EE 201C Modeling of VLSI Circuits and Systems Chapter 1 Introduction Instructor: Lei He Email: Instructor Info Email: Phone: 310-206-2037 Office: Boelter Hall 6731D Office hours: Tus 2-3pm Thur 4-5pm or by appointment The best way to reach me: Email with EE201 in subject line VLSI Design and Verification Cycle System Specification Functional Design and Verification X=(AB*CD)+(A+D)+(A(B+C)) Logic Design and Verification Circuit Design and Verification Verification techniques Formal verification Logic/circuit simulation Functional and logic emulation Y=(A(B+C))+AC+D+A(BC+D)) VLSI Design and Verification Cycle (cont.) Physical Design and Verification Fabrication and Testing Packaging Layout verification LVS, DRC, ERC Timing, SI, PI, DFM (applied to circuit design as well) Modeling and simulation is a core component for design and verification considering timing/SI/PI/DFM CAD Courses at UCLA EE dept. EE201A Fundamental to CAD (each fall) Basics to all aspects of CAD More on combinatorial optimization EE201C this course (each Spring) Modeling and simulation of timing, signal/power integrity, and manufacturability for digital and mixed-signal circuits Co-development of numerical modeling and optimization EE209 Better Interface between design and manufacturing (taught by Puneet Gupta each winter) CS dept. CS258F Physical design of VLSI circuits CS258G Logic synthesis of VLSI circuits CS259 High Level Synthesis 201C Course Outline and Schedule Interconnect and timing modeling (3 weeks) On-chip timing and integrity (4 weeks) Static timing and noise analysis for logic and on-chip interconnects Process variation, stochastic timing, power and noise analysis Stochastic power and thermal integrity Project 2 (stochastic modeling in Matlab) Beyond-die signal and power integrity (3 weeks) Interconnect extraction Delay modeling and model order reduction Project 1 (model order reduction in Matlab) Chip-package co-design with signal and power integrity Noise analysis for high-speed signaling and other analog components Final project: Independent study of selected topics Plus, in-class or video presentations by students Programming Projects Project 1: Matlab coding of PRIMA model order reduction method Majority of program is given Project 2: Matlab coding of stochastic model selected from Max operation for timing Leakage power due to processing variation Eye open for high-speed signaling Again, majority of codes is given Student Presentation One presentation a week by students On-campus program (two students a group) Video may be used if there is not enough time slots Online MS program (one presentation per student via video) Papers and initial slides draft provided Final slides and references uploaded to wiki by students Final Project Independent study of selected topic Could be a single student or a team of students Topic can be decided anytime, but no later than week 8 One or two “seed” papers provided Develop a report based on literature search or other forms of independent study Up to 12 page report using ACM style Deliver a 30 minute presentation during the finals week, like a conference talk (video for online program) Again, reports, references, and video uploaded to wiki References for this Course Web sites Selected papers leading journals and conferences Tan and He, “Advanced Model Order Reduction Techniques for VLSI Designs”, Cambridge University Press, pp 1-217, 2006 H. Bakoglu, Circuits, Interconnects, and Packaging for VLSI, Addison Wesley Related VLSI CAD Conferences ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC) (San Diego, Young student program) International Conference on Computer Aided Design(ICCAD) Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC) International symposium on physical design (ISPD) International symposium on low power electronics and design International symposium on field programmable gate array IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) Related VLSI CAD Journals IEEE Transactions on CAD of Circuits and systems (TCAD) IEEE Trans. on VLSI Systems (TVLSI) ACM Trans. on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES) IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems (TCAS) IEEE Trans. on Computer Grading Policy Two Matlab Projects 50% Course presentation 10% Final project 40% A score > 85 Who should take this course For students who are motivated to Learn SI, power/thermal, DFM for advanced designs Understand CAD better Become a CAD professional