Junior English College Prep: American Literature
Instructor: Ms. Heinemann | Classroom P2 in E350 & P3 in C380
Email: jheinemann@barrington220.org | Twitter: @msheinemann
Shakespeare Emerson Dickinson
Together, we will examine the periods of American literature, various perspectives of the “American Dream,” and
contemporary threats to that dream. Our study will focus largely on shorter, more sophisticated pieces, including
fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, but will also include at two novels and two plays. We will practice reading deeply
and writing persuasively about the ideas we come across in our readings and discussions. Our curriculum will be
supplemented with effective, thoughtful preparation for the ACT test.
Semester 1: Survey of Literary Periods
Semester 2: The American Dream
- Macbeth by William Shakespeare
- The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American
Slave by Frederick Douglass
- The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Drama Literature Circles
Assessments: Personal Memoirs, Literary Analysis Essays,
Dramatic Performance
Assessments: Personal Statement, Persuasive Essays,
Research Paper
Essential Questions: What does it mean to be American? How
has the concept of “the American Dream” changed over time?
Essential Questions: What are some obstacles people face
while pursuing the American Dream? Is the American Dream
always achievable? What happens when it fails?
All units are flexible and may be subject to change.
READING: As a class, we will read plays, novels, short stories, poetry, nonfiction, and historical background. Some
reading will be done in class; some will be assigned as homework. Expect informal reading assessments. We will
also begin each class with about ten minutes of independent reading. You will conference with me about your selfselected reading and share your choices through book talks.
WRITING: Writing will be done in preparation for and in response to literature. Some writing will be done in
class; some will be assigned as homework. Writing will include personal and creative writing as well as formal,
analytical writing. Guidelines will be given for writing assignments.
SPEAKING & LISTENING: Class discussion is crucial to this class and to your learning. We will discuss texts and
concepts in small groups and as a whole class—both informally and through formal activities, like Socratic
Seminars and fishbowl discussions. Always come to class prepared to share! You will also be required to present in
front of the class each semester. You will receive guidelines for all formal speaking assignments.
You will need to purchase a large notebook to bring to class every day. All class notes will be handwritten. I suggest
using dividers to label the following sections: Lit Notes, Writing, Grammar, and Vocab. We will be taking notes in
each of these sections throughout the year. Please be ready to write every day. (That means: Bring a pen!)
We will also be using our laptops to research, collaborate, and write—when appropriate. The daily agenda on the
SMART Board will let you know whether or not we need laptops that day. On non-laptop days, laptops should be
stored securely in your backpack by the time class starts.
You will have a daily opportunity to earn points for informal reading and writing practice. Essays, projects, and
tests will occur less often and will comprise most of your final grade.
Semester Weights:
Semester Work – 80%
Final Exam – 20%
Semester Work Categories:
Major Writing Assessments – 35%
Major Reading & Language Assessments – 35%
Major Speaking & Listening Assessments – 20%
Practice & Note-Taking – 10%
Grading Scale:
100 – 90
89 – 80
79 – 70
69 – 60
59 – 0
- Make-up work is your responsibility. Please do not ask me “Did we, like, do anything yesterday?” because
yes, we did. Instead, check our class notebook to see what you missed. Then see me for any missed
handouts and ask a classmate for any missed notes. If you have questions, see me.
Field trip and sports absences do not give you an automatic extension on an assignment.
- All major assignments must be turned in on the Google Classroom unless you’re instructed otherwise. If
you only share/email an assignment, it will be marked as missing until turned in to the Google Classroom.
Label all documents as follows: AssignmentTitle_LastName_Period
- Example: SixWordMemoir_Heinemann_2
Papers and projects are due on the assigned due date, even if you are absent from class.
Late papers and projects must be printed and turned in in person.
Late papers and projects may be docked points.
Under special circumstances, see me before the due date about possible extensions.
- You will have opportunities for multiple drafts and revisions. Use your time productively.
- If you choose to rewrite a paper, you are required to see me outside of class to conference about the paper’s
strengths and weaknesses before you rewrite. You will also be required to complete a reflection form.
Value yourself by being ready to learn! We need to work
together to build a positive learning environment. Plan
ahead, read all assignments, write down thoughts, share
ideas, ask questions, and THINK. To get the most out of this
experience, you must be engaged in your own learning.
Since we will all be learning from each other, it is your job to keep an open mind and to be considerate of the ideas
and questions other students may have. Be respectful of others’ possessions, opinions, and time. Keep purses and
backpacks on the floor and cell phones in your pocket (unless given explicit permission to use them). Bathroom
and hall passes are a privilege; limit your bathroom passes to emergencies.
Honor our school by being responsible.
- Headphones, laptops, cell phones, and other electronics must be put away in class—unless you have
been told otherwise. You will be told when/if you may use them.
Tardiness disrupts learning. Beat the bell!
The Academic Honesty Policy will be enforced: Do your own work and use required citations for outside
sources. Group work will be specifically designated and will be completed (or at least started) in class. All
students involved will receive appropriate consequences.
All rules in the student handbook will be enforced.
While I am confident that ALL of you will behave like the mature young adults you are, failure to meet classroom
expectations will result in any of the following:
Seat Change (daily or permanent)
Conference with Teacher
Phone Call to Parent/Guardian
Referral to School Services
It is much easier for us both to communicate about any issues before or after class. However, if it’s necessary and
appropriate, I will contact your parents or BHS administration for support. This is not to betray you. It is to help
you grow as a student and as a person. I hope I’ll never need to contact your parents except with wonderful news!
Please Note: Disruptive behavior that threatens, endangers, or prevents class from functioning will result in
immediate removal from the classroom. Students will go directly to meet with an administrator.
Please feel free to seek me out with questions or concerns. While you are welcome to stop in the English office
after school or during my office hours, it’s always a smart idea to email me to set up a meeting. Seriously. If you
need help with anything, let me know. I’M SUPER HELPFUL.
You are all lovely, and I look forward to learning with you throughout the year! <3
Per. 1
Per. 2
Per. 3
Per. 4
Per. 5
Where You Can Find Me
C376 (Eng. office)
Per. 6 C376 (Eng. office)
Per. 7 C375
Per. 8 C380
C376 (Eng. office)
After C376 (Eng, office)
Contact Info
Email: jheinemann@barrington220.org
Voicemail: 847-842-3272
Twitter: @msheinemann
---------------------------------------- Cut or tear (neatly!) and return bottom half to instructor. ------------------------------------------By signing this document, I verify that I have read (or at least skimmed) the course syllabus:
Student Name (PRINT): _________________________________________________________________
Class Period: _____________
Student Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent Name & Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent Preferred Contact (phone # or email): _________________________________________________________________________