Title: “Contemporary Human Resource Practices in cement industry “ Name: V.Purendra Prasad Research Scholar, SKIM, SK UNIVERSITY, ANANTAPURAMU. Research supervisor: Prof.M.Muthyalu Naidu Email id: Prasad.sadhana@gmail.com Postal address: d/no -19-2-119, upstairs, raninagar, old town, Anantapuramu. INTRODUCTION: Human resource had been an important factor of production. It is the only active factor of production that can employ other factors in the best possible manner. Every organization operates by combining resources both material and non material resource. HRM is concerned with the people’s dimension in management. Every organization is made up of people acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to high levels of performance and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization, referred to as human resource management. The main purpose of this study to examine the contemporary hr practices implementing in the cement industry. Contemporary human resource practices: 1. High performance work systems: Creating high performance work systems is one change in what human resource management does a focus on productivity and performance. High performance work systems is an integrated set of human resource management policies and practices that together produce superior employee performance . A) Selective hiring. B) Employee security. C) Self managed team. D) Emphasis on high quality of work. 2. Knowledge work human capital: Knowledge, education, training, skills and of a firms workers considered called a human capital. 3. Tele commuting or work from home: Tele work is work arrangement in which employees do not commute to a central place of work. Many telecommuters work from home, while others sometimes called ‘nomad workers ‘use mobile, tele communication technology. 4. Flexi time: A work schedule in which employees workdays are built around a care of midday hours , and employees determine within limits, what other hours they will work 1. Recruitment and selection: E- recruitment: E-recruitment is the process of personnel recruitment using electronic resources; in particular the internet. Companies and recruitment agents have moved much of their recruitment process online so as to improve the speed by which candidates can be matched with live vacancies. Social recruiting: social recruiting is the process of sourcing or recruiting candidates through the use of social platforms or advertising channels such as face book, Google, twitter, job boards, employee referrals. Head hunting process: it is a process where the recruiters identify approach specific individuals for jobs. The company will hunt for the need of a specific person. Recruiting through internet: most people today go online to look for jobs. One survey found that on a typical day, more than 4 million people turn to the web looking for jobs. 2. Training and development: E-learning: E-learning is broadly inclusive of all forms of educational technology in learning and teaching. E-learning is inclusive of with multimedia learning, technology enhanced learning, and computer based instruction, virtual learning environments. Tele training: Tele training is training that 1. Usually conveys live instruction via tele communication facilities 2. May be accomplished on a point –to- point or a point –to- multipoint basis and 3. May assume forms including tele seminars, tele conferences electronic classrooms, including both audio & video. Training through management games: Training games started in 1995, with the initial objective of developing games & simulations to make training routinely more effective experience but also more entertaining. We still have the capacity to develop new products and to custom design courses. 3. Performance management: Electronic performance management: it means “having supervisors electronically Monitor the amount of computerized data an employee is processing per day, and there by his Or her performance. Web-based performance management: This type of performance management generally Enable managers to keep computerized notes on subordinates during the year, and then to Combine these with ratings of employees on several performance traits. The software program Then generate written text to support each part of the appraisal. 540 degree performance management: This performance management adds more external customers and suppliers. 4. Compensation management: Competency based pay: competency based pay means the company pays for the employees range, depth, and type of skills and knowledge, rather than for the jobs title he or she holds experts variously call this competence, knowledge or skilled based pay. Profit sharing plan: A plan whereby employees share in the company’s profits. Profit sharing plans in which all or most employees receive ashare of the firm’s annual profits. Profit sharing plans boost productivity and morale. Automating compensation administration: when all the firms managers review employee’s performance and match these budgetary constraints and formulate pay raise recommendations. 