Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Supplementary Information Experimental Methodology, Chip Fabrication, Derivation of Equations, Uncertainty analysis and Supplementary Experimental Data Title: Model of droplet generation in flow focusing devices operating in the squeezing regime Authors: Xiaoming Chen, Tomasz Glawdel, Naiwen Cui, Carolyn L. Ren 1 S.1 Experimental Setup The experimental setup is shown in Fig. S1, consisting of a high precision microfluidic pressure control system (MSFC 8C, Fluigent). This system can control up to 8 output channels at the same time with a maximum pressure of 1bar and an accuracy of 0.5mbar. Each reservoir is connected to the MSFC 8C via an air pressure tube, while another tube is inserted into the bottom of the reservoir as output. Software is provided with this system to control the pressures. The reason that a pressure control system is used instead of syringe pumps is that the response time is very short and output is more stable than syringe pumps in terms of the flow rate. Figure S1. Photos of experimental setup. The central photo shows the whole connection of components. Three in-line flow sensors are used in this study (SLG 1430, Sensirion) to measure the flow rates of the continuous phase, dispersed phase and the main channel. The flow sensors are able to measure water flow rates up to 40µL/min with a frequency of 100Hz and silicone oil and glycerol/water mixtures up to 5µl/min. The calibration process can be found below. 2 Droplet formation is visualized using an inverted epifluorescence microscope system (Eclipse Ti, Nikon) with a 20x objective and (0.5, 2.1mm) a NA. Illumination is provided by a 100W halogen lamp for bright field applications and phase contrast and a 100W mercury halide lamp (Intensilight C-HGFIE, Nikon) for fluorescence applications. Images are recorded on a Retiga 2000R Fast 1394 monochrome CCD camera coupled to the microscope. The digital image quality is 12 bit with a maximum speed of 10 fps at full resolution (1600x1200). With binning the capture speed increases up to 110 fps (8x8 binning). A custom software program that comes with the microscope is used to control the entire system for taking images at specified times and positions. A high speed CMOS camera (Phantom v210, Vision Research) is connected to the microscope on the left port using a C-mount adapter (1X DXM, Nikon). At full resolution (1280x800) the camera can take images at 2190 fps, with a 12 bit digital image quality. By lowering the resolution, or cropping the field of view, the camera can easily exceed 10k fps. In our experiments, 8k fps is utilized at the resolution of 208x800. The camera continuously records image to the on device buffer and then downloads them to the camera via firewire once the trigger is activated. During experiments, each chip was mounted on the microscope stage. Constant pressure flow was used to manipulate the fluid flow using the Fluigent pressure system. Considering the small capillary number in the squeezing regime and the flow sensor restriction as described before, the maximum flow rate was restricted to 5µl/min and minimum was 0.5µl/min in order to get accurate readings. The maximum/minimum applied pressure can be estimated by the hydrodynamic resistance of the channels and the required flow rates, but the maximum value was set to be 1050mBar limited by the Fluigent system. The minimum flow rate applied to the continuous phase should be larger than that of the dispersed phase in order to form monodisperse droplets. For each experiment, the estimated pressure conditions for the continuous phase, Pc , were divided into 3-4 levels depending on the estimated pressure range which attempted to span the capillary number as large as possible ( for study the influence of Ca on droplet formation). At each Pc level, a series of Pd were applied to create different flow rate ratios. After each Pd level, the flow rate of the dispersed phase was carefully checked using Labview to ensure it was in the applicable range (above 0. 5µl/min and working in the squeezing regime). Usually 4-8 levels of 3 Pd were applied at each Pc level. An example of a set of experimental conditions for Exp #1 is listed in T1. TABLE S1 Pressure conditions applied in Exp # 1 for silicone oil and 10%glyc/water with no surfactant on a type 1 chip. Step # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pc (mbar) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 800 800 Pd (mbar) 910 900 880 860 840 820 800 750 730 710 Step # 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Pc (mbar) 800 800 800 800 800 600 600 600 600 600 Pd (mbar) 700 680 660 640 610 540 520 500 480 460 S.2 Global Network Design (Chip Design) The channel layout is illustrated in Fig. S2 which was proposed based on the design criteria reported by T. Glawdel et al. (2012). That study showed that the global network design influences the performance