Digital Agenda for ELA Support 11.15-21.12 11.15Subject/Course: ELA Support Grade: 9 21.12 CA Standard(s): Station 1: G5 1.2 Identify and correctly use verbs that are often misused (e.g., lie/lay, sit/set, rise/raise), modifiers, and pronouns. Station 2: G4 1.4 Know common roots and affixes derived from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words (e.g., international). Teacher: Holmlund Date: Learning Objective (s): Station 1: Given _a real life non-fiction text and initial teacher guidance (condition-materials, amount of time, who you will work with) the learner will _identify in text (knowledge) pronouns and their antecedents, produce their own examples (application) of pronouns and antecedents, and evaluate why we use pronouns rather than strictly using nouns______________ (level of cognition/thinking-What will be the level of thinking? Bloom’s Taxonomy) _______________________________ (specific content-What is the fact, concept, principle, skills, attitude to be learned?) by eventually doing these activities independently (Observable, relevant student proving behavior-Activity, What will the learner do at the end of the lesson that will serve as proof that learning was achieved?) With 80% accuracy (accuracy-100%). Station 2: Students will learn new root words and vocabulary, practice using them in context, and find new words based on root words. Essential Question(s): Why does grammar matter? Why do we have pronouns? What do pronouns do? Why look for the antecedents? Assessment: Formative: Observation of student progress in class on pronoun exercises; quiz on Wednesday 11/21/12. Do Now: Do Now: Review and refresh nouns vs. proper nouns vs. pronouns. Day 1: Venn diagram/circle map definitions. Day 2: categorize a list of words as general nouns, proper nouns, or pronouns. WHOLE GROUP Do Now: Review and refresh nouns vs. proper nouns vs. pronouns. Day 1: Venn diagram/circle map definitions. Day 2: categorize a list of words as general nouns, proper nouns, or pronouns. Grammar: DIRECT INTRUCTION STATION Grammar Station: Identify pronouns and antecedents in context. Review definitions and view examples as a group. Students find examples in LA Times article. o Share findings. Students write own sentences with pronouns and antecedents. Vocabulary: INDEPENDENT STATION Vocabulary Station: Students work independently on activities aimed at learning “Root List 3” ( Matching activities. Fill in the blank sentences. Find new words based on each root. Study flashcards. Readers Workshop 1. 2. 3. 4. Book talks. MiniLesson: Text-to-Text Connections. Independent Reading. Respond: Text-to-Text practice. o Share findings. Students evaluate purpose for having pronouns.