5. Employee safety management: Safety training: safety training is another way to reduce unsafe acts especially for new Employees. Company trainers should instruct them in safe practices & procedures. Reduce unsafe conditions: reduce unsafe conditions is always an employer’s first line of Defense in accident prevention, safety engineers should design jobs so as to remove or reduce Physical hazards. Employers increasingly use computerized tools to design safety equipment Behavior based safety conditions: It means identifying the worker behaviors that contribute to Accidents and then workers to avoid these behaviors. Conduct safety & health audits: reducing unsafe acts is no substitute for eliminating Hazards .managers should therefore routinely inspect for possible problems using checklist As aids. Review of literature: Recruitment and selection: Udeshi K.J (1960) has done a study on recruitment and selection plan for cement Industries. Stressing the need for carrier path for employees and suggested that objective of carrer path is to develop every officer in to confident, efficient and knowledgeable incumbent of the present job as also to enable Him to realize his/ her maximum potential. Officers should make full use of the opportunities’ that exists for meaningful learning when an officer is performing his job. After he has availed of on the job training he should be provided with institutional training and to reinforce this learning by proper Placement. Gannon (1971) examined the relationship between several Methods by which individuals heard about job openings and voluntary turnover? Among his Findings, individuals who were referred by a current employee or who had applied directly (“Walk-ins”) without knowing if there werejob openings were Less likely to quit than Individuals who responded to job advertisements or who Were referred by an employment Agency Surya Narayana (1974) has done a study on recruitment and selection in Allahabad Bank. The researcher says that till 1976 no direct recruitment of officers was permitted in Allahabad bank. Thereafter as per the government Directives up to 25 percent of the officer vacancies are being filled through direct recruitment. While Gorter and Ommeren (1994) pushed the analysis one steps further. The authors concluded that two main recruitment strategies can be identified: a sequential use of search Channels, in which the first search channel chosen is Usually the informal channel and Additional search channels are activated one After the other; and an “adding to the pool “Strategy in which the first search Channel chosen is basically advertisement and later one or more search channels Are activated in order to enrich the pool of available applicants. Calif reported by Starcke (1996), also projected growth in Internet Recruiting. The firm's research showed that of 210 companies polled in phone Interviews, 93per cent say they expect to use the Internet more intensively for Recruiting in the future. The Austin Knight survey also showed two-thirds of the Companies surveyed consider the Internet more cost-effective than most or all other available recruitment methods. Companies that had used the Internet Longer or posted more jobs rated the Internet's cost effectiveness higher than did other firm. Mencken & Winfield (1998) had explored the advantages and disadvantages of informal and Formal recruiting practices in external labor markets. The data was analyzed from 1981Metropolitan Employer-Worker Survey (MEWS). Based on random-digit-dial telephone survey of 2,713 adults, the authors had constructed seven dichotomous dependent variables. The empirical analysis of their study found that quality was the stronger motivator than cost for informal Recruiting, hiring managers viewed the volume of applicants as the central Advantage of formal recruiting techniques and the employment agencies were seen as having the advantages of both informal and formal recruiting—high Quality and large volume. At the same time, authors also found that cost made Employment agencies less attractive to hiring managers for whom quality rather Than volume was the primary concern. Bartram (2000) presented a snapshot of Internet development as recruitment and selection medium. He examined the role of the Internet within a traditional Recruitment cycle. At the socalled “attraction stage,” he wrote, the Internet helps to draw people into a large pool by providing a virtual stage for a job posting. Kinder (2000) examined a new model for decomposing e-commerce. The paper Suggested that use of the Internet in recruitment processes is likely to change The Interface between internal and external labor markets for many firms. The Paper predicted that the conceptions behind current research programs in labor Market theory may require rethinking in the Internet era. Training and development: S.K. Bhatia (1967) discussed the main objectives of training &development in cement industry. He Suggested a shift from knowledge to attitude while designing the training programmers He identified three areas of training, technical skills, knowledge of organization and external systems, conceptual and inter personnel skills. The emphasis on different skills should vary with the type of