of droplet generator and reported a set of design criteria to minimize the fluctuation of droplet production. In particular, the widths of the dispersed and continuous phase branches were set to be the same ( w wc wd 100μm ) at the junction to reduce the fluctuation in the flow rates. The width of the continuous phase channel (400 µm) was set to be much larger than that of the dispersed phase channel (100 µm) at the inlet to satisfy the rule that the hydrodynamic resistance of the dispersed phase channel should be much higher than that of the continuous phase and should be close to the main channel branch. The length of the main channel was set to be 2.5cm. If it is too short, the number of droplets in it will be too small which will lead to large fluctuations when one droplet enters or exits the main channel. If it is too long, the hydrodynamic resistance will be too large and the pressure control system cannot provide enough pressure to drive the flow. The length of the dispersed phase channel was set to be 1.3cm due to the spacing limit. Different diameters of tubing were used to match the hydrodynamic resistance balance of the different fluids. For low viscosity fluids (10% glyc/water wt), small tubing was connected to the inlet. For high viscosity fluids (80% glyc/water wt), a relative large size of tubing was used. 4 Figure S2. Sketch of global network design, the widths of the dispersed phase and continuous phase are the same at the flow focusing junction. S.3 Flow Sensor The flow sensor has a capillary of 480µm in the inner diameter. The sensor detects the flow rate based on thermal anemometry principles and is thus sensitive to the physical properties of fluids. Therefore, the sensor has to be recalibrated before use. The sensor runs in a ‘raw’ mode where direct temperature measurements are outputted as ‘tick’ counts. The typical operational curve for the flow sensor has a sigmoid shape. The desirable measurement should be in the linear portion of the curve. For water, the measurement range is from -40 ~ 40 µl/min which is already calibrated by the company. For silicone oil and glycerol/water mixtures, the linear portion is much smaller under 5µl/min. The flow sensor is non-linear when the flow rate is above 6µl/min. So we only used flow rates under 6µl/min during experiments. The flow sensor calibration curves are shown in Fig. S3. S.4 Experimental Procedure A brief overview of the experimental procedure is listed and some of steps are described in subsequent sections in detail. • Before starting the experiment, several chips with a specific height were fabricated and prepared. The fabrication details will be described in next section. • Clean reservoirs, tubing and flow sensors for the first time use or switching to a new type of oil. 5 • Flow sensors are calibrated for each fluid following the procedure. Then they are mounted on a piece of polycarbonate and labeled for specific fluid. • Connect the chip with the pressure system and pump silicone oil through the chip for at least 40 minutes so that the chip is sufficiently swelled. The chip is then checked carefully for any debris which might block the channels. • If the chip is in good condition, the channel width and height are then measured (after swelling). The protocols will be described in next section. • Apply pressures to the two phases and waited for several minutes until stable droplets are generated. • Record the pressures and flow rates for both phases shown in the Labview program. • Analyze the videos and extract experimental data Each experiment was repeated at least two times. 6 10%glyc/water 60%glyc/water 80%glyc/water Silicone oil Flow Rate (µl/min) 5 4 3 2 1 0 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 Tick Count Figure S3 Calibration curve of flow rate vs ‘tick’ count for the SLG 1430 flow sensor. Linear regression profiles are: -6.4804x +104.96 (silicone oil), -4.3781x + 73.142 (10%glyc/water), 4.3282x + 66.894 (60%glyc/water), -4.4637x + 69.063 (80%glyc/water) with R² > 0.997 for all profiles. S.5 Chip Fabrication The chips were fabricated using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) via standard soft-lithography techniques. The process for fabricating PDMS chips can be found elsewhere (Glawdel et al., 2009). Briefly, a photo mask with the design of the microchannel layout is printed on Mylar 6 films with a 20k dpi resolution (CAD/Art services). Photoresist, SU-8 is spin coated on a silicon wafer which has been baked at 190℃ for 10mins on a hot plate to prevent photoresist from peeling off the substrate. The thickness of the film depends on the type of SU-8 and the spin coating speed. Soft bake is performed at 65°C and then 95°C to evaporate the solvent in the photoresist and harden the film. The baking time depends on the thickness of film. The silicon wafer is placed in a UV exposure system (Newport) and illuminated with UV light (~365nm). A hard bake