Midterm Review - Lessons 1-8

Mid-Term Review
1. What term means that God is “above all things”?
2. God is independent of creation, and He made all that is “out of nothing.” What is the Latin phrase for this?
3. Man has a rational and spiritual soul uniquely created by God. Because of this, man is not just “something” but a
unique “someone.” This truth is denied if we believe man evolved by chance from lower creatures or is somehow
“reincarnated” from a previous life. What is the distinctive concept of Christianity that depicts this truth about man?
4. What are the two spiritual faculties of the soul?
5. What do we call it when we misuse human freedom in disobedience to God, thus corrupting human goodness?
6. What is the condition of the human race which has resulted from Adam’s disobedience when he sinned in his capacity
as head of the human race, by which all mankind suffers the loss of God’s sanctifying grace, and is under the curse of
7. God is the primary author of the Bible, writing it through human authors. The Bible thus teaches without error what
we need for our salvation. What is the term used to describe God’s authorship?
8. What are the first five books – the “Pentateuch” – called in Hebrew?
9. Which individual was chosen by God for each of the following covenants:
a) Universal Covenant b) Chosen People c) Exodus and Law 10. Which two kings established the great Kingdom of the Old Testament?
11. What cataclysmic event took place in the nation during the time of the prophets?
12. Which book of the Bible deals with the mystery of human suffering in God’s plan?
13. Circle the book which is not missing in the Protestant Bible?
Tobit, Judith, 1 Maccabees, Ecclesiastes, Wisdom, Baruch
14. What is it called, where various parts of the Old and New Testaments relate to each other, and where the mystery of
Christ is presented throughout the Bible in various forms? For instance, Adam is an image of Christ, while Eve
foreshadows Mary, and the manna prefigures the Eucharist.
15. The handing on of the full revelation of Jesus Christ by the apostles to their successors, in both written and oral forms.
16. Which has the primary authority for teaching and presenting the revelation of Jesus Christ: Bible, or Church?
17. What is the official list called, of the books in Old and New Testament?
18. List the four Gospels in their canonical order
19. List the one historical book and the one prophetic book contained in the New Testament.
20. The Church comprises all the holy ones of Christ, including the pilgrim and militant Church on earth, the suffering
members of the Church being purified in Purgatory, and those who experience the glory of the Beatific vision in heaven.
What is this doctrine called?
21. Which class of saints gave testimony to the truth of the Gospel by their blood?
22. Which class of saints provided foundational teaching and organization in the early centuries of the Church?
23. Which class of saints are specially designated by the Church as teachers of the faith?
24. What happens to the individual soul as it comes before God immediately following death?
25. What happens to the soul again on the final day of resurrection, when all are assembled publicly before God’s throne?
26. What do we call the heavenly fulfillment of human life which takes place when the soul is in “face-to-face” communion
with God?
27. What was Jesus’ favorite description of hell, taken from the garbage dump near Jerusalem?
28. What do we call the painful process of purification by which the separated soul comes into the presence of God, free of
all past sin, debts, errors, darkness, or imperfection?
29. On the last day, at the call of the Archangel’s trumpet, all the dead will awaken from the grave and rise in their glorified
bodies. What is this event called?
30. Besides Confession and Anointing, the Last Rites includes reception of Holy Communion. What is the Eucharist
called, when received as part of the Last Rites?
31. At which solemn Mass does the Christian offer to God his entire, completed life, from beginning to end?
32. Which is the preferred way to treat the body following death, in accordance with ancient Christian Tradition: burial, or
33. Where was Jesus born?
34. What was Jesus’ “hometown” where he grew up?
35. Where did Jesus undertake most of his public ministry?
36. Where was Jesus crucified, and rise again?
37. What was Jesus’ style of teaching?
38. Which was not a miracle performed by Jesus?
Turning water into wine; raising the dead; healing leprosy; restoring sight; calming a storm; bringing water from the
rock; walking on water.
39. What is the doctrine by which we proclaim that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,” i.e. that God the Son
was conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary, and born as the man named Jesus?
40. The doctrine of the “Hypostatic Union” proclaims that the one Lord Jesus is at the same time both True Man and
True God, without confusion, separation, or mixture of these natures. Jesus possessed a human soul, human
knowledge, and human will. He also possessed divine knowledge and divine will. Thus,
In terms of Nature or Substance (“What Jesus is”), he is _____
In terms of Personhood or Name (“Who Jesus is”), he is _____
41. Is Jesus a Human Person?
42. What is the following doctrine called? “By his Cross and Resurrection, Jesus paid the price of sin and won salvation
for mankind.” It answers the question, “Why did God become Man?”
43. Jesus is the source of a new human family. What does this make Jesus in relation to Adam, who is the original head of
the human race?
44. The serpent tempted Adam at a Tree. How did Christ defeat the devil?
45. The fruit of Adam’s disobedience was death. Jesus, by obedience, restored man to the new fruit. What is the new fruit
that Jesus has obtained for man by his death and resurrection?
46. Eve was instrumental in the Fall of man. Mary, standing with Christ at the foot of the Cross, is instrumental in the
Redemption. What does this make her?
47. Jesus, true man experienced the same death as all mankind, and his soul went to “Sheol,” the dark prison where souls
are separated from God, in order to break open the gates of hell and liberate the righteous souls for heaven. What is
this called?
48. Being True God, death had no power over Jesus, and he was raised body and soul, to a glorified human life beyond
death and mortality. This reality was witnessed firsthand by his followers. What is it called?
49. In his glorified humanity, Jesus returns to heaven, at the Father’s right hand. What is this called?
50. What does Jesus establish from heaven, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church?