Representation and conversion of Numeric Types

Sizes of simple data types
sizeof(char) = 1
size(short) = 2
sizeof(int) = 4
size(long) = 8
sizeof(char) = 1
size(short) = 2
sizeof(int) = 2
size(long) = 4
In one machine
In another machine
The following statements are true
for all machines
1 = sizeof(char) <= sizeof(short) <= sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long)
1 <= sizeof(bool) <= sizeof(long)
sizeof(float) <= sizeof(double) <= sizeof(long double)
A char is at least 8 bits
A short is at least 16 bits.
A long is at least 32 bits.
Different systems
• Binary system: 0 or 1 => two digits
• Decimal system: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9=>ten
• Octal system: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 => 8 digits
• Hexadecimal system:
0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A, B, C, D, E, and F
=> 16 digits
Bitwise operators
<< Left shift
>> Right shift
& Bitwise AND
| Bitwise OR
` Complement (invert all bits)
The main operators are as follows:
AND operator
Bitwise operator AND returns a 1 if both operand bits
are 1.
OR operator
Bitwise operator OR returns a 1 if at least one operand
is a 1.
Bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) returns a 1 if only one of the
operands is a 1.
Left Bit Shift
Left Bit Shift moves the bit values left to a specified position. Bits to
the left are moved out of focus and the new bits on the right are set
to zero.
Right Bit Shift
Right Bit Shift moves the bit values right to a specified
position. Bits to the right are moved out of focus and the new
bits on the left are set to zero.
Representation and conversion of
Numeric Types
• Why we need more than one numeric type ?
• We could use data type double for all numbers.
However, they are represented in the computer’s
memory in different ways. Here are some
advantages of integer data type:
– On many computers, operation will be faster if we use
integer instead of type double.
– We need less space to store integer number .
– Operations with integer are always precise. But in
operations with double numbers can result in some loss
of accuracy or round-off error.
Advantages of Type double Format
• A real number has an integral part and a fractional part.
But an integer number can not have a fractional part. So
real number can not be represented by an integer, it can be
represented by double data type.
• Another advantage of the data type double is that much
larger range of numbers can be represented as compared to
type int.
• Actual ranges vary from one implementation to another.
ANSI standard for C
min range of positive values of type int:
1- 32, 767
min range of positive values of type double: 10 -37 to 10 37
Internal formats of Type int & Type double
• All data are represented in memory as binary strings (strings
of 0s and 1s).
• However, the binary string stored for type int value 100 is
not the same as the binary string stored for the type double
number 100.0.
• The actual internal representation is computer dependent.
• Positive integers are represented by standard binary
numbers. Integer 100 is represented by binary number
• The format of type double is analogous to scientific
type int format
type double format
binary number
mantissa exponent
Scientific Notation
A real number has an integral part and a fractional part
which are separated by a decimal point.
• Very large or very small values can be represented by
scientific notation.
Example: 123000.0
• In C++ scientific notation: 1.23e5 or 1.23E5
• Read the letter e or E as "times 10 to the power".
• If the exponent has a minus sign, the decimal point is
moved to the left.
Example: 0.34e-4 == 0.000034
Floating-point notation
• Usual method to represent real numbers
• Real number is represented by a number, called a
mantissa, times a base raised to an integer power,
called an exponent.
• Example:
387.53 = 38753 x 10 -2
Other possibilities .38753 x 10 3,
387.53 x100
(we choose mantissa is an integer with no tailing 0s)
Floating-point notation(cont.)
• A real number is represented by a 32-bit string.
• 24-bit for mantissa and 8-bit for exponent.
• Base is fixed to 10.
• Examples
100 = 0000000000000000000000100000010
-387.53 = 11111111011010001001111111111110
387.53 = 00000000100101110110000111111110
24-bit binary representation of 38753 is
8-bit twos complement binary representation of -2 is
Representation & Conversion of Type char
• We can declare variable of type char to represent a single
• A character can be a letter, digit, or punctuation mark.
• A character is enclosed in apostrophes.(e.g. ‘A’, ‘3’).
• We can compare character values using equality operators (== and
!=) and relational operators (<,<=, >, >=).
• In ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange):
digit character ‘0’ = 48 (decimal code value)
‘9’ = 57 (‘0’<‘1’<‘2’<‘3’<‘4’…….<‘9’)
‘A’ = 65
‘Z’ = 90 (‘A’< ‘B’<‘C’……..<‘X’<‘Y’<‘Z’)
‘a’ = 97
‘z’ = 122 (‘a’< ‘b’<‘c’……..<‘x’<‘y’<‘z’)
• C++ allows conversion of type char to type int and vice versa.