at 65°C and 95°C is performed after the UV exposure and left in room temperature to cool down. The master is immersed in a large bath of SU-8 developer to dissolve the unexposed SU-8 regions. The wafer is then washed with clean SU-8 developer, isopropanol, deionized water and finally is blown dry with air. A small amount of glue (Loctite 3311) is coated around the edge of the wafer and hardened with UV light which helps to prevent photoresist from peeling off the substrate. After the master is fabricated, PDMS (Sylgard 184, Dow corning) is mixed with a ratio of 10:1 (base: curing agent) and degassed in a vacuum oven. Then, the PDMS is poured on the top of the master placed in an aluminum dish and cured at 95°C for at least 3 hours. When PDMS molds are cooled down, they are bonded to a glass slide coated with PDMS in order to create a homogeneous microchannel using oxygen plasma. PDMS coated glass slides are fabricated by spin coating PDMS mixture at 3000rpm for 60s and baked at 95°C for 5min. The two substrates are exposed to oxygen plasma (PDC-001, Harrick Plasma) with power of 29.6W at 500mTorr for 10s. However, the plasma treatment changes the wetting of PDMS from original hydrophobic to hydrophilic. Since we generate water in oil droplets, PDMS chips are heated at 190°C for 12hrs to return back to hydrophobic. After the chip is examined and measured under a microscope, the process of fabrication is finished. S.6 Channel Dimension Measurement Silicone oil is slightly soluble in PDMS which causes the dimensions (w, h) of microchannels to shrink, therefore it is very difficult to measure the actual channel height using standard procedures such as profilometers. Instead, measurements of the channel dimensions must be made in situ for each chip. Since accurate channel dimensions at the junction are critical to analyze the droplet generation process, we use flow sensor and the pressure controller to estimate 7 the equivalent hydrodynamic resistance ( Rh P / Q ) of the dispersed channel and main channel which are connected by the junction. For a rectangular cross section microchannel operating under laminar flow, the hydrodynamic resistance can be calculated by equation Error! Reference source not found. (White 1991), Rh 12 L P wh (1 0.63h / w) Q 3 (S.6-1) Where w, h and L are the width, height and length of the channel, respectively. is the viscosity of the fluid flowing in the channel, P applied pressure and Q measured flow rate. The tubing (D=1mm) and flow sensor capillary (D=480µm) have much larger diameter than the microchannel, thus the hydrodynamic resistance caused by the connectors can be neglected. Since the hydrodynamic resistance is inversely proportional to h3 , the estimation is very sensitive to the measured parameters (P, Q) and hence it is an effective way of measuring the channel height. Fig.S4 shows a schematic of the flow focusing junction and the equivalent hydrodynamic circuit. Figure S4. Sketch of flow focusing equivalent hydrodynamic resistance measurements for calculating the junction height. The continuous phase is blocked and silicone is pumped from the inlet of disperse phase to the outlet of main channel. Pressure is controlled by the Fluigent system, and flow rate is measure by the flow sensor. Before starting each droplet experiment, channel dimension measurements are performed after the channel is sufficiently swollen. The junction is captured by the camera and the width can be measured by software ImageJ. A calibrated scale is used to convert the number of pixels into distance on the image. The length of channel can be calculated from the photo mask design. 8 After that three different levels of pressures are applied to the channel and flow rates are recorded. Substituting these parameters into equation Error! Reference source not found., the height of channel is calculated. The measured dimensions for each experiment are shown in Table S2. S.7 Droplet Speed Measurement over a Formation Cycle In order to verify that the flow rates of both dispersed phase and continuous phase are constants, the droplet speed over a droplet formation cycle was tracked. Fig. S5 shows one example of droplet speed over a droplet formation cycle. Results show that the droplet speed is almost constant within variation less than 2%, which indicates that the droplet formation process is under quasi-steady state. 15 Droplet Velocity (mm/s) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Time (ms) Figure S5. Droplet speed over a formation cycle for the case where the dispersed phase is * glyc/water 60% wt, height/width ratio h 0.58 , Qd 1.69μl/min , and Qc 3.59μl/min . S.8 Compare the Model with Experiment Using Parity Plots There are two reasons for our choice to present the comparison via parity plots: i) the nature of our experiments prevented us from varying only one parameter at a time as discussed below in detail; and ii) we wished to make the manuscript as succinct as possible by avoiding many lines, plots and figures. 