International Conference on Trends in Automation, Communication and Computing Technologies (With technical co-sponsorship of IEEE) ITACT-15 PROGRAMME 19th December, 2015 - Pre- conference Tutorials Venue: AES Block Time 9.30 am to 12 Noon Programme Tutorial 1 Emerging Trends and Challenges in Connected Car By Mr. Vijay Anand 12 Noon to 2.00 pm Break 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm Tutorial 2 Big Data Analytics By Dr. Sudarshan Conference - 21st& 22nd December 2015 Day 1: 21st December 2015 Time 08.30 am to 09.30 am 09.30 am to 11.00 am 11.00 am to 11.30 am Event Delegate registration Inauguration and key address High Tea Venue note Auditorium (MBA Block) TECHNICAL SESSION – 1-PS1 Session Topic: Software Engineering, Data Mining and Big data Time: 11.30 am to 1.15 pm Sl. No. 1. Paper ID 2. 178 3. 235 4. 205 5. 269 211 Venue: Hall 1 (AES Block) Title and Authors Cache Utilization for Enhancing Analyzation of Big-Data &Increasing the Performance of Hadoop - Sanjeev G Kamari, Sunil Kumar S A Novel Approach for Sentimental Analysis and Opinion Mining based on SentiWord Net using Web Data - Shoiab Ahmed, Ajit Danti Bench Marking of Classification Algorithms: Decision Trees and Random Forests – A Case Study using R - Manish Varma Datla A Framework for the Estimation of OO Software Reliability using Design Complexity Metrics - R Bharathi, R.Selvarani Probabilistic Availability based Task Scheduling Algorithm - Chitra S, Prashanth C.S.R 1 TECHNICAL SESSION – 1-PS2 Session Topic: Communications and Embedded Systems (1) Time: 11.30 am to 01.15 pm Venue: Hall 2 (AES Block) Sl. No 1. Paper ID Title and Authors 144 2. 173 3. 167 4. 293 5. 176 Effect of Shadowing On 802.15.3a UWB Channel Model - Sachin Taran , Ravish Kumar Singh, Dhiraj Nitnaware Design And Implementation Of Mesh And Torus For Network on Chip Based System - Sanju V , Niranjan Chiplunkar Carbon Nanopowder Based Fragrance Sensor - Subodh Kumar Panda, M. S. Suresh Design of Microwave Modules for Microstrip Antenna Using Advanced Design System (ADS) – ArpithaBeerala, FathimaJabeen K-Means Based Radial Basis Function Neural Networks for Rainfall Prediction - Akash Dutt Dubey 1.15 pm to 2.00 pm 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm LUNCH BREAK Invited Talk by Prof. Desineni Naidu Venue: Auditorium (MBA Block) 3.00 pm to 3.15 pm TEA BREAK TECHNICAL SESSION – 2-PS1 Session Topic: Cyber Forensics and Information Security Time: 03.15 pm to 04.45 pm Venue: Hall 1 (AES Block) Sl. No 1. Paper ID Title and Authors 181 2. 204 3. 236 4. 244 5. 333 An Authentication Mechanism to Prevent SQL Injection by Syntactic Analysis - Ashwin Ramesh, Anirban Bhowmick, Anand Vardhan Lal A Reading Oriented Overlapping Text based CAPTCHA - Anuj Thakur, Nikhil S., Rohit Chaware, SK Hafizul Islam Hybrid Image Encryption using Pseudo Random Number Generators, and Transposition and Substitution Techniques - Ashwin Ramesh, Akash Jain Malware Analysis and Classification using Artificial Neural Network - Aziz Makandar, Anita Patrot Design of Secure Authentication Protocol in SOCKS V5 for VPN using Mobile Phone - Richa Garg, Kalgi Patel, Mayank Gupta , SK Hafizul Islam, Ruhul Amin, G. P. Biswas 2 TECHNICAL SESSION – 2-PS2 Session Topic: Communications and Embedded Systems (2) Time: 03.15 pm to 04.45 pm Venue: Hall 2 (AES Block) Sl. No 1. Paper ID Title and Authors 190 2. 