Unit 3 REVISION GUIDE The A question – The simplest form of knowledge appears in the (a) part of the question and ask you to give the meaning of a keyword. That is easy!!! Check your knowledge of these keywords that you have already learnt Numinous Agnosticism Miracle Omnipotent Moral Evil Free Will Now mark your answer Partially Correct Fully Correct One Mark Two Marks The B question – Here is a typical (b) question which asks for your opinion and two reasons to support it “Do you think Prayer is a waste of time?” Do you agree? Give two reasons for your point of view (4) Use the marking scheme below to mark your answer Level Level Level Level 1 2 3 4 *Your *Your *Your *Your opinion opinion opinion opinion and and and and brief reason two brief reasons ONE brief reason and ONE expanded reason TWO expanded reasons 1 2 3 4 mark marks marks marks The C question – This question carries the most marks on the paper. Here is a typical question you might expect to see on the exam paper. Explain how a religious upbringing in a Roman Catholic Family can lead to belief in God. (8) Here is how the examiner will be looking to mark your answer. Have a go! Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 *One brief reason that describes the issue *Two brief reasons *One expanded reason *One fully developed reason *Two reasons with ONE fully developed *Two expanded reasons *Three reasons with ONE fully developed 1 – 2 marks 3 – 4 marks 5 – 6 marks 7 – 8 marks The D question – Here you are asked about something and then what people who disagree with you think. Have a go at the one below! “Evil and suffering prove that God does not exist” (i) (ii) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3) Explain why some people may disagree with you (3) This is how the examiner will be looking to mark your answer for both parts (i) and (ii) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 One brief reason One expanded reason Or Two brief reasons Two expanded reasons Three brief reasons 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks The marking grid shows that it is worth giving at least two reasons to support your view, and the more you can explain them the better Remember to include reasons from Roman Catholic Christianity in at least one part of your answer 1 Key Words Numinous Conversion Miracle Prayer Design Omnipotent Agnosticism Atheism Moral evil Natural evil Free will Omni Benevolent Omniscient Topic The feeling of the presence of something greater than yourself i.e. the church When your life is changed by giving yourself to God Something that seems to break a law of science and makes you think only God could have done this An attempt to contact God, usually through words When things are connected and seem to have a purpose e.g. eyes are designed for seeing The belief that God is all-powerful Not being sure whether God exists Believing that God does not exist Actions carried out by humans that cause suffering Things which cause suffering but have nothing to do with humans e.g. earthquakes The idea that human beings are free to make their own choices The belief that God is all-good That belief that God knows everything that has happened and everything that is going to happen Details Catholic Upbringing The Church, Reading the Bible, Praying, Parental Influence Religious Experience Numinous Experience, Miracles, Conversion Experience, Prayer Design Argument Paley’s Watch, The Big Bang, DNA, Evolution Causation Domino Effect, There must have been a first cause Science and nonbelief Agnosticism, Atheism, Big Bang, Evolution, Bible, God Unanswered Prayer Prayer, God’s Presence, No-one Listening, Existence Evil and Suffering Omni Benevolent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, God The Media Songs of Praise, Soaps, Films, Critical of Religion, Supportive of Religion 2 A Catholic upbringing can lead to belief in God because: Family life is important part of leading a child to belief in God. Parents can pray and read the Bible with their children and teach them about their faith The Church is an essential part to help lead children to believe in God, this happens in a number of ways. The Sacraments of Initiation would welcome you into the Church community - baptism, confirmation and Eucharist! There is Sunday School as well which teaches children about God, how to pray and read the Bible At Catholic schools you would pray and learn about God in Assemblies and R.E. lessons. Growing up in this environment, it is easy to see why the child would believe in God and therefore might not question His existence because: 1. A young child accepts parents’ beliefs 2. They have answers to prayer 3. They feel close to God in worship 4. Are taught about the existence of God at school and Sunday School 1. They will grow up thinking all other religions are wrong 2. They are forced into the religion 3. Against their human rights b) Do you agree that a catholic upbringing is a good upbringing? (4) 3 What are the types of religious experiences that lead to belief in God? Religious experience means the ways people come into direct contact with God. The Conversion Experience: people who change their lives around after a definite experience with God. Just like St Paul had on the road to Damascus. But could be mental illness. Prayer: - when your prayer is answered. For example, when someone has a problem or an illness they ask God to help them and the problem or illness disappears...this can lead to belief in God. But could be coincidence – they were getting better anyway Different types of Religious Experiences The Numinous Experience: the feeling of something greater than yourself. It is a feeling you can get if you are in a holy building or when you pray or even when you look up at the stars. But could just be naturenothing to do with God Miracles: cannot - Something that be explained, for example...someone who is cured from an incurable disease after being prayed for or after something else connected with religion. But could be explained by science at some future point b) Do you think that religious experiences prove God exists? (4) 4 How design lead people to believe in God: The universe appears to be designed: -ALWAYS GIVE EXAMPLES : the universe works according to the laws of gravity and how we are the right distance from the sun not to burn. How humans grow from a tiny blueprint of DNA, the complex mechanism of the eye allowing people to see and the way the Big Bang worked with the laws of science to produce a universe of order. Paley’s Watch: – William Paley (1734-1805) argued that EVEN IF YOU DIDN’T KNOW WHAT A WATCH WAS FOR (we don’t know what the universe is for) , you could see just by looking that it is too complicated to just happen by chance. It must have had a: 1. Designer and 2. A purpose. So the universe must also have 1. A design and 2. A purpose 1. What about bad design eg. Disease? 2. Why does it have to be the Christian God? 3. No need for a designer when we have EVOLUTION 4. Dinosaurs? C) EXPLAIN why design might NOT lead to belief in God (8 marks)... 5 ARGUMENT FOR DESIGN ARGUMENT FOR CAUSATION There is evidence of design in Nothing can happen by itself the world. Eg. Stick insects look like sticks so they don’t get eaten If there is evidence of design Everything that happens has to the be caused by something else. something must have designed it The only thing great enough to design it is God The universe cannot have just happened by itself A very powerful force must Therefore God exists have caused the universe This cause must have been God and therefore God must exist CAUSATION : Doesn’t prove God because 1. The universe could be eternal, big bang and big crunch continually 2.It contradicts itself – if everything needs a cause then so does God. 3. Why the God of Christianity why not an evil God starting it all off? 4.There’s no reason why the whole universe needs an explanation – maybe it just exists full stop. 6 Scientific explanations for the world and the Christian response: Agnosticism – Not being sure whether or not God exists Atheism – Believing that God does not exist Some people believe that science offers a better explanation for things such as miracles or even the universe, rather than the account in the Bible. 