO-IF feed-through may cause the mixer or the amplifier following the mixer to saturate. It is therefore important to minimize the LO-IF feed-through. 76 Double Balanced Mixer RL VLO M2 VRF RL VOUT M3 I DC I RF VLO M2 VRF M3 VLO I DC I RF • Strong LO-IF feed suppressed by double balanced mixer. • All the even harmonics cancelled. • All the odd harmonics doubled (including the signal). 77 Double Balanced Mixer RL VLO M2 VRF RL VOUT Vout M3 I DC I RF VLO M2 Vout VRF M3 VLO I DC I RF • The LO feed through cancels. • The output voltage due to RF signal doubles. 78 Double Balanced Mixer: Linearity RL VLO M3 M2 VRF RL VOUT I DC I RF M1 VLO M3 M2 I DC I RF M1 VLO VRF • Show that: 1/ 2 3/ 2 K K 1 SQ SQ 3 VIF 2 I DC RL * V . V ... RF RF 2 I 2 2 I DC DC IIP3 in volts 8 I DC 3K SQ 79 Mixer Input Match RS Rg T LS RL VLO RS Cl arg e VS RL Vout M3 M2 VLO Lg Rb VBB1 1 Lg Ls Cgs Ls 80 Mixer Gain RL RL Vout VLO M3 M2 VLO I sig GM VRF GM ARF cos RF t VRF M1 GM 1 2 RS T TLO 0 : Vout Vcc I DC I sig .RL Vcc I DC I sig .RL 2 TLO TLO : Vout Vcc Vcc I DC I sig .RL I DC I sig .RL 2 Vout sig I sig RL * SW I sig RL 4 1 1 1 cos LO t cos 3 LO t cos 5 LO t cos 7 LO t 3 5 7 81 Mixer Output Match • Heterodyne Mixer: – If IF frequency is low (100-200MHz) and signal bandwidth is high (many MHz), output impedance matching is difficult due to: – The signal bandwidth is comparable to the IF frequency therefore the impedance matching would create gain and phase distortions – Need large inductors and capacitors to impedance match at 200MHz 82 Mixer Output Match (IF) 400 Lpar 2nH VCC 3.0V RL 400 VLO M2 VRF Vout M3 VLO M1 83 Mixer Output Match (direct conversion) RL CL VLO RS Cl arg e VS M3 Vout VLO Lg Rb VBB1 M2 RL Ls 84 Mixer Noise Analysis RL VLO Instantaneous Switching RL Vout M3 M2 VLO VOUT t I DC ,mix I RF I Noise VRF M1 Noise in RF signal band and in image band both mixed into IF signal band LO RF RF LO LO RF 85 Mixer Noise Analysis RL VLO Finite Switching Time RL Vout M3 M2 VLO VOUT t I DC ,mix I RF I Noise VRF M1 • If the switching is not instantaneous, additional noise from the switching pair will be added to the mixer output. • Let us examine this in more detail. 86 Mixer Noise Analysis • Noise analysis of a single balanced mixer cont...: RL VLO Finite Switching Time RL Vout M 2 on M3 off VLO VOUT t I DC ,mix I RF I Noise VRF M1 • When M2 is on and M3 is off: – M2 does not contribute any additional noise (M2 acts as cascode) – M3 does not contribute any additional noise (M3 is off) 87 Mixer Noise Analysis • Noise analysis of a single balanced mixer cont...: RL VLO Finite Switching Time RL Vout M2 off M3 on VLO VOUT t I DC ,mix I RF I Noise VRF M1 • When M2 is off and M3 is on: – M2 does not contribute any additional noise (M2 is off) – M3 does not contribute any additional noise (M3 acts as cascode) 88 Mixer Noise Analysis • Noise analysis of a single balanced mixer cont...: RL VLO RL Finite Switching Time Vout M 2 on M3 on VLO VOUT t I DC ,mix I RF I Noise VRF M1 • When VLO+ = VLO- (i.e. the LO is passing through zero), the noise contribution from the transducer (M1) is zero. Why? • However, the noise contributed from M2 and M3 is not zero because both transistors are conducting and the noise in M2 and M3 are uncorrelated. 