Potential Bidders´ Registration Instructions FREE COMPETITION BIDDING PROCESS CALLED BY DELSUR S.A de C.V TO SUPPLY 350 MW OF POWER AND RELATED ENERGY TO THE FOLLOWING DISTRIBUTION COMPANIES: CAESS, S.A. DE C.V., DELSUR, S.A. DE C.V., AES CLESA y CIA., S. EN C. DE C.V., EEO, S.A. DE C.V., DEUSEM, S.A. DE C.V., B&D and EDESAL. 1. Payment Amount: Tender Registration Fee for a total of eleven thousand three hundred DOLLARS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (U.S. $ 11,300), which already includes the 13% Value added Tax (VAT) 2. Means of payment: 2.1 Payment by Cash or Certified Check: Payment in cash or by certified check payable to DELSUR SA DE CV must be made only at the Sales Offices for Large Customers of DELSUR, located at the Main Offices of DELSUR, at Final 17 Avenida Norte and Calle Nueva al Boquerón, Ciudad Merliot, Santa Tecla, La Libertad, El Salvador, Centro América, Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 12:00 pm. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 2.2 Payment by bank transfer or deposit to a bank account located in El Salvador Deposits or wire transfers to a bank account shall be made as follows: BANK: DAVIVIENDA SALVADOREÑO S.A ACCOUNT NAME: DELSUR S.A. DE C.V. ACCOUNT NUMBER: 015-05-00238-02 2.3 Payment by international bank transfer: Bank transfer costs are the sole responsibility of the bidder making the transfer. The bank transfer must be made using the following information: DELSUR CLP-001-2012 Página 1 TRANSFERS IN USD TRANSFERS IN EUR INTERMEDIARY BANK HSBC BANK USA, N.A SWIFT: MRMDUS33 ABA: 099999999 ADDRESS: New York NY 10018, INTERMEDIARY BANK HSBC LONDRES SWIFT: MIDLGB99 IBAN GB93MIDL9999999999999 New York NY, US, United States ACCOUNT: 000156892 8 Canada Square London England (E14 5HQ) United Kingdom ACCOUNT: 40051568441314 BENEFICIARY BANK: BANCO DAVIVIENDA SALVADOREÑO SWIFT: BSALSVSSXXX BANK ADDRESS: Avenida Olímpica, Dr. Manuel Enrique Araujo N.3550 San Salvador, El Salvador C.A. PHONE NUMBER: 2556-0000 / 2556 2134 BENEFICIARY BANK: BANCO DAVIVIENDA SALVADOREÑO SWIFT: BSALSVSSXXX BANK ADDRESS: Avenida Olímpica, Dr. Manuel Enrique Araujo N.3550 San Salvador, El Salvador C.A. BENEFICIARY: NAME: DISTRIBUIDORA DE ELECTRICIDAD DELSUR, S.A DE C.V. ADDRESS: FINAL 17 AVE. NORTE Y CALLE AL VOLCAN DE S.S. SANTA TECLA PHONE NUMBER: (503) 21325725 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 015-05-00238-02 BENEFICIARY: NAME: DISTRIBUIDORA DE ELECTRICIDAD DELSUR, S.A DE C.V. ADDRESS: FINAL 17 AVE. NORTE Y CALLE AL VOLCAN DE S.S. SANTA TECLA PHONE NUMBER: (503) 21325725 PHONE NUMBER: 2556-0000 / 2556 -2134 ACCOUNT: 015-05-00238-02 Any inquiry regarding the payment procedure, please channel it through the following means: E mail: licitaciones@delsur.com.sv Phone number: (503) 2132-5403, Contacts: David Perla or Yanira Morales 3. Bidding Registration Process: After paying the fee, bidders enter the registration process, for which one of the following options may be used: 3.1 At DELSUR Sales Offices for Large Customers: DELSUR CLP-001-2012 Página 2 Bidders may register directly at DELSUR Sales Offices for Large Customers, at the place and time previously mentioned, submitting the following documents: a. Proof of payment through one of the methods listed above. b. Registration Form (Annex 5.1) duly completed and signed by the legal representative of the company. (Download here). c. Indication that the bidder requires a Proof of Tax Credit Document and a copy of Taxpayer Registration Card. At the time of registration the bidder will be given a copy of the form with the relevant registration number and proof of fee payment. 3.2 Electronically: Bidders can register electronically, by submitting the following documents to this address: licitaciones@delsur.com.sv a. Digitized copy evidencing payment made through any of the means listed in paragraph 1. b. Digitized copy of the Registration Form (Annex 5.1) duly completed and signed by the legal representative of the company. (Download here). c. Original documents must be sent by courier to the following address within five (5) business days after registration: Corporate Building of DELSUR, Final 17 Avenida Norte y Calle Nueva al Boquerón, Ciudad Merliot, Santa Tecla, La Libertad, El Salvador, Centro América; attention to Eng. David Perla. d. Mailing address of the bidder where the original payment document is to be sent, and the type of document required (Tax Credit Voucher or Final Consumer Invoice). e. Indication that the bidder requires a Proof of Tax Credit Document and a copy of the Taxpayer Registration Card. The bidder´s designated point of contact will be emailed the following information at the address provided on the registration form: a scanned copy of the form with the relevant bid registration number and copy of the registration fee payment voucher. The original proof of payment document will be sent to the mailing address provided above by the bidder, within five (5) business days of registration. DELSUR CLP-001-2012 Página 3