Adam Keller - The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical

28 Clover Mill Lane
Lyme, New Hampshire 03768
Office: 603.650-6660
Mobile: 603.208.8600
Home: 603.795.2121
More than 30 years of education, finance and administration experience at Dartmouth
College in academic medicine and senior academic leadership positions. Progressive
advancement due largely to excellent strategic thinking skills, commitment to
innovation and change, crisp implementation and ability to interact effectively with
individuals and teams at multiple levels in the organization.
Professional Experience: Finance and Administration
2009 – 2010
Special Assistant to the President and Provost, Dartmouth College,
 Provide broad strategic advice to the President and Provost with a focus on
developing and implementing opportunities for expansion of the Dartmouth
Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice and establishment of a
National Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery.
 Partner with the Director of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and
Clinical Research to transition to a mature and well integrated organization.
2007 – 2009
Vice President for Health Affairs, Dartmouth College
 Offered support to the Provost and medical school Dean on strategic, tactical
and operational issues primarily concerning external relations and fund
2003 – 2009
Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration, Dartmouth
 Oversaw the financial and administrative operations of Dartmouth College
with net assets of $4+ billion and an annual operating budget of $800 million.
 Led a major budget reduction process resulting in annual operating savings of
more than $70 million without operational disruptions.
 Reorganized and brought new leadership to multiple financial and
administrative support functions.
 Sponsored a major financial system implementation including a new general
ledger, chart of accounts and data warehouse.
1995 – 2003
Associate Dean and Chief Operating Officer, Dartmouth Medical
 Partnered with the Dean to coordinate, facilitate and oversee the operation of
the educational, research and operational components of a $160 million
medical school with 300 medical students.
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 Collaborated with the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center to further the
academic interests of the school.
 Built strong relationships with department chairs and faculty.
 Recruited new Cancer Center Director, Chair of Psychiatry, Chair of
Anatomy, Chair of Genetics.
1991 – 1995
Chief Financial Officer, Dartmouth Medical School,
 Responsible for all aspects of financial planning and management of a
medical school with an $80 million budget.
 Moved from a period of financial crisis to a stable mode that served as the
basis for future growth.
 Established responsible management and reporting practices.
1979 – 1991
Department Manager, Department of Community and Family
Medicine, Dartmouth Medical School.
 Managed a clinical department involved in teaching, research and service
activities totaling over $5 million annually.
 Participated in strategic planning, program development and financial
oversight with particular focus on sponsored projects.
 Transitioned from start-up mode to a major department with the most
sponsored research at the medical school.
 Oversaw the founding of The Center for the Evaluative Clinical Sciences with
Jack Wennberg as Director.
 Oversaw construction and operation of a faculty family medicine clinic.
 Negotiated the formation of an Independent Physician’s Association on behalf
of community-based faculty physicians with Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Professional Experience: Research and Education
2012 – Present Senior Strategist, Center for Population Health, The Dartmouth
Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice
 Working with the faculty and staff at TDI to accelerate the transition to valuebased care. Specific areas of focus include the development of a Population
Health Information Trust; the testing and dissemination of patient reported
measures of health; the improvement of the Dartmouth Brookings ACO
Learning Network and other activities.
2010 – 2012
Director of Education, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and
Clinical Practice
 Directed the residential graduate education programs at The Dartmouth
Institute, improving the quality of students in the MPH and MS programs by
raising admissions standards and redirecting recruitment; reconstituting a
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curriculum committee; improving faculty engagement in program planning
and better aligning the educational programs with TDI strengths and focus.
 Contributed to the development of non-degree education offerings that
complement the masters’ programs.
 Led the reconceptualization of the PhD program and its renewal as well as the
implementation and funding of a formal faculty development program.
 Offered required three-term MPH continuity seminar for all MPH students.
1979 – Present Instructor, Department of Community and Family Medicine and The
Dartmouth Institute, Dartmouth Medical School
 Co-taught courses in the medical school, business school and Arts and
Sciences including a five hour component of the Integrated Primary Care
Clerkship Experience for all third year medical students on the economics of
health care.
 Participated in a number of health services research projects.