89 Mixer Noise Analysis • Optimizing the mixer (for noise figure): RL VLO RL VOUT Vout M 2 on M3 on M1 t VLO I DC ,mix I RF I Noise VRF Trise gm W ... fixed I DC 1 T ... fixed I DC W • Design the transducer for minimum noise figure. • Noise from M2, M3 minimized by fast switching : – making LO amplitude large – making M2 and M3 short (i.e. increasing fT of M2 and M3) • Noise from M2, M3 can be minimized by using wide M2/M3 switches. 90 Mixer Noise Analysis • Noise Figure Calculation: Trise RL VLO RL Vout M 2 on M3 on VOUT VLO t I DC ,mix I RF I Noise VRF M1 • Let us calculate the noise figure including the contribution of M2/M3 during the switching process. 91 Mixer Noise Analysis: RL Noise • Noise Analysis of Heterodyne Mixer (RL noise): RL VLO RL Vout M2 M3 VLO 2 vnoise RL 4kT 2 RL I DC ,mix I RF I Noise VRF M1 IF RF LO 92 Mixer Noise Analysis: Transducer Noise • Noise Analysis of Heterodyne Mixer (Transducer noise): RL VLO RL Vout M2 M3 VLO I DC ,mix I RF I Noise VRF VLO t M1 inoise M 1 switch inoise M 1 t .SW t 4 4 4 inoise M 1 t . Cos LOt Cos 3 LOt Cos 5 LOt ... 3 5 93 Mixer Noise Analysis: Transducer Noise • Noise Analysis of Heterodyne Mixer (Trans-conductor noise): inoise M 1 switch inoise M 1 t .SW t 4 4 4 inoise M 1 t . Cos LOt Cos 3 LOt Cos 5 LOt ... 3 5 IF 2 noise M 1 i 4 LO 3 LO LO 4kT .4kTg m1 f . Rch SW f 4 2 inoise 2. M 1 IF 4 3 LO ... 3 5 LO 2 1 1 . 1 2 2 .. . 4kTg m1 3 5 2 inoise M 1 IF 4. 4kTg m1 94 Mixer Noise Analysis: Switch Noise • Noise Analysis of Heterodyne Mixer (switch noise): id VLO M 2 on M3 on id 2 id 3 4kT 4kTgm Rch VLO vgn . 4kT gm gm vgs id gm vgs 95 Mixer Noise Analysis: Switch Noise • Noise Analysis of Heterodyne Mixer (switch noise): iout iout RL VLO RL Vout M2 M3 VLO VLO I DC ,mix I RF I Noise VRF Gm M1 Gm 0 VLO • Show that: Gm gm 2 gm3 gm 2,3 2.I DC ,mix V 96 Mixer Noise Analysis: Switch Noise • Noise Analysis of Heterodyne Mixer (switch noise) cont...: VLO vn m 2,3 TLO 2 Gm T iout t Gm t .vnm 2,3 t iout 97 Mixer Noise Analysis: Switch Noise • Noise Analysis of Heterodyne Mixer (switch noise) cont...: Gm t TLO 2 2 p T / 2 LO Gm f T p 2 p 3 p T p Sin k. T 2 1 Gm t Gm 0 . T .Gm 0 . .2Cos k p t T T T / 2 p LO LO k 1 k . 2 2 vn m 2,3 vn2m 2 vn2m 3 vnm 2,3 f vn m 2,3 2. . p 2 p 4kT g m 2,3 3 p 98 Mixer Noise Analysis: Switch Noise • Noise Analysis of Heterodyne Mixer (switch noise) cont...: Gm f p 2 p Gm f vnm 2,3 f 3 p vnm 2,3 f p 2 p 3 p 1 2 inoise .Gm2 0 .T .vn2 m 2,3 M 2,3 IF TLO 2 99 Mixer Noise Analysis: Switch Noise • Noise Analysis of Heterodyne Mixer (switch noise) cont...: 1 2.I DC ,mix .Gm2 0 .T .vn2 m 2,3 G g g g m m2 m3 m 2,3 TLO V 2 I DC ,mix 2 Gm 0 V Slope. T VLO t ALOCos LOt V dVLO t 4kT Slope t 90 A vn m 2,3 2. . LO LO LO dt g m 2,3 LOt 90 1 1 4kT 2 2 2 2 inoise M 2,3 IF .Gm 0 .T .vn m 2,3 .Gm 0 .T . 2. . TLO / 2 TLO / 2 g m 2,3 2 inoise M 2,3 IF 1 TLO / 2 .Gm 0 .T . 2. .4kT 2 I DC ,mix TLO / 2 . 2. .4kT . I DC ,mix 4. 4kT A LO 1 TLO / 2 . 2.I DC ,mix V .T . 2. .4kT T 2 I DC ,mix 1 . 2. .4kT . V TLO / 2 ALO LO Total Noise Contribution due to switches M2 and M3 100 Mixer Noise Analysis: Total Noise • Noise Analysis of Heterodyne Mixer (total noise): 2 noise RL v 2 noise M 1 i 4kT 2 RL g m short dI DS short 1 I DS short WCox vsat dVGS 2 VGSQ VT 0 IF 4. 4kTgm1 4. 4kT . V I DC ,mix GSQ VT 0 I DC ,mix 2 inoise 4. 