Digital and Analogical Communication Med 7 - Fall 2005 Digital Culture Aalborg University Copenhagen Natural and artificial systems All natural systems of communication employ both analog and digital communication at some level in the system. Manmade “primitive” organisms (systems) cybernetic devices, control mechanisms, computers. But also in information transmission within the human organism, in ecosystems, between organisms, between human beings. The analog computer The analog computer any device that ‘computes’ by means of an analog between real, physical, CONTINUOUS, quantities and some other set of variables. An analogy is a comparison between two different things, in order to highlight some form of similarity. The analog computer An analog/analogue computer is a form of computer that uses electronic or mechanical phenomena to model the problem being solved by using one kind of physical quantity to represent another. Real quantities the distance between points on a scale, the angular displacement, the velocity, or the acceleration of a rotating shaft, a quantity of some liquid, the electrical current in a conductor. Examples of analogical devices The flyball governor The shaft of a flyball governor is spun by a steam engine. As it spins, centrifugal force throws weights outward, moving linkages that slow the machine down. As the shaft slows down, the weights fall, engaging a throttle that speeds the engine up. The flyball governor forces the engine to operate at a constant and consistent speed. The map The map The map The ruler The thermometer The sextant The astrolabe The astrolabe Used originally for measuring the altitudes of heavenly bodies and for determining their positions and movements. For many centuries it was used by both astronomers and navigators. A disk of wood or metal with the circumference marked off in degrees. The astrolabe It was suspended by an attached ring. Pivoted at the center of the disk was a movable pointer called by Arab astronomers the alidade. By sighting with the alidade and taking readings of its position on the graduated circle, angular distances could be determined. Mariners, if sufficiently skilled in navigation, could use the astrolabe to determine latitude, longitude, and time of day and as an aid in making other calculations. The more elaborate astrolabes bore a star map (the planisphere, a circular map, was added by Hipparchus), a zodiacal circle, and various other useful or decorative devices. The astrolabe For a sun sight, the astrolabe was allowed to hang freely and the alidade was adjusted so that a ray of sunlight passed through the hole in the upper vane and fell precisely on the hole in the lower vane. The astrolabe The proctractor Computing devices that use analog representation The slide rule The planimeter The harmonic analyser The mechanical or electrical differential analyser The slide rule The slide rule is an analog computer, usually consisting of three interlocking calibrated strips and a sliding window, called the cursor. It was commonly used until the 1970s, when the electronic calculator made it obsolete. The water integrator An early analog computer built in the Soviet Union in 1936. It functioned by careful manipulation of water through a room full of interconnected pipes and pumps. The level of water in various chambers (with precision to fractions of a millimeter) represented stored numbers, and the rate of flow between them represented mathematical operations. Amazingly, this machine was capable of solving non-homogeneous differential equations. Direct and indirect analogy Some of this devices use direct analogy no mediator intervenes the ruler, the thermometer. Others use indirect analogy differential analyser the analyser is a direct analog of a mathematical formula which is an analog of a real situation. Back to digital Analog continuous Digital discrete The digital computer The digital computer involves DISCRETE elements discontinuous scales. Digit finger counting with our fingers. 1398 from L. digitus "finger or toe" related to dicere "tell, say, point out". Numerical sense numerals under ten were counted on fingers. Digital (1656) first recorded in 1945 in reference to computers 1960 of recording or broadcasting. Examples of digital devices The abacus Pascal’s adding machine Jacquard punch-card loom. Babbage’s difference engine Babbage’s Difference Engine No. 2 designed between 1847 and 1849 Any device employing the on/off characteristics of electrical relays or their equivalents (such as teeth on a gear wheel. The abacus The Late Empire Roman abacus contains seven long and seven shorter grooves, the former having up to five beads in each and the latter one. The suanpan of the Chinese is similar to the Roman abacus in principle, though has a different construction. Babbage’s Difference Engine No. 1 Babbage’s Difference Engine No. 2 Jacquard punch-card loom Jacquard punch-card loom The nervous system Is the nervous system based on digital or analogical modes of transmission? Neurons receive quanta or packages of information via the axons and through the connecting synapses. Upon arrival at the synapses on the body of the neuron these quanta are “summated” results in firing or inhibition of the neuron. The neurons may be said to operate digitally. But the synapses and axon, which connect them, appear to be complex analog devices. Neuron Anatomy axon - the long extension of a neuron that carries nerve impulses away from the body of the cell. axon terminals - the hair-like ends of the axon cell body - the cell body of the neuron; it contains the nucleus (also called the soma) dendrites - the branching structure of a neuron that receives messages (attached to the cell body) myelin sheath - the fatty substance that surrounds and protects some nerve fibers node of Ranvier - one of the many gaps in the myelin sheath this is where the action potential occurs during saltatory conduction along the axon nucleus - the organelle in the cell body of the neuron that contains the genetic material of the cell Schwann's cells - cells that produce myelin - they are located within the myelin sheath. Neuron Anatomy Neuron imaging The computer and the brain: Boundaries and States The boundaries between digital and analogical are not so clear in natural systems of communication living systems intra- and inter-organism is there communication out of the