1. THE BIBLE SAYS the universe is only 6000 years old BUT SCIENCE HAS PROVEN it is 14 billion years old 2. THE BIBLE SAYS the universe was made in 7 days by God, BUT SCIENCE SAYS the Big Bang made it and it is still evolving over billions of yeas 3. THE BIBLE SAYS we came directly from Adam and Eve. BUT SCIENCE SAYS we evolved from lower life forms like apes. 4. SCIENCE says we used to need God to explain gaps in our understanding but now we know enough not to need God at all Therefore if scientists can prove tell people where the world came from and how people came into existence people will begin to think that God does not exist. How do Christians respond to scientific explanation? Most Christians say: The Bible and science are both correct. God made the world by creating a ‘Big Bang’ happened. One of Gods days could be 2 billion of our years, so it was made in 7 days. The order of creation is exactly fitting with evolution. The Bible message is morelike poetry. It was not intended for literal interpretation but still contains truth The universe is so finely tuned to support life that the chances of this happening without God as next to none. It had to be not tooo hot, not too cold etc – the “Goldilocks “ principle Even if everything did evolve, surely to get a world so full of beautiful things means a higher power? 7 Why unanswered prayers might lead to atheism: 1. If people don’t feel God’s presence when they pray, then they will doubt whether or not he exists at all. 2. God is supposed to care for those who worship him, but if people DO EVERYTHING GOD ASKS and God ignores their prayers, then does God really exist? 3. People might pray for really important things like their child to be cured from cancer. When the child dies they would think God didn’t care. 4. If a billion people are praying every Sunday for world peace then there shouldn’t be any wars. But there are. So God doesn’t exist. However God might not answer all prayers because: 1. Would God also answer selfish prayers for people to become millionaires…look at what happened in Bruce Almighty. 2. Some prayers are impossible if other people pray for the opposite! Eg, Sunderland AND Newcastle to win their next derby 3. God may also answer no or not yet. He knows better what is good for us. 4. He may give us the “opportunity” to do it for ourselves rather than simply giving us it 5. Good parents don’t say yes to everything they’re asked for. This is to help their children learn and grow. God is like our father. He will not spoil us. 6. God has a plan that we are too simple to understand, but we should just trust. Cover the above and list reasons why God may not answer all prayers – think about a parent saying yes to a child all of the time…. 8 The problem of evil and suffering and the Christian response: Religious and believers find the existence of evil and suffering a problem for the following reasons: 1. They believe that God is all good (omni-benevolent), but if God is all good, He ought not to want evil and suffering in his world; 2. They believe that God has the power to do anything (omnipotent) but if He is allpowerful, he must be able to rid the word of evil and suffering 3. They believe that God is all seeing and knowing in which case He knows what is happening (omniscient), but if God all knowing and powerful He must not love us enough to make it stop; 4. However, there is evil and suffering in the world and so either God is not good, or God is not all-powerful, or God does not exist. The Catholic response to evil and suffering: 1. Many Christians respond to the problem by believing that God knows the answer, but people cannot understand. Jesus showed us that God wants us to fight against evil and suffering so they follow the example of Jesus and pray for those who suffer and offer practical help 2. Some Christians think that God could not give humans free will unless they had the chance to do evil things (being free is part of being made in God’s image). Humans have used their free will to do evil things and bring suffering into the world, not God. 3. Other Christians believe this life is a sort of test in which people prepare their souls for heaven. If there was no evil and suffering then they would not be able to develop as good people and help fight against evil and suffering. 4. All Christians believe they must respond to suffering by trying to help those who suffer and to evil by fighting against it. Moral evil: Actions carried out by humans that cause suffering Natural Evil: Things that cause suffering buy have nothing to do with humans 9 The show we watched was called BRUCE ALMIGHTY The issue it showed was WHY GOD DOES NOT ANSWER PRAYERS A brief summary of the film is: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _ Why it might NOT help you to believe in God: It is just a film not real life It pokes fun at religious people like Bruce who have serious issues with God It doesn’t explain why God doesn’t answer serious prayers about poverty and illness Why would God give his powers to someone like Bruce? It’s ridiculous How a programme Why it might help you to believe in God: about religion might affect belief in God It shows what would happen if God said yes to all prayers It shows the importance of free will to God It shows how God expects us to be the miracle It shows how unrealistic it is to expect God to do everything for us. It shows the right way to pray in the end 10 Self-evaluation checklist How well have you understood the topics in this section? In the first column of the table below use the following code to rate your understanding: Green – I understand this fully Orange – I am confident I can answer most questions on this Red – I need to do a lot more work on this topic. In the second and third columns you need to think about: Whether you have an opinion on this topic and could give reasons for that opinion if asked Whether you can give the opinion of someone who disagrees with you and give reasons for this alternative opinion Self-Assessment Checklist My understanding is red/ orange/green Can I give my opinion? Can I give an alternative opinion? Definitions of the Key Terms and how to use them to answer a GCSE question The importance of a Roman Catholic Christian upbringing in coming to believe in God Ways in which families encourage children to believe in God How religious communities contribute to a religious upbringing The nature of religious experience and the different types The understanding of different miracles and why God may perform them The nature of prayer and why believers associate prayer with the nature of God The design argument and the reason for the existence of God based on causation Why some people do not believe in God because they feel that science offers a better explanation of the origin of the world The nature of evil and suffering and why it is a problem for religious believers How the media portrays belief in God 11 Matters of life and death The A question – The simplest form of knowledge appears in the (a) part of the question and ask you to give the meaning of a keyword. That is easy!!! Check your knowledge of these keywords that you have already learnt Assisted Suicide Paranormal Resurrection Sanctity of Life Euthanasia Abortion Now mark your answer Partially Correct Fully Correct One Mark Two Marks The B question – Here is a typical (b) question which asks for your opinion and two reasons to support it “Do you agree with Euthanasia?” Do you agree? Give two reasons for your point of view (4) Use the marking scheme below to mark your answer Level Level Level Level 1 2 3 4 *Your *Your *Your *Your opinion opinion opinion opinion and and and and brief reason two brief reasons ONE brief reason and ONE expanded reason TWO expanded reasons 1 2 3 4 mark marks marks marks The C question – This question carries the most marks on the paper. Here is a typical question you might expect to see on the exam paper. Explain why some Roman Catholics do agree with abortion. (8) Here is how the examiner will be looking to mark your answer. Have a go! Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 *One brief reason that describes the issue *Two brief reasons *One expanded reason *One fully developed reason *Two reasons with ONE fully developed *Two expanded reasons *Three reasons with ONE fully developed 1 – 2 marks 3 – 4 marks 5 – 6 marks 7 – 8 marks The D question – Here you are asked about something and then what people who disagree with you think. Have a go at the one below! “Your soul will never die” (i) (ii) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3) Explain why some people may disagree with you (3) This is how the examiner will be looking to mark your answer for both parts (i) and (ii) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 One brief reason One expanded reason Or Two brief reasons Two expanded reasons Three brief reasons 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks The marking grid shows that it is worth giving at least two reasons to support your view, and the more you can explain them the better Remember to include reasons from Roman Catholic Christianity in at least one part of your answer 12 Key Words Abortion The Removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive Assisted Suicide Providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide The painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease The idea that the soul lives on after death of the body When someone who is about to die has an out-of-body experience Ending someone’s life painlessly when they are unable to ask, but you have good reason for thinking they would want you to do so Unexplained things that are thought to have spiritual causes, e.g. ghosts or mediums The idea that life must have some benefits for it to be worth living The belief that, after death, souls are reborn in a new body The belief that, after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world when it is raised The belief that life is holy and belongs to God Ending life painlessly when someone in great pain asks for death Euthanasia Immortality of the Soul Near-death Experience Non-Voluntary Euthanasia Paranormal Quality of Life Reincarnation Resurrection Sanctity of Life Voluntary Euthanasia Topic Belief in the Afterlife Sanctity of Life Abortion Euthanasia World Poverty Details Immortality of the soul, resurrection, Creed, Catechism, Jesus, Near death experience, Paranormal, Reincarnation, Ghosts, Mediums, Heaven and Hell All life is holy and has a right to live, Bible Abortion, human rights, Bible, the law, termination, foetus, womb, Church of England, Liberals, Methodists, Ten Commandments Assisted suicide, non-voluntary euthanasia, quality of life, voluntary euthanasia, doctors, law, murder LEDC, MEDC, third world countries, natural disasters, HIV, aids, debt, war, corruption, CAFOD, 13 Christian teaching on Life after death: Two Key Beliefs Resurrection Immortality of the Soul The body is needed and will be When you die your soul leaves raised up on judgement day. Jesus your body and goes to heaven or had a BODILY resurrection hell. Not the official teaching of the Church The proper Christian belief is based Many Christians actually believe in on Jesus’ resurrection . The tomb was immortality – that the soul/mind is EMPTY! He wasn’t just a spirit raised immortal and lives on after death. up! Punishment in hell will involve When people die their soul goes physical pain so you need a body. They straight o heaven. They believe this believe in resurrection of the body because: because: It is what St Paul teachers in 1 would be in paradise straight Corinthians 15; It was Jesus’ body that rose from after death; the dead; Christians can communicate with go straight to heaven. The body will be the same but The communion of saints teachers that living and dead Some exceptional saintly Christians It is part of the Christian creeds. Jesus said the criminal cross each other; Things like near-death experiences when people say different, like a caterpillar turns their soul has left their body and into a butterfly gone down a tunnel of light to God show the immortality of the soul. 14 So...how does a belief in life after death affect Christians? Hell – They want to avoid hell so they avoid bad actions such as l Judgement – They try to act like lying and stealing (breaking the sheep not the Goats (feed the hungry etc) Commandments) Heaven – They want to get into heaven so they try to follow in Confession Jesus’ footsteps They will try to confess all sins to avoid purgatory Why do Christians believe in Life after Death and what evidence is there for it? (Give examples, such as evidence in the Bible) All Christians believe that there is life after death because: Jesus rose from the dead; The Bible says that there is life after death; The Church teach that there is life after death; The Creeds say there is life after death; There is evidence of life after death from such things as near-death experiences and the paranormal; They believe that life after death gives life meaning and purpose REMEMBER C “HOW” questions need to be developed with practical examples: Giving to Cafod Visiting the sick Campaigning for the poor Going to confession b) Do you agree God could send people to hell? 15 What do non-religious people think about life after death? Near-death Experiences This event is when your soul seems to leave your body. IT IS NOT WHEN YOU NEARLY DIE. This convinces them there is an afterlife. This is no present proof to support people’s claims of near-death experiences, but they all report very similar things. Reincarnation The belief that person’s soul is reborn into another body when they die because of déjà vu or memories from past lives. Sikhs and Hindus believe in reincarnation. What happens when we die? Presence of a Spirit World Ghosts People such as mediums claim to be able to make contact with the dead. These people claim to have paranormal abilities. There are photos and videos although it is questionable how far they have been “faked” Why some people think there is no life after death – When you’re dead you’re dead They say if resurrection was true there must be a physical space where heaven is. They have been in aeroplanes and never seen it They say that if reincarnation is true, how is it the same person that comes back ,when the vast majority have no memories, different personalities and different bodies? They say that if immortality of the soul is true then how can a soul be attached to a body or be separate from other souls? It has no physical form so it can’t be separate from anything, it’d be more like air. They doubt the evidence of the paranormal because it can all be explained by scientific investigation How can an omnibenevolent God send anyone to Hell? 16 The Sanctity of Life: TOP TIP: Christians believe that life is precious and is given as a holy gift from God and therefore it belongs to Him. Only God has the right to give life and only God has the right to take it away. The Sanctity of Life is a very important concept as it shapes a Christians thinking about matters such as Abortion and Euthanasia. Different denominations have different views on this issue and it’s very important to refer to these in your exam questions. What do Roman Catholics believe about this issue? Life is