9 First, if the fluids are driven by a syringe pump which is supposed to output constant flow rate regardless of the events (i.e. generating a droplet or sorting a droplet into a branch channel) occurring in the flow network, it is possible to use the approach of varying one single parameter at a time to study droplet microfluidics. However, using syringe pumps for droplet microfluidic studies causes lots of problems as documented in one of our previous studies (Glawdel and Ren 2012) and other studies as well (Korczyk et al. 2011). Briefly, syringe pumps lead to short term oscillations in the output caused by the stepper motor and long term oscillations in the output caused by imperfections in the drive screw. Korczyk et al. 2011 demonstrated the oscillation in the generated droplet volume when using syringe pumps and the uniformity of the generated volume when using a pressure control system. Therefore, in this study, we used a high-precision microfluidic pressure control system (MSFC 8C, Fluigent) to pump fluids. When using pressure control systems to pump fluids through channel networks, only the applied pressures at the inlets and outlets are fixed for one particular experiment which results in challenges in decoupling flow condition. For example, when one event (such as droplet generation or sorting) occurs in the channel network, the overall flow resistance and the flow resistance in any channel branch would change. In addition, varying any inlet or outlet pressure alters both flow rates simultaneously (continuous and dispersed phases). Therefore, in our experiment, each experimental datum has a specific capillary number and flow rate ratio which is recorded through the flow sensor and droplet frequency and volume in the video analysis. Parity plots do verify the model’s overall performance by comparing the model predictions with the experimental results in a concise manner as other papers have done (Malsch et al. 2010; Liu et al. 2011; Kreutzer et al. 2008; Yue et al. 2014). * * S.9 Derivations of VBF* , VEF* , Vgutter , Vd* , VBN , VEN* (Eqns (7), (8), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14)) We adopted the method developed by van Steijn et al. (2010) to calculate the curved volume. By assuming that the radius of the droplet curvature is half of the channel depth ( h / 2 ), which is an accurate assumption for well controlled wetting conditions (Typically, contact angles for the oil and PDMS must be low <60˚, and for the water and PDMS high >120˚). This method calculates the volume by multiplying the 2D top-view area of the curved object with the height and then subtracting the volume of the continuous phase in-between the surfaces: top and bottom walls, 10 interface perpendicular to the top/bottom walls along the perimeter of the curved object and curved surface along the perimeter, V hA h2 (1 )l 2 4 (S.9-1) where V is the volume of the curved object, h the height, A the 2D top-view area, and l the 2D top-view perimeter of the curved object. Based on this method, we derived Eqns (7), (8), (13), (14) as detailed below. Eqn(7) VBF* : As shown in Figure S6, first we calculate the volume without considering the curvature of the interface: VBF_1 A1 h (S.9-2) We estimated A1 as a triangle. Hence, A1 can be expressed as, L wLpinch 1 A1 w pinch 2 2 4 (S.9-3) Second, we calculate the volume of the continuous phase in-between the curved interface. The cross-section area of the curved interface A2 can be expressed as, h 1 h h2 A2 h 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 (S.9-4) The perimeter of the curved interface can be calculated as, 2 w L l 2 pinch w2 L2pinch 2 2 2 (S.9-5) Therefore, the volume of the continuous phase in-between the curved interface is, h VBF_2 A2 l 1 4 2 2 11 w2 L2pinch (S.9-6) The volume of the forming droplet at the beginning of filling stage can be expressed as, VBF VBF_1 VBF_2 h wh 1 4 4 2 2 Lpinch w2 L2pinch (S.9-7) The dimensionless form is, * VBF * 2 VBF Lpinch h* 1 1 L*pinch 2 wh 4 2 4 1 Lpinch 2 l (S.9-8) Radius h/2 h Area A1 Area A2 (a) (b) Figure S6. (a) 2D top-view area of VBF* at the beginning of filling stage. (b) Cross-section area of the curved interface A2 By using the same method we can obtain other Eqns. Eqn(8) VEF* : As shown in Figure S7, The 2D top-view area of forming droplet at the end of the filling stage AEF , 2 w 1 w 1 AEF fill Lfill fill 1.5w w wfill 2 2 2 2 12 (S.9-9) The perimeter of the curved interface can be calculated as, lEF ( wfill 2 wfill w wfill 2 1.5w) 2 ( Lfill 2 2 2 (S.9-10) Therefore, w w 1 w 1 h2 w w wfill VEF fill Lfill fill 1.5w w wfill h (1 )( fill 2 ( Lfill fill 1.5w)2 ) 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 (S.9-11) Dimensionless form, * VEF 2 2 2 * * * * h* * VEF Wfill 1 Wfill * W * 2 1 Wfill L* Wfill 1.5 L 1.5 (1 W ) 1 fill fill fill fill 2 4 2 2 w2 h 2 2 2 2 (S.9-12) * Eqn(13) VBN : The 2D top-view area of the continuous phase at the junction at the beginning of the necking stage ABN can be estimated as, 1 w wfill ABN 2 w 2 2 (S.9-13) The perimeter of the continuous phase at the junction at the beginning of the necking stage, lBN can be estimated as, w wfill 2 lBN 2 w 2 2 (S.9-14) Therefore, 1 w wfill h2 w wfill 2[h w (1 ) w2 ] 2 2 2 4 2 2 VBN Dimensionless form 13 (S.9-15) 2 * VBN * 1 Wfill* 1 Wfill h* 1 1 2 4 2 (S.9-16) We can see that the second part volume on the right hand side of the equation is added to the total volume, because we calculate VBN as the volume of continuous phase at the junction at the beginning of necking stage, instead of forming droplet volume. * Figure S7. 