employees. Dr.Nadler, Carroll and Jones (1970) have used the term “HRD” mainly referring to training, education and development. According to them is focused On the present job education and the future job and development is concerned With providing learning experiences to employees so that they may be ready to Move to new directions and dimensions that the organizational change Requires. NARASIMHAN K (1989) conducted a study at Hindustan aeronautics Hyderabad. It has been conducted that HRD facilities technology Improvements through training and development. Training and Development has not only yielded tangible benefits of increased Productivity but intangible Benefits of increased working Relationships such as positive attitude towards Change, increased Motivation to take up newer jobs, higher involved in work and in the Organization and pride of work. Anglin (1995) compiled the discussions of leading professionals in the field of Instructional Technology. The contents of the discussions were instructional Designs, research and evaluation in Instructional Technology, future prospects for instruction technology and professional development in the field of Instructional Technology. All discussions rated positivism towards the Effectiveness of Instructional Technology McLagan PA (1989) an ASTD (AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT) sponsored study by pat Mc Lagan sought to identify the hr roles and competencies HRD function. This study documented A shift from the more traditional training and development topics to a function That included career development and organization development issues. . Compensation management: Schwab (1980) being strategic about compensation implies support of the Business strategy and sensitivity to anticipated environmental pressures. But such a general characterization does not provide much leverage for Research or theory building nor does it offer much guidance for managing Compensation. And the folly of undertaking research based on poorly defined constructs is well recognized. Lawler (1981) while not the longest is perhaps the most inclusive. It includes the market position (level of pay relative to competitors) internal versus external Orientation, hierarchy (the steepness of the pay structure and the basis, job versus skills - for the pay structure reward mix, and the basis of rewards (Performance versus seniority, groups versus individual, criteria used, etc). Dyer (1985) the term strategy is often used to refer to everything considered Important. The danger is that if it refers to everything, it may mean nothing. Generally, strategy refers to the overarching, long-term directions of an Organization that is critical to its survival and success. Strategies take Advantage of the opportunities’ and threats in the external environment by marshaling internal resources in some coherent, consistent direction. Gehart and Milkovich (1992) in his own analysis says compensation management is all about developing a positive employment relationship and psychological contract that adopts a total compensation approach This recognizes that there are a number of ways in which people can be Compensated. Brown (2003) sees compensation as a return in exchange between their Employees and themselves as an entitlement for being an employee Of the organization or as a reward for a job well done .employees pay does Not depend solely on the jobs they hold. Anyebe (2003) the task in compensation administration is to develop policies and the terms of attracting, satisfying, retaining and perhaps motivating Employees. Armstrong (2005) stated that compensation management is an integral part of Human resources management approach to productivity improvement in the Organization. It deals with the design, implementation and maintenance of Compensation system that are geared to the improvement of organization, Team and individual performance SAFETY MANAGEMENT: IN 1970, ‘OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT, (OSHA) ‘was passed in United States of America as a comprehensive national Safety law, safety took a new direction and meaning as result of (OSHA). Similar steps were followed by other countries, such as United Kingdom (health and safety at work act, 1974), Australia (Victoria occupational health and safety act, 1985) Powell and Canter (1985) observed that “more than half of the Industrial accidents are attributable to deficiencies in the human and management component than to unforeseeable weakness in the Technical component “these findings prompted further studies to Improve safety management in iron and steel industry. Dumas (1987) discovered that programmes of quality and Programmes of safety have similar components. He concluded” safety is a dimension of quality, after everything, the elimination of defects includes the elimination of practices of unsafe work.” Gupta (2002) points out the major causes of this accident as, Indifferent attitude of the management towards safety and lack of Enforcement of existing regulations by regulatory bodies. Learning Lessons from Bhopal disaster, most of the industrial organizations In India has made considerable investments