
Running Head: Sample Paper for Campaign Project
US Government Sample Campaign Project Paper:
An Example of APA Style
[first name] [last name]
Bath County High School
Sample Paper for Campaign Project
Academic writing is a crucial skill necessary to everyone’s basic education. There are
many different ways to style an academic paper which can lead to a lot of confusion; however
there are many online resources available to help students draft a properly formatted academic
paper. Throughout this essay, information is discussed to cut down on the confusion associated
with the American Psychological Association (APA) style of formatting of academic essays.
To begin your paper, you will want to make sure that your font style is set to Times New
Roman and that the font size is twelve (OWL, 2014). Under the paragraph section in the word
processor, change the line spacing to double. For this particular paper, a title page is necessary.
Use the first page of this document as an example. The key parts of the title page include a
running head, a title for the paper, the author of the paper’s name, and the institution in which the
author is associated.
When including direct quotes or any other type of information taken or paraphrased from
a resource, like a campaign website, it is important to cite the information either in-text, which
means beside of the non-original work or at the end of the sentence. An example of in-text
citation looks like: Johnny, the fastest runner in the world (Guinness, 2014), is a tall man with
blue eyes. An example of end of sentence parenthetical citation looks like: Johnny, the fastest
runner in the world, is a tall man with blue eyes and also a four time hot dog eating champion
(Guinness, 2014). If you are referencing a specific page in a source, include the page number in
the citation (OWL, 2014, p. 2). If you are referencing a source that does not include pages,
include the author’s last name and the year of publication (Shelton, 2014). If the author’s name
does not exist, you will use the title of the document and the year of publication (OWL, 2014).
Sample Paper for Campaign Project
For the Campaign Project Paper, it is important to remember to reference the rubric
frequently to meet all of the necessary requirements of the paper. You will be briefly
summarizing the candidate’s personal and professional history. This will include information
about the candidate’s family, the candidate’s former jobs, where the candidate is from, the
candidate’s party affiliation, and what experience the candidate has in regards to politics in the
United States, either at the local, state, or federal level. You also will be summarizing the
candidate’s position on at least seven of the major issues. Furthermore, you will be evaluating
the strength of the candidate and the promises they have made on the campaign trail (Shelton,
2014, p. 2).
Remember to include an introduction and closing paragraph. This will help to introduce
the topic that the paper will discuss and to end with an effective summary of the information
discussed. Please include page numbers on the bottom right of the paper. Following this guide
should help. Another useful resource when creating academic works is the Online Writing Lab at
Perdue University which can be found at or
an English teacher at Bath County High School.
Sample Paper for Campaign Project
Shelton, J. (2014). Campaign Project. 1-2.
"Welcome to the Purdue OWL." Purdue OWL: APA Formatting and Style Guide. N.p., n.d.
Web. 14 Oct. 2014.