LTC Presentation - German development

Leonardo da Vinci
Lifelong Learning Programme
Material development on ISUS
German material
What did we achieve until now?
• team building
• revision of former syllabus and material
• creation of new syllabus for level 1 to 3
• development of new units 1.01 to 3.20
Challenges in phase 1
• to build a reliable team
• to become acquainted with the ISUS
• to deal with the original German syllabus
and the material
Challenges in phase 2
• to recruit new developers
• to create a new syllabus on level 2 and 3
• to keep the developers up to date
• to be in time with the documentation (for the
developers and for the project)
Team Building
• Phase 1: (November – December 2011)
 the coordinator had to get experience in the
development work as well
 an experienced trainer left the team
 coordinator and a trainer with less experience
had to develop the 10 units
 final dead line could not be met
Team Building
• Phase 2: (January to March 2011)
 2 new developers from the beginning of
 one trainer always met the dead lines
 one trainer did not meet the dead lines, but
did very good work
 final dead line could not be met
 coordination has to be more effective
Acquaintance with the platform
 Phase 1:
– introduction through our English trainers
– trial lessons with ISUS (coordinator)
– login (coordinator)
Phase 2:
– introduction through coordinator
– trial lessons with ISUS (did not work out)
– login
Revision of the Original Material
 grammar progression, vocabulary and speaking
activities are not related to German as a Foreign
 grammar and vocabulary do not fit together
Revision of the Syllabus
Phase 1: Time consuming work on the
 not possible to work over the whole
syllabus (time frame; teamwork)
decision: changes for level 1
Creation of the Syllabus
Phase 2: (level 2 and 3)
decision: development of our own syllabus
with CEF as framework
 Level 1 and 2: A 1
 Level 3 and 4: A 2
 Level 5 and 6: B 1
 Level 7, 8 and 9: B 2
 Level 10: C 1
Creation of the Syllabus
• Coordinator delivers the grammar
progression and a list of vocabulary and
speaking issues for the next level
• developers only stick to the grammar
• cooperation with our developers
concerning the vocabulary, speaking and
writing activities
Creation and Development
• syllabus is kept up to date by the
• new version is sent out to developers
before they are going to start with new
Revision of the Material
• Original German units:
 no grammar progression
 grammar explanations not adequate for the
 most of the activities far to difficult for the
 most of the activities were not authentic and
not interesting for the learner
Outstanding Challenges
• to deal with the feedback from the university of
• changing and uploading the units of level 1
• to get an overview of all the words and
structures covered until present
Outstanding Challenges
• to check all the new lessons according to the
evaluation criteria
• feedback conversation with our devolopers
• to set up the grammar progression and subjects
for level 4
• audio files: team of speakers and time schedule
Summary and Outlook
• Team
• Schedule
• Content
• Costs
We look forward using the German ISUS material in the
and we are eager to learn about the material of our partners
as well!