sacred because of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Human life is holy and must be protected. Only God has the power to give and take life. Our duty to protect and preserve human life. What are the other reasons that they think this way? Wrong to take away life ‘Do not kill’. God created all humans in his image and saw life as good. Nobody has the right to take away another persons’ life. Think: What would you do if you knew that an unborn child might be born with medical problems or severe disabilities? What would be the most loving thing to do? 17 Abortion: the removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive, let’s have a look at some of the social facts surrounding this issue. Abortion is only allowed in Great Britain if two doctors agree one of the following: 1. The mother’s life is at risk; 2. The mother’s physical or mental health is at risk; 3. The child is very likely to be born severely handicapped; 4. There would be a serious effect on other children in the family. Abortions cannot be carried out after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Most abortions are now carried out on women less than 12 weeks pregnant and the number of abortions has gone down since 1991. Use the timeline below to record the following information: At what stage in pregnancy does it become illegal to perform an abortion in the United Kingdom? Record the date...then research if this has always been the case, if not record the dates and the number of weeks it was illegal to perform an abortion in the UK. Why abortion is a controversial issue- Controversial means argued about 1.: People argue about when a person begins- Is it as soon as an egg is fertilised...how about when it receives a soul (about 15 weeks) or does life only begin at birth? People who argue about abortion often argue about when life beings: Some say it begins as soon as an egg is fertilised; Others say it begins when it receives a soul (about 15 weeks); Others say life only begins when the foetus can survive outside the womb – AT BIRTH 2. People argue about clashing rights – Should the woman’s right to decide what happens to her body outweigh the foetus’ right to life? 18 But what do Christians think about Abortion? There are three different viewpoints from different denominations about this issue. Use the books to record what their views are: Against Abortion: The Catholic Church and Evangelical Christians Roman Catholics and most Evangelical Protestants think that all forms of abortion are sinful and should not be allowed. They are the main organisers of groups such as LIFE and SPUC (Society for the Unborn Child) which campaign for the rights of the foetus. They base their beliefs on certain Christian teachings: The sanctity of life and the belief that all life is holy and belongs to God, therefore only God has the right to end a pregnancy; The belief that life begins at the moment of conception; The belief that the unborn child is created in the image of God and is one for whom Jesus, the Son of God died; The belief that ADOPTION IS A BETTER OPTION Believes that abortion is wrong but will allow is in SOME circumstances: Church of England Other Protestants (e.g. the Church of England) disagree with abortion, but think that in certain circumstances it is necessary to choose the less of two evils and so abortion must be allowed. Although they would prefer there to be no abortion, they realise that there would be too much suffering if abortion was banned. They have these views because: Such Christians base their attitude on the following Christian teachers: They do not believe that life begins at conception; They believe Jesus’ command to love your neighbour is the most important command; They believe it is the duty of Christians to remove suffering; They believe that when faced with a choice between two evils, Christians should choose the lesser evil Against abortion but allows it as the LESSER OF TWO EVILS: Liberal Protestants and other such as Methodists. (Lesser of two evils means you’ve only got two choices – one is bad and the other is even worse, so you chose the least bad one.) 19 Think: The lesser of two evils is a really important concept for Christians to consider as it occurs when you are faced with a choice where whatever you choose will be wrong but one choice will be less wrong. For example, the mother’s life is at risk, then what? Euthanasia, some social facts and how it can be done: 2. Assisted Suicide where a person has such a painful terminal disease that they cannot obtain the means for suicide and they ask someone to give them the means to commit suicide 1. Sucicide - where a person knows they have a very painful, terminal (going to end in death) disease and commit suicide to give themselves a quiet and easy death 3. Voluntary Euthanasia where a person has a painful terminal disease and cannot do anything for themselves . They ask someone else to kill them painlessly, for example by the doctor giving them a lethal dose of painkillers EUTHANASIA the action of inducing a quiet and easy death 4. Double Effect - this is the same idea as used in abortion. That if you give a patient drugs to relieve their pain knoing that it will kill them over a period of time 5.. Not striving To Keep Alive - this is the idea used in medicine that if someone is suffering from a terminal illness everything possible should be done to cure them. If it doesntt work and they had a heart attack for example, then they should not go through resuscitation procedures 6. Non-Voluntary Euthanasia wheere a person is not kept alive because they are regarded as having a life wrose than death but cannot make the decision for themselves. Like a baby or a person in a coma 20 The law in Britain does not allow anyone to end another person’s life either by giving drugs or by switching off a machine, even if the person has requested it and could face prison. What do Christians think about Euthanasia? Remember: Christians believe in the Sanctity of Life, only God gave life so only He can take it away, therefore do we have the right to end someone else’s life? All Christians oppose the practise of euthanasia Most Christians (including Roman Catholics) accept that doctors should be allowed to give lots of pain killing drugs even if they know it is shortening the patient’s life. They also believe that expensive treatments need not be carried out to lengthen the lives of a dying patient. Some Christians do not agree with switching off life-support machines, but many Christians believe this must be allowed when there are NO signs of life. Christians have these beliefs because: 1. They believe that life is sacred and should only be taken by God. 2. The bible says quite clearly that Christians must not murder (sixth commandment). 3. There are many statements in the Bible stating that life and death decisions belong to God alone. 4. Many Church leaders have said that life is sacred and comes from God, therefore only God can decide when someone should die. 5. Christians believe that doctors are required to save lives not kill, and allow them to kill people would be giving them double standards to follow. When taking the list above into account, just think about the Quality of a person’s life and if we have the right to play God. 21 Causes of World Poverty: LEDC (Less Economically Developed Countries) – This is the name given to those countries that are less wealthy and underdeveloped, countries such as, Ethiopia, Bangladesh and Zimbabwe. MEDC (More Economically Developed Countries) – These are wealthy, more powerful countries. Countries that are classed as MEDC’s include the USA, UK, Australia and France. 3. Dirty Water - Many people living in LEDC's do not have access to clean drinking water and suffer terrrible diseases or even death from dehydration 2. War - Many LEDC's suffer from war when homes, schools, crops and buldings are destroyed in power struggles. Communities and families are broken, leaving them with no money. 