Feasibility Analysis Statement


Feasibility Analysis Statement

Project Name: Shopping List Assistant Program

Date: September 15, 2009

Project Manager: Jacob Adams

Project Originator: Jacob Adams

Project Customer: Andrew Bollier, Director of Research and Development, BL Inc.

Project Team: Jacob Adams, Emily Adams, James Edwards

Economic Feasibility:

Tangible Benefits:

 Increase revenue for BL Inc by selling product to customer and stores.

 Will collect consumer purchasing data that can be sold.

Intangible Benefits:

 Increase consumer awareness of BL Inc and improve brand name.

 Increase store awareneness of BL Inc and improve brand name.

 Help consumers shop faster.

 Help stores reach more customers with advertising

Tangible Costs:

 Salary for employees

 Application web hosting costs

 Development tools

 Mobile device rentals for testing

 Development resources will be unable to work on other possible projects

Intangible Costs:

 Will create precedent of BL being a technology company. This may make future ventures in other areas more difficult.

Organizational/Cultural Feasibility:

Product will not be available for consumers who do not own a mobile device or have a mobile device with limited capabilities. It will also be more difficult for less technology-savvy people to use. However, there is currently a very large

number of mobile device users and that number is constantly growing. This makes the number of potential customer large enough for consideration

Schedule Feasibility:

Andrew Bollier expressed a desire to have the project completed in 3 to 4 months. This is consistent with the originally outlines schedule.

Technological Feasibility:

The project will utilize ASP.NET and SQL Server for the web pages. It will use

Mono and .NET Compact Framework for the iPhone and Windows Mobile implementations. It will make use of SMS protocol and built in mobile phone web browsers for the simple mobile device interfaces. All of these previously mentioned technologies are well established. The development team also has sufficient experience and is properly trained using these technologies.

Resource Feasibility:

There are several possible risks with Jacob performing the majority of the development and project management work. If Jacob becomes overworked or becomes unavailable, there will most likely not be enough other resources to replace him. To help mitigate this, we will train Emily so that she can help take over some of the development and planning tasks.

Feasibility Analysis Statement Acceptance



Project Manager

Project Customer