4 kT M 2,3 IF A LO 2 2 2 2 2 2 vnoise MIX IF vnoise RL RL inoise M 1 RL inoise M 2,3 2 noise MIX v I DC ,mix I DC ,mix 4 kTR 1 4. . . R 4. . . R IF L L L A V V GSQ T 0 LO 101 Mixer Noise Analysis: Total Noise • Noise Analysis of Heterodyne Mixer (total noise): 2 noise MIX v I DC ,mix I DC ,mix 4 kTR 1 4. . . R 4. . . R IF L L L A V V GSQ T 0 LO (VGSQ-VT0) ↑ M1 linearity ↑ and noise↓ ALO ↑ noise contribution from M2/M3 ↓ 2 vnoise MIX IF VGSQ 0.8V VGSQ 1.6V VLO 102 Homodyne Mixer Noise Analysis: Transducer Noise • Noise Analysis of Homodyne Mixer (noise from transducer M1): RL VLO RL Vout M2 M3 VLO I DC ,mix I RF I Noise VRF M1 LO RF 103 Homodyne Mixer Noise Analysis: RL Noise • Noise Analysis of Homodyne Mixer (noise from RL): RL VLO RL Noise from RL Vout M2 M3 VLO I DC ,mix I RF I Noise VRF M1 LO RF 104 Homodyne Mixer Noise Analysis: non-50% duty LO • Noise Analysis of Homodyne Mixer (M2,M3 mismatched or non-50% duty cycle of LO)}: TLO TLO 2 RL VLO RL VRF 2 T VLO Vout M2 T M3 t VLO M1 I M 1 DC 4 Cos LO t 4 Cos 3 LO t ... 3 105 Homodyne Mixer Noise Analysis: non-50% duty LO • Noise Analysis of Homodyne Mixer (M2,M3 mismatched or non-50% duty cycle of LO)--{Noise from M1}: RL VLO RL Vout M2 VRF M3 VLO I Noise M1 I Noise 1/ f I Noise thermal M1 I DC , mix I RF I Noise thermal I Noise 1/ f 106 Homodyne Mixer Noise Analysis: non-50% duty LO • Noise Analysis of Homodyne Mixer (M2,M3 mismatched or non-50% duty cycle of LO)--{Noise from M1}: RL VLO DC-term of LO RL Vout M2 M3 VLO VRF M1 LO RF 3 LO 4 4 I I I I . DC Cos t Cos 3 t ... DC ,mix RF Noisethermal Noise1/ f LO LO 3 107 Homodyne Mixer Noise Analysis: non-50% duty LO • Noise Analysis of Homodyne Mixer (M2,M3 mismatched or non-50% duty cycle of LO)--{Noise from M2/M3}: id id thermal id 1/ f VLO M 2 on id 1/ f M3 on id 2 id 3 Kf 1 .g . CoxWL f VLO vgn 1/ f 2 m Kf 1 CoxWL f . gm vgs gm vgs 108 Homodyne Mixer Noise Analysis: non-50% duty LO • Noise Analysis of Homodyne Mixer (M2,M3 mismatched or non-50% duty cycle of LO)--{Noise from M2/M3}: RL vgn 1/ f VLO M2 I DC , mix RL Vout M3 VLO I RF I Noise thermal I Noise 1/ f vgn 1/ f VLO 109 Homodyne Mixer Noise Analysis: non-50% duty LO • Noise Analysis of Homodyne Mixer (M2,M3 mismatched or non-50% duty cycle of LO)--{Noise from M2/M3}: vgn 1/ f VLO iout iout iout no noise inoise 1/ f 110 Homodyne Mixer Noise Analysis: non-50% duty LO • Noise Analysis of Homodyne Mixer (M2,M3 mismatched or non-50% duty VLO cycle of LO)--{Noise from M2/M3}: vgn 1/ f iout T iout iout no noise inoise 1/ f v t Slope 2 A T t gn 1/ f LO LO Slope iout T t vgn 1/ f t 2 ALO LO 111 Homodyne Mixer Noise Analysis: non-50% duty LO • Noise Analysis of Homodyne Mixer (M2,M3 mismatched or non-50% duty cycle of LO)--{Noise from M2/M3}: TLO vgn 1/ f t TLO Noise Energy T t .I DC ,max . t k . I . t k DC ,max 2 2 A 2 k 0 k 0 LO LO vgn 1/ f f inoise1/ f .I DC ,max 2 ALO vgn1/ f f vgn1/ f t t I DC , mix 1 0.5TLO f iout 0.5TLO t I DC ,mix 1 0.5TLO f iout t f 112 Increasing Headroom in DBM (Option 1) Vb Q21 Q2 2 Rb Rb Vin Q2' 2 Q2' 1 Vin Cc VLO Cc VLO Vgnd Vcc Q1 Le Q1' Vgdcom Le Lpar 2nH 113 Increasing Headroom in DBM (Option 2) VCC 3.0V Vgg RL RL RL 200 Vb VS RS 200 Vin C 10nF Rb Q21 Q2 2 I BQ Rb Rb Rb ' ' Q2 2 Q21 Vb Vb Cc Q ' 1 Cc Q1 VLO VLO Lb Le I BQ Vgdcom Lb Vin C 10nF VS Le Lpar 2nH 114 Increasing Headroom in DBM (Option 3) VCC 3.0V Vgg RL RL RL 200 Vb VS RS 200 Vin C 10nF Rb Q21 Q2 2 I BQ Rb Rb Rb ' ' Q2 2 Q21 Vb Vb Cc Q ' 1 Cc Q1 VLO VLO Lb Le I BQ Vgdcom Lb Vin C 10nF VS Le Lpar 2nH 115