2D top-view area of VEF* and VBN at the end of filling stage (at the beginning of necking stage) Eqn(14) VEN* : As shown in figure S8, the 2D top-view area of the continuous phase at the junction at the end of the necking stage, AEN can be estimated as, AEN 2 Lpinch w wpinch 2 2 (S.9-17) The perimeter of the continuous phase at the junction at the end of the necking stage, lEN can be estimated as, 14 Lpinch 2 w wpinch 4 ) ( 2 2 2 lEN (S.9-18) Therefore, Lpinch w wpinch Lpinch 2 w wpinch 2 2 ) h 2 h (1 ) ( 2 2 4 2 2 2 VEN (S.9-19) Dimensionless form * EN V L * pinch * 1 Wpinch 2 h* 1 4 1 W L 2 * pinch 2 * pinch (S.9-20) Figure S8. 2D top-view area of VEN* at the end of necking stage Eqns (10) and (11) were also derived using the exactly same method based on Figure S8. The detailed derivations of the two equations are not shown here due to simple reduplicate work. 15 S.10 Uncertainty analysis of Vd* starting from uncertainty in parameters: L*fill ( 10% ), Wfill* , * ( 10% ) and L*pinch ( 10% ) Wpinch 1. Uncertainty From Wfill* . Wong et al. (1995) mentioned that the thin film thickness is proportional to the capillary number raised to the two-thirds power when Ca 0.01, which means the thin film has a thickness on the order of 1% to 5% of the half channel width. Therefore, we assume that the gap between the droplet and channel wall is very thin (i.e. 0.02w) leaving to be 0.96 based on the rough measurements. The variation of thin film thickness is in an extremely small range within 0.03 (can be treated as a constant). Therefore, the variation of the volume of droplets caused by the * variation of Wfill* can be ignored compared to other three parameters L*fill , L*pinch and Wpinch . * 2. Uncertainty From L*fill ( 10% ), L*pinch ( 10% ) and Wpinch ( 10% ) Since the variation of Wfill* is very small within 0.03 , Wfill* can be treated as a constant. Using a * first order Taylor expansion, uncertainty of Vd* caused by L*fill , L*pinch and Wpinch can be expressed as, Vd* 1 Vd* * 1 Vd* 1 Vd* * * * * Lfill * * Lpinch * Wpinch * * Vd Vd Lfill Vd Lpinch Vd Wpinch (S.10-1) Substitute Wfill* 0.96 into Eqns(7), (8), (12), (13) and (14) (from the paper manuscript), we can obtain, * VBF * EF V L*pinch 4 2 2 h* * * * * 1 1 Lpinch 0.25Lpinch 0.11h 1 Lpinch (S.10-2) 2 4 2 2 2 * * * * h* * 1 Wfill * Wfill Wfill 1 Wfill * * 1.5 (1 Wfill ) 1 Wfill 2 1.5 Lfill Lfill 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 1.36 0.98 L*fill 0.11h* 3.55 2 L*fill (S.10-3) 16 1 1 Wfill* 1 h* * 2 4 V * 1 L* h 1 1 ( L* ) 2 * Vgutter pinch d 4 pinch 2 2 4 2 1 1 h* 4 * 0.02 0.21h * Vd 0.25 L*pinch 0.39 0.11h* 1 ( L*pinch ) 2 1.57 1 0.21h* (S.10-4) 2 * BN V 1 Wfill* 1 Wfill* * h 1 1 2 4 2 (S.10-5) 0.02 0.11h* * VEN L*pinch 0.5L * pinch * 1 Wpinch 2 h* 1 4 1 W L 2 * pinch 2 * pinch (S.10-6) 1 W 0.21h 1 W L * pinch * 2 * pinch 2 * pinch * * * Substitute Eqns. (S.10-2) ~ (S.10-6) into Eqn. Vd* VEF VBF VEN* VBN* Vgutter , we can obtain, 2 1.02 ) Vd* 1.36 0.98 L*fill 0.25 L*pinch 0.11h* 3.55 2 L*fill 1 L*pinch 1 (1 * 1 0.21h (S.10-7) 2 2 * * 0.5L*pinch 1 Wpinch 0.21h* 1 Wpinch L*pinch (0.02 0.11h* ) 1.02 (1 ) 0.25 L*pinch 0.39 0.11h* 1 ( L*pinch ) 2 1.57 1 0.21h* For a typical channel height h* 0.5 , substitute h* 0.5 into (S.10-7), Vd* 2 1 1.16 0.87 L*fill 0.25 L*pinch 0.055 1 L*pinch 1 0.14 2 2 * * 0.465L*pinch 0.5 L*pinchWpinch 0.11 1 Wpinch L*pinch 0.0077 1 ( L*pinch ) 2 0.17 1 0.14 (S.10-8) Therefore, Vd* 0.87 * Lfill 1 0.14 17 (S.10-9) Because flow rate ratio 0 1 , we can know 0.86 1 0.14 1 . Therefore, L*fill L*fill 1 Vd* * 0.87 L 1.01 fill Vd* L*fill Vd* 1 0.14 Vd* (S.10-10) With L*fill 10% L*fill , and L*fill much smaller than Vd* from experimental results ( L*fill 0.5 ), we Vd* can estimate that, 1 Vd* * Lfill 5% Vd* L*fill (S.10-11) L*pinch Vd* 0.25 0.055 2 L*pinch 1 0.14 1 0.14 1 L* pinch * 0.5Wpinch 0.465 0.11 1 0.14 1 0.14 1 0.14 L*pinch 1 W L 2 * pinch 2 * pinch L*pinch 0.0077 1 0.14 1 ( L*pinch )2 (S.10-12) * 0.5 , we can obtain, Experimental results show that 2 L*pinch 4 , 0.2 Wpinch 1 L*pinch 1 1.16 , 0 1, 1.16 , 0.9 2 1 0.14 * 1 0.14 1 Lpinch L*pinch 1 W L 2 * pinch 2 * pinch 1 (S.10-13) Therefore, * 0.5Wpinch Vd* 0.25 0.055 0.465 0.11 0.0077 * Lpinch 1 0.14 1 0.14 1 