Blood in Macbeth

Blood in Macbeth
By: Katie Olney and Lauren Corley
Act 1
"What bloody man is that? He can report, as seemeth by his plight, of the revolt the newest state."
–King Duncan
King Duncan talking to Malcom about the bloody Captain who fought for in the revolt for
"Disdaining Fortune, with his brandished steel, which smoked with bloody execution, like valor's
minion carved out his passage till he faced the slave“--The Captain
He is describing how Macbeth chopped through Macdonwald's army then killed him.
"And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty! Make thick my blood, stop up th'
access and passage to remorse“--Lady Macbeth
She is praying for the ability and strength to commit this horrible murder without regret
"That we but teach bloody instructions, which, being taught, return to plague th' inventor“—
Macbeth is starting to want to abandon his plans to kill Duncan because he is afraid it will
come back to haunt him.
"Will it not be received, when we have marked with blood those sleepy two of his chamber, and
used their very daggers, that they have done't“--Macbeth
Macbeth is going to kill Duncan and frame his two servants
Act 2
"And on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood, which was not so
before" --Macbeth
He is starting to hallucinate seeing Duncan's blood on a dagger.
"If he do bleed, I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal, for it must
seem their guilt“
Macbeth freaked out after he killed Duncan so Lady Macbeth had to go frame the guards for him
"Those of his chambers, as it seemed, had done't: their hands and faces were all badged with blood" –Lennox
Lennox telling Malcolm that his father was murdered by his guards
"There's daggers in men's smiles; the near in blood, the nearer bloody“– Donalbain
He is telling his brother that they are no longer safe and that they need to flee because they are next to be
"Thou seest the heavens, as troubled with man's act, threatens his bloody stage" –Ross
He is telling an old man that the sky looks ominous and angry about what man kind has been doing. This
symbolizes Macbeth's horrible deeds.
Act 3
“We hear our bloody cousins are bestowed In England and in Ireland, not confessing their cruel parricide”--Macbeth
Macbeth is accusing King Duncan's sons of his murder because they fled the country.
“So is he mine, and in such bloody distance that every minute of his being thrusts against my near'st of life” --Macbeth
Macbeth is speaking to the murderers he hired about how Banquo is their enemy too and that Macbeth
hates him so much that the fact that Banquo is living eats at his heart.
“…and with thy bloody and invisible hand cancel and tear to pieces that great bond which keeps me pale”--Macbeth to Lady Macbeth
Macbeth talking to the night to tear Banquo apart, acquitting his fear.
“There's blood upon thy face.”--Macbeth
Macbeth is talking to the murderer who killed Banquo
“Blood hath been shed ere now”—Macbeth
He is saying to Lady Macbeth that in the old days you could kill someone and they would be dead, a lot of
blood was spilled then. Now they come back to life and haunt us.
“Thy bones are marrowless, they blood is cold;”—Macbeth
He is talking to Banquo's ghost, trying to convince himself that he is in no harm.
“It will have blood, they say blood will have blood...the secret'st man of blood.”—Macbeth
Macbeth is talking to Lady Macbeth about why he is freaked out. He says that an old saying says: the dead
will have their revenge
“I am in blood stepped in so far that, should I wade no more”—Macbeth
He is saying to Lady Macbeth that he has killed so many people, it would be too hard to go back to being
good, but it will also be hard to kill more people.
Act 4
“Cool it with a baboon's blood”--Second Witch
Once the baboon's blood is cooled, the charm will be finished
“Pour in sow's blood, that hath eaten her nine farrow”--First Witch
“Be bloody, bold, and resolute! Laugh to scorn the power of men”--Second Apparition
Be violent, bold and firm. laugh at the power of other men
“For the blood-boltered Banquo smiles upon me and points at them for his.”--Macbeth
Banquo is bloody and smiling at Macbeth, pointing to his descendents.
“Bleed, bleed, poor country”—Macduff
“It weeps, it bleeds, an each new day a gash is added to her wounds.”--Malcolm
He is speaking of his country under Macbeth's rule
“I grant him bloody, luxurious, avaricious, false, deceitful, sudden ,malicious, smacking of every sin that has a name”—
Malcolm is testing Macduff. Malcom is saying that sure, Macbeth is murderous, but he (Malcom) is all of
these terrible things.
Act 5
“Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?”--Lady Macbeth
She is now feeling the guilt that she ironically told Macbeth he would never have to worry about when
killing Duncan. Now all of the murder is affecting her.
“Revenges burn in them; for their dear causes would to the bleeding and the grim alarm excite the mortified
They want revenge and what they have endured would make dead men rise up and fight.
"Make all our trumpets speak; give them all breath, those clamorous harbingers of blood and death"--Macduff
Macduff is rallying his army to prepare to kill Macbeth and restore the throne
"But get thee back! My soul is too much charged with blood of thine already“– Macbeth
Macbeth has run into Macduff which is the man he has avoided because he is guilty about murdering his
whole family.
"My voice is in my sword, thou bloodier villain then terms can give the out!" –Macduff
Macduff tells Macbeth that he is too evil for words; he will let his sword do the talking for him.