in safety related Infrastructure, equipment and training. Enforcement rules and Regulations also been made more stringent with number of Amendments in the acts and rules. Glendon and McKenna (1995) suggest that organizations with a positive Safety Cultures are characterized by effective communication. Such Communication is Founded on shared beliefs of the importance of safety and Mutual trust as well as Confidence in effectiveness of preventive measures. Cox and Oliver (1999) also found that management influenced work force Appraisals o f commitment across manufacturing, dairy produce, Transportation. Management also consistently influenced training across three Industries but only influenced workforce personnel actions & responsibility In the manufacturing and diary produce materials. As well as providing insight in to the role of management in work place safety. Tomas, Melia, and Oliver (1999) found that supervisors played an important Role in the accident prevention process by transferring the elements of safety Climate to members of the workforce. Evidence for this came from support For a tested model in which the casual chain ran from the “safety climate” to “Supervisor response” to “co-workers response “to “worker attitude” and then to “safety behavior”, “risk and finally “accidents. Finally from a Study in the steel industry. Thompson et al. (1998) suggests that senior managers support Safety through indirect means such as establishing safety policies and Procedures, setting Production goals etc.. While supervisors act as the link between management and shop floor, they monitor worker compliance to safety and provide feedback to workers concerning their Behavior. NEED FOR THE STUDY: Human resource management is very important in all organizations. The Creative abilities, capacities and knowledge of human resource is very important in case of manufacturing industry especially in Cement industry Human resource practices are very important forGoodproductivity. Cement Companies play an important role ‘In development of nations. Huge Competitions are there for cement Companies, so cement companies need to adopt new trends in Human resource practices for expanding the market globally. Human resource practices have to be viewed as a dynamic process, which need to be kept aligned with the changing realities in the Environment. The underlying emphasis, in human resource Practices, therefore would be Work for the appropriate fit between Work and people from time to time. From the above literature it has been found that many of the studies have concentrated on conventional human resource practices such as recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, Compensation management, employee safety management, employee Empowerment, industrial relations, welfare and labor laws management, etc. Most of the studies are in the area of financial Management, marketing management is very limited that limited studies are found in the area of human resource management. Moreover in the area of human resource management also much of the research has been undertaken on industrial relations, welfare and labor law management, Training and development, employee retention, performance management, Wage and salary administration etc. Very few studies have concentrated on Contemporary human resource practices like e-recruitment, tele –recruiting, Internet based training, virtual classroom training, benchmarking, and 540 Degree performance appraisal, safety training, competency based salary, Work from home, flexi timings. Hence the present study has been undertaken on such “contemporary human resource practices” in Indian cement industry. RESEARCH METHOD: SAMPLING METHOD: The sampling method choosed for this study is stratified random Sampling. The size of sample amongst 30 % of total population in Ultratech cements Pvt .ltd Company. Table: 1 Details of sample Company Executives Total Ultratech cement 218 Employee strength Field staff Frontline executives Sample Total (30%) Sample (30%) Total 65 51 168 242 Total Sample (30%) 72 628 Sample Chosen (30%) 188 DATA ANALYIS: The data is analyzed by calculating, mean Score method and for testing hypothesis chi-square statistical tool has been applied with the help of SPSS. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: TABLE-1 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION S.no 1 Companies Ultratech limited Cement Company I am aware e-recruitment practice in our organization Strongly agree 7 3.7% Agree Uncertai Disagree n 116 57 7 61% 30.0% 3.7% Strongly disagree 1 0.53% Total 188 100% Source: Field data INFERENCE: From the above table we can observe that 61% of respondents have aware about e-recruitment process in the organization. So the organization is providing awareness of contemporary hr practices. TABLE-2 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION S.No 1 Companies Ultratech limited Cement Company I am not satisfied with the tele-recruiting practice in our organization Strongly Agree Uncertai Disagree Strongly agree n disagree 5 27 107 46 3 2.6% 14.3% 56.91% 24.4% 1.5% Total 188 100% Source: Field data INFERENCE: From the above