living? Do machines communicate? But even in machines the analog/digital distinction can be ambiguous a code in its totality can be analogical hierarchical nature. Given unlimited computing time and memory capability it is possible in principle to represent the behaviour of any analog system or computer in a digital computer provided that the problem can be stated in a finite number of unambiguous ‘words’. Human communication Not only digital phenomena: distinction between the essential and the non-essential. between figure and ground pattern recognition. context-interdependence involved in language translation. human tolerance for ambiguity which allows to define and redefine the rules for a given situation. Metaphors. How to deal with this in artificial intelligence? Von Neumman analog and digital in the brain “the prima-facie digital behaviour of the neuron is a simplification”. It is true that neurons either fire or do not fire but this firing may be modified by the recovery time of the neuron. Synapses ..\..\..\..\..\autores\FAVAREAU_G4\realreachnrns.mpg Back to neurons A neuron may represent a simple, two valued logical network its firing after a combined and/or synchronized stimulation by two connecting synapses represents ‘and’, and its firing after stimulation from one or the other of two synapses represents ‘or’. But most neurons embody synaptic connections with many other neurons. In some cases several connecting axons or branches (ending in synapses) from one neuron form synapses on the body of another. More on neurons Moreover the axons themselves may stimulate or be stimulated by their neighbourhood the ‘impulse’ then travelling in both directions towards the neuron and towards the synapse. Apart from the estimated 1012 synaptic connections in the network the possible patterns of stimulation do not involved only the so-called ‘impulse’ (is more like a proposition). Close to Home Animation: How Brain Cells Communicate Not only digital These patterns probably also include: the FREQUENCY of the series of impulses in a single axon the SYNCHRONIZATION of impulses from different axons the NUMBER of impulses the SPATIAL ARRANGEMENT of the synapses to which the impulses arrive the ‘SUMMATION’ time Analogical brain Frequency, spatial arrangement and some of the chemical processes are analogs. The neuron could be said to fire or not to fire and only if the requisite analog and digital logical arrangements have been completed. This way of looking at the brain seems to confirm the notion that every representation in its totality is analog-iconic. Biological informational systems Similar relations are present in informational processes in other kinds of cells (somatic cells) the relation between “cellular signal transduction” and “gene function”. Thinking of this systems in terms of impulses imply basically an energetic model which ‘triggers´ energy in order for ‘work’ to be done But being an informational system we should think of logical types and classes. Boundaries digitalise Digitalization is necessary to cross boundaries between systems of different ‘types’ or of different ‘states’ this is the place for coding and decoding Lotman. Transforming differences into distinctions. The ‘bit’ marks a boundary it is a rudimentary digitalisation of the analog it introduces some form of discreteness into a continuum. Can human cognition be digitalized in a model? remember John Locke The brain as a whole Lashley’s theory of mass action “the activities of any part of the cortex in the acquisition, retention, and performance of more complex integrative functions are conditioned by the activities of all other parts”. Try to relate this with “cross-modal perception”, or to the construction of a visual image. The relationship of an organism to its environment is primarily an analog one why? The chicken and egg question ex: the relationship of brain (an entity) and mind (a relation) ex: in schizophrenia is it the chemical or electrical changes in the brain which induce the ‘disease’? Or is it the pathological communication of schizophrenic relationships which set off these changes? many other examples. Distinctions in Logical Form The analog computer employs continuous linear quantities to represent other quantities there are no significant ‘gaps’ in the system. There is no true zero at ‘zero’ the machine is ‘off’. All the quantities involved are positive they are real they are magnitudes. There are no minus quantities. The introduction of zero into a scale applied to an analog computer involves digitalizing it. What about temperatures below zero in a thermometer? Distinctions in Logical Form The quantities analogically represented are relatively imprecise. The digital computer, on the other hand depends upon the combination of discrete elements made possible by its on/off processes. Zero is essential to it. Distinctions in Logical Form Since its combinatorial possibilities depend only upon the PLACING and ORDERING of its discrete elements rather than upon their nature or the location as such the digital computer can represent negative quantities. Its representations are relatively precise. The analog computers maps continuums precisely whereas the digital computer can only be precise about boundaries. Perception Perception involves the transformation of analogs or icons into digital messages to the brain through both digital and analog processes. The retinal receptors are sensitive enough to be stimulated by the ‘smallest possible energy difference’ a single quantum of radiant energy a photon the result at every moment must be like a digital process. Optical stabilization of the image in the retina which defeats the purpose of saccadic eye movement results in fading of the image. But the image contains large areas of non difference as in the image of a sheet of paper only the areas of distinction THE BOUNDARIES fade for the visual system contributes to perception by extrapolating between boundaries. More logical differences The direct analog computer is a concrete, ICONIC representation of the behaviour it maps. The digital computer is an entirely abstract, ARBITRARY, and more nearly linguistic representation (it employs an artificial language). It is impossible to represent the truth functions of symbolic logic in an analog computer the analog computer cannot say ‘not-A’. Negation Negation in any language or simulated