0.14 1 0.14 1 0.14 1 0.14 * (0.58 0.5Wpinch ) 0.195 1 0.14 0.33 (S.10-14) 18 Then, L*pinch 1 Vd* * , considering L*pinch 10% L*pinch , and L*pinch is close to Vd* L 0.33 pinch Vd* L*pinch Vd* from experimental results, we can estimate that, L*pinch 1 Vd* * Lpinch 0.33 3.3% Vd* L*pinch Vd* (S.10-15) With the same method, we can obtain, 0.5L*pinch Vd* 0.11 * Wpinch 1 0.14 1 0.14 * 1 Wpinch 1 W L 2 * pinch 2 * pinch (S.10-16) * 0.5L*pinch Vd* 0.11 1 Wpinch * Wpinch 1 0.14 1 0.14 L*pinch * 0.5 L*pinch Vd* 0.11 1 Wpinch 2.76 * Wpinch 1 0.14 1 0.14 L*pinch Therefore, considering W * pinch 10%W * pinch , and * Wpinch Vd* 0.2 from experimental results, we can obtain, * Wpinch 1 Vd* * W 2.76 5.52% pinch * Vd* Wpinch Vd* * Therefore, the total error of Vd* due to the uncertainties of L*fill ( 10% ), L*pinch ( 10% ) and Wpinch ( 10% ) should be, Vd* (5% 3.3% 5.52%) 13.82% Vd* (S.10-17) This error considers the extreme conditions. The actual error is expected to be much smaller than * 13.82%. In conclusion, L*fill , L*pinch and Wpinch with errors within 10% are accurate to predict droplet volumes. 19 TABLE S2 Measured channel dimensions after sufficiently swelling for each specific experiment Exp Channel # Type Nominal Nominal Disp Ph W (µm) H(µm) Cont. Ph Actual Actual H W(µm) (µm) Length (µm) 1 Type1 100 40 10% Glyc Silicone oil 89 35.0 38500 2 Type1 100 40 10% Glyc Silicone oil 89 35.5 38500 3 Type1 100 40 60% Glyc Silicone oil 89 35.5 38500 4 Type1 100 40 60% Glyc Silicone oil 88 35.2 38500 5 Type1 100 40 80% Glyc Silicone oil 89 35.8 38500 6 Type1 100 40 80% Glyc Silicone oil 89 36.8 38500 7 Type2 100 53 10% Glyc Silicone oil 83 46.8 38500 8 Type2 100 53 10% Glyc Silicone oil 83 49.4 38500 9 Type2 100 53 60% Glyc Silicone oil 83 49.1 38500 10 Type2 100 53 60% Glyc Silicone oil 83 49.2 38500 11 Type2 100 53 80% Glyc Silicone oil 84 48.4 38500 12 Type2 100 53 80% Glyc Silicone oil 83 47.7 38500 13 Type3 100 60 10% Glyc Silicone oil 79 54.1 38500 14 Type3 100 60 10% Glyc Silicone oil 80 53.5 38500 15 Type3 100 60 60% Glyc Silicone oil 80 53.6 38500 16 Type3 100 60 60% Glyc Silicone oil 80 53.3 38500 17 Type3 100 60 80% Glyc Silicone oil 80 52.7 38500 18 Type3 100 60 80% Glyc Silicone oil 80 53.7 38500 20 TABLE S3 Range of applicability of the model 1 2 3 Well designed microfluidic circuits to make sure the flow rates of both dispersed and continuous phases are stable. The droplet generation process should be in quasi-steady state No surfactant should be added or the concentration of surfactant should be far more than critical micelle concentration (CMC), so that the mass transfer of surfactant can be ignored Well controlled wetting conditions (Typically, contact angles for the continuous phase and wall must be low <60˚, and for the dispersed phase and wall high >120˚), 4. The droplet generation should be in the squeezing or transition regime, where the forming droplet almost touches the walls and the shear force can be ignored compared to pressure gradient and interfacial tension Input parameters: Qd Qc d c h w Calculate h* Ca Calculate * VBN by Eqn. (13) * * * VBF [Eqn. (14)] [Eqn. (7)] VEN Substitute VEF* VBN * and Vgutter[Eqn. (12)] into [Eqn. (16)] to obtain * * an Eqn. of Vd f1 Lpinch Calculate g ( ) by Eqn. (24) Substitute Eqn. (12) into Eqn. (36) to obtain the other Eqn. of Vd* f 2 L*pinch Calculate L*fill by Eqn. (30) Combine Eqns.Vd* f1 L*pinch and Vd* f 2 L*pinch to obtain Vd* and L*pinch Calculate * Wpinch by Eqn. (32) Calculate V by Eqn. (8) * Calculate f by Eqn. (1) and * Calculate s by Eqn. (3) f* f * EF Figure S9. Flow chart of the steps of the calculation 21 w2 h Qc TABLE S4 Experimental Data TABLE S4-1 Experimental data with dispersed phase: glyc/water 10% by wt., and channel height h* 0.41 . Qc ( μl/min ) Qd ( μl/min ) L*fill L*pinch * Wpinch Vd* 2.83 2.93 2.97 3.07 3.15 3.26 3.53 3.65 2.69 2.79 2.93 3.05 2.36 2.48 2.61 2.75 2.04 2.18 2.31 1.82 2.13 1.85 1.66 1.44 1.21 1 0.83 0.66 1.66 1.36 1.08 0.83 1.35 1.06 0.8 0.59 1.01 0.76 0.55 0.58 0.865168539 0.831460674 0.797752809 0.775280899 0.730337079 0.730337079 0.707865169 0.674157303 0.831460674 0.786516854 0.730337079 0.696629213 0.842696629 0.786516854 0.730337079 0.685393258 0.820224719 0.775280899 0.741573034 0.808988764 2.820224719 2.775280899 2.797752809 2.786516854 2.797752809 2.741573034 2.797752809 2.786516854 2.876404494 2.786516854 2.752808989 2.764044944 2.808988764 2.797752809 2.786516854 2.786516854 2.831460674 2.831460674 2.865168539 2.797752809 0.269662921 0.247191011 0.280898876 0.247191011 0.247191011 0.258426966 0.258426966 0.235955056 0.235955056 0.269662921 0.280898876 0.258426966 0.247191011 0.247191011 0.269662921 0.235955056 0.247191011 0.235955056 0.224719101 0.224719101 2.660132781 2.462970774 2.292664269 2.169852828 2.045228822 1.880938568 1.745387419 1.682477783 2.400755823 2.177608282 2.009628288 1.828822968 2.476799494 2.177788858 1.940710294 1.819120735 2.345453524 2.092823263 