1. - Natural Disasters Many LEDC's are in regions where they regularly suffer from disasters such as earthquakes, floods and droughts. This means crops, lives and homes are destroyed leaving a fragile economy meaning they have to boorow money to survive. Causes of world poverty 4. Corrupt Governments Some LEDC's suffer from their own leadres who receive aid and assistance from other countries through corruption. They often get no money or power so that the governments keep control 5. HIV and AIDS - In many LEDC's the spread of HIV and Aids has destroyed communities. In Zambia is estimated that half the population dies from the diseases and the medication to treat them is too expensive to buy in from the West. Children usually have to go o9ut to work to support the sick adults who are unable to work. 6. Debt - LEDC's suffer from debt as they have borrowed money from banks in MEDC's and then struggle to repay the loads due to some of the other issues. The interest rates and interests on the loans rise and they just end up in more and more debt. 22 CAFOD CAN HELP: CAFOD Is the major Catholic Charity in England and Wales that works to end world poverty. CAFOD stands for Catholic Agency for Overseas Development Why Does CAFOD help people? - Caholics believe that God created the universe and appointed us stewards, - The World's resoruces are a gift to be shared equally by all men and women. - Good Samaritan - teaches Catholics to help people who are siffering regardless of their race or religion - Parable of the Sheep and Goat - confirms we should help each other. Selfevaluation checklist How well have you understood How does CAFOD help people? 1. Development Programmes - provides long-term support so that the people can work themselves out of poverty. 2. Emergency Aid - for people caught up in disasters. This is a temporary measure to help people after the aftermath. 3. Raising awareness - involved in campaigns 4. Education - Gives developing nations an opportunity to reduce poverty through economic growth and improved education. It also educates the UK about the needs of the poor and the work that CAFOD is doing. 23 the topics in this section? In the first column of the table below use the following code to rate your understanding: Green – I understand this fully Orange – I am confident I can answer most questions on this Red – I need to do a lot more work on this topic. In the second and third columns you need to think about: Whether you have an opinion on this topic and could give reasons for that opinion if asked Whether you can give the opinion of someone who disagrees with you and give reasons for this alternative opinion Self-Assessment Checklist My understanding is red/ orange/green Can I give my opinion? Can I give an alternative opinion? Definitions of the Key Terms and how to use them to answer a GCSE question Why Catholics believe in life after death and how this belief effects their lives Non-Religious belief in life after death (near-death experiences, ghosts, mediums, evidence of reincarnation) Why some people do not believe in life after death The current law on abortion and why it generates such debate The different Christian attitudes to abortion and the reasons for them What is meant by euthanasia, the law and the different situations in which it occurs Christian attitudes to euthanasia and why people have them The causes of world poverty How and why CAFOD is trying to end world poverty How the media deals with life and death issues and how an issue is presented in the media, including whether the treatment is fair to religious beliefs and religious people 24 MARRIAGE & FAMILY- KEYWORDS Adultery A married person having sex with someone other than their partner Cohabitation Contraception Civil Partnership Living together without being married Intentionally preventing pregnancy from occurring A legal ceremony giving a homosexual couple the same legal rights as a husband and wife The legal ending of a marriage Grandparents/aunts/uncles living as a unit with Mother, Father and the Children; or living very close and having a lot of contact with each other Staying with your marriage partner and only having sex with them Sexual attraction to the same sex The belief that, after death, souls are reborn in a new body Mother, Father and the children living as a unity Sex before marriage Making a new life Having sex with a number of partners without wanting a relationship Where two sets of children become a family when their divorced parents marry each other Divorce Extended Family Faithfulness Homosexuality Marriage Nuclear Family Pre-Marital Sex Procreation Promiscuity Reconstituted Family Social Factors: The changing picture of family life Fewer people are getting married Cohabitation: living together without being More one parent families Remarriage: marrying again after divorce. married. Many more couples are now living together before getting married. Reconstituted family: two sets of children 25% more couples now live together than 25 years ago. marry each other. Reasons: Trial marriage to see if they are compatible No longer a stigma to live with someone before marriage – the accepted ‘norm’. becoming one family when divorced parents Nuclear family: Mum, Dad and children living as one unit. Extended family: Grandparents, aunts, uncles, living as a unit with mum, dad and children, or close by. 25 The marking grid shows that it is worth giving at least THE CHANGING PICTURE two reasons to support your view, and the more you can OF FAMILY LIFE explain them the better Remember to include reasons from Roman Catholic Christianity in at least one part of your answer Divorce: the legal ending of a marriage. More people getting divorced, resulting in more one parent families. Children suffering depression because of parents splitting up Less help from relatives. People are now travelling around the country due to careers and this is causing the break-up of the extended family. Fewer parents have help from their parents to bring up children. Often women are ‘left’ on their own to bring up children. Can be very difficult juggling children and work. Money is often short. People become disillusioned with marriage. Do you think that the changes to society have Christian teaching on sex outside of marriage led to a better or worse lifestyle for most people? Sex outside of marriage covers two areas: SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE Pre-marital sex: sex before marriage Promiscuity: having sex with a number of partners without wanting a relationship 26 FUNDERMENTAL/CATHOLIC Strongly AGAINST sex before marriage. LIBERAL CHRISTIANS Some liberal Christians now accept that couples may want a ‘trial marriage’ to see if they are compatible before getting married. 1. BIBLICAL REASONS a) “And the two shall become one flesh””. b) Ten Commandments “You shall not commit adultery”. c) “Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit” 2. CATHOLICS: Sex before marriage is a moral (grave) sin – excludes one from taking Mass (Holy Communion). However:1. They see cohabiting as only an interim thing – they DO INTEND to marry. 2. They WILL MARRY if they want CHILDREN. They believe children should be brought up in a stable relationship. REASONS THEY MIGHT GIVE ARE: Encourages a casual relationship based on selfishness – not caring for others. It is too easy to break up. Couples will separate over differences. Because they follow the teaching of the Bible strictly. ADULTERY WITHIN A MARRIAGE Faithfulness: staying with your marriage Adultery: a married person having sex with partner and having sex only with them. someone other than their marriage partner. All Christians believe adultery IS WRONG because of two reasons: 1. One of the Ten Commandments is that ‘You shall not commit adultery’. 