194 3. 252 4. 294 5. 275 Design of Smart Antenna Using Planar Phased-Array Antenna for Wireless Communication Systems -Ayodele S. Oluwole, Viranjay M. Srivastava Spectral Efficiency for Layer-Encoded IPTV Multicast in Mobile WiMAX Networks - Jamil M. Hamodi, Ravindra C. Thool Performance Evaluation of Star, Tree & Mesh Optical Network Topologies using Optimized Raman –EDFA Hybrid Optical Amplifier - Rajpreet Singh, Dr. Sanjeev Dewra Analysis of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation at Discontinuities for Different Dielectric Waveguide Geometries Using Two-Dimensional FEM Chandrashekar.K, Girish V. Attimarad Vision based Terrain Relative Navigation Sensor - Arindam Mal, Jayanta Laha, Tanisha Bhatia, Subhalakshmi.K, Shwetha Kanawalli Day 2: 22nd December 2015 9.30 am to 10.15 am Invited Talk 2 by Mr. Bindhumadhava Venue: Auditorium (MBA Block) 10.15 am to 10.30 am TEA BREAK TECHNICAL SESSION – 3-PS1 Session Topic: Sensor/Mobile Ad-hoc and Cloud Computing Time: 10.30 am to 12 NoonVenue: Hall 1 (AES Block) Sl. No 1. Paper ID Title and Authors 138 2. 158 3. 175 4. 209 5. 272 6. 332 Mobile admittance of Health Information with privacy and analysis in Telemedicine - Vanishree Arun, S.K. Padma, Shyam V. A Survey on Security Issues in Cloud Virtualization - Jarikre Amos O.,Kamal Kant Hiran, Rakesh Rathi A Rechargeable framework for improving throughput in Wireless Sensor Network - Radha D N, Poonam Vijay Tijare, Manikonda Aparna Security of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks : A Review - Sheela S. J., Suresh K.V. ,Deepaknath Tandur Standard Deviation of Probability of Processor Availability based Task Scheduling Algorithm - Vijayalakshmi A. Lepakshi, Prashanth C S R Study of Neural Networks based Support Vector Machines: A Review Supriya Pahwa , Deepak Sinwar 3 TECHNICAL SESSION – 3-PS2 Session Topic: VLSI Time: 10.30 am to 12 Noon Sl. No 1. Paper ID 202 2. 174 3. 206 4. 245 5. 303 Venue: Hall 2 (AES Block) Title and Authors A Comparative Study of Design of AnalogCMOS Circuits Using Numerical Optimization Strategies - Sabarish Sridhar, Raghuram S Memristor Based D-Flip Flop Design With Optimized Delay And Power - Joy Chowdhury, J. K. Das, Paulami Roy, N. K. Rout Small Signal Model of Cylindrical Surrounding Double-Gate MOSFET and its Parameters - Viranjay M. Srivastava Design of 4 Bit Flash ADC using TMCC & NOR ROM Encoder in 90nm CMOS Technology –K. N. Hosur, Dariyappa, Shivanand, Vijay, Nagesha, Girish V. Attimarad, Harish. M. Kittur Trends in Asynchronous Digital Circuit Design and Flows - Santhosh Kumar Adinarayan, Vaibhav A Meshram TECHNICAL SESSION – 4-PS1 Session Topic: Control System and Robotics Time: 12 Noon to 02.00 pm Venue: Hall 1 (AES Block) Sl. No 1. Paper ID Title and Authors 128 2. 179 3. 149 4. 156 5. 257 6. 