1.927205814 2.117394956 22 TABLE S4-2 Experimental data with dispersed phase: glyc/water 10% by wt., and channel height h* 0.58 . Qc ( μl/min ) Qd ( μl/min ) L*fill L*pinch * Wpinch Vd* 3.58 3.65 3.74 3.84 3.9 3.98 4.06 4.15 4.23 4.34 3.14 3.24 3.32 3.41 3.49 3.58 3.67 2.6 2.68 2.78 2.89 3.19 3.03 2.87 2.72 2.53 2.37 2.21 2.04 1.88 1.66 2.42 2.25 2.09 1.92 1.77 1.61 1.45 1.89 1.71 1.58 1.44 0.987951807 0.987951807 0.963855422 0.927710843 0.927710843 0.879518072 0.843373494 0.855421687 0.819277108 0.819277108 1 0.951807229 0.915662651 0.903614458 0.879518072 0.819277108 0.807228916 1.072289157 1 0.951807229 0.891566265 2.759036145 2.734939759 2.686746988 2.722891566 2.686746988 2.734939759 2.759036145 2.710843373 2.686746988 2.65060241 2.686746988 2.710843373 2.734939759 2.746987952 2.722891566 2.662650602 2.65060241 2.746987952 2.734939759 2.771084337 2.722891566 0.385542169 0.409638554 0.385542169 0.385542169 0.385542169 0.397590361 0.397590361 0.397590361 0.385542169 0.397590361 0.385542169 0.385542169 0.409638554 0.373493976 0.409638554 0.385542169 0.385542169 0.397590361 0.397590361 0.385542169 0.385542169 2.754614093 2.679105004 2.565479265 2.501122775 2.388488719 2.312599774 2.230550117 2.146305135 2.082564503 1.990285667 2.648301481 2.561484865 2.440188152 2.35285124 2.270601396 2.171797686 2.104562686 2.754545889 2.605304052 2.462705623 2.376483213 23 TABLE S4-3 Experimental data with dispersed phase: glyc/water 10% by wt., and channel height h* 0.66 . Qc ( μl/min ) Qd ( μl/min ) L*fill L*pinch * Wpinch Vd* 3.43 3.59 3.7 3.81 3.96 4.11 4.29 4.46 4.63 2.69 2.8 2.91 3.08 3.23 3.4 3.61 3.79 1.99 2.09 2.21 1.65 2.7 2.34 2.08 1.83 1.59 1.35 1.12 0.9 0.7 2.04 1.75 1.51 1.27 1.06 0.87 0.66 0.48 1.36 1.13 0.92 1.06 1.202531646 1.126582278 1.063291139 0.987341772 0.936708861 0.886075949 0.835443038 0.82278481 0.810126582 1.278481013 1.202531646 1.113924051 1.075949367 0.987341772 0.924050633 0.835443038 0.784810127 1.392405063 1.316455696 1.227848101 1.481012658 2.481012658 2.53164557 2.455696203 2.430379747 2.455696203 2.443037975 2.455696203 2.430379747 2.443037975 2.53164557 2.46835443 2.481012658 2.493670886 2.46835443 2.493670886 2.455696203 2.455696203 2.569620253 2.493670886 2.53164557 2.544303797 0.430379747 0.46835443 0.455696203 0.455696203 0.443037975 0.455696203 0.443037975 0.430379747 0.46835443 0.430379747 0.443037975 0.443037975 0.455696203 0.430379747 0.430379747 0.430379747 0.430379747 0.443037975 0.430379747 0.417721519 0.405063291 2.724940716 2.531749556 2.397480245 2.264757919 2.123176649 1.999303542 1.895817451 1.772690876 1.608472707 2.923795385 2.654517434 2.504031986 2.366198391 2.157318614 2.016894415 1.832321583 1.699937798 3.087679188 2.805608839 2.579767773 3.287920491 24 TABLE S4-4 Experimental data with dispersed phase: glyc/water 60% by wt., and channel height h* 0.41 . Qc ( μl/min ) Qd ( μl/min ) L*fill L*pinch * Wpinch Vd* 2.54 2.66 2.76 2.9 3.03 2.29 2.39 2.52 2.63 2.72 1.96 2.05 2.16 2.25 2.36 2.47 1.73 1.86 1.83 1.71 1.57 1.44 1.32 1.78 1.62 1.5 1.37 1.23 1.67 1.53 1.4 1.25 1.1 0.99 1.35 1.17 0.806818182 0.795454545 0.75 0.772727273 0.727272727 0.829545455 0.818181818 0.795454545 0.806818182 0.75 0.852272727 0.829545455 0.806818182 0.795454545 0.715909091 0.715909091 0.875 0.806818182 3.136363636 3.056818182 3.011363636 2.920454545 2.852272727 3.113636364 3.079545455 2.920454545 2.863636364 2.863636364 3.102272727 3 2.977272727 2.931818182 2.875 2.852272727 3.090909091 2.988636364 0.295454545 0.295454545 0.306818182 0.284090909 0.284090909 0.306818182 0.295454545 0.318181818 0.306818182 0.295454545 0.284090909 0.295454545 0.284090909 0.295454545 0.295454545 0.306818182 0.295454545 0.284090909 2.197044262 2.067257046 1.930436847 1.821276779 1.734453359 2.296360068 2.100167038 1.978313606 1.851916969 1.737796087 2.431018615 2.251179083 2.093060248 1.928833138 1.767813818 1.683146597 2.376167783 2.111727605 25 TABLE S4-5 Experimental data with dispersed phase: glyc/water 60% by wt., and channel height h* 0.58 . Qc ( μl/min ) Qd ( μl/min ) L*fill L*pinch * Wpinch Vd* 3.21 3.31 3.47 3.63 3.81 4.02 2.81 2.99 3.18 3.36 3.59 3.84 2.38 2.57 2.78 2.98 3.21 1.83 2.02 4.24 4.43 4.62 3.04 2.97 2.79 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.53 2.31 2.09 1.88 1.69 1.49 2.01 1.77 1.55 1.35 1.15 1.57 1.36 3.58 3.32 3.07 0.987951807 0.915662651 0.891566265 0.879518072 0.855421687 0.831325301 0.987951807 0.86746988 0.86746988 0.819277108 0.78313253 0.746987952 0.963855422 0.951807229 0.86746988 0.819277108 0.795180723 1.13253012 1.024096386 0.86746988 0.831325301 0.795180723 2.963855422 2.987951807 2.939759036 2.86746988 2.807228916 2.734939759 3 2.927710843 2.879518072 2.807228916 2.78313253 2.795180723 2.963855422 2.831325301 2.831325301 2.807228916 2.710843373 3.012048193 2.951807229 2.86746988 2.831325301 2.795180723 0.385542169 0.409638554 0.385542169 0.409638554 0.397590361 0.385542169 0.385542169 0.385542169 0.385542169 