Converting digit characters to
‘0’ – ‘0’ = 0
‘1’ – ‘0’ = 1
‘2’ – ‘0’ = 2
‘3 – ‘0’ = 3
In ASCII, ‘0’ has internal representation 48 and ‘2’ has internal
representation 50.
Numerical Inaccuracies
• Sometimes an error occurs in representing real numbers.
• Analogy: in decimal system, 1/3 is 0.333333…..
• Some fractions canot be represented exactly as binary
numbers in the mantissa of the type double format.
• This inaccuracy is called representational error.
• It depends on the number of binary digits used in the
• The more bits, the smaller the error.
• An equality comparison of two type double values can lead
to unexpected results.
for (count = 0.0; count != 10.0; count = count + 0.1)
Infinite loop
Cancellation Error
• When you add a very large and a very small
real numbers, the larger number may cancel
out the smaller number.
• Results in cancellation error.
1000.0 + 0.000000231 = 1000.0
(On some computers)
Arithmetic Underflow
• If we multiply two very small numbers, the
result may be too small to be represented
• The computational result will be
represented by zero.
• This phenomenon is called arithmetic
Arithmetic Overflow
• If we multiply two very large numbers, the
result may be too large to be represented.
• This phenomenon is called arithmetic
• Different C compilers handle it in different
Automatic Conversion of Data Types
• In several cases, data of one numeric type are automatically
converted to another numeric type.
• Some examples:
int k = 5, m = 4, n;
double x = 1.5, y = 2.1, z;
A Expression of different numeric types:
Value of int variable k is converted
Value is 6.5
to type double format before operation
is performed.
B RHS is of type int and LHS is of type double:
z = k / m;
Expression is evaluated first. Then,
Expression value = 1 the result is converted to type
double format for assignment.
z = 1.0
Automatic Conversion of Data Types
• Example:
int k = 5, m = 4, n;
double x = 1.5, y = 2.1, z;
C RHS is of type double and LHS is of type int:
n = x * y;
Expression is evaluated first. Then,
the result is converted to type int
Expression value format for assignment, and fractional
part is lost.
= 3.15;
Explicit Conversion of Data Types
• C also provides an explicit type conversion operation
called a cast.
• Examples:
– Using cast operation
int n1, n2;
double frac;
frac = (double)n1 / (double)n2;
2.0 / 4.0
frac = 0.5
– Without cast operation
frac = n1 / n2;
2 / 4 integer division
frac = 0.0
Explicit Conversion of Data Types
A. frac = (double)(n1 / n2); and
Difference B. frac = (double)n1 / (double)n2;
C. frac = (double)n1 /n2;
A The quotient n1/n2 is computed first, results in
loss of fractional part.
The cast to double convertsthe whole number
quotient tp type dpouble.
B frac = (double)n1 / (double)n2;
2.0 / 4.0
C frac = (double)n1 / n2; n2 will automatically be
converted to double.
Explicit Conversion of Data Types
• Sometimes we include casts that do not affect the result but
simply make clear to the reader the conversions that would
occur automatically.
Example: int x, sqrt_x;
sqrt_x = (int)sqrt((double)x);
• The formal parameter of sqrt function is of type double.
• The actual argument x is of type int.
• x will automatically be converted to type double.
• sqrt function returns a value of type double.
• This value will automatically be converted to type int since
sqrt_x is of type int.
Note: When a cast operation is applied to a variable, the
conversion changes the value of the expression, but it does
not change what is stored in the variable.
Enumerated Types
• ANSI C allows us to associate a numeric code with each
category by creating an enumerated type that has its own list of
meaningful values.
• typedef can be used to name user-defined types.
typedef enum
{ sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday,
enumerated type day_t has seven possible values (enumeration
sunday will be represented as the integer 0, monday as integer 1,
and so on.
day_t today; // declaration of variable today.
Examples of Enumerated Types
• class_t is an enumerated data type:
typedef enum
{fresh, soph, jr, sr}
• What is the value of each of the following?
(int) sr , (class_t) 0, (class_t)((int)soph + 1)
• What is displayed by this code fragment?
for (class = fresh; class <= sr; ++class)
cout << class << “ “;
0 1 2 3
Example of Enumerated Type
typedef enum
{ sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday,
day_t next(day_t today)
day_t next;
if (today == saturday)
next = sunday;
next = (day_t)((int)today + 1);
return (next);
Another Example of Enumerated Type
typedef enum
{ sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday,
void print_day (day_t day)
switch (day)
case sunday:
cout << “sunday”;
case monday:
cout << “monday”;
default: cout << “Invalid Code”;