Complete K-12 Hiring Process Why is talent management important?

Online Application And Screener:
A Roadmap to Upgrading Recruiting,
Hiring and Screening with Technology
Dr. Daniel Clemens, North Kansas City Schools
Robert Maggio, North Kansas City Schools
Jake Ashley, Netchemia
Sara Kinder, Wonderlic
• Application
• Screener
Complete K-12 Hiring Process
Why is talent management important?
“Talent is the leading indicator of whether a business is up or
down, a success or a failure”
Bill Conaty – Former Senior VP of HR for GE
“About 80 percent of education spending is devoted to personnel,
yet the capacity of schools and districts to recruit, develop, and
retain top talent is stunningly low compared with other
knowledge sectors.”
Rachel E. Curtis - Teaching Talent
Did you inherit your current system?
Is your vendor growing?
Technology firms that are not growing rapidly each year will inevitably lag
behind the innovation curve can leave a district with a stale ATS system
Here is where technology is…
Cloud-software platform delivers simple, quick and affordable solutions
with no software to install or hardware to buy
The Roadmap
Step 1
• Environmental Analysis
Step 2
• Needs Analysis
Step 3
• Option Identification
Step 4
• Vendor Analysis
Step 5
• Test Drives!
Step 6
• Get Internal Buy-In
Where are the shortcomings in your
current system?
Need IT help
to generate
process for
improves or
Lack of
Cost for
Handles all
process in
one place?
Features a modern applicant tracking
system should have:
Interview scheduling tools
 Job fair and career day tools
 Automated reference checks
 Automated background checks
 Synching with calendars
 Access to data when you need it
 Candidate self-service features
 Job alerts for candidates
 Regular upgrades!
What options are out there that fit
the qualifications that you have
Compare and contrast vendors and costs
associated with features and integrations
 Are the systems developed for K-12, or
adapted from business hiring solutions?
 How do the solutions enable you to achieve
the goals that you established in Step 2?
 REMEMBER: The purpose is to improve
student achievement!
Go in depth!
Desired Functions
Web Based (Cloud)
Mobile device friendly
Automated e-reminder
Ability to create own tools in-house
Reporting robustness
Dashboard metrics
Ability to disaggregate data
Data exportability
Training included
Online support (included)
K-12 experience
Do they have other HR modules
Will it integrate with our
HRIS/Finance systems
Allow for electronic signatures
Cost of Upgrades
Is it ERATE eligible
Vendor 1
Vendor 2
Vendor 3
Take advantage of technology!
Do a product demo
It’s fast and easy!
As technology evolves, costs go down
Look at speed for administrators AND
Integrations are your friend
Flexibility from the vendor
Learn about the company you will be
working with, not just the product
What is their vision? Mission? Goals?
Check references
 Support beyond the sale?
 What aren’t you hearing?
What do they expect of you?
Who cares?
Who needs to be on board?
HR team?
School Board?
You must know how this change will affect each area!
Key Messaging
The goal is improving student outcome –
Show how this does just that!
List areas that need improvement, and how changing vendors will
Include important facts:
Current contract situation
Implementation timeline
Select and Retain the Best Employees
Wonderlic’s Seamless Hiring Solution
for All Applicant Tracking Systems
Presented by Sara Kinder
Why Wonderlic
The Big Picture
Time saving
Legally defensible
Holistic view of candidates
Improve productivity and retention
Hiring Solution for Classified and
Certified Positions
• Measure job-related traits:
 aptitude
 skills
 productivity
 reliability
 integrity
 personality
• Mac and PC browser compatible
• Over 700 positions available
Popular K-12 Positions
Vice Principal
Kindergarten Teacher
Elementary School Teacher
Middle School Teacher
High School Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Instructional Coordinator
Speech Pathologist
School Counselor
Administrative Assistant
Cafeteria Worker
Library Aide
School Nurse
Nurse Aide
Computer Support
Bus Driver
Wonderlic Pre-Employment
• Online prescreening
questions collects contact
and qualification
information before they
enter the applicant pool
• Polite “early exit” for
unqualified candidates
Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Pretest
• 8 minute, 30 question test
• Administered remotely via
the Internet
• Measures general aptitude
prior to onsite testing
• Given for all positions
Wonderlic Behavioral Risk Profile
• 90 question, untimed test
(approximately 15-20 minutes)
• Administered remotely or
• Identifies individuals who are
likely to engage in counterproductive workplace behavior
- high-risk employees.
• Given to most classified
positions such as
administrative assistant,
cafeteria worker and school
bus driver.
Wonderlic Five Factor Personality Profile
• 150 questions, untimed
• Usually given off-site
• Usually takes 20-25 minutes
to complete
• Based on the “Big 5”
Personality Model
• Measures Extraversion,
Agreeableness, Openness,
Conscientiousness, Stability,
• Score ranges are determined
by position
• Given primarily to teachers
Wonderlic Seven Factor Personality Profile
 88 True/False questions,
 Usually given off-site
 Usually takes 20-25 minutes
to complete
 Measures Emotional
Intensity, Intuition,
Recognition Motivation,
Sensitivity, Assertiveness,
Trust, Exaggeration
 Given primarily to
Purchase Options
• One year license
– Unlimited tests
– Unlimited positions
• Pay by the Position