Writing an Informative Speech

Writing an Informative Speech:
1. Choose a topic and write it here _________________________________. Should be
something/someone you are interested in and that you can make relevant to the audience
in your speech.
2. After choosing topic, do your research. You should first skim and scan information for
general knowledge about your subject. You do not need to take notes when doing this
type of reading.
3. Write a thesis statement that states in one sentence what it is you want us to know.
For example: Oprah Winfrey struggled through a rough childhood to become a selfmade media star, now helping others with her fame and fortune. OR for example: Lance
Armstrong has overcome a few serious obstacles as he raced to the finish line.
4. Write your thesis statement here:
5. Now figure out how you can prove your thesis statement with research. You need to
create a skeletal outline putting information into 3-4 main ideas.
Thesis: Oprah Winfrey struggled through a rough childhood to become a self-made media star, now helping others with her
fame and fortune.
Oprah lived a childhood filled with abuse and sadness.
Winfrey worked hard to break into the broadcasting world
After achieving fame and fortune, Oprah Winfrey finds ways of helping others.
Write your skeletal outline here:
Now find the research that supports each of your main points. (I’d start a piece of notebook
paper for each main idea and list all of the facts/data one the page where it belongs. This is a
way to sort your information for your outline.) Write down sources!!!!!!
6. Write your complete outline. (due ______________________)
7. Write intro and conclusion. Relate topic to your audience. (WIIFY – What’s In It For
You?) Put speech on note cards. Practice. Create visual aid. Practice. Present to parent
for critique on rubric. Practice some more.
8. Presentation date _______________________
Paperwork to turn in:
complete outline w/ bibliography
parent critique using rubric