table we can observe that 56.91% respondents are not satisfied with the Tele-recruiting process in the organization. So the organization need to satisfy the Employees by providing guanine recruiting process. Table: 3 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION S.N 1 Companies Ultratech limited Cement Company Our organization recruits through internet by online recruiting selects the right person Strongly Agree Uncertai Disagree Strongly agree n disagree 29 23 23 86 27 15.4% 12.2% 12.2% 45.7% 14.3% Total 188 100% Source: Field data INFERENCE: From the above table we can observe that 45.7% respondents are disagreeing with the organization online recruiting process. Table: 4 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION S.N 1 Companies Ultratech limited Cement Company I am aware of human resource information system to improving productivity in our organization Strongly Agree Uncertai Disagree Strongly agree n disagree 51 23 41 32 41 27.12% 12.2% 21.8% 17% 21.8% Total 188 100% Source: Field data From the above table we can observe that 27.12% strongly agree with the human resource Information system to improving productivity in the organization. Table: 5 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION S.N 1 Companies Ultratech limited Cement Company Our organization provides implements phone and video interviews to select the candidate Strongly Agree Uncertai Disagree Strongly agree n disagree 37 31 29 51 40 19.68% 16.48% 15.42% 27.12% 21.27% Total 188 100% INFERENCE: From the above table we can observe that 27.12% disagree with implements phone and Video interviews to select the candidate in the organization. Table: 6 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT S.N o 1 Companies Ultratech limited Cement Company I am aware of internet based training provides to the employee in the organization Strongly Agree Uncertai Disagree Strongly agree n disagree 27 30 52 46 33 14.3% 15.95% 27.6% 24.46% 17.55% Total 188 100% INFERENCE: From the above table we can observe that 27.6 % uncertain or not known about internet Based training provides to the employee in the organization. Table: 7 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT S.No 1 Companies Ultratech limited Cement Company We have audio-visual based training in our organization Strongly Agree Uncertai Disagree Strongly agree n disagree 27 36 43 57 25 14.36% 19.14% 22.87% 30.31% 13.29% Total 188 100% INFERENCE: From the above table we can observe that 30.31% are disagree about audio-visual training in the organization. Table: 8 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT S.No 1 Companies Ultratech limited Cement Company Our organization provides virtual classroom to enhance training and development Strongly Agree Uncertai Disagree Strongly agree n disagree 28 32 53 46 29 14.89% 17.02% 28.19% 24.46% 15.42% Total 188 100% INFERENCE: From the above table we can observe that 28.19 % are not known about virtual Classrooms enhance training and development practices being implemented in the Organization. Table: 9 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT S.No 1 Companies Ultratech limited Cement Company Our organization provides video conferences, tele training to the employees Strongly Agree Uncertai Disagree Strongly agree n disagree 34 36 43 49 26 18.08% 19.14% 22.87% 26.06% 13.83% Total 188 100% INFERENCE: From the above table we can observe that 26.06% are disagree about video conferences, tele –conferences to the employees provided in the organization. Table: 10 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT S.No 1 Companies Ultratech limited Cement Company Our organization provides training matches the job requirements and employs present specifications Strongly Agree Uncertai Disagree Strongly agree n disagree 23 30 47 49 39 12.23% 15.95% 25% 26.06% 20.7% Total 188 100% INFERENCE: From the above table we can observe that 26.06% are disagree that the organization provides training matches the job requirements and employees present specifications. Conclusion: The study on “contemporary human resource practices in the cement industry” has been examined in the Ultratech cement Ltd Company. So overall in the cement industries Contemporary practices are not implementing properly compared with software Companies. This report described the 10 contemporary practices result by asking Questions to the selected employees in the organization. References: 1. Agarwala, Tanuja (2002), “Innovative Human Resource Practices and HRD climate: A comparison of automobile and IT industries,” in pareek, osmangani, Ramanarayan & Rao T.V. (Eds), Human Resource Development in Asia, New Delhi: Oxford & IBH: 3-10. 2. Aquinas P.G. (2006) “Human Resource Management” Vikas publishing house New Delhi1 3. Rattans Reddy.B (2007). “Effective Human Resource Training and Development strategy “Second Revised & Enlarged Edition, Himalaya Publishing House. 4. Alan Clardy (2008) “Human Resource Development and the Resource – Based Model Of core competencies: methods for diagnosis and assessment “, Human Resource Development Review, Vol .7.no. 4, p387-407 (2008) Websites: 1. www.google.co.in 2. www.shrm.com