0.409638554 0.385542169 0.409638554 0.373493976 0.397590361 0.373493976 0.397590361 0.385542169 0.373493976 0.373493976 0.397590361 0.373493976 0.397590361 2.545776827 2.4700761 2.321795363 2.183166375 2.050619495 1.917176323 2.553301357 2.358623771 2.173692987 2.003861234 1.863039974 1.742203523 2.571958502 2.319301032 2.097897964 1.920132659 1.772137495 2.752202777 2.414680487 2.197510853 2.065588765 1.948910137 26 TABLE S4-6 Experimental data with dispersed phase: glyc/water 60% by wt., and channel height h* 0.66 . Qc ( μl/min ) Qd ( μl/min ) L*fill L*pinch * Wpinch Vd* 2.58 2.81 3.09 3.36 3.69 4.02 4.37 4.75 2.3 2.59 2.95 3.31 3.7 1.86 2.07 2.33 2.59 1.64 1.93 2.2 2.4 2.13 1.87 1.59 1.32 1.05 0.81 0.55 1.63 1.32 1.04 0.78 0.52 1.6 1.33 1.11 0.91 1.15 0.96 0.74 1.2125 1.075 0.9375 0.8875 0.8625 0.8 0.7875 0.7625 1.1125 1 0.9125 0.825 0.75 1.1875 1.1375 1.05 0.975 1.25 1.0875 0.975 2.5 2.4375 2.4375 2.4875 2.3875 2.4125 2.4125 2.4 2.4375 2.4625 2.4375 2.3375 2.35 2.675 2.4625 2.425 2.4375 2.45 2.425 2.425 0.4125 0.4125 0.4125 0.4125 0.4125 0.4125 0.4 0.425 0.4 0.4 0.4125 0.4 0.425 0.3875 0.3875 0.3875 0.3875 0.4 0.4 0.4 2.708982858 2.423981423 2.207884255 1.997906566 1.820392483 1.668997619 1.561657278 1.425224167 2.590487303 2.193728943 1.940337436 1.73650985 1.553667848 2.934795576 2.536833392 2.243975991 2.017141994 2.729517815 2.400827043 2.098869595 27 TABLE S4-7 Experimental data with dispersed phase: glyc/water 80% by wt., and channel height h* 0.41 . Qc ( μl/min ) Qd ( μl/min ) L*fill L*pinch * Wpinch Vd* 2.08 2.03 2.11 2.2 2.3 1.73 1.81 1.88 1.98 1.33 1.41 1.5 1.57 2.41 2.51 2.1 1.12 0.95 0.85 0.82 0.8 0.77 0.78 0.75 0.71 0.68 0.74 0.7 0.66 0.63 0.78 0.74 0.66 0.62 0.715909091 0.727272727 0.704545455 0.704545455 0.659090909 0.738636364 0.727272727 0.715909091 0.681818182 0.761363636 0.75 0.727272727 0.738636364 0.704545455 0.659090909 0.681818182 0.795454545 3.761363636 3.613636364 3.556818182 3.511363636 3.420454545 3.636363636 3.556818182 3.477272727 3.443181818 3.852272727 3.693181818 3.556818182 3.443181818 3.306818182 3.295454545 3.318181818 3.806818182 0.284090909 0.295454545 0.284090909 0.295454545 0.306818182 0.306818182 0.295454545 0.295454545 0.295454545 0.295454545 0.306818182 0.295454545 0.295454545 0.295454545 0.306818182 0.295454545 0.295454545 1.551698943 1.633500586 1.553143323 1.5143926 1.464055621 1.666820784 1.606083601 1.536316337 1.481714821 1.848304867 1.75173941 1.654569885 1.585161252 1.40509907 1.351523227 1.39596618 1.906992269 28 TABLE S4-8 Experimental data with dispersed phase: glyc/water 80% by wt., and channel height h* 0.58 . Qc ( μl/min ) Qd ( μl/min ) L*fill L*pinch * Wpinch Vd* 2.44 2.62 2.83 3.13 3.36 3.6 3.78 2.31 2.49 2.65 2.84 3.04 3.22 3.41 1.78 1.96 2.14 2.32 2.5 2.7 1.66 1.6 1.53 1.48 1.39 1.29 1.22 1.37 1.31 1.25 1.18 1.12 1.04 0.98 1.21 1.14 1.07 0.99 0.93 0.85 0.869047619 0.869047619 0.80952381 0.821428571 0.785714286 0.785714286 0.75 0.869047619 0.833333333 0.80952381 0.797619048 0.761904762 0.773809524 0.761904762 0.964285714 0.916666667 0.857142857 0.869047619 0.785714286 0.773809524 3.30952381 3.19047619 3.095238095 2.952380952 2.928571429 2.928571429 2.857142857 3.095238095 3.071428571 3 2.94047619 2.928571429 2.904761905 2.916666667 3.095238095 3.095238095 3.023809524 2.928571429 2.857142857 2.857142857 0.380952381 0.392857143 0.380952381 0.404761905 0.392857143 0.392857143 0.392857143 0.380952381 0.404761905 0.392857143 0.392857143 0.380952381 0.380952381 0.404761905 0.380952381 0.392857143 0.369047619 0.404761905 0.392857143 0.380952381 2.055538099 1.941423504 1.822683482 1.707629865 1.6034369 1.504486262 1.437683726 1.940228718 1.825299953 1.727264302 1.631880502 1.559816103 1.468001885 1.410154668 2.176951876 1.995636748 1.840696797 1.704207611 1.611254674 1.49622061 29 TABLE S4-9 Experimental data with dispersed phase: glyc/water 80% by wt., and channel height h* 0.66 . Qc ( μl/min ) Qd ( μl/min ) L*fill L*pinch * Wpinch Vd* 2.29 2.48 2.68 2.9 3.11 3.34 3.57 3.77 4.02 4.26 1.89 2.13 2.38 2.62 2.88 3.15 1.5 1.76 2.04 1.28 1.31 1.24 1.16 1.07 0.98 0.9 0.81 0.72 0.64 0.54 1 0.91 0.82 0.72 0.62 0.53 0.69 0.6 0.5 0.55 0.975 0.95 0.875 0.85 0.825 0.8 0.75 0.7375 0.6625 0.6625 1.0375 0.9375 0.8875 0.85 0.825 0.775 1.0125 0.9375 0.8875 1.1125 2.725 2.675 2.675 2.6125 2.55 2.525 2.4 2.425 2.425 2.375 2.5625 2.5375 2.425 2.3875 2.3625 2.4 2.7 2.66 2.4125 2.6 0.4125 0.4125 0.4125 0.3875 0.4 0.3875 0.425 0.4125 0.4125 0.4375 0.4375 0.4125 0.425 0.425 0.4 0.4125 0.4 0.3875 0.425 0.425 2.103877311 1.97393417 1.852964672 1.733339166 1.62674308 1.552863374 1.476983647 1.41112925 1.374521119 1.306819581 2.125706331 1.939559009 1.793137592 1.65350871 1.531539535 1.45522014 2.175504977 1.951330698 1.736728865 2.2240593 30 Reference Glawdel T, Ren CL (2012) Global network design for robust operation of microfluidic droplet generators with pressure-driven flow. 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