2. In the Christian wedding ceremony, couples promise, in their vows, that they will stay FAITHFUL – only have sex with their marriage partners. If they commit adultery they are breaking their marriages vows. Christian teaching on marriage 27 CHRSITAN BELIEFS (attitudes) THE Catholic reasons for marriage TO MARRRIAGE. ALL Christians believe that marriage is intended as a lifelong union. Marriage ceremony gives the couple grace of God to help make their marriage work. Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church and the Church of England believe that marriage is a sacrament. Sacraments are public actions by which Christians receive grace, that is, experience the power and love of God in their lives. Other Churches do not regard marriage as a sacrament, but feel that grace comes from the prayers. 1. Lifelong faithfulness 2. Comfort and support 3. To have children (procreate) 4. To bring them up in a Christian family OUTLINE OF THE CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE SERVICE 1. HYMNS/songs/music (both religious and secular) 2. BIBLE READINGS on love: Usually 1 Corinthians chapter 13 3. EXCHANGING VOWS (promises) To love (obey) and cherish (remain faithful) In sickness and in health Till death do us part 4. EXCHANGING OF THE RINGS – symbolising the unending nature of marriage 5. SERMON – talk about the importance of marriage 6. PRAYERS – through the Holy Spirit, asking God to bless their marriage and make it work. 28 Christian teaching on divorce CHURCHES WHICH DO ALLOW CHURCHES WHICH DO NOT DIVORCE ALLOW DIVORCE Church of England The Roman Catholic Church Methodist/Baptist Churches Orthodox Church CATHOLICS ARE AGAINST DIVORCE BECAUSE: Jesus banned divorce: Mark Chap 10:10-12 “Anyone who REASONS WHY THEY ALLOW divorces his wife and marries DIVORCE another commits adultery against her”. 1. BIBLICAL REASON: Matthew 19:8-9 “I tell you, anyone who ROMAN CATHOLIC ANNULMENT divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery”. Allowed on the grounds of adultery. 2. They believe that if people repent of their mistakes they should be allowed a second chance. Roman Catholic Church does not allow an annulment. This is when it was not a proper marriage in the first place, and so never existed in the eyes of God. Catholics can have an annulment if: REMARRYING IN CHURCH 1. One of the partners was not baptised at the time of marriage 2. One of the partners was forced These churches will allow people, after counselling, to remarry in church. The Church of England though still leave it up to individual priests – some will into marriage 3. 3. One of the partners was mentally unstable 4. 4. The marriage had never been marry divorcees, others will not, but consummated (they had never had will give a blessing. sex) 29 Christian Attitudes to Homosexuality Catholics: Evangelical Protestants: Being homosexual is not a sin but that having homosexual sex is. This is because people can’t help their feelings but people can stop themselves from acting on them. All homosexual thoughts and acts are wrong and that homosexuals should pray to God to become heterosexuals. So why do they think this? But why do they think this? The Bible condemns homosexual acts but does not say homosexual feelings are a sin Sex should only take place within marriage. Any sex which takes place out of marriage is wrong and seeing as marriage is the uniting of man and women then homosexual sex is ‘No man is lie with another man : God hates that.’ (Leviticus 8:22) God created man and woman to be in a marriage relationship together Purpose of sex is to create children and two same-sex partners cannot have a child this way They think that homosexuality is not good for society as it undermines the family forbidden Sex is for procreation and homosexual sex cannot produce children All form of discrimination are wrong, including homophobia because the bible teachers that we are all equal What is between the difference marriage and a civil partnership? Liberal protestants: Homosexual feelings and acts are not wrong providing that they occur within a stable relationship. Different to Catholics, but why? Religion is a spiritual issue not a sexual one The Bible needs to be interpreted to suit today’s society Jesus taught it was love that mattered the most God made them this way so it can’t be wrong The Church of England is divided on it’s view of homosexuality but generally: Homosexual partnerships are judged on the strength of love and commitment of the partners rather than simply rejecting them as wrong, after all, God has created us all in His image. Two people might enter into a homosexual relationship with hope of enjoying companionship and the expression of love similar to that found in marriage 30 Christian Teaching on Family Life Christian Teachings on Family Life: All churches believe that ideally children should be brought up in a family with a Mother and a Father The Christian marriage service says that one of the REASONS for marriage is to have children and bring them up in a CHRISTIAN HOME. Children are a GIFT FROM GOD, and parents are expected to look after them (feed, clothe them_ and help them to be good Christians by having them: Baptised/confirmed, Take them to church regularly and Set a good example, celebrate Christian festivals. Children are expected to RESPECT and HONOUR their parents. One of the TEN COMMANDMENTS is ‘Honour your parent.’ This means look after them in their old age. Baptism - ensures child becomes part of the Catholic faith. The church prays for the family and they are given God's blessing. Churhc help them as well as the Godparents to raise the child a good Catholic How Churches help with Family Life: Christian parents will have their children baptised and dedicated to God. Churches will help with this. Parents promise to provide a loving Christian home for their children. Having made this promise they try to keep it and the church will help in this Most churches run Sunday Schools to support the parents in bringing up their children as Christians. Churches have special Family Services (erg. Christmas and Easter) so families can worship together. Many churches run activities to help parents bring their children up as good people – eg, Youth Clubs, Cubs, Scouts, Guides, Girls and Boys Brigades. Marriage preparation courses help couples understand marriage and their duties and see how it all works. Divorce Prevention Work to help families going through rough patches Attending a Catholic School - teaches the ethos of the Catholic faith and teaches the National Curriculum and emphasises shared faith and values Catholic Upbringing of Children Sunday School and Mass - for those who find it hard to understnad full Mass and children can worship and learn about their faith at their own level Church Groups - for all ages, scouts, rainbows, guides, rainbows, organised activities to learn about thier faith, youth groups for older teenagers which are all posiitive influences in young lives. 