1986 – 1991
Coordinator, Dartmouth Cost-Effectiveness Laboratory.
 Designed and implemented a strategy for conducting the cost-effectiveness
component of a study on prostate disease within ten VA medical centers.
1984 – 1991
Executive Director, Dartmouth Primary Care COOP Project.
 Coordinated and directed a network of over one hundred rural primary care
physicians in New Hampshire and Vermont who work in affiliation with
Dartmouth Medical School to conduct research in primary care.
 Designed and implemented a clinical office practice system in 50 primary care
practices that improved cancer prevention activities as part of an NCI funded
research project.
1986 – 1987
Analyst, Industrial Health Promotion Program Evaluation.
 Served as an analyst for a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of health
promotion programs in New Hampshire and Vermont.
 Worked on all phases of the program including evaluation design, data
collection planning and analysis.
1985 – 1987
Cost-Analyst, Health Promotion for Older Americans Program.
 Participated on a team that designed and conducted an analysis of the costs of
an elderly self-care program disseminated nationwide by the American
Association of Retired Persons and the American Red Cross.
1983 – 1986
Research Associate, National Study of Medical Care Outcomes.
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 Participated in the design and testing of a strategy for a prospective costeffectiveness study comparing the impact of physician specialty and practice
organization on the outcomes of patients with selected chronic diseases.
 Designed and pilot tested a strategy for measuring the costs of medical care
provided to study patients.
1978 – 1979
Research Associate/Assistant, Department of Community and Family
Medicine, Dartmouth Medical School.
 Designed tools to assist health planners to estimate the costs of implementing
goals in state health plans.
Lusardi, A, Keller, PA, Keller, AM. “New Ways to Make People Save: A Social
Marketing Approach” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper
#14715, NBER, 2009
Lusardi, A, Keller, PA, Keller, AM. “New Ways to Make People Save: A Social
Marketing Approach” in Overcoming the Savings Slump edited by Annamarie
Lusardi, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 2008
Carney, PA, Pipas, CF, Nierenberg, DW, Brooks, WB, Stukel, TA, Keller, AM.
Educational Epidemiology, Reply to Letters. JAMA, 292:24, 2969-2971 2004
Carney, PA, Pipas, CF, Nierenberg, DW, Brooks, WB, Stukel, TA, Keller, AM.
“Applying Population-Based Design and Analytic Approaches to Study Medical
Education” JAMA 292:9, 1044-1050 2004
Regan-Smith, M, Young, WW and Keller, A. “An Efficient and Effective Teaching
Model for Ambulatory Education” Academic Medicine Vol 77:7, 593-599 2002
Clark, RE, Teague, GB, Ricketts, SK, Bush, PW, Xie, H, McGuire, TG, Drake, RE,
McHugo, GJ, Keller, AM, Zubkoff, M. “Cost-Effectiveness of Assertive Community
Treatment Versus Standard Case Management for Persons with Co-Occurring Severe
Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders” Health Services Research 33:5, 12851308 1998
Kollisch, D, Keller, AM, “Teaching Medical Students About Money in Primary Care
Practice” Academic Medicine May 1995
Wasson, JH, Reda, DJ, Bruskewitz, RC, Elinson, J, Keller, AM, Henderson, WG. "A
Comparison of Transurethral Surgery with Watchful Waiting for Moderate
Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia" New England Journal of Medicine 332:
75-79, 1995.
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Clark, RE, Teague, GB, Ricketts, SK, Bush, PW, Keller, A, Zubkoff, M, Drake, RE.
"Measuring Resource Use in Economic Evaluations:Determining the Social Costs of
Mental Illness" The Journal of Mental Health Administration 21:1: 32-41, 1994
Wasson, J, Bruskewitz, R, Elinson, J. Fihn, S, Henderson, W, Reda, D, Keller, A,
Fallon, B, Steppe, C. "A Comparison of Quality of Life with Patient Reported
Symptoms and Objective Findings in Men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia"
Journal of Urology Vol. 150 (Part 2): 1696-1700, 1993.
Dietrich, AJ, O'Connor, GT, Keller, A, Carney-Gersten, PA, Levy, D, Whaley, FS.
