Chapter 6 Recruiting: Attracting Applicants Falkenberg, Stone, and Meltz Human Resource Management in Canada Fourth Edition Copyright © 1999 Harcourt Brace & Company Canada, Ltd. Chapter Overview The role of recruiting Recruiting activities Factors affecting the applicantattraction process Recruiting methods and sources Evaluating the recruiting effort 6.1 The Content of Recruiting Messages Recruiting message should contain: 1. Concise descriptions of the work, job, or position title 2. A clear statement of KSAOs required 3. A description of relevant working conditions 4. A statement of when, where, and how to apply 5. An outline of the information needed on 6.2 application or résumé Factors Affecting the ApplicantAttraction Process Organizational characteristics Characteristics of the type of worker to be recruited Labour market constraints Legal requirements Cost and time constraints 6.3 Long-Term Labour Planning Long-term planning requires a fairly accurate forecast of: 1. What different sets of KSAOs will be needed to achieve strategic goals 2. When different types of employees will be needed 3. How many vacancies may develop in a given time period 4. Where the vacancies are most likely to 6.4 develop in a firm Recruiting Methods and Sources Internal Methods Posting and bidding Skill inventories External Methods Employee referral Walk-ins and unsolicited résumés Union hiring halls Recruitment advertising Special recruiting events University and college recruiting Recruiting at professional meetings Human resource centres Private employment agencies Executive-search firms Temporary employment agencies Internet 6.5 Guidelines for Posting and Bidding All permanent job openings and transfers are posted up for one week prior to external recruiting Both job descriptions and specifications should be clearly defined All applicants should receive feedback on the status of their applications and any actions that result 6.6 Elements of Good Recruitment Advertisements Good recruitment ads should provide information to the following types of reader: 1. Potentially qualified applicants seeking employment. 2. Individuals who are already employed, of which a small percentage may be persuaded to seek other employment 3. Employees of the organization 4. Customers, potential customers, investors, investment analysts, government officials, 6.7 and others Important Features of a Job for College Graduates A 1996 survey of college graduates found that this group believed that important features of a job were: 1. 2. 3. 4. Enjoyment of what they do Opportunity to use skills/abilities Opportunity for personal development A sense that what they do matters 6.8 Indices for Evaluating Recruiting Efforts Number of applicants attracted per method Number of applicants attracted by length of time Costs per applicant attracted Ratio of qualified to unqualified applicants attracted Time from start to hiring of applicant 6.9 Indices for Evaluating Recruiting Efforts (cont’d.) Total recruiting cost per employee hired Yield ratio of applicants to interviews Yield ratio of those interviewed who receive invitations to visit Yield ratio of those invited who accept offers to visit 6.10