321 7 125 Navigation control of a mobile robotic system in semi-structured and dynamic environment for controlled dose delivery of pesticides - Manoj Kumar Patel, Chiranjiv Singh Kathuria, Aneesh Singla,Hemant Kumar Sahoo,Manoj Kumar Nayak,C Ghanshyam 3 Axis SCARA Robot with Universal Gripper - Balaji A, Nippun Kumar AA, Sudarshan TSB Modeling and Control of Nonlinear Unmanned Ground All Terrain Vehicle – PiyushN. Dave, J. B. Patil Sliding Mode Control of Nonlinear Unmanned Ground All Terrain Vehicle – PiyushN.Dave,KaveriSawant, SeemaKawale Design of Closed loop control for disturbance rejection in oscillatory system based on PICS and Magnitude Optimum – Shanta Sondur, BhanumatiBandi A Low Cost Automated Specific Heat Capacity Meter for Liquids - Sreejith K R, Shyamkumar P.G, Revathy P.Appu, Sreedevi.C Network on Chip : An Overview - Farhanaaz, Sanju V 4 TECHNICAL SESSION – 4-PS2 Session Topic: Signal Processing and Applications(1) Time: 12 Noon to 1.30 pm Venue: Hall 2 (AES Block) Sl. No 1. Paper ID Title and Authors 150 2. 188 3. 198 4. 250 5. 298 6. 193 Color Image Enhancement Techniques in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Vani.V, K.V.Mahendra Prashanth Multiple human tracking based on daubechies complex wavelet transform combined with histogram of templates features - Sunitha M R , H S Jayanna, Ramegowda Limited Data Speaker Verification using MFSR Analysis Technique T. R. Jayanthi kumari, H. S. Jayanna Noise Elimination in DegradedKannada Speech Signal forSpeech Recognition - Thimmaraja Yadava G , Jai Prakash T S , Jayanna H S Eye Center Localization using Cascaded Corner Detection and Geometrical Measurements Algorithm - Ravi Kumar Y B , C N Ravi Kumar An Improved Image De-noising Using Wavelet Transform - Arvind B N, K. V. Suresh 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm LUNCH BREAK TECHNICAL SESSION – 5-PS1 Session Topic: Electrical Power System Studies Time: 02.30 pm to 03.45 pm Venue: Hall 1 (AES Block) Sl. No 1. Paper ID Title and Authors 241 2. 157 3. 302 4. 295 Modeling and Simulation of 800 kV Multi-terminal UHVDC System in India Wajid Ahmed, Balachandra M. Hegde, Pavan R. Manvi, Avinash S. S., Premila Manohar A Comparative Study of PID and SMC Controller for Nonlinear Unmanned Ground All Terrain Vehicle – PiyushN.Dave, J. B. Patil Study of High Frequency Characteristics of Metal Oxide Surge Arrester Leela A M, K N Ravi, V Muralidhara,N Vasudev, R S Shivakumara Aradhya Optimal Allocation of Distributed Generators for Minimizing the Energy Losses and Maximizing the Economic Benefits Considering Cost of Energy Rekha C M, Madhuri Hombal, Shankarlingappa C B 5 TECHNICAL SESSION – 5-PS2 Session Topic: Signal Processing and Applications(2) Time: 02.30 pm to 03.45 pm Sl. No 1. Paper ID 208 2. 229 3. 255 4. 308 5. 186 6. 225 Venue: Hall 2 (AES Block) Title and Authors Combined Segmentation Technique for Suspicious Mass Detection in Mammography - Aziz Makandar, Bhagirathi Halalli Post-Processing Methodology for Word Level Telugu Character Recognition Systems using Unicode Approximation Models - N. Shobha Rani, T. Vasudev A Novel Recognition of Indian Bank Cheques based on InvariantGeometrical Features - Raghavendra S.P, Ajit Danti Comparative Analysis of Kannada Phoneme Recognition using Different Classifiers - Akhila K S., R Kumaraswamy Development of Automatic Speech Recognition system for voice activated Ground Control System - Kavitha S, Veena S, R Kumaraswamy Synthetic Aerial Image Generation for Miniature Aerial System - Srikanth A, L P Prathyusha, L Krishnamurthy, VPS Naidu 03.45 pm to 04.00 pm 04.15 pm to 05.00 pm HIGH TEA Valedictory Function (Venue: Auditorium MBA Block) --- 0 --- 0 --- 0 --- 6