"Cancer: Improving Early Cancer Detection and Prevention - A Community Practice
Randomised Trial" British Medical Journal Vol. 304: 687-691, 1992
Greenfield, S, Nelson, EC, Zubkoff, M, Manning, W, Rogers, W, Kravitz, RL, Keller,
A, Tarlov, AR, Ware, JE, Jr., “Variations in Resource Utilization Among Medical
Specialties and Systems of Care: Results from the Medical Outcomes Stud” JAMA
Vol. 267:12, 1624-30, 1992
[Note: This article was the Association for Health Services Research article of the
year in 1993.]
Carney, P, Dietrich, AJ, Keller, A, Landgraf, J, O'Connor, GT. "Tools, Teamwork,
and Tenacity: An Office System for Cancer Prevention" The Journal of Family
Practice Vol. 35, No 4: 388-394, 1992
Beaufait, DW, et. al., “COOP Measures of Functional Status,” in Tools for Primary
Care Research, edited by Moira Stewart, et. al., Sage Publications, Newbury Park,
CA, 1992
Wasson, J, Keller, A, Rubinstein, L, Hays, R, Nelson, E, Johnson, D, and The
Dartmouth Primary Care COOP Project, "Benefits and Obstacles of Health Status
Assessment in Ambulatory Settings" Medical Care Vol. 30: MS42-MS49, 1992
Wasson, J, Nierenberg, D, Landgraf, J, Whaley, F, Malenka, D, Berger, D, Keller, A
and The Dartmouth Primary Care COOP, "The Effect of a Patient Questionnaire on
Drug-Related Symptoms in Elderly Patients" Annual Review of Gerontology
Geriatrics Vol. 12: 109-125, 1992
Wasson, J, Hays, R, Rubenstein, L, Nelson, E, Leaning, J, Johnson, D, Keller, A, Landgraf,
J, Rosenkrans, C, "The short-term effect of patient health status assessment in a health
maintenance organization" Quality of Life Research Vol. 1: 99-106, 1992
Nelson, E, Landgraf, J, Hays, R, Wasson, J, Keller, A and Zubkoff, M, "The COOP
Function Charts: A System to Measure Patient Function in Physicians' Offices," in
Functional Status Measurement in Primary Care, WONCA Classification Committee
(Eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1990
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Dietrich, A, O'Connor, G, Keller, A, Carney-Gersten, P, Levy, D, Nelson, E,
Simmons, J, Barrett, J, "Will Community Physicians Participate in Rigorous Studies
of Cancer Control? The Methodology and Recruitment in a Randomized Trial of
Physician Practices" Progress in Clinical Biological Research Vol. 339: 373-381,
Nelson EC, Zubkoff M, Kirk J, Wasson J, Keller A, and Dietrich A: "Strategies to
Promote Clinical Cost-Consciousness: The Dartmouth Primary Care COOP Project"
in Stemming the Rising Costs of Medical Care: Answers and Antidotes, W. K.
Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1988.
Nelson EC, Wasson J, Kirk J, Keller A, et al: "Assessment of Function in Routine
Clinical Practice: Description of the COOP Chart Method", Journal of Chronic
Disease, 40:(1S):51S-63S, 1987.
Nelson E, Keller A, Zubkoff M: "Incentives for Health Promotion: The Government
Role" in Strategies for Public Health: Promoting Health and Preventing Disease
edited by Lorenz K. Y. Ng and Devra Lee Davis, Reinhold Co., New York, New
York, 1981.
(Republished in Readings in Community Health Nursing edited by Barbara N.
Spradley, Little Brown and Co., Boston, Massachusetts, 1981.)
Selected Community Service Activities:
Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice of VT and NH
Vital Communities, Corporate Council
Ledyard National Bank and Ledyard Financial Services, Director
State of New Hampshire, Community Grants Program
Thetford Board of School Directors, Chairman
Thetford Youth Sports
Thetford Academy Board of Trustees
University of Minnesota, School of Public Health; Minneapolis, Minnesota
MPH, Public Health Administration, 1981
Harvard College; Cambridge, Massachusetts
BA, Urban Studies, 1973