31 Contraception 2. The Pill - There are many different forms of the 'pill' or tablet that a woman can take that will affect her hormones in order to prevent a pregnancy from occuring 3. Intra-Uterine Device (IUD) - This is a small T-shaped device that is places in the womans womb by a doctor or a nurse. This then stops the sperm and egg meeting or stops the ferilised egg implanting in the womb. It can last between 3 and 10 years 1. Condoms - These are male and female condoms, and they work by forming a barrier to stop the sperm reaching the egg. Contaceptionthe different methods 4. Diaphram or Cap - This is a flexible rubber dome shaped device that is places in the womans vagina before she has sex and is removed afterwards. It acts as a barrier to stop sperm reaching the egg. 5. Contraceptive Injection/Patch/Implant - These work in the same ways as the pill but they are given in a different way e.g. an injection that can last for a number of weeks or a patch that is worn daily. There is also an implant that is placed under the skin and can last for up to 3 years. What is Contraception? Contraception is the deliberate prevention of pregnancy. People may use it because: They want to plan when to have their families and how many children to have. They consider themselves too young or too old and would not be good parents Becoming pregnant would be harmful to the health of the Mother or one or both partners carry a genetically inherited condition. They feel they could not provide financially or emotionally for a child They have a lifestyle they feel would not be compatible with having a child Christian Attitudes to Contraception: So...do you think that contraception helps to improve the quality of someone’s life or is it a selfish act? 32 Who Believe What Why Roman Catholic Christians and Conservative Evangelicals Every sexual act should be open to the possibility of conception The Church of England and more Liberal Christians Do not regard contraception as against God’s plan Using artificial methods of contraception is wrong because they prevent humans from fulfilling God’s command ‘be fruitful and multiply’ (Genesis 1:28) Sex was given by God for procreation and so every sexual act should allow for the possibility of conception taking place Contraception has encouraged promiscuity and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases The purpose of marriage is to have children These views have been upheld and reaffirmed by Popes The essence of Christianity is love and contraception can be used to protect a woman’s health Reducing the size of families gives children a better standard of living God created sex for pleasure and to provide an experience unique to the married couple; contraception allows the sex to be free from fear of pregnancy and provides the couple with safe pleasure There is nothing in the Bible that says contraception is wrong Can Contraception be viewed as Abortion? The coil and morning after pill which acts after conception and prevents implantation of the egg in the womb are considered by some Christians to be the equivalent of an abortion Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Use of contraception to protect against sexually transmitted diseases is one of the strongest arguments for its use...but then if sex only took place inside of marriage, then this may not be such an issue. What do YOU think? 33 ISSUE = ADULTERY FAIR TO BELIEFS : Rarely do we see a religious family struggling to make the UNFAIR TO BELIEFS Made keeping the family together seem more holy than killing people marriage work or the effects that an affair can have upon the children. FAIR TO RELIGIOUS PEOPLE Walter was portrayed as a genuine loving father trying his best to keep his family and his faith in balance Media – Use Keeping MUM UNFAIR TO RELIGIOUS PEOPLE IT DID MAKE THE VICAR LOOK A BIT OF AN IDIOT AT TIMES – He didn’t notice his wife’s affair right under his nose, he didn’t notice his mother in law killing people. His daughter being promiscuous or his son being bullied. 34 Self-evaluation checklist How well have you understood the topics in this section? In the first column of the table below use the following code to rate your understanding: Green – I understand this fully Orange – I am confident I can answer most questions on this Red – I need to do a lot more work on this topic. In the second and third columns you need to think about: Whether you have an opinion on this topic and could give reasons for that opinion if asked Whether you can give the opinion of someone who disagrees with you and give reasons for this alternative opinion Self-Assessment Checklist My understanding is red/ orange/green Can I give my opinion? Can I give an alternative opinion? Definitions of the Key Terms and how to use them to answer a GCSE question Christian and Catholic attitudes to sex outside marriage and the reasons for them The purposes of a Catholic marriage The features of the Catholic wedding ceremony and how this shows the purposes of marriage Different Christian and Catholic attitudes to divorce, and the reasons for them Different Christian and Catholic attitudes to homosexuality and the reasons for them Christian and Catholic teachings on family life and its importance How Catholic churches help with the raising of children and keeping families together Different Christian and Catholic attitudes to contraception, and the different reasons for them How the media present issues about marriage and family and whether their portrayal is fair to Christians 35 SECTION 4 : Religion and Community Cohesion Community Cohesion A common vision and shared sense of belonging for all groups in society Discrimination Treating people less favourably because of their ethnicity/gender/colour/sexuality/class A member of an ethnic group (race) that is smaller than the majority group Marriage where the husband and wife are from different religions Many different races and cultures living together in one society Many different religions living together in one society Believing some people are inferior or superior without even knowing them Different races/colours living together happily The belief that some races are superior to others The right to practise your religion and change your religion Accepting all religions as having an equal right to coexist Discriminating against people because of their gender Ethnic Minority Interfaith Marriages Multi-ethnic Society Multi-faith Society Prejudice Racial Harmony Racism Religious Freedom Religious Pluralism Sexism Topic Changing Attitudes Racism and Community Cohesion Multi-faith Society The Media Details Gender roles, Discrimination, Prejudice, Sexism, Equality, The Bible, St Paul Multi-Ethnic, Minority, Racial Harmony, Community Cohesion, The Government, The Bible, Jesus, Asylum Seekers Religious Freedom, Religious Pluralism, Exclusivism, Pluralism, Catholicism, Bible, Jesus, Interfaith marriages Homosexuality, Changing Gender Roles, The Simpsons, Coronation Street, The Vicar of Dibley 1. How attitudes to the roles of men & women have changed 1. Women have equal rights now at work 2. Women & Men share roles at home 3. Women can vote and be MPs 4. Women can keep their own property separate from their husbands 36 Why attitudes to the roles of women have changed 1. During the war women had to take on many roles men had done 2. Women in other countries were getting better rights 3. The UN declaration of human rights had to be accepted 4. The Labour government were dedicated to equal rights for women 2. Different Christian attitudes to equal rights for women Catholics think… women should have equal rights in society but they cannot be ordained in the Church because.. 