CH. 2 Test Review

CH. 2 Test Review
Chemistry I
Object I
1. Measure the mass of Object I.
a. Record mass in grams.
b. Use dimensional analysis to convert grams to
c. On your paper:
a. grams_____
b. ______g_|_______ = ______kg
Object I
2. Measure the volume of Object I.
a. Record volume in cm3.
b. What is the volume of this object in mL?
Hint: See your conversion chart.
c. On your paper:
a. cm3_____
b. ______mL
3. Calculate the density of Object I.
a. Write the formula for density.
b. Use the measurements from the previous two
questions (grams and mL) to find density.
c. On your paper:
a. Density formula: D =
b. Density of Object I =
(Include units!)
4. Units of length: km, cm, mm, m
a. Rank the units above in order from smallest to
largest. ____, ____, _____, _____
b. Rank the units above in order from largest to
smallest. ____, ____, _____, _____
c. Identify which unit is most appropriate for
measuring: (1) football field ______, (2) a book____,
(3) a truck_____
d. SI unit for length is_____.
5. Units of mass: kilogram, milligram, gram
a. Rank the units above in order from smallest to
largest. ____, ____, _____
b. Rank the units above in order from largest to
smallest. ____, ____, _____
c. Identify which unit is most appropriate for
measuring: (1) a football player ______, (2) a
book____, (3) a medicinal pill_____
d. SI unit for mass is_____.
6. Metric Units
a. Two units for density: ___ and ____
b. The prefix centi- means ______
c. The prefix kilo- means ______
d. The prefix milli- means_____
7. Scientific Method
a) The validity of scientific concepts is evaluated
by testing ____________________.
b) If you think data is badly collected, it is OK to
ignore that data. True or False?_____
8. Significant Figures
a. The number of significant figures in 4 x 1023 is
b. The number of significant figures in 0.00305 is
c. Four thousand thirteen expressed to ONE sig
fig is _____.
9. Show dimensional analysis to solve.
e. 0.25 g is equivalent to ______________ kg.
f. 56 lb = _______ kg
10. Scientific Notation
a. When 6.02 x 1023 is multiplied by 9.1 x 10–31,
the product is _____________.
b. Write 0.0055 in scientific notation________
c. Write 6 550 000 in scientific notation________
11. Accuracy and Precision
The data below correspond to the measurement of a
marble with a known density of 3.2 g/mL by four
Which observations are most precise?
Which are most accurate?
a. Most precise______
b. Most accurate________
The Joker
3.2 g/mL
3.2 g/mL
2.5 g/mL
2.5 g/mL
3.7 g/mL
3.3 g/mL
2.4 g/mL
3.7 g/mL
3.0 g/mL
3.2 g/mL
2.4 g/mL
3.0 g/mL
3.4 g/mL
3.4 g/mL
2.6 g/mL
4.0 g/mL
12. Accuracy and Precision
Examine the dart board. Are the darts on
the dartboard accurate, precise, or both?
13. Mass = _____ = _____g
The density of aluminum is 3.70 g/cm3. The
volume of a solid piece of aluminum is 2.50
cm3. Find its mass.
Hint: First write the formula from the
density equation.
14. Quantitative vs. Qualitative
Label each of the observations shown as qualitative
or quantitative
a. The solution is blue.____
b. There are 125 mL in the
c. The solution temperature is
45° C._____
d. The solution is translucent.
9. Accuracy and Precision
Examine the dart board. Which darts are most precise?
Which are most accurate?
a. Most precise______
b. Most accurate________