language depends upon SYNTAX a special form of combination. The analog computer has no syntax beyond the level of pure sequence (and only in a positive direction). There is no ‘either/or’ for the analog computer everything in it is only ‘more or less’ everything in it is ‘both-and’. Para-linguistics In human communication all non-conventionalized ‘gesture language’, posture, facial expression, inflection, sequence, rhythm, cadence, and indeed the CONTEXT within which human communication takes place a type of analog or iconic communication the signal or sign has a necessary relation to what it ‘re-presents’. All denotative, linguistic communication is arbitrary and digital. All non-linguistic communication through the senses, between person and person and person and world, with the single exception of conventionalised signals involves analog and iconic communication. Questions and excersises What does this imply to medialogy? the construction of digital-analogical interfaces coding and de-coding at the borders. What does this imply to cross-modal perception? Let’s reflect about interfaces borders frontiers. Let’s reflect about context. Questions and excersises How do we re-analogised what has been digitalised? Is any cultural product digitalisible? how is this related to virtual reality? Is virtual reality a digital or an analogical representation? When several senses are involved in forming mental images what is the relation between the digital and the analogical mode? When we are in the process of ascribing meaning to a cultural object or product what is the relation between the digital and the analogical mode? Questions and excersises Try to trace how many digital-analogical interfaces are there in the life-cycle of the experience you propose to the user of the outcome of your project. What is it that you as medialogist produce? The hardware set-up? The software? The information that ‘flows’ in the system? The (cultural) content? The meaning? Is this artistic? Is it informational? Is it communicational? Is it entertaining? Is it educational? Questions and excersises Compare the digital-analogical interfaces in the process of human sensing, perception and cognition and the processes inherent in the medialogy set-up of your project. Combine these two processes into a larger system. Eventually you will also place this system within an even larger system the “Semiosphere” Semantics and syntax The distinction between analog and digital machines consider also the relationship between semantics and syntax in these two forms of communication. The analog is pregnant with MEANING whereas the digital domain of SIGNIFICATION is, relatively speaking, somewhat barren. It is almost impossible to translate the rich semantics of the analog into any digital form for communication to another organism again, implications for medialogy. Ambiguity and precission How to describe a sensation, a pain, a colour without ambiguity? Digitallity has little tolerance for ambiguity. The context is the analogical par excellence a clenched fist (an icon) may communicate excitement, fear, anger, impending assault, frustration, ‘Good morning’, or revolutionary zeal in a digital an unambiguous way if it depends on a convention, an agreement but its pure iconic, analogical interpretation where there is no convention or mutual agreement on meaning will depend on the context think about intercultural misunderstandings. Example international gesture languages airport human signals a digital code. Syntactics vs. Semantics The digital because it is concerned with boundaries and because it depends upon arbitrary combination has all the syntax to be precise and may be entirely unambiguous. What the analog gains in semantics it loses in syntactics. What the digital gains in syntactics it loses in semantics. This is the reason why the analog does not posses the syntax necessary to say ‘No’ or to say anything involving ‘not’. Negation is not refusal One can REFUSE or REJECT in the analog but one cannot DENY or NEGATE. Human beings seem to be the only organisms to use the FUNCTIONS of both processes for communication with their peers. Natural language and human communication both digital and analogical in both form and function. Humans the symbolic animal. From digital to analogical The poet make the digital elements of the page into analogs evoking analog sensations. A politician may apparently convey denotative information about issues and events when in fact he is actually talking about his relationship to his audience and their relationship to the image and images he projects. The function of the digital denotative may talk about anything objects, facts, events its linguistic function transmission, sharing or reproduction of pattern and structures The function of the analog talks only about relations. A bit on animal communication Animal communication analogical we know little about the use of denotation food calls danger calls they do not signify something they only signal something about the relation with the receiver of the sign Pia, your horse can signal you that it is hungry and therefore would appreciate some food but it cannot give you a sign as to which food it would prefer. But food/no-food can also be considered as digital. Dolphin and whale communication may be an exception in the animal kingdom. Meta-communication Digital communication allows for meta-communication communication about communication. “A bee can not dance about dancing”. The ‘gesture’ language in bee dances to communicate the path to pollen is an analog representation of the territory. No bee that has not flown the course to find the nectar can send the message ‘about’ where it is. The bee cannot say where the nectar ISN’T. Consider the following statement: “In our universities, significantly enough, analog knowledge – an especially the (analog) context of (digital) knowledge – is generally denied, rejected or ignored – except where its recognition can’t do much harm, as in art and music departments, or where it simply has to be taken into account, as in medical schools (which are very interested in the problem of analog simulation), for no amount of digitalisation can properly describe the touch of a surgeon’s knife, which can have rather sudden either/or effects.” Digital and Analogical Communication Med 7 - Fall 2005 Digital Culture Aalborg University Copenhagen