1. In creation story God made men & women in his image therefore equal but different 2. It is the teaching of the Catechism that they are equal 3. Jesus was a man however, and priest represents Jesus 4. Apostolic succession has only happened to men because the disciples were all men Evangelical Protestants think… they do not have equal roles in society and not in religion because… 1. St Paul teaches that women should not speak in church 2. Adam was created first so should have more rights 3. Jesus only chose men as followers 4. It has always been tradition that only men should be church leaders Liberal Protestants think women can be equal in society AND in church… 1. In creation story God made men & women in his image therefore are equal 2. St Paul also says men and women are equal in Christ 3. There is some evidence that there were women priests in the early days 4. Jesus treated women as his equals and they were the first witnesses to his resurrection 3. The problems of racism and discrimination: 1. employers may not give jobs to some racial groups – this may lead them to crime 2. landlords may not give housing to some groups – may lead to people feeling treat unfairly 37 and rioting 3. teachers may not help kids from some groups as much – may make them join terrorists group where they feel wanted and successful 4. police officers may search or arrest more people from certain races – may stir up racial hatred and make white people blame other races for crimes. The BNP may win power. The benefits of living in a multi-ETHNIC society 1. People will get to know people from other cultures and intermarry 2. New ideas from other cultures will help society progress 3. Life is more interesting with different foods, fashions & music 4. Helps people work in multi-national companies and builds relationships between nations 3.4 HOW the government has taken action to promote community cohesion 1. Pass the RACE RELATIONS ACT making it unlawful to discriminate 2. Pass the Racial and Religious Hatred act which makes it an offence to use threatening words or behaviour about religious beliefs or the lack of 3. Set up the Equality and Human Rights Commission which works to build good relations between different groups 4. Making Community Cohesion part of the school curriculum which is why you have to learn all of this stuff! WHY the government has taken action to promote community cohesion 1. Without community cohesion there could be riots like in Bradford in 2001 2. The London Bombers on July 7th 2005 no longer felt part of Britain 3. Without community cohesion, violence becomes a way of life eg. In Iraq 4. Society cannot be civilised without different groups of people cooperating. 3.5 Why Catholics should help to promote community cohesion 38 1. The Parable of the Good Samaritan – about races who hate each other 2. St Paul taught that all people are equal in Christ 3. The Catholic community has people from all races and countries There are Bishops and Cardinals of every colour 4. The Catechism says Catholics should fight racism in every form 3.6 HOW the Catholic Church to help asylum seekers & immigrant workers 1. Set up the ORP – Office for Refugee Policy which writes reports for the Bishops 2. In 2008 the Bishops told parishes to help asylum seekers by making leaflets in other languages and collecting equipment to help them set up home 3. Some parishes have free legal advice clinics to help with application forms to stay in the UK and to get benefits & schooling 4. Masses in other languages 39 WHY the Catholic Church helps with Asylum Seekers 1. The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats 2. Jesus was once a refugee, Christians want to show love of Jesus 3. The Golden Rule – Treat others how you would want to be treated 4. It is the teachings of the Church People who think the Catholic Church shouldn’t help will say that the more help they give, the more people will come The government should help not charities There should be more done to make their own countries better so they don’t need to leave 3.7 The benefits of UK as a multi-faith society (about religion NOT race) 1. People can learn about other religions and they can spot the similarities 2. Other religions practices eg. Muslims praying 5 times a day might make you think more about your own prayer life 3. People will be more understanding and respectful of others religions 4. Being able to practise your own faith without fear will make less conflicts in society PROBLEMS INCLUDE: * People’s children might turn against their parents beliefs * People might lose their own faith * people cannot spread their faith without upsetting others * Intermarriage creates problems for families 3.8 Different Christian attitudes to other religions Catholics think…only Catholicism has the full truth but other religions can find partial truth.. This is called inclusivism. They think this because… The Catechism says so and it is the official teaching of the R C.C The Bible teaches that you can only get into heaven through Jesus Jesus is the Son of God so only Jesus can show us what God is like The Catholic Church is the means to faith, there is no salvation outside of the Church Evangelical Protestants think… all other religions are false and everybody needs to be converted to Christianity. This is called “exclusivism”. They think this because.. 40 Jesus said “Nobody comes to the father except through me Loving your neighbour means helping them get into heaven by converting them Jesus told his disciples to go and convert everybody When they convert people they themselves get into heaven Liberal Protestants think…all religions are equal and are just different ways of finding God. This is called “pluralism”. They think this because.. They do not regard the Bible as the literally true Word of god Jesus said “there are many rooms in my father’s house” They think God is like a force which can be discovered in different ways They see people of other religions living good lives. 3.11 How an issue from religion & community cohesion has been presented in the media 1. The TV series is the “Vicar of Dibley” and the issue is ordination of female priests 2. In it, the parishioners are waiting for their new vicar, they expect a man. When a woman arrives they complain 3. Religious beliefs are not presented fairly because the men don’t give serious reasons against women priests, saying silly sexist things like “What next, topless sunbathing on the church lawn?” 4. Religious people are dealt with unfairly because the female vicar is made to look daft and more interested in chocolate, drinking and men than in serving as a vicar. In real life she wouldn’t get the job. 3.10 Ways in which religions work to promote community cohesion in the UK (this seems to be about inter-faith issues only) 1. Some religious groups (not Catholics) are trying to help with interfaith marriages eg . by having mixed faith ceremonies 2. Some are helping with the issues of raising children in mixed faith marriages (not Catholics) eg. Encouraging parents to bring them up in both faiths until they decide themselves. 3. Catholics and other religions are teaching about other faiths in schools 4. There are groups in most towns and cities eg. Glasgow inter-faith forum that get different religiouns together to talk. 41 3.9 Issues raised by a multi-faith society 1. Conversion – trying to bring people into your religion- is seen as their right by some because… * they “know” their religion is the one true religion * They worry that non-believers will go to hell so they are duty bound to help them. * Their holy book tells them they must convert others . Others think conversion causes too many problems because… * It discriminates against people who do not have the same faith as you * You can’t know all other religions are wrong until you have studied them * It can lead to violence and conflict when people are told they are wrong 2. Bringing up children: Children being taught about other religions and about atheism causes problems for some people because: * Parents want their children to be brought up in their faith and become a member of it * Parents worry their children may not get into heaven if they believe false things * Keeping the faith is important to preserving family culture and traditions * Children taught in Britain are increasingly tempted away from religious lifestyles because most schools are not religious 3. Interfaith marriages can cause problems because… * What kind of ceremony should they have? * Which religion children be brought up in if both religions only allow children to be raised in their beliefs? The fear that the religion (esp. for Jews) will die out. * What will happen after death – what if they end up